
Pohl, do games w The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO

RTS did go mainstream and it indeed turned into games very different from old school SC et al.

Plants vs zombies and LoL are the descendants of the genre and are or at least were, HUGE. Tower defense and moba are the two evolutionary paths that RTS took.

Tower defense is super mainstream, but moba, while huge isn’t really mainstream in my opinion. But one things for sure, they don’t have much in common with SC except the lineage.


moba feels like superfast mmorpg. the only reason i don’t like it.

FlashMobOfOne, do games w The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO
@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

As far as I’m concerned, the genre peaked with Battle for Middle Earth II.

@AFallingAnvil@lemmy.ca avatar

God is that ever true. A remake that’s true to the spirit of the original could have all my money

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

IMHO also the pinnacle of LOTR-related video games.

hyperhopper, do games w The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO

I want an actual real time strategy game. All popular RTSs are actually just about tactics and micro. I mean every SC2 guide will tell you that up to a very high level of play, if you’re just doing more you’ll be more efficient and win regardless of strategy. Why can’t you just set a standing order of “make unit x” or “make unit x while we have gas until we get to 50 of them”? That’s strategy. Having to tab back to a building and manually queue a couple of units every several seconds is just creating busywork for players, but thats what’s necessary and optimal for playing SC2 and most RTS games well


I love this concept; I had a friend from school viscerally defend SC: BW as superior to SC2 because in his words SC2 removed skill because of not having the unit select cap that BW did. That’s just less, as you put it, busywork, and then the player is more free to consider army compositions and positioning rather than drawing tons of rectangles. Removing more busywork in favor of actual strategy would be amazing.

There’s no micro in Chess, just strategy.


I’d argue there is only micro in chess and no macro, but I get your point.


Good point. I suppose I was combining the intended definition of micro as in issuing individual or otherwise sufficiently granular actions with the extra categorization of busywork, and indeed in that regard chess is pure micro.

@MHLoppy@fedia.io avatar

There are types of time management which I think can still be interesting. For example, are you able to afford -- in the resources of time and attention -- optimally micro'ing this important fight? Or are you going to have to yolo it a bit so that you can do multi-task economic tasks at the same time?

Some (much?) of the problem is that (for better or worse) skilled players can and will squeeze the game to optimality in terms of win rate, and that tends to collapse viable tactical and strategic choices. Once those choices have been optimised (the game is largely "solved"), the main way to get better is by being faster, not by being smarter.


Hell, I should be able to upload an economic playbook with hundreds of rules like the one you described, and load it on game start. Then all I have to do is the actual unit movements.

@poVoq@slrpnk.net avatar

You might like: www.beyondallreason.info (gratis and open-source)


BAR is an amazing RTS! So many units on screen and 24 player games!

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yep, take some ideas from single player colony management games.

It’s astounding how much you can “automate” when fully using the filters and rules options in vanilla Rimworld. Mods increase that exponentially. Granted, different genre, singleplayer, and pausable while you configure things.

I think the challenge is balancing that with the real time events you have to react to, so it doesn’t further compress the meta to an even smaller set of “optimal” options.


Supreme commander was what you describe. You setup your factory to make a unit or a set of units and repeatedly build them until canceled or not enough resources. You could zoom out to view the whole map. it was very much a strategy game and not really tactics or micro.


Beyond all Reason in a similar space

@MHLoppy@fedia.io avatar

Rise of Nations (originally released back in 2003) had/has some interesting ideas to reduce some of the busywork:

  • Worker units will automatically try to gather/build nearby after a short (configurable) delay if they're not doing anything.
  • Cities (the main worker-producing structure) has a rally point option that's essentially "all nearby empty resource gathering", so you can queue a dozen workers and they'll distribute themselves as they're created.
  • Production buildings can be set to loop over their current queue, letting you build continually without intervention as long as you maintain enough resources each time the queue "restocks".
  • Units that engage in combat without being given an explicit target will try (with modest success) to aim for nearby units which they counter.

For the most part, none of the implemented options are strictly better than micromanaging them yourself:

  • You will always spend less time idling workers if you micromanage them yourself.
  • The auto-rally-point doesn't always prioritize the resources that you would if you did it yourself.
  • Queueing additional units is slightly less resource-efficient than only building one thing at a time.
  • Total DPS is higher if you manually micro effectively.

