
DestroyerOfWorlds, do gaming w An AI company has been generating porn with gamers' idle GPU time in exchange for Fortnite skins and Roblox gift cards

explain this to a person in 1998


Imagine collecting the smartest people on the planet from 100 years ago and explaining this.

catloaf, do games w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces

Everything about this is stupid, but breaking the trophy isn’t his fault. They knocked him over in a way that made him hit the trophy stand.


Then who is at fault? Security? For doing their job? They wouldn’t be on stage if he hadn’t broken the rules. It wasn’t over-use of force, from the looks of things, just unfortunate placement.

Saying the resulting damages aren’t his fault is like forgiving the person who caused a pile-up for driving reckless.


Yes, the trophy was security’s fault because it was from excessive force. He was already restrained! I’m not saying the guy wasn’t in the wrong for climbing on stage, but people climb on stages all the time without security breaking the centerpiece of the event while apprehending them.


The security guy who pulled him down towards the trophy sure seemed to cause the trophy to get knocked over though. The stagerusher was pretty far away before that.


You sound so very american lol.

Juice88, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'
@Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

I can see why that would be a bummer. In my mind, the perfect video game-ceo position would be for a company that makes enough profit to pay its employees well and self sustains the business to keep making more games. Having to constantly report a higher user base and profitability growth year after year on a global scale would be a total drag.


Steam is a prime example of this. Not privately run it would have been bloated to extinction years ago.

Shareholders are leechers to quality. Dividends are not enough, the underlying asset must grow no matter what.

When Gabe croaks it Steam is fucked. It will go public.

@kadu@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, Gabe’s son is entirely focused on his own business, not related to gaming at all. Once Gabe is gone, his son will probably just sell it for an acceptable price and Steam will go public fairly soon after.


You dont think Gabe has surrounded himself with like-minded people?

He will pass it off to someone else and Valve will carry on as it has.


So Valve if Valve still made games?


That’s the thing, Valve is in this position because they have the Steam cash cow. Other video games company can’t do the same.


I just want a real Half-Life squeal. Not a vr tech demo.


Alyx was incredible though! Way more than a tech demo (though I get the argument that it was a test to see if folks would pick up a VR Half-life 3). I played it on a cheap, used WMR headset and an old PC that could barely keep up, and it still stays in my top five videogaming experiences.

It’s a great example to bring up though, because I’d bet it wouldn’t have been made if the studio was only chasing money instead of trying to innovate.


It was absolutely a tech demo. All Valve games were tech demos of one sort or another. The problem with that model is, if Valve doesn’t have some new tech to show off, there’s no Half-Life sequel. I actually predicted the we would only get another Half-Life game when Valve finally decided to get into VR about two years before they did. What I didn’t predict was that it would be VR Only or that it would be a prequel that reconned the timeline.

Valve has a fuck around with money that they could just let the devs make games on their own schedule, but instead Marc Laidlaw left the company and the fans have had to pick up the story lines and world. Honestly, Entropy Zero is a better game then Half-Life 2. Really take a moment to think about the weapons and combat in HL2. The maps weren’t designed with the enemy AI in mind, so many encounters just have you and them shooting at each other in empty rooms and hallways. So much focus was on the Gravity Gun, so all the other weapons save the Crossbow and Rocket Launcher were boring. Hell, why did they get rid of the mode switch on the Rocket Launcher? You have to take fire to your face if you want to hit anything with it.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

Considering that Entropy Zero came out about 13 years after Half Life 2, I would hope it was better. It doesn’t really seem fair to compare the two. They were developed in different times, with different tech, and different games to draw inspiration from. That’s not to mention that Entropy Zero is a mod built on top of Half Life 2, and requires HL2s code to even run in the first place.


Entropy Zero uses the same engine as HL2, which is why I used it as an example. I think HL1 is a better game then HL2 for the same reasons EZ is better then HL2. Better weapons and better enemy engagements. Whenever I do a franchise replay, the HL2 stuff is always a drag and I end up skipping the HL2 stuff eventually. Seriously, episode 2 has terrible driving in it. Other games had that figured out by then.


I see, I forgot it was a mod. Those are fair points for sure. I kind of like the pacing better in Half Life 1, myself.


MS still turned over $40 billion in profit last year. They just need to turn over more apparently this year. Fucking capitalism.


