
Poggervania, do gaming w Disco Elysium for $12 may be the best $12 you ever spend on games in your life
@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Honestly, better to pirate the game because ZA/UM fucked over the original devs and now they don’t get any money from the game’s sales - and it ruined any potential for a sequel.

Here’s a Youtube vid on that drama.

@ripcord@kbin.social avatar

I don't normally do this, and I'll go do some searching of my own, but any chance for a tldw on the video? What's the background? 2.5 hours is a bit much and the intro was sort of wandering and more or less.just repeated that yes, the game was stolen from them.

IHeartBadCode, do gaming w Elon Musk appearance at Valorant Champions tournament met with boos, crowd chanting 'bring back Twitter'
@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Number of neurons that fired in Musk’s brain indicating to himself that he might be widely unliked: 0

@Ganondorf@kbin.social avatar

I have a former best friend who still somehow finds a way to fanboy over Musk, despite the excessive information about him and actions he's taken. All very public and easy to find information, yet never swayed the guy's opinion and the last time we talked about it he was still fanboying. It really should have been a warning sign of things to come with that friendship. Truly, only mentally and emotionally inept losers are still on Musk's side and the former friend's the only person I know who still has a favorable opinion of Musk.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Tough luck man. Have been in this situation a couple times.

Current working theory is that the reason are our relationship templates formed in childhood.

If someone has had abusive and/or gaslighting role models early on, they will not avert or even seek narcissistic relationships. I have been in this situation for a long time and am working for years to get rid of it.

This is what I think happens with people liking clear cut narcissists like musk and having friends who „somehow“ like him.


Sometimes people flock to a figure because they see them as a struggling underdog challenging the whole world.

But even that angle kinda falls apart when you remember that this guy is the wealthiest person in the world. He's not a brave rebel. He's not even taking a stance on something important, though he very well could, with his money.


Cult like culture, all the people that worship rich people are delusional. From Muskrat to Drumpf.

stopthatgirl7, do gaming w Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email
!deleted7120 avatar

Microsoft wanting to buy Valve and Nintendo should tell you just how much what they really want is a monopoly on gaming.

@jeebus@kbin.social avatar

If Microsoft loves anything, it's monopolies.


They all want a monopoly, not just Microsoft. Microsoft are just the only ones that could afford it.

!deleted7120 avatar


conciselyverbose, do gaming w Overwatch 2 director opens up about having the worst-reviewed game on Steam: 'Being review-bombed isn't a fun experience'

If real people hate your game because of the changes you made from the last one (that you took away from them), that's not a review bomb.

It's just a review.


the game/steam release definitely deserved bad reviews - but it’d be hard to deny that it wasn’t also a bombing run.


A review bomb is when people start jumping down the game's throat with negative reviews for shit unrelated/peripheral to the game. If they're triggered by the actual core design choices of the game it isn't a review bomb.

These reviews are because the game is a money grubbing downgrade from the game people bought and had taken away from them, and this is the first opportunity they had to publish a review on a storefront. The motivation being the actual game means it can't be a review bomb.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

If they're still playing the game anyway, I might call that a review bomb.


No, it's still a review because you're still actively dealing with whatever it is you're complaining about.

"Hey, I really like/liked the core game play loop of this game but I think that it's gotten significantly worse than it was previously. It'd be nice if they changed it back?



Plenty of people leave negative reviews for games they otherwise play. Especially where big changes are put into effect

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

That's the exact recipe for ensuring that they don't change it back.


That's depends on the business model. For one-off payment games, it still does considerable damage, whereas they don't gain much by you continuing to play.

For subscription games, your point stands much stronger.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

It's a free to play multiplayer game. If you continue playing it, you're providing value for some other player who might spend money, so just by being in the matchmaking pool, they've got you where they want you, and they won't care about your review.

@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

Exactly. People need to vote with their wallets and PCs.


So overwatch 2 is objectively terrible, but putting that aside for a moment…

Can you seriously not envision a scenario where you personally do a thing (maybe even enjoy that thing), but still wouldn’t recommend it to others?

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Can you seriously envision a scenario where the worst game of all time is among the most-played?


Ah okay I see you’re the kind of kid who answers a question with a question. 🤦‍♂️

Enjoy picking petty fights over… who likes which video game better. Not really my dig kiddo

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Yes, I answered your question with a question because your scenario was as absurd as you perceived mine to be. So I'll answer yours directly: "yes, but not at that scale". Because at that scale, it's a review bomb.




So if General motors was using slave labour to build their cars and feeding said labour with baby kittens, would you consider it a review bomb for someone to say 'You shouldn't buy the latest vehicle from General motors because of the way it is made'?

What if general motors came out and said that they think a great start to the day is to wake up and punch a dutchman in the face?

