
slazer2au, do games w After earning $544 million in its most recent quarter, Unity says even more layoffs are 'likely'

From their quarterly SEC filing.

We are dependent on the success of our customers in the gaming market. Adverse events relating to our customers or their games could have a negative impact on our business

Remind me, why did you alienate your customer base with a per install fee Unity?

Alto, do games w After earning $544 million in its most recent quarter, Unity says even more layoffs are 'likely'
@Alto@kbin.social avatar

Headline really feels like it's trying to imply unity is currently making a profit. They haven't been out of the red in a while. Businesses tend to die when they're bleeding money and there's no VC.


It’s a bit more complicated than that. There are a lot of accounting tricks to be constantly making losses but end up cash flow positive.

I don’t work or invest in Unity so I don’t have a great understanding of their metrics but companies I worked at would constantly capitalize new projects to add expenses in the future. You can structure sales deals so a new feature is added late in the contract. That pushes revenue out, but you can collect more cash early.

If unity didn’t do share buy backs this quarter, they would have a positive cash flow. Which points to they should be a profitable company but instead are using accounting tricks to post losses to lower tax bills.

stopthatgirl7, do gaming w Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email
!deleted7120 avatar

Microsoft wanting to buy Valve and Nintendo should tell you just how much what they really want is a monopoly on gaming.

@jeebus@kbin.social avatar

If Microsoft loves anything, it's monopolies.


They all want a monopoly, not just Microsoft. Microsoft are just the only ones that could afford it.

!deleted7120 avatar


notfromhere, do gaming w Indie dev baffled after acquaintance clones his game, puts it on Steam, and acts like it's no big deal: 'Happens every day homie'

The “article” reads like a drama. The dude has all original code and artwork and a different game engine. The screenshots show a very simplistic thing… you would sue someone because their stickfigures look too much like yours. If the game was copied that quickly there wasn’t much substance there to begin with imo.


The entire design is a copy, down to the art style and color scheme…


I feel like it matters that he’s not selling it though… He liked the idea, added features he liked and is sharing what he made. He also mentions that it’s a clone. He sounds like a jerk, but like…


In a way, it’s kindaworse he’s making it free. He’s not profiting from it, he’s just screwing the other guy for no reason.


Guess I just don’t understand how it screws the other guy


Ok, so imagine that you’re hungry and you come across a sandwich shop that has your favorite sandwich for $15, but the shop next door has the exact same sandwich for free. Which sandwich are you gonna eat?

No, wait, that’s not important. Most people are gonna eat the free sandwich, so even if you eat the $15 sandwich, you’re statistically irrelevant.

Yeah, maybe some people that weren’t hungry are gonna get a free sandwich, but the people who were hungry are also getting free sandwiches, which means that the guy trying to make a living selling $15 sandwiches is gonna have to close shop unless he starts lacing his sandwiches with cocaine.


Maybe I’m bad at itch.io but it looks like they are both free. Lemme offer another analogy.

Your and your friend have sandwhich parties and one day you compare notes. Your friend’s sandwich is really good, so you make it yourself and add some things. Now you really like the sandwich so you throw a sandwhcih party with the new sandwich and tell everyone it’s based on your friend’s sandwich.

Then your friend asks why you coppied his sandwich and you’re a jerk about.

That’s how this reads to me


I didn’t realize he wasn’t trying to sell his game, so I guess we need a different analogy.

Ok, imagine you and your brother are making a website where friends can post about their lives and keep up with each other during and after college. You’re pretty open with your project and then one day the one weird guy in your friend group launches your project without consulting you. The project takes off and makes billions of dollars. You sue the weirdo and he gives you some money, but you’re still pissed about it. Did you get Zucked?


Your analogies just sounds like general consequences of market competition.

and there is no good-guy when it comes to the story of facebook.

@AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

No one’s making billions of dollars. No one’s making a single dollar. Both games have absolutely no monetization.


Exactly. It feels more like making a snake clone with fun features. Second guy learned some stuff, but was a dick about it. Ultimately no one was hurt tho and this doesn’t seem like a big deal


Because he didn’t make the idea or hone it into a game. So much of a game design is just trial and error

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s like saying Tetris had nothing in their game?


I agree that it’s all original code and art, I would even say that he’s well within his right to post his clone since there doesn’t seem to be any copyright-able IP he could be infringing on.

But I wholly disagree with the notion that “if the game was copied that quickly there wasn’t much substance there to begin with”. There are limitless examples of world changing inventions that were trivial to build, but no one had thought to do it, and the same goes for art. The difficulty of making something isn’t what makes it genius, in fact it’s usually the simplicity of a genius idea that makes people go “damn, why didn’t I think of that, it’s so genius!”

It sounds like this guy accomplished little more than burning the few bridges he had, and dragging his own name through the mud. Just…not a smart move.


no one had thought to do it

Could you please give some examples of this? I’d love to know more.