Do you have any idea at all how sus your username is?

@Juice88@lemmy.world avatar



Yes, yours, bullshitter with two Nazi dogwhistles in your name and a new account.

@Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

Juice is a nickname I go by and I was born in 1988. Also yes, this is a new account, I started looking for a Reddit alternative when they started public trading last week. Where are the nazi symbols? I’m Mexican and Native American.


88 = Heil Hitler



Even if it was innocent, putting 88 in your username at best makes you unoriginal and old.

You’re half dead and you still can’t figure out a unique name that doesn’t give Nazis cover?


@Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

Well then I’m old and unoriginal Mr Dragon type. My screen name is what it is. I gave you an explanation that I didn’t owe you in the first place and this is all the effort that I’m willing to put in. Have fun being weirdly paranoid over usernames I guess.


Your words mean nothing even in your best case scenario.

@Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

That cool man. Look, I don’t do internet drama anymore (I’m old like you said). So I’m just going to block you now.


Dude, you really need to go touch some grass



@HatchetHaro@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

step off the gas. nicknames and numbers can have entirely different cultural contexts.

for me, i’ve never seen “juice” used to refer to jews, nor “88” being used to refer to nazis, and i’ve been on the internet a long time.

when i see “juice”, the first thing i think of is the song by lizzo. “88” is used as a replacement for “bye bye” in cantonese lingo.

plenty of usernames are just random word + year of birth. stop overanalyzing it and chill.



@vardogor@mander.xyz avatar

what in the hell, lol. i think you’ve been on the Internet too much

my girl’s favorite number is 14, guess I gotta break the news to her that that means she’s a Nazi 😂


If her screen name is “Jews14” yeah, probably.

G*mers, lmao

@vardogor@mander.xyz avatar

juice is such a common nickname. but ig if you said so, they all nazis now. glad we have you policing forums n keeping us safe 🫡 ppreciate you


Guess I have to stop drinking juice!


You sound like the kind of person who would just assume Hindu temples were made by Nazis because they contained swastikas. Just because some assholes used a symbol as a dogwhistle doesn’t mean that the rest of the world should stop using it.


You sound like a gullible dumbass.


I’m not gullible, or a dumbass. Those are harsh words from somebody who can’t understand that not everything is a dogwhistle.

Your username is just as sus by your own logic. Grand Dragon is a title for leaders in the KKK.


-Says he isn’t a dumbass

-Immediately proved he is one, being a dumbass


Look, I definitely don’t hate you, and hate racists as much as anyone other upstanding citizen should. I honestly appreciate you looking out for them, and the username you called out could be seen as sus, for sure.

Just don’t let assholes steal the symbols for themselves, fuck them. Don’t disparage someone for not knowing about the dogwhistle and/or using a symbol non problematically. That was really my only gripe.


88 = Heil Hitler

That’s one I’ve never heard before. Is it some sort of neonazi slang or am I just really dumb?

Well, looked it up before posting this comment. That’s absolutely crazy that it’s an actual thing.


It’s literally one of their most common dogwhistles and has been for as long as the Internet has existed, lol

If you see a 14 or a 88 anywhere in a username you need to start asking questions about intent.


I’m internet poisoned as hell but I’m surprised that that’s not common knowledge. Its also often 1488 with the 14 referring to the 14 words of the following neo-nazi slogans:

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”

“because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.”


So just don’t take your video game company public.

One thing Ayn Rand’s characters were definitely too selfish to do was allow a committee to take over their work.

teawrecks, do gaming w 'Make a private hosted version of your game': Knockout City dev's top tip for studios shutting down a live service game is to give players the keys

This should be a legal requirement, imo. It’s unreasonable for them to sell a game to people, and then make it impossible to play because they weren’t making enough anymore. That’s like making a movie unwatchable because dvd sales dropped


Oh but they’re not selling it, they’re leasing it.


I would use the term “licensing” rather than leasing. A video rental store “leases” the license.

But the point is, they’re selling you a license to play the game, and then at some point after sale, without you knowing when or why, they rescind the license without compensating you. Any reasonable person would think that purchasing a game means a license to play it indefinitely, especially if you received some kind of binary in exchange for money at the point of sale.