A review is, ultimately, a recommendation of whether or not you think other people should buy this product. If you can't recommend it because of something the company who made it did, to me, it's still a review. Because recommending that product is recommending financial support of that company. Not recommending it, is not supporting them.

For me a real review bomb would occur generally only in a case where a site like 4chan might suddenly spin a wheel of mayhem and pick a random game to just go shit on or something like that.


By definition, yes, that's a review bomb. It has no connection in any way to the quality of the product, which is what a review is.


You're entirely disconnected to reality if you think Overwatch 2 deserves to be the worst-reviewed game on Steam.


Based on what?

The negatives are extremely bad, and people are legitimately reviewing the game negatively because they legitimately think it's a pile of shit.

It is literally unconditionally impossible for it to be a review bomb if the reviews are motivated by the core design decisions of the game.


Today's concurrent player peak is ~47k.

Why would 47k people choose to play the game when it's the worst game on Steam? Literally worse than a game like Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge that fundamentally doesn't function correctly. For reference, its peak today was about 20 players.

Before you reply with something like "marketing", you seriously think that if Bad Rats launched today, and with the same marketing budget as OW2, that it would achieve anywhere close to 47k players peak 10 months after its release?

Like I said: you're disconnected from reality if you think OW2 is the worst game on Steam.


Did bad rats deliberately steal a game people liked to replace it with an addiction machine?


deliberately steal a game people liked to replace it with an addiction machine

what the actual fuck are you talking about


The reason Overwatch 2 is the worst reviewed game Steam has ever had?

A bad game does a lot less harm than a game that seems good on the surface then tries to rob you blind.


by "tries to rob you blind" you mean a game with entirely optional additional purchases?

wow you're right they really get you with that "you can pay if you want" model

it's practically criminal definitely worthy of being the worst ranked game on steam


There is no such thing as a microtransaction that is not pure unredeemable evil.


then please explain why Counter Strike Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, etc. don't deserve to have the same rating


As far as I'm concerned they do. But my opinion doesn't decide the rating of a game any more than yours that's it's supposedly a better game than bad rats.

It's a product of everyone who votes giving their opinion, and the entire steam userbase has come to the consensus that Overwatch 2 is a particularly egregious example of it.

It cannot possibly be a review bomb when the reviews are legitimate opinions based on what the game is.


supposedly a better game than bad rats

the previously referenced games all sit above 80% positive and yet have the exact same problems that you cite as OW2's reason for being bad

legitimate opinions

"the zeitgeist has told them that the game is bad" is not a legitimate reason for not liking OW2, hence accusations of review bombing

if you think there are legitimate reasons OW2 deserves the rating it has, by all means please provide them, but so far all you've given me are that also apply to basically all the popular F2P games on Steam.


Because it’s a F2P game that is monetized as such and exists only to make the game I bought obsolete.

I bought a game.

The game I have now is not the game I bought.


correct: it's a different game

reviewing it because it's not Overwatch 1 is by definition review bombing


it’s the game they gave me to replace the game i purchased.

if i bought a toyota camry, and 2 years later toyota said “sorry we can’t let you continue using your camry, here’s a corolla” you better fucking believe i’d be trashing toyota in every public space possible to warn potential customers.


"i wanted a camry not a corolla" is not a valid review of a corolla


It absolutely is if I bought a Camry and got a Corolla.

Enjoy life in prescriptive hell my guy 🙄


in your analogy you bought a camry and mr toyota said "we're getting rid of this camry but don't worry i fought to get you a free corolla" and were fine with it and hailed mr toyota as a hero but then mr toyota left the company so the free corolla became poisonous and bad




Those games are not nearly as aggressive in their attempts to get you to buy shit. CSGO? a tiny ass fucking button to buy Prime. TF2? Don't even remember seeing a shop button.

OW2? Makes the worst, money hungry mobile free-to-play blush with how aggressive it tries to sell you shit.

And they killed OW1, just for this.


tf2 drops crates every 30 minutes that's literally just an advert for the in-game store (which has a dedicated button pretty clearly labelled on the main menu)

pretty sure CSGO does the same


CSGO does not do the same. I play that one regularly.


you're saying CSGO doesn't drop crates?


If it does, I've literally never seen it, and I play regularly. The closest I ever got was the Halo MCC soundtrack in CSGO, and I'm pretty sure I only got that because I also have MCC on Steam.


my guy csgo crates were controversial enough a few years ago that people sued valve over them, and at no point did csgo come anywhere close to being the worst reviewed game on steam

how are you unironically out here saying that csgo doesn't drop crates?