Not the person you initially asked, but a good one is Eli Whitney’s cotton gin that made separating the cotton fiber from the seeds much easier. It had traditionally been done by hand, which is very time consuming. Whitney’s invention greatly simplified the process and made cotton farming much more economically viable as an industry, ultimately leading to an extreme expansion in chattel slavery in the Southern United States and serving to solidify a planter aristocracy that would eventually seek to split with the United States in order to create its own slaveholding empire, triggering a Civil War that would decimate a large chunk of the country and kill three quarters of a million people.


I wouldn’t exactly call a cotton gin “trivial” to build…


I mean, this entire discussion hinges on the definition of “trivial,” so…cool.

teawrecks, (edited )

A lot of stationary: paper clips, staples, pencils, sticky notes

A lot of toys: yoyo, slinky, hula hoop, Play-Doh, crayons

Packaging: cardboard box, plastic bottles, plastic bottles with the lid on the bottom, aluminum cans

You use inventions all the time that you could probably just build from home now that you know what they are. But there’s nothing that says you/we are already aware of every simple invention. Just think about all the simple, yet revolutionary ideas no one has thought of yet…and if you can do that, you’ll be a billionaire.


I wouldn’t consider any of those to be trivial to build though.




But games and art aren’t exactly like that. People train by copying great art, and code and games especially are iterative. It’s not like he took a super useful thing and made millions by claiming he invented it. He took a game, made a clone and added features, admitting it was a clone. Like snake and pong and brickbreaker.


Yeah because you are also a taker instead of a creator. If you knew how ideas are born you would also feel disgusted

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Ideas are nothing. Everyone has a million daydreams, the most special and creative idea in the world is worthless if you can’t express it.

Execution is everything. Hell, you don’t even need an idea - you can draw random design elements out of a bag and come up with something great


No. I work as a game designer, and I can just straight up tell you that you are dead wrong. Ideas have both quality and value, and they interconnect to make the backbone of interactive experiences

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Ideas have both quality and value, and they interconnect to make the backbone of interactive experiences

That’s it exactly. The way the ideas interconnect and the way they’re presented to the player is everything. That’s execution, that’s everything - the ideas are just what’s in your head



themeatbridge, (edited ) do gaming w Escape From Tarkov dev finally caves, says people who paid $150 for the game will get access to its new mode 'in waves'

“It’s been brought to my attention that many people were not mollified by my previous apology, so let’s do it again. I’m sorry you people are too stupid and selfish to understand our first apology, and we want you to know that we will continue to make promises we can’t keep, we will continue to put shareholders above customers, and we will continue to justify our shitty behavior with bullshit semantics because we have learned nothing from this experience. Sincerely, Fuck You.”


At least it would be honest

uis, do games w Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Really? Steam? With all those EGS, GOG and Origins? Is it Apple’s trolling?

DebatableRaccoon, do gaming w Embracer exec says laying off hundreds of people was an 'agonising process,' but that restructuring is 'how we win'

The nerve of this prick to talk as if he’s some selfless saviour fighting for the great good…

@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

Worse is how he actually thinks he’s that

SupraMario, do gaming w You can't take it with you, but you can't leave it for someone else either: Valve says you aren't allowed to bequeath a Steam account in a will

Highly doubt this would hold up in court, but then again no one has challenged these digital market places. If you buy the game on their platform it should be legally yours and you can do what you want with it.

DebatableRaccoon, do gaming w Fallout 4's most popular mods are now ones that remove Bethesda's disastrous 'next gen' update

Bugthesda tried to patch something and fucked it up? Oh no, I am thoroughly shocked. Definitely didn’t see that coming.

dinckelman, do games w The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook

Just because a signal is sent, it doesn’t mean it’ll be received. We all know that practically any other major brand will still pump and dump e-waste, filled to the brim with mtx

PDFuego, do gaming w An AI company has been generating porn with gamers' idle GPU time in exchange for Fortnite skins and Roblox gift cards
@PDFuego@lemmy.world avatar

If I’m reading this right, it’s a program that users sign up for to donate their processing power (and can opt in or out of adult content), which is then used by client companies to generate their own users’ content? It even says that Salad can’t view or moderate the images, so what exactly are they doing wrong besides providing service to potentially questionable companies? It makes as much sense as blaming Nvidia or Microsoft, am I missing something?


so what exactly are they doing wrong besides providing service to potentially questionable companies?

Well I think that is the main point of what is wrong. I think the big question is whether the mature content toggle is on by default or not. The company says it’s off, but some users said otherwise. Dunno why the author didn’t install it and check.

@PDFuego@lemmy.world avatar

They said they did.

However, by default the software settings opt users into generating adult content. An option exists to “configure workload types manually” which enables users to uncheck the “Adult Content Workloads” option (via 404 media), however this is easily missed in the setup process, which I duly tested for myself to confirm.

Honestly, and I’m not saying I support what’s being done here, the way I see it if you’re tech savvy enough to be interested in using a program like this you should be looking through all of the options properly anyway. If users don’t care what they’re doing and are only interested in the rewards that’s kind of on them.

I just think the article is focused on the wrong company, Salad is selling a tool that is being potentially misused by users of their client’s service. I can certainly see why that can be a problem, but based on the information given in the article I don’t think it’s really theirs. If that’s ALL Salad’s used for then that’s a different story.