It’s the difference between Uber offering a subscription model, but then a year later suddenly saying they don’t offer it anymore, vs Tesla selling you a car, but a year later disabling features on it, saying, “you were merely licensing/leasing those features”.

bozo, do games w 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate

Building games that are actually fun is going to make you the most money, that’s it.

Say it louder for the publishers in the back.

It’s infuriating how game design is devolving into engagement treadmills instead of simply being fun, concise experiences. The industry needs more Hi-Fi Rushes and less Suicide Squads.

@flumph@programming.dev avatar

Also, does the point of creating a game have to be making the “most” money? Isn’t it enough to make something awesome and a profit?

Grangle1, do games w 505 Games' parent company lays off 30% of its workforce, says gamers really only want sequels so that's what it's going to make

What gamers want is innovation and overall fun gameplay, sequel or not. I’ve heard rather little coming from AAA studios of interest to me as of late 'cause they’ve all gone to creating endless battle royales, action RPGs or looter-shooters that all play near identically, all with the same military or techno jungle aesthetic that just doesn’t appeal to me. It’s all gunning for their game to get big on that e-sport sponsorship money or find some way to load their games with micro transaction pay to win gambling BS. For the most part, small and indie studios are doing as well as the AAA big boys because they are able to put more creativity into their games on smaller budgets. When a big AAA game such as BG3 does succeed, it’s because they put as much or more effort and care into innovative and entertaining gameplay as they do into fancy ray tracing graphics and cash grab mechanics. Games like BG3 are as praised as they are because they are complete games that work like they should out of the box, no day 1 patch/DLC or extra money required for the full intended experience. We get the quality we expect for our $60-$70. Whether that’s a brand new IP or a sequel doesn’t matter much.


My only quibble with this is that I’m not sure I’d classify larian as a AAA studio. Not when you’re comparing to Activision or Bethesda or something. The game is absolutely amazing, I’ve put over 700 hours in and am still playing it. I can’t think of any of the big AAA studios releasing a game that comes close anytime in the last decade.

Davel23, do games w Why the original, 1999 version of EverQuest is still one of the best MMOs to play today

Josh Strife Hayes just did a video on classic Everquest:


@lorty@lemmy.ml avatar

And his conclusion is wildly different.

noobdoomguy8658, (edited ) do games w Leaked email reveals Phil Spencer's damning verdict on AAA games: 'Most publishers are riding the success of franchises created 10+ years ago'

Not to mention a lot of them are still crappy at best: Fallout 4 is ridiculous, Fallout 76 is even more ridiculous, Assassin’s Creed turned into a conveyor joke, Cyberpunk 2077 was just insultingly bad at launch and remained that for a long time (haven’t played 2.0 yet, so I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt), Starfield is another sandwich full of lies, Redfall is not even worth talking about akin to Deathloop, Diablo 4 is a machine to vacuum money on a schedule, online FPS has been nothing but battle royale for what feels like almost a dozen years and now they’re testing the waters with “extraction shooters” looking at Escape From Tarkov (the extraction aspect alone won’t bring them the same fame), and all of that is coupled with ever-increasing system requirements and prices, making gaming the most expensive it’s ever been for really no good benefit.

The only AAA game that left me satisfied on launch in the recent years, like in the days of buying boxes, was DOOM: Eternal; to a lesser extent, Hogwarts Legacy was good, but the story felt lacking and really took away from the fun.

I personally blame the managers in the AAA gaming for not managing the scope creeps that obviously happen in many of these games, stretching the development resources, yet resulting in another “mile wide, inch deep” discourse time after time. Again, DOOM: Eternal is a great example: no crafting, no open world shenanigans, no multiple choices all leading to the same outcome (while not being a conceptual story-telling instrument) - just a focused game with multiple elements that make up the linear progression and gradually increase the possible complexity of one’s experience, finally culminating in a complete FPS sitting atop impressive optimization and great visuals.

AAA is just not worth it these days and hasn’t been for several years, neither in terms of hardware, nor software.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

You make some true points, but it's hard to take them seriously when you blanket dismiss entire games that are enjoyed by many as crappy or entire franchises as a joke.