The original Overwatch, which had none of this shit and was a one-off payment, was killed off in favour of OW2


leaving a negative review because of that would by definition be review bombing, because at that point you're not reviewing the game, but external context that surrounds it

520, (edited )

Not really. Reviewing the game as OW with enshittification is a perfectly reasonable review of OW2 in and of itself.

Especially if the publishers made the one-off purchase version unusable just to push people onto the enshittified one.


"i liked overwatch 1" is not a valid review of the game overwatch 2, and people leaving reviews to that effect en-masse is pretty textbook review bombing


Yes it is. It's perfectly valid.

It says that the changes in Overwatch 2 are unpopular with the reviewer.

If the changes were positive or even unnoteworthy, that review wouldn't be there


if you're reviewing specific things you don't like, that's reviewing a product

leaving a negative review because "OW1 was killed off" isn't doing that

if you want to discuss specific things you don't like, please provide some that would reasonably justify OW2 being literally the worst reviewed game on steam rn

520, (edited )

leaving a negative review because "OW1 was killed off" isn't doing that

Leaving a review because "OW1 was killed off" and the intended transition route was a drastically inferior product, is in fact reviewing a product.

Context is actually an important part of reviews. Orcarina or Time looks like a shit game today, and needs the context of being a late 90's innovator to fully appreciate it. Likewise, a BoTW clone would look fantastic, a game changer, even...if a certain 2017 game hadn't already set the benchmark.

Calling something an inferior version of its predecessor, which was cynically shut down to push people to this inferior product, is worthy review information. It tells people that a superior product existed, and all this new product is, is the enshittification of it.


you're reviewing a different product

ow1 was shut down to avoid splitting the playerbase. when kaplan went on record saying that he'd fought to get ow1 owners a copy of ow2 for free everybody loved it, but now it's bad, actually? yes that makes sense

Orcarina or Time looks like a shit game today

comparing the entire landscape of gaming to a game is a very different thing to comparing it to a specific game

it would be like if somebody reviewed Baldur's Gate 3 by saying it was bad just because they liked the source powers from Divinity 2. as part of a review maybe it works, sure but as the bedrock and sole item of substance, it's useless.

your entire argument so far has been "I preferred the previous game therefore OW2 deserves to be the worst reviewed game on steam". even ignoring the fact that you've failed to articulate any differences past a vague notion of not liking that it's free-to-play, that's an almost laughably braindead take


you're reviewing a different product

And making comparisons between the two products is perfectly valid.

ow1 was shut down to avoid splitting the playerbase.

I'm sorry, are you an Activision/Blizzard employee?

I ask because only one of their employees could come up with such a bullshit statement. The core gameplay loops aren't different enough to cause that kind of split, and OW2 Is free-to-play. Anybody that wanted to voluntarily jump from OW1 to OW2 could have freely done so at literally no cost, if they so wanted.

They shut down OW1 to a) pump up the numbers for OW2 and b) to get OW1 players forcibly exposed to their F2P market.

when kaplan went on record saying that he'd fought to get ow1 owners a copy of ow2 for free everybody loved it, but now it's bad, actually? yes that makes sense

Definitely an Activision/Blizzard employee. Nobody else would miss the disingenuity of making such a statement about a free-to-play game.

comparing the entire landscape of gaming to a game is a very different thing to comparing it to a specific game

And my point is, taking into account the landscape, even in a macro level such as Activision's own behaviour with the series, including this very game, is relevant context worthy of being part of a review.

it would be like if somebody reviewed Baldur's Gate 3 by saying it was bad just because they liked the source powers from Divinity 2. as part of a review maybe it works, sure but as the bedrock and sole item of substance, it's useless.

Your analogy falls flat because Divinity and BG, though they share much of the same inspirations and development staff, are very different games. OW2 is basically OW1 with some minor tweaks and microtransactions.

The problem with OW2's mtx though is that the game makes it as hard as possible to ignore its microtransaction nature as possible, and they willingly hamper the user experience to do so.

Other than the MTX, OW2 is so similar to OW1, that without it, these reviews would be saying that they're essentially the same game. So what they're saying now, that it's OW1 enshittified, is valid.

your entire argument so far has been "I preferred the previous game therefore OW2 deserves to be the worst reviewed game on steam".

If that's what you took away from my comments, then I'm afraid you cannot read. That, or you're unable to discern from different users. All I've said was that people calling OW2 basically enshittified OW1 is not review bombing, because it's a valid review.

even ignoring the fact that you've failed to articulate any differences past a vague notion of not liking that it's free-to-play

Because there are very few differences and none of them are improvements. Like the shrinking of team sizes and available modes.

Also, F2P can be predatory as fuck, and Activision/Blizzard have most certainly been so here. they've even broken sales laws in countries like Australia.