But the options are there when you need them, which I think is a a nice design. It doesn't completely remove best-in-class players being rewarded for their speed as a player, but does raise the "speed floor", allowing slower players to get more bang for their buck APM-wise, and compete a bit more on the strategy/tactics side of the game instead.


By far one of my favorite games!


Because too much of SC2's design catered to the progamer crowd that liked that kind of stuff. They made some things easier from an APM standpoint but intentionally added more things to make the have not APM intense.

They really bet wrong on how popular that approach would be.


Why can’t you just set a standing order of “make unit x” or “make unit x while we have gas until we get to 50 of them”? That’s strategy. Having to tab back to a building and manually queue a couple of units every several seconds is just creating busywork for players

I agree completely. Related: have you considered turn based strategy games?


Personally I like the PDX style where it’s “turn based” but the turns happen rapidly enough to feel like an RTS, and you can pause them at any time.

@PapstJL4U@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like people dont understand, that the RT part in rts will always be the important part.

If you free up macro work, people will micro harder. WC3 got rid of most of the macro demand of SC and in consequence you will lose if you dont micro your units ik battle.

SC1 had build pipe lines and it wad still better to issue commands seperatley, because the player is more flexible.

A strategy is worthless if it csn be executed and the limits of execution create strategy.

Extraordinary pathing and all-select created the a-click deathball, that is one of the most boring ways to see, play and lose to.


That is not true, at least in Age of Empires 2 which is the RTS I’m most familiar. Have a look at the limited viper series to see a good player destroy using only 60 APM. If you make good decisions, you don’t need to click as much.


Why can’t you just set a standing order of “make unit x” or “make unit x while we have gas until we get to 50 of them”?

Because while this will make casuals that will play the game for 3 hours and drop it happy, the typical RTS fans will not enjoy this. There is a trade off between queuing a lot of units and having more resources available for other techs. Having units auto produce without any disadvantage is just kind of boring. Then you are just watching the game, not really playing it.

Maybe you should try turn based strategy, if you don’t like real time strategy. In the later, like the name implies, time is the most important resource. You don’t need a lot of clicks, but you need to use it wisely.

ampersandrew, do games w The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO
@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

If you miss that old style of game, that’s fine, but there are probably tons of ways to morph the RTS genre that solves its old problems, finds it more success, and still scratches that itch. I’m quite fond of Cannon Brawl, and Tooth and Tail had its issues but was on the right track.

Ephera, do gaming w President of Xbox at Microsoft asked about the closure of Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, spends close to a minute saying almost nothing

Jeez, somehow she simultaneous says nothing and repeats herself constantly.

snekerpimp, do gaming w President of Xbox at Microsoft asked about the closure of Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, spends close to a minute saying almost nothing


Xoriff, do gaming w President of Xbox at Microsoft asked about the closure of Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, spends close to a minute saying almost nothing

So… At what point do gamers start sending a message. “Microsoft: why are players cancelling their game pass subscriptions?”

Or does the smackdown happen from the creator side “Microsoft: why doesn’t anybody want to make games on our platform anymore?”

They wouldn’t pull this kind of shit if there were monetary repercussions. So, why do these bullshit strategies work?


You know how kids will want anything that has their favourite character on it? Gamers are just like that. Elder Scrolls 6 can have 1 minute ads in between areas and it would still top sales charts because gamers cannot stop themselves.

I really hope the recent pushback Sony got will spark a new norm but I’m very cynical.


Someone would just release a mod that replaces the ads with Monty Python sketches.

@Fubarberry@sopuli.xyz avatar

I think Sony just delisted Ghost of Tsushima from all countries where PSN isn’t available, even though it’s primarily a single player game that won’t require PSN.

So Sony is still on their bullshit, even though they conceded over Helldivers.


I’ve been an Xbox fan for a long time and 3 months ago my GamePass Ultimate subscription ran out. Been pondering buying up another 3 years to continue it since Hellblade 2 is coming out this month. This recent fiasco has changed my opinion of Xbox and I will no longer be supporting Xbox as I have been. Might buy a month membership just to play Hellblade for less than the actual price of the game, but otherwise I’m done. Fuck them

@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

You can start by not buying GamePass, or preordering games.

You are asking a lot because gamers are the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

velox_vulnus, do gaming w President of Xbox at Microsoft asked about the closure of Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, spends close to a minute saying almost nothing
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Now that they have purchased the IP for Evil Within series and Hi-Fi Rush, they destroyed their competitor, and at the same time, no more series will be produced for fans of their games. Fuck capitalism.