That can’t be the sole metric. The POSTAL series is widely regarded as one of the worst franchises to ever happen in video games, and yet, I and many others are big fans of the entire series in general and are especially fond of some entries in particular; but it certainly doesn’t make these games less janky and subpar in many regards - at the very least, none of them was advertised as something “for the next gen” or “groundbreaking” or any of the big words the AAA industry likes to throw around when advertising.

entire franchises as a joke

Thanks for that, though, I didn’t meant to call the entire AC series a joke, only multiple of its entries after the first games.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I'm just particularly fond of Assassin's Creed Odyssey due to it being the only open world game that is playable as a stealth game with stealth game specific mechanics and a world designed for stealth traversal, there has not yet been any other game designed that way that isn't just light stealth elements that fall apart when you inevitably get caught in two minutes, until someone shows me another game like that, I honestly feel that game to be pushing the stealth genre, which is honestly not hard to do because of the dire state it's in.

And I'm glad you expand on Postal particularly, it goes to show that even games that are despised by many have their own meaningful aspects to be gleaned with the right mindset and with their flaws in mind. I think that when it comes to games of this size it is very hard to be able to say they are crappy, full stop, especially ones like these, or even Deathloop, which I enjoyed. Not as much as Arkane's Prey or Dishonored, of course, but it was still an enjoyable game with an excellent art style and soundtrack that heavily tapped into my love of the 70s, and featured a very nice multiplayer mode that simply doesnt exist in any other game.

noobdoomguy8658, (edited )

I’m totally fine with you enjoying whatever games you enjoy, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. My opinion is that of the corporations and their practices only, not the consumers that happen to find something dear to them in the final product.

Granted, we, as consumers, have - or at least should have - certain ways to leverage the industry and let it know explicitly what we appreciate and like, and what we absolutely hate, but that’s much easier said than do on the scale of modern gaming in general, let alone the AAA gaming, the massive beast it is and the sizes of its many audiences. I do what I can to influence the industry, whenever I can, and that includes talking about it with my fellow gamers to maybe spark the same tendencies in them - but I certainly don’t want to discourage anyone from having fun.

Off the thread topic, yeah Prey and Dishonored are definitely one of the greatest games we’ve seen in 2010s, especially Prey.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I think you do bring up some good points about how a lot of the weakest AAA games now are either extremely over-iterative and lose appeal by virtue of sharing large parts of their design with their past iterations, diluting the novel good bits (Assassin's Creed), and trend chasers (that most popular online FPS games chase battle Royale and extraction shooter genres, though battle Royale seems to be finally dying off.

It takes something like Doom, a game that bucks the trends, but doesn't stumble on the execution of something fresh, but rooted in strong game direction and execution. Or something like Hogwarts Legacy, a rote-on-paper genre of game (open world) kept fresh and interesting because of its long-time-coming incredible choice of setting and the ways that it uses that setting to benefit the gameplay and immersion (the magic combat system, broom riding, and lots of sprinkled bits of lore that reward long time fans of the world)

But even then... imagine ten years down the line if there's a Doom 6, and they let history repeat itself...


Its not AC anymore though, they should have made a new IP instead of using an existing one on games that are completely different to the originals in the franchise.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I would agree with that, but then there's a whole debate to be had about whether Odyssey would receive the same funding if it weren't an AC game, and whether it wouldve been executed as well or has as much content in that alternate reality Odyssey.


I guess. I mean thats why they keep using the AC name though isnt it, they had no faith in their products to stand on their own.
I think all the recent AC games could have been a new franchise, they all are pretty much the same base game. I wouldnt even count AC4 as a AC game personally, I guess I just crave that beautiful AC2/Brotherhood experience again that we will never get.

@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

You can enjoy stuff that’s objectively bad. Like fast food. The problem is less the individual games and more the state of gaming as a whole.

It’s not that one game launches as an unfinished buggy mess, despite having a paid for early access period. It’s not that one game increases the cost of entry, and further augments that with season passes, microtransactions, preorder bonuses, always-online requirements and all other bullshit that is modern AAA gaming.

The problem is that it’s the norm. If someone who doesn’t play a lot of games picks up a copy of the Ubisoft game they will probably have a blast. The systems in the game were fun when they were novel fifteen years ago. It’s when you see the same games released year after year, with the same issues, and the same predatory monetisation schemes that it gets trite.

It’s perfectly fine to enjoy Starfield. I hope those who waited so long for it do. For me personally there’s just nothing to get excited about because it’s just another version of the Bethesda game. I have already played it a dozen times before, and while twelve year old me enjoyed it immensely, thirty year old me can find better things to do with his time.