  • The core gameplay loops aren't different enough
  • OW2 is basically OW1 with some minor tweaks
  • OW2 is so similar to OW1, that without it, these reviews would be saying that they're essentially the same game
  • All I've said was that people calling OW2 basically enshittified OW1 is not review bombing, because it's a valid review.
  • Because there are very few differences

Okay so you clearly agree that OW2 doesn't deserve to be the lowest rated game on steam, since "there are very few differences", and you liked OW1.

I don't really care what semantic nonsense or mental gymnastics you have to apply to convince yourself that whatever caused it to be ranked so low doesn't count as review bombing.

520, (edited )

Okay so you clearly agree that OW2 doesn't deserve to be the lowest rated game on steam, since "there are very few differences", and you liked OW1.

I do agree it doesn't deserve to be seen as literally the worst game on Steam. I never said otherwise. I hate, hate, HATE the MTX system...but as you said, this doesn't make it literally the worst game ever. MTX aside the game still works and the core gameplay loop is fun while you're in a match. Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing this is not.

Would I hit the Recommend button on Steam? No. The MTX strategy is a deal breaker for me. Whenever I'm not in a match I feel like a fucking product. At that point I'd rather just fire up another shooter because I straight up don't want to deal with that shit.

OW2 isn't a bad game. It is a predatory game. It is debatable which is worse (I consider predatory to be much worse than bad). Being predatory is plenty reason enough for a bad review.


You are really trying to downplay the power of marketing, but you seem to realize that gets people playing. Not only that but live service design is very effective at keeping people playing even when they are not having any fun whatsoever. Because they gotta grind the battle pass and such. Extrinsic rewards and habit-forming conditioning making up for a lack of intrinsic enjoyment.

Still, I would agree with you that it's not the worst game on Steam, but like I mentioned in the other comment, that's not what steam ratings mean. It means that the vast majority people would not recommend it, and that seems pretty reasonable.


bf2042 had a playercount in the high 1000s 2 months after its launch

ow2 released 10 months ago

are you saying bf2042 didn't have marketing?

which is more likely:

  • 50k people have been brainwashed into playing the game every day, and similar numbers into watching it on twitch
  • there is review bombing

Doesn't look like you even read my full comment so I'm gonna wait till you do.


i mean i ignored the second part because it was irrelevant

"You're entirely disconnected to reality if you think Overwatch 2 deserves to be the worst-reviewed game on Steam." doesn't say "deserves to be the worst game", so if we're playing the reading game maybe you should take the first turn


Oh, so you have no response to it so you are gonna pretend it doesn't matter. I see.

I could say I'd do the same but nothing you are saying now even addresses what I already responded to you, so I'll just call it a job done.


yes good job you failed to read my comment again 👏👏


On Steam being reviewed poorly is not a matter of rating from 1 to 10, but how many people would recommend it or not. It's completely valid that the vast majority of people would not recommend this game even if it's not a 0/10.


yes obviously, and none of that changes anything about the fact that very clearly OW2 isn't bad enough to deserve the title of worst rated game on steam


You tried to argue with someone else over this, but the fact that more people played it, being F2P, means that more people can agree that they wouldn't recommend it. Given how Steam ratings work, that makes it the worst rated. There's no arguing how it is. You seem to take an issue with it as if it meant Gabe Newell personally stamped it with a 0/10, which is not how it works.

In Steam, being 4/10 for thousands of people is worse than being 0/10 for a couple people.

Rodsterlings_cig, do gaming w Disco Elysium for $12 may be the best $12 you ever spend on games in your life

A friendly reminder that the creators in the past have asked those interested in the game to pirate it instead, though of course I do not endorse such activities.

@Onii-Chan@kbin.social avatar

Gotcha. I'm definitely not about to fire up qBittorrent right now and use it, because that would be illegal.

Rodsterlings_cig, (edited )

I would also definitely not seed anything as well, especially when utilizing a VPN.

Edit: word

andyburke, do gaming w Valve warns Counter-Strike 2 players: use AMD's Anti-Lag feature, get banned
@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

people really enjoy the boot of anti-cheat on their necks.

maybe these companies could move their cheat detection to the server where they control the code. maybe don't just send all player positions so wall-hacks become impossible. maybe use some machine learning to look at input patterns and detect when a player is sending things that don't look human.

the list of things companies could do to actually fix cheating in pvp games is long and all they want to do is pay for ridiculous anti-cheat that impacts normal users.



maybe these companies could move their cheat detection to the server where they control the code. maybe don’t just send all player positions so wall-hacks become impossible.

That’s not how video games work. If you want interpolation of positions then you have to send the positions of the players that you can’t see but are heading towards a place you can see. You could take a bunch of difficult math to do and filter out who to send the data to or not. It would create a lot of bugs. So you could just send just the people who are within X distance of you and call it good. Most, if not all game engines do it this way.