DebatableRaccoon, do gaming w Helldivers 2 remains delisted in 177 countries and territories even as Sony backs down on PSN requirement, Arrowhead CEO says 'I won't rest in my desire to have it available everywhere'

CEO says “I want to make more money”. Crowd responded “No shit”.

I’ve seen a theory that Steam is holding, possibly even for a time when Sony puts it in writing that players won’t need a PSN account permanently before they’re willing to relist the game which I think is a fair desire at this point.

@QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world avatar

Steam doesn’t control the region locks.

The publisher (Sony) is the one that makes changes to their store page which affects where it can be sold.


It’s like an administrator/tenant relationship. Generally, the publisher controls the region locks, but if the publisher starts doing something potentially illegal or brand-damaging, like selling a bricked game, the store owner can also manipulate the locks.

If they couldn’t, a dev’s efforts to willingly commit brand suicide by releasing a game that bricks people’s computers (not beyond the pale given how stupid publishers are now) would also take Steam down with them.

@QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world avatar

That makes sense, but I haven’t seen any official announcement from Steam saying that they did this. Only speculation from random people. Any documentation I can find just seems to point to this being a decision that’s made by the company releasing the game (or in this case Sony as the publisher).

Besides, only a few hours ago 3 new countries were added to the restricted list: steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?changeid=2349208…

I doubt that Steam is still trying to block additional countries given that Sony has already announced that the PSN account requirement is being withdrawn.


The thing with the 3 new countries seems to be a fix by valve, you might notice that there were several invalid country codes in the previous restricted list.


Dagnet, do gaming w Helldivers 2 remains delisted in 177 countries and territories even as Sony backs down on PSN requirement, Arrowhead CEO says 'I won't rest in my desire to have it available everywhere'

You see, if they get to sell it everywhere again then it will be a problem when Sony tries to pull that shit off again, can’t have that


“Shut the fuck up and change your review back to positive”

LifeLikeLady, do gaming w Helldivers 2 remains delisted in 177 countries and territories even as Sony backs down on PSN requirement, Arrowhead CEO says 'I won't rest in my desire to have it available everywhere'
@LifeLikeLady@lemmy.world avatar

Good luck bro. Even if you get it back probably not coming back as strong as it was.

Rentlar, do gaming w Redfall's devs were reportedly building out its massively delayed Hero Pass content 'very recently'—before Microsoft closed Arkane Austin for good

They did also reportedly say they were making offline mode.

They were also in the midst of making the cure for microtransaction cancer.

And they were putting final touches on the solution to homelessness the week before they were closed.

PolandIsAStateOfMind, do gaming w Making good, profitable games 'will no longer keep you safe': industry expresses fury and heartbreak over closure of Hi-Fi Rush and Prey studios
@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

Hell even the super successful Baldur 3 is apparently not successful enough to have further development.



Larion Studios is still doing fine. They’ve decided to pursue their own IP rather than continue to work with a 3rd party’s.

@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

Larion Studios is still doing fine.

Maybe, or maybe not.

They’ve decided

I don’t believe that, half of Baldur success was because it was Baldur and gained massive hype for that. Larian’s credit was delivering to that hype (mostly), but if you were following the development, literally the main fear from fanbase was precisely because it was Larian making that - Divinity 2 was very far from universal acclaim in the niche. And this here look extremely suspicous even if it was just about the next game, but no DLC, no expansions, not to mention that continuing the success is an 1st iron commandment in entire industry, nobody stops doing that unless there is no possibility.

There’s a lot going inside we don’t know because no company would just release such turbulences publicly.


I think the company sees this as an opportunity to use the spotlight they now have to publicize their own IP. I suppose we can only wait and see what they do next.

Burghler, do gaming w Redfall's devs were reportedly building out its massively delayed Hero Pass content 'very recently'—before Microsoft closed Arkane Austin for good


AdrianTheFrog, do gaming w Making good, profitable games 'will no longer keep you safe': industry expresses fury and heartbreak over closure of Hi-Fi Rush and Prey studios
@AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

This really reminds me of the latest wendover video. It seems like large companies see small studios as an investment and take any chance to cash out and fire everyone as soon as it’s hurting their short term profits.

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