In short, it’s not that fast food is hard to enjoy, it’s just that every restaurant serves the same boring old burger.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

What it's really about now is the combination of certain game mechanics. You've played a Bethesda game, and you've played a space sim, but you haven't played a Bethesda game in a space setting with ship construction, planet exploration and resource extraction outpost building, or really any light space sim with solid first person shooting at all.

To me, that combination is novel. Just like AC Odyssey's fusion of a true stealth game and an open world setting is novel and doesn't exist. The particular parts that make up the whole are not novel, the combination and execution are. There is still new ground to cover there.

CryptidBestiary, do games w The official Lord of the Rings special effects studio is making a cozy hobbit game

Oh so the complete opposite of the Gollum game? I’m all for it. Playing as a hobbit living peacefully in the Shire sounds amazing.


It’s really the perfect life. I want nothing more than to be a little man faffing about all day


ain’t that the dream

AgentGrimstone, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

Do you guys not have better PCs?


I understood that reference.

conciselyverbose, do gaming w Overwatch 2 director opens up about having the worst-reviewed game on Steam: 'Being review-bombed isn't a fun experience'

If real people hate your game because of the changes you made from the last one (that you took away from them), that's not a review bomb.

It's just a review.


the game/steam release definitely deserved bad reviews - but it’d be hard to deny that it wasn’t also a bombing run.


A review bomb is when people start jumping down the game's throat with negative reviews for shit unrelated/peripheral to the game. If they're triggered by the actual core design choices of the game it isn't a review bomb.

These reviews are because the game is a money grubbing downgrade from the game people bought and had taken away from them, and this is the first opportunity they had to publish a review on a storefront. The motivation being the actual game means it can't be a review bomb.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

If they're still playing the game anyway, I might call that a review bomb.


No, it's still a review because you're still actively dealing with whatever it is you're complaining about.

"Hey, I really like/liked the core game play loop of this game but I think that it's gotten significantly worse than it was previously. It'd be nice if they changed it back?



Plenty of people leave negative reviews for games they otherwise play. Especially where big changes are put into effect

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

That's the exact recipe for ensuring that they don't change it back.


That's depends on the business model. For one-off payment games, it still does considerable damage, whereas they don't gain much by you continuing to play.

For subscription games, your point stands much stronger.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

It's a free to play multiplayer game. If you continue playing it, you're providing value for some other player who might spend money, so just by being in the matchmaking pool, they've got you where they want you, and they won't care about your review.

@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

Exactly. People need to vote with their wallets and PCs.


So overwatch 2 is objectively terrible, but putting that aside for a moment…

Can you seriously not envision a scenario where you personally do a thing (maybe even enjoy that thing), but still wouldn’t recommend it to others?

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Can you seriously envision a scenario where the worst game of all time is among the most-played?


Ah okay I see you’re the kind of kid who answers a question with a question. 🤦‍♂️

Enjoy picking petty fights over… who likes which video game better. Not really my dig kiddo

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Yes, I answered your question with a question because your scenario was as absurd as you perceived mine to be. So I'll answer yours directly: "yes, but not at that scale". Because at that scale, it's a review bomb.




So if General motors was using slave labour to build their cars and feeding said labour with baby kittens, would you consider it a review bomb for someone to say 'You shouldn't buy the latest vehicle from General motors because of the way it is made'?

What if general motors came out and said that they think a great start to the day is to wake up and punch a dutchman in the face?

A review is, ultimately, a recommendation of whether or not you think other people should buy this product. If you can't recommend it because of something the company who made it did, to me, it's still a review. Because recommending that product is recommending financial support of that company. Not recommending it, is not supporting them.

For me a real review bomb would occur generally only in a case where a site like 4chan might suddenly spin a wheel of mayhem and pick a random game to just go shit on or something like that.


By definition, yes, that's a review bomb. It has no connection in any way to the quality of the product, which is what a review is.


You're entirely disconnected to reality if you think Overwatch 2 deserves to be the worst-reviewed game on Steam.


Based on what?

The negatives are extremely bad, and people are legitimately reviewing the game negatively because they legitimately think it's a pile of shit.

It is literally unconditionally impossible for it to be a review bomb if the reviews are motivated by the core design decisions of the game.