You have to have interpolation on the client side, it’s the only way you can play the game on the internet. It’s what Doom did to get multiplayer working and we’ve never been able to find anything better.

maybe use some machine learning to look at input patterns and detect when a player is sending things that don’t look human.

They already do that. It’s called heuristics.

the list of things companies could do to actually fix cheating in pvp games is long and all they want to do is pay for ridiculous anti-cheat that impacts normal users.

dunning-kruger at its finest.

Ferk, (edited )
@Ferk@kbin.social avatar

Yes.. honestly, imho, any game that's competitive should either embrace "cheating" and design its gameplay to be as transparent as chess (ie.. make it ok to be tool-assisted) or be designed around controlled environments that forbid using tools like that.

Anyone who doesn't want to surrender to a controlled environment (whether it's in the form of some kernel-level control or VPN / Stadia-like platform) should just look for coop games.

It's sad that FPS have evolved towards the competitive landscape... to me, the best experience in the original classic Doom was coop mode. Yet Doom Eternal, at most, only supports some wacky asymmetric team deathmatch.


One thing I realized actually is that I meant Quake which first used network interpolation. I think classic doom didn’t have networking but I am not sure, to be honest. Either way, it’s before my time.

That said I think it’s a bummer that even casual non-ranked experiences have had a large problem with cheating. Even co-op games have lots of cheating but the nature of the game means the cheating affects people who don’t want to cheat less. They aren’t directly subjected to it, it’s still a problem though, the cheating still affects things like the game economy and player perception of the game.

That said everything has gone towards the competitive because even casual versus experiences are competitive now. Super Smash Bros. was just supposed to be the silly, not-serious fighting game that now has large tournament play. Every game, no matter how casual, has gotten competitive. Our culture is so ingrained with competing that we might as well have spitting tournaments… Wait let me google. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_pit_spitting They totally have spitting tournaments. Honestly, human culture is that of competition. I don’t see a way we work around that at our evolutionary core we are competitive but I don’t see it as a good thing.

Ferk, (edited )
@Ferk@kbin.social avatar

Doom did have networking, using IPX. You had to start the game with a parameter from the DOS commandline. Like Quake, the maps had special player spawn points & items for deathmatch too. The term "deathmatch" was coined by the Doom game mode.

However, there was no frame interpolation in the original Doom, instead, there might be a latency in the inputs. The game state only advances when all players have sent an update for that "tic" (1/35 of a second), so the game might be laggy for everyone if the connection from one of the players is slow.

But multiplayer back then was mostly for LAN parties. At least in my area. I didn't even have an internet connection at that time, personally. In fact, even during the Quake age, I was only able to play on LAN... and I still liked coop better.

Even co-op games have lots of cheating but the nature of the game means the cheating affects people who don’t want to cheat less. They aren’t directly subjected to it, it’s still a problem though, the cheating still affects things like the game economy and player perception of the game.

Yes, what I meant is that cheating becomes irrelevant in coop, not that it doesn't exist.

If a game has an economy that makes some players richer than others (like say.. in many MMOs), and you actually care a lot about being rich in that universe, then it'd starts being more of a competitive thing and less about coop... a game can be competitive and be PvE.

Even singleplayer games can be competitive if you make it about beating your friend's "score" or speed.. almost anything is susceptible to speedrunning.

I guess the question on coop vs competitive is more about what are the goals of the players. If people play games to have a fun time, or if it's because they want to have some way to prove themselves they are good at something :P


Ah, some good insight into Doom’s networking.

Absolutely, the goal of the player is mutable, and thus really anything, even co-op games, becomes competitive with the right player mindset. I feel like even with co-op that mindset can affect almost any game.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I wrote a snarky response because of the final insulting comment in yours but then thought better of it, going to try to address a couple of your points legitimately even after the unnecessary personal attack.

It's a lot cheaper to make your server dumb. It costs you less in programmers with deep multiplayer programming experience, it costs you less in ongoing hosting because of reduced CPU usage, and it makes the problem less "yours" as a developer.

I'm saying that's shitty that the developers will try to save money that way rather than investing in actual effective, privacy-respecting cheat prevention.

Your argument seems to be that a quake-style predictive algorithm is the only solution possible for online games. I doubt that is the case, but even if it were, using some raycasts on the server for some basic sanity checks on what data to send to players is an example of where lots of developers just can't be bothered.

If you want to dismiss machine learning as heuristics, I'm sorta ok with that, as I think they are just glorified heuristics, but even the most basic analysis isn't done by most developers. Instead, they rely on the sales pitches of various anti-cheat software and don't implement anything beyond it, even when there might be some low hanging fruit.

I am not saying developers are lazy, there's tons of stuff to work on. I am mad that this problem gets repeatedly pushed onto the users rather than the developers, though, and I think it's reasonable for me to offer some pushback when both my CPU cycles and my privacy are being abused.


I wrote a snarky response because of the final insulting comment in yours but then thought better of it, going to try to address a couple of your points legitimately even after the unnecessary personal attack.

Sorry, It’s not meant as an attack. I am simply calling it as I see it because I get a lot of gamers who think they’ve arm-chaired thought far more about my job as a networked gameplay engineer than I have. I’ve been doing this for a very long time and I know where developers cut costs. Anti-cheat isn’t just a slap-it-on and call it a good solution. There are a lot of reasons you want to trust the client and it makes the gameplay feel far better.

It’s a lot cheaper to make your server dumb. It costs you less in programmers with deep multiplayer programming experience, it costs you less in ongoing hosting because of reduced CPU usage, and it makes the problem less “yours” as a developer.

Typically, the server, especially in counter-strike’s case, isn’t dumb. In all games, the server still handles the dealing of damage which typically includes validations of that damage. In counter-strike’s case, very little data is calculated on the client. Most of it is raw data sent from input to the server.

Your argument seems to be that a quake-style predictive algorithm is the only solution possible for online games. I doubt that is the case, but even if it were, using some raycasts on the server for some basic sanity checks on what data to send to players is an example of where lots of developers just can’t be bothered.

Lots of game engines including source include and utilize ways to ensure the player is reporting sane inputs. Also, interpolation is different than extrapolation. Lastly, you don’t need to do raycasts to double-check this data. A lot of the time the raycasts are done on the server itself. In counter-strike’s case this is also true. Raycasts are done on the client typically for cosmetics only. You can see this with 3kliksphilip’s videos on sub-tick.

If you want to dismiss machine learning as heuristics, I’m sorta ok with that, as I think they are just glorified heuristics, but even the most basic analysis isn’t done by most developers. Instead, they rely on the sales pitches of various anti-cheat software and don’t implement anything beyond it, even when there might be some low hanging fruit.

Heuristics haven’t been done by developers in a long time. A lot of that is actually done in Valve’s case by Overwatch. Also, Valve makes it’s own anti-cheat called VAC. They aren’t getting sales pitches.

I am not saying developers are lazy, there’s tons of stuff to work on. I am mad that this problem gets repeatedly pushed onto the users rather than the developers, though, and I think it’s reasonable for me to offer some pushback when both my CPU cycles and my privacy are being abused.

Frankly, I feel like it’s wrong for you to say that the problem is pushed onto users when you don’t understand the code and effort the developers are writing to solve this issue specifically with counter-strike. VAC is probably the anti-cheat with the least amount of client code. It rests almost entirely on the server. One thing VAC does do is lock down the client on Windows to prevent modifications. One thing you can easily do is replace assets for walls with transparent textures to see through walls. That’s why things like the code and assets can’t be tampered with. Most game engines only send updates to the positions of actors in a network bubble. Maybe Counter-Strike’s network bubble is too large at the time but that’s not an argument you made.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Frankly, I feel like it’s wrong for you to say that the problem is pushed onto users when you don’t understand the code and effort the developers are writing to solve this issue specifically with counter-strike

You are the one who continues to make assumptions about what I do and do not understand about the code that makes this work in various games.

I don't really feel like getting into the nitty gritty here in comments, but if your experience is what you say, I'm very surprised at some of your unqualified statements.

I'll bow out now.


Your comments are enough to see where your knowledge of what a networked gameplay engineer does at Valve lies. Especially since you make assumptions that the developers aren’t doing things when very clearly there are proof and industry standards that say they do those things. If you are Andrew Burke who works at Valve as an Animator, I would recommend talking to the engineers there.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

And the incorrect assumptions just continue...

Edit: Who I am shouldn't matter to you. Addressing the idea that you can shift some or all anti-cheat to the server is something you should try to engage with directly rather than appealing to authority. For what it's worth, I've spent time as a programmer in the game industry in a handful of different roles and your search will eventually find me if you keep going down that road. My experience isn't what I am arguing here, though.