Today's concurrent player peak is ~47k.

Why would 47k people choose to play the game when it's the worst game on Steam? Literally worse than a game like Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge that fundamentally doesn't function correctly. For reference, its peak today was about 20 players.

Before you reply with something like "marketing", you seriously think that if Bad Rats launched today, and with the same marketing budget as OW2, that it would achieve anywhere close to 47k players peak 10 months after its release?

Like I said: you're disconnected from reality if you think OW2 is the worst game on Steam.


Did bad rats deliberately steal a game people liked to replace it with an addiction machine?


deliberately steal a game people liked to replace it with an addiction machine

what the actual fuck are you talking about


The reason Overwatch 2 is the worst reviewed game Steam has ever had?

A bad game does a lot less harm than a game that seems good on the surface then tries to rob you blind.


by "tries to rob you blind" you mean a game with entirely optional additional purchases?

wow you're right they really get you with that "you can pay if you want" model

it's practically criminal definitely worthy of being the worst ranked game on steam


There is no such thing as a microtransaction that is not pure unredeemable evil.


then please explain why Counter Strike Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, etc. don't deserve to have the same rating


As far as I'm concerned they do. But my opinion doesn't decide the rating of a game any more than yours that's it's supposedly a better game than bad rats.

It's a product of everyone who votes giving their opinion, and the entire steam userbase has come to the consensus that Overwatch 2 is a particularly egregious example of it.

It cannot possibly be a review bomb when the reviews are legitimate opinions based on what the game is.


supposedly a better game than bad rats

the previously referenced games all sit above 80% positive and yet have the exact same problems that you cite as OW2's reason for being bad

legitimate opinions

"the zeitgeist has told them that the game is bad" is not a legitimate reason for not liking OW2, hence accusations of review bombing

if you think there are legitimate reasons OW2 deserves the rating it has, by all means please provide them, but so far all you've given me are that also apply to basically all the popular F2P games on Steam.


Because it’s a F2P game that is monetized as such and exists only to make the game I bought obsolete.

I bought a game.

The game I have now is not the game I bought.


correct: it's a different game

reviewing it because it's not Overwatch 1 is by definition review bombing


it’s the game they gave me to replace the game i purchased.

if i bought a toyota camry, and 2 years later toyota said “sorry we can’t let you continue using your camry, here’s a corolla” you better fucking believe i’d be trashing toyota in every public space possible to warn potential customers.


"i wanted a camry not a corolla" is not a valid review of a corolla


It absolutely is if I bought a Camry and got a Corolla.

Enjoy life in prescriptive hell my guy 🙄


in your analogy you bought a camry and mr toyota said "we're getting rid of this camry but don't worry i fought to get you a free corolla" and were fine with it and hailed mr toyota as a hero but then mr toyota left the company so the free corolla became poisonous and bad




Those games are not nearly as aggressive in their attempts to get you to buy shit. CSGO? a tiny ass fucking button to buy Prime. TF2? Don't even remember seeing a shop button.

OW2? Makes the worst, money hungry mobile free-to-play blush with how aggressive it tries to sell you shit.

And they killed OW1, just for this.


tf2 drops crates every 30 minutes that's literally just an advert for the in-game store (which has a dedicated button pretty clearly labelled on the main menu)

pretty sure CSGO does the same


CSGO does not do the same. I play that one regularly.


you're saying CSGO doesn't drop crates?


If it does, I've literally never seen it, and I play regularly. The closest I ever got was the Halo MCC soundtrack in CSGO, and I'm pretty sure I only got that because I also have MCC on Steam.


my guy csgo crates were controversial enough a few years ago that people sued valve over them, and at no point did csgo come anywhere close to being the worst reviewed game on steam

how are you unironically out here saying that csgo doesn't drop crates?


The original Overwatch, which had none of this shit and was a one-off payment, was killed off in favour of OW2


leaving a negative review because of that would by definition be review bombing, because at that point you're not reviewing the game, but external context that surrounds it

520, (edited )

Not really. Reviewing the game as OW with enshittification is a perfectly reasonable review of OW2 in and of itself.

Especially if the publishers made the one-off purchase version unusable just to push people onto the enshittified one.