It’s not really an assumption if I say “if”. I can agree with you that shifting as much data as possible on the server is best. Valve already does that pretty well for counter-strike. Far more than other competitive FPSs. They still keep shot registration on the server whereas most competitive shooters now have that on the client to have the correct gameplay feel. The big balance between keeping stuff on the server and putting some authority on the client is the gameplay feel. Counter-Strike has been and still is notorious for getting shot around a corner when you don’t see who shot you. This is because of server authority rather than client authority.

justdoit, do gaming w Elon Musk appearance at Valorant Champions tournament met with boos, crowd chanting 'bring back Twitter'

I long so desperately for the days when I didn’t know who Elon Musk was

@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

I support censoring all news related to Elon and his companies


I was kinda hoping the enoughmuskspam community would be focused on talking about innovative tech/engineering work happening at other companies. I guess that’s more the point of “futurology”, but still…

But, enoughmuskspam is just… Musk spam


I'm not surprised a community with a person's name in the title focuses on them. It's like saying "don't think of a pink elephant"


It’s meant as a black hole of Musk spam posts. A way for other communities to just say “we’re banning any news about Musk, post those in EMS”.

I guess technology didn’t get the memo.


His companies are fine. (minus Twitter) SpaceX and Tesla are great he just needs to keep his fucking mouth shut and do his job. The man is cringe and is taking his billionaire status too hard.

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w Spec Ops: The Line's sudden removal from Steam baffles its director: 'Why has this happened?'

An issue with the soundtrack is the only thing that makes sense, but unfortunately I don't know if 2K would be willing to spend the money to renew the license and keep the game on Steam. At least it's still for sale on GOG, like the article mentions, and it's eighty percent off.


Thank you


No problem. Unfortunately, looks like GOG had to delist it as well. Seems the only way to play it now is through a physical copy and Xbox backwards compatibility.

Kolanaki, do gaming w 'You won’t find our games on a subscription service' says the founder of Baldur's Gate 3 developer Larian, after Ubisoft forecasts a future of players 'not owning' games
!deleted6508 avatar

Subscription models will always end up being cost/benefit analysis exercises intended to maximise profit.

Anything with a price tag is that, tho, unless you’re either content to not make a profit or you don’t mind gouging people.


Not in the rare cases when the company is owned by someone who cares about the product, who resists investor pressures. To some extent Larian, Valve and Nintendo manage it so far.

Decline through endless profit chasing only seems inevitable because profiteering investors are so thoroughly present in nearly every company.

@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure nintendo is a good example, see super mario 3d all stars.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

And as far as legally playing their old games in the modern era, your options are to find an old physical copy or subscribe to a subscription service. There is no option to buy games individually. Even back when they did that, your purchases never carried over to their next console. They're awful.


They also straight up refuse to discount anything meaningfully ever. And actively harass anyone streaming gameplay of their games without their permission, and are extremely litigious about emulation that's clearly established as perfectly legal, among a bunch of other shit.


Nintendo accosting influencers who stream games is in this legal grey are. The people Vice gaming spoke about how their legal department cautioned streaming games. They said at the time there is no case law that covers this issue. And it is not known who how the courts would rule.


Straight up let's plays are maybe ambiguous.

Short clips are clearly fair use and they harass them too.


That's why "to some extent". Nintendo does some unsavory moves, but I'm not sure the point of it is profiteering, especially when it comes to taking things out of sale.

But you can't deny that they put out games of consistent quality, and not overly monetized.

Ferk, (edited )
@Ferk@kbin.social avatar

Even when you care about a product, at the end of the day you still have to put a price tag on it, and you'll still have to give fair shares to all the people who worked on it, while saving up as much as you can to invest in more well cared products... without making it so expensive that not enough customers will buy it.

Caring about the product, investing on it and producing something that is actually good and that people place in high value (so they are willing to pay more for it) is not incompatible with maximizing profit. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Larian is profitting quite a bit from all the good publicity (imho, well deserved) they are getting for not having gone down the road of predatory monetization tactics.
Probably they would not have been as successful if they had. So I'd argue they are maximizing profits in the best way an independent game studio can.
Choosing to not participate in Subscription services at the moment is likely also in their best interest, profit-wise. Particularly at this point and with this momentum they are having.


Caring about the product is not incompatible with making profit, but it is incompatible with maximizing profit, because then your design priorities must shift to emphasize functionality and entertainment to cutting costs and expanding monetization opportunities.

It's easy to see in gacha games. Even the best of them have to have to obstruct fun to make money, from the way they limit gameplay options so that people will gamble for them to the way that they gate progression behind repetitive daily grind so that people will keep coming back out of habit and FOMO.

Even beyond the monetization itself, great games require a willingness to take time experimenting and polishing, time which would seem like wasted wages to more money oriented companies. Sometimes it pays off, like Larian, but sometimes it doesn't, like the old Clover Studio.

Ferk, (edited )
@Ferk@kbin.social avatar

I'm not convinced that the gacha model works for every demographic. And even if it did, I'm sure it's much harder to be successful selling that kind of crap as an independent studio with no prior experience doing that. Maybe exploiting the D&D / Forgotten Realms franchise would have helped.. but after the OGL fiasco (which is a good example of how profit was affected negatively when D&D fans cancelled their D&D Beyond subscriptions on the wake of new plans for monetization by WOTC) I'm not really convinced the game would have made as much money as they can with this different focus.

Reputation also affects profits. And long term, I'm convinced Larian approach will prove to be more profitable than it would have been had they chosen to enter the wide and unforgiving world of competing RPG gacha games by introducing "yet another one" in a market that is increasingly tight, and with a public that is getting more and more tired of it.

Yeah, Diablo Immortal / 4 or probably even Fallout 76 made money with those tactics... but I don't believe those profits are gonna last that long, or reach an overall total as high as could have been when you think long term. They have managed to get a lot of people to stop caring about those franchises, so I'd argue they are actually burning down their golden goose just for a short big burst of cash, instead of actually maximizing the profit they could have made from the goose had they been taking care of it while steadily producing golden eggs people actually wanna buy...

WanderingPoltergeist, do gaming w CD Projekt narrative director declares Cyberpunk 2077 'just a warm-up' as work kicks off on the sequel
@WanderingPoltergeist@kbin.social avatar

The narrative director had little to do with the technical elements of the game; that jab should've been directed at the higher ups who forced this game to be pushed this game out the doorway too soon! I'm sure the developer team was disappointed with the broken launch of their game, but we need to be reminded that CDPR doesn't get off scot free. The hype they're trying to build needs to be cooled with reminders of their past behavior.

ampersandrew, do gaming w Steam kicks off 2024 with its highest-ever concurrents and player count
@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

I would love for some other store to give me a reason to shop with them instead. GOG is closest, and they still can't be bothered to give me a Galaxy client on Linux.


I feel now is like a mistake buying from other places. I bought cyberpunk from gog, I wish now I didn’t. For Christmas I got gifted lots of games from my steam wishlist. I couldn’t add phantom liberty coz I didn’t bought the base game from steam.

Sadly for every other company, Steam = more features and stability.

@thingsiplay@kbin.social avatar

Exactly why I don't want to use GOG. There are third party clients, but I refuse to build an entire catalog if the company does not provide something official.

Caligvla, do gaming w Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email
@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Considering Gabe is ex-microsoft and wants to distance himself as much as possible from them, I highly doubt that’d work, he’d go down fighting at the very least.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

No need to go down fighting. Valve is a private company. They can just say no.


The problem is when he goes down.

Gabe won’t live forever.


Or will he?

We need to fund some altered carbon stuff right now


If the technology likenthat is even remotely possible then it’s already being funded you can guarantee it.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Valve is more than Gabe.



But gabe owns it.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Does he want to distance himself? Gabe said he learned more in his short months-long tenure at MS than he did in the rest of his academic career. He dropped out of Harvard, mind you.

He modeled his entire company off of MS. He even adopted their primary strategy, buy, polish and package. It's literally just embrace, extend, extinguish all over. Balmer taught him very well.

I really don't get why people think he's all that different from any other billionaire. He got there by buying out competition, and if they wouldn't sell, theft and litigation.

@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not saying he’s different from other rich people, but Valve developing both SteamOS and Proton is a clear message they don’t want to rely on Microsoft and their software.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Microsoft doesn't want to rely on licensed software every time they install their programs either. Again, Valve taking a queue from MS. And that's fine BTW, the whole industry follows MS.

Moreover the real issue, the difference in computing cost between running Win10 with all the unnecessary boost vs Linux is massive. Had they used Windows it would've costed more to be able to run less.

As to being reliant on Windows, that's been their standard most of their history. Steam was Windows based. If Windows were to go ahead with making a stripped down Windows OS that was specific to gaming, such as the one demoed in a code jam earlier this year, you can bet steam would be selling that version of Windows direct from their store, and likely have a easy tool ready to use to install it to your deck. They would probably offer it as an installation option too. Why not? There's no good reason they shouldn't. The whole verified question goes out the window. That's huge. But again, MS controls that situation, not Valve. They're still reliant on MS in major ways.

BobKerman3999, do gaming w No Man's Sky is enjoying its 'biggest month in the last few years', coinciding with the launch of Starfield

They also had a big update recently so…

shiveyarbles, do gaming w Overwatch 2 director opens up about having the worst-reviewed game on Steam: 'Being review-bombed isn't a fun experience'

That’s not a review bomb, you guys aren’t victims. That’s gamers telling you to fuck off with lies, under delivering, treating your employees like shit, micro transactions and battle passes

MrSpArkle, do gaming w Overwatch 2 director opens up about having the worst-reviewed game on Steam: 'Being review-bombed isn't a fun experience'

Yeah, this is why Jeff Kaplan left. My boy wasn’t gonna fall on this sword.

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