"i liked overwatch 1" is not a valid review of the game overwatch 2, and people leaving reviews to that effect en-masse is pretty textbook review bombing


Yes it is. It's perfectly valid.

It says that the changes in Overwatch 2 are unpopular with the reviewer.

If the changes were positive or even unnoteworthy, that review wouldn't be there


if you're reviewing specific things you don't like, that's reviewing a product

leaving a negative review because "OW1 was killed off" isn't doing that

if you want to discuss specific things you don't like, please provide some that would reasonably justify OW2 being literally the worst reviewed game on steam rn

520, (edited )

leaving a negative review because "OW1 was killed off" isn't doing that

Leaving a review because "OW1 was killed off" and the intended transition route was a drastically inferior product, is in fact reviewing a product.

Context is actually an important part of reviews. Orcarina or Time looks like a shit game today, and needs the context of being a late 90's innovator to fully appreciate it. Likewise, a BoTW clone would look fantastic, a game changer, even...if a certain 2017 game hadn't already set the benchmark.

Calling something an inferior version of its predecessor, which was cynically shut down to push people to this inferior product, is worthy review information. It tells people that a superior product existed, and all this new product is, is the enshittification of it.


you're reviewing a different product

ow1 was shut down to avoid splitting the playerbase. when kaplan went on record saying that he'd fought to get ow1 owners a copy of ow2 for free everybody loved it, but now it's bad, actually? yes that makes sense

Orcarina or Time looks like a shit game today

comparing the entire landscape of gaming to a game is a very different thing to comparing it to a specific game

it would be like if somebody reviewed Baldur's Gate 3 by saying it was bad just because they liked the source powers from Divinity 2. as part of a review maybe it works, sure but as the bedrock and sole item of substance, it's useless.

your entire argument so far has been "I preferred the previous game therefore OW2 deserves to be the worst reviewed game on steam". even ignoring the fact that you've failed to articulate any differences past a vague notion of not liking that it's free-to-play, that's an almost laughably braindead take


you're reviewing a different product

And making comparisons between the two products is perfectly valid.

ow1 was shut down to avoid splitting the playerbase.

I'm sorry, are you an Activision/Blizzard employee?

I ask because only one of their employees could come up with such a bullshit statement. The core gameplay loops aren't different enough to cause that kind of split, and OW2 Is free-to-play. Anybody that wanted to voluntarily jump from OW1 to OW2 could have freely done so at literally no cost, if they so wanted.

They shut down OW1 to a) pump up the numbers for OW2 and b) to get OW1 players forcibly exposed to their F2P market.

when kaplan went on record saying that he'd fought to get ow1 owners a copy of ow2 for free everybody loved it, but now it's bad, actually? yes that makes sense

Definitely an Activision/Blizzard employee. Nobody else would miss the disingenuity of making such a statement about a free-to-play game.

comparing the entire landscape of gaming to a game is a very different thing to comparing it to a specific game

And my point is, taking into account the landscape, even in a macro level such as Activision's own behaviour with the series, including this very game, is relevant context worthy of being part of a review.

it would be like if somebody reviewed Baldur's Gate 3 by saying it was bad just because they liked the source powers from Divinity 2. as part of a review maybe it works, sure but as the bedrock and sole item of substance, it's useless.

Your analogy falls flat because Divinity and BG, though they share much of the same inspirations and development staff, are very different games. OW2 is basically OW1 with some minor tweaks and microtransactions.

The problem with OW2's mtx though is that the game makes it as hard as possible to ignore its microtransaction nature as possible, and they willingly hamper the user experience to do so.

Other than the MTX, OW2 is so similar to OW1, that without it, these reviews would be saying that they're essentially the same game. So what they're saying now, that it's OW1 enshittified, is valid.

your entire argument so far has been "I preferred the previous game therefore OW2 deserves to be the worst reviewed game on steam".

If that's what you took away from my comments, then I'm afraid you cannot read. That, or you're unable to discern from different users. All I've said was that people calling OW2 basically enshittified OW1 is not review bombing, because it's a valid review.

even ignoring the fact that you've failed to articulate any differences past a vague notion of not liking that it's free-to-play

Because there are very few differences and none of them are improvements. Like the shrinking of team sizes and available modes.

Also, F2P can be predatory as fuck, and Activision/Blizzard have most certainly been so here. they've even broken sales laws in countries like Australia.

  • The core gameplay loops aren't different enough
  • OW2 is basically OW1 with some minor tweaks
  • OW2 is so similar to OW1, that without it, these reviews would be saying that they're essentially the same game
  • All I've said was that people calling OW2 basically enshittified OW1 is not review bombing, because it's a valid review.
  • Because there are very few differences

Okay so you clearly agree that OW2 doesn't deserve to be the lowest rated game on steam, since "there are very few differences", and you liked OW1.

I don't really care what semantic nonsense or mental gymnastics you have to apply to convince yourself that whatever caused it to be ranked so low doesn't count as review bombing.

520, (edited )

Okay so you clearly agree that OW2 doesn't deserve to be the lowest rated game on steam, since "there are very few differences", and you liked OW1.

I do agree it doesn't deserve to be seen as literally the worst game on Steam. I never said otherwise. I hate, hate, HATE the MTX system...but as you said, this doesn't make it literally the worst game ever. MTX aside the game still works and the core gameplay loop is fun while you're in a match. Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing this is not.

Would I hit the Recommend button on Steam? No. The MTX strategy is a deal breaker for me. Whenever I'm not in a match I feel like a fucking product. At that point I'd rather just fire up another shooter because I straight up don't want to deal with that shit.

OW2 isn't a bad game. It is a predatory game. It is debatable which is worse (I consider predatory to be much worse than bad). Being predatory is plenty reason enough for a bad review.


You are really trying to downplay the power of marketing, but you seem to realize that gets people playing. Not only that but live service design is very effective at keeping people playing even when they are not having any fun whatsoever. Because they gotta grind the battle pass and such. Extrinsic rewards and habit-forming conditioning making up for a lack of intrinsic enjoyment.

Still, I would agree with you that it's not the worst game on Steam, but like I mentioned in the other comment, that's not what steam ratings mean. It means that the vast majority people would not recommend it, and that seems pretty reasonable.


bf2042 had a playercount in the high 1000s 2 months after its launch

ow2 released 10 months ago

are you saying bf2042 didn't have marketing?

which is more likely:

  • 50k people have been brainwashed into playing the game every day, and similar numbers into watching it on twitch
  • there is review bombing

Doesn't look like you even read my full comment so I'm gonna wait till you do.


i mean i ignored the second part because it was irrelevant

"You're entirely disconnected to reality if you think Overwatch 2 deserves to be the worst-reviewed game on Steam." doesn't say "deserves to be the worst game", so if we're playing the reading game maybe you should take the first turn


Oh, so you have no response to it so you are gonna pretend it doesn't matter. I see.

I could say I'd do the same but nothing you are saying now even addresses what I already responded to you, so I'll just call it a job done.


yes good job you failed to read my comment again 👏👏


On Steam being reviewed poorly is not a matter of rating from 1 to 10, but how many people would recommend it or not. It's completely valid that the vast majority of people would not recommend this game even if it's not a 0/10.


yes obviously, and none of that changes anything about the fact that very clearly OW2 isn't bad enough to deserve the title of worst rated game on steam


You tried to argue with someone else over this, but the fact that more people played it, being F2P, means that more people can agree that they wouldn't recommend it. Given how Steam ratings work, that makes it the worst rated. There's no arguing how it is. You seem to take an issue with it as if it meant Gabe Newell personally stamped it with a 0/10, which is not how it works.

In Steam, being 4/10 for thousands of people is worse than being 0/10 for a couple people.

fuzzywolf23, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now

So, the author mentioned a couple of delightfully strange recent games. The thesis of the article is way too broad and unsupportable. If you’re sick of mainstream settings, then stop playing AAA games.

darkphotonstudio, do gaming w Sony backs down on demand that Helldivers 2 players log into a PSN account

This isn’t a win. A win would be gaining something. This is just getting back what they stole.

anonymous111, do gaming w Ubisoft is stripping people's licences for The Crew weeks after its shutdown, nearly squandering hopes of fan servers and acting as a stark reminder of how volatile digital ownership is

For anyone who doesn’t think this is a problem, watch this video and join this campaign.

The Crew represent a real chance to change things globally (seriously, watch the video).



dlpkl, do games w Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods

I’ll just keep playing Helldivers 2 pretending I’m a Clone Commando, thanks.


With extreme prejudice, sir!

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