Ah thanks I think I forgot that sentence by the end of the article and thought it was just a user report that it was checked by default. I really don’t think that it should be checked by default, depending on where you are it could even get you in trouble. App setup for this kind of stuff isn’t necessarily only for power users now, it has gotten very streamlined and tested for conversion.


It’s Roblox stuff you can buy, it’s not power users that are the target demographic


Based on the rewards, I’m assuming it’s being done by very young people. Presumably the value of rewards is really low, but these kids haven’t done the cost-benefit analysis. If I had to guess, for the vast majority it costs more in electricity than they get back, but the parents don’t know it’s happening.

This could be totally wrong. I haven’t looked into it. This is how most of these things work though. They prey on the youth and their desire for these products to take advantage of them.

@PDFuego@lemmy.world avatar

Right, so it’s not like they’re being tricked into generating porn or anything. It’s not some option that they would have turned off if they’d known about it, they just don’t care what’s happening because they only want the reward. Again I’m not saying I agree with it or that Salad’s right to do it, but if they say that’s potentially what it can be used for (and they do because the opt-out is available) then the focus should be on the client companies using the tool for questionable purposes.


Honestly what roblox kids are willing to do for pitiful pay is scary, if you work in any kind of creative digital medium those kids will do days of your job for a fiver if any real money at all. It won’t be industry quality or anything but damn we got a whole digital version of sending kids down the mines. (And some of these roblox games can have unexpectedly big players behind them exploiting kids)

DriftinGrifter, do gaming w 'Make a private hosted version of your game': Knockout City dev's top tip for studios shutting down a live service game is to give players the keys

Incredibly based

henfredemars, do gaming w You can't launch Modern Warfare 3 without first launching Modern Warfare 2

Is this the cuckoo’s egg strategy? Require the user to install your games and consume so much disk space that they have to choose between playing your game and somebody else’s?


Nah, it's just cutting costs by reusing the same poorly optimized high quality bullshittery in all of their games.

@Varyag@lemm.ee avatar

Both, it’s both.

TowardsTheFuture, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now

I mean… sure if you only play games that have that same feeling?

Like oh no BG3 is just elves & Brittania… Duh?

So play WotR and at least go to the Abyss?

Or play any game based not on Tolkien lore? There’s a ton of games based on different mythologies: Raji, Prince of Persia, Tribes of Midgard, Hades, Wo Long, etc.

Or just play games set in just completely different worlds? Pyre/Transistor/Bastion are all interesting worlds. Remnant I/II is a neat concept. etc. More playful stuff like Cuphead/Death’s Door, etc.

Or look at some MMO’s if you want larger worlds with different influence? Guild Wars 2 is pretty decent as far as a good variety with its world/races for example, even if its still similar to a generic fantasy setting.


I think Skyrim ruined a lot of fantasy for me. It’s such a great game that many other settings cannot live up to it.


Idk, personally it was very unengaging and the only way I found it amusing was through a ton of mods or Enderall’s total conversion mod. But everyone’s into different shit.


It’s weird particularly to see that praise for Skyrim when (imo obviously) morrowind in the same series had a substantially more interesting story and world, a decade prior


I think Skyrim was a big entry point for a lot of fans who haven’t played the earlier games. I do agree though, Morrowind is amazing and is, in my opinion, a better game than Skyrim. Skyrim is kind of a dumbed down Morrowind.

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

Even worse, it’s a dumbed down Oblivion, which itself is a dumbed down Morrowind.

1stTime4MeInMCU, (edited )

I always thought Oblivion was a much better setting than Skyrim, but I replayed Oblivion recently and I realized nostalgia was doing a lot of heavy lifting. I came away not knowing really what to think. Oblivion still held up and was clearly a great game but it wasn’t perfect and was a bit dated (Jeez I mean skyrim is also dated lol). Maybe everyone just kinda feels that special something about their first ES game lol.

Edit: I should add, I also played Morrowind somewhat recently (much longer after playing the original two) and it was also a great game but didn’t seem necessarily better than the other two.

Edit: Edit: I also played daggerfall, it was very ok lol

Edit: Edit: Edit: I also played ESO, 5/10


Skyrim was a significant improvement over Oblivion, in every way I can think of. Only Oblivions quest lines were better, but that’s not what I go to an open world game for (and I found the extreme mismatch between the cinematic plots and open world gameplay immersion-breaking). And while Morrowind has a much more interesting setting (and the plot weave that encompassed that setting was brilliant), Skyrim was the first entry since Daggerfall to really give me a decent first person action RPG feel.


True, Vvardenfell was a really interesting setting because of how alien it is, but skyrim added a lot of interesting lore through books and such. Like the argonian counter-invasion of oblivion after they were physically altered by their hist-trees, forcing the immortal forces of dagon to close their own portals.


I don’t think the in-game history books count very much at all. That’s the flattest, laziest world building possible. They’re fine, sure, but having good “told but never shown” history is worth the least marks by a long shot.

LaserTurboShark69, do games w Old School RuneScape player says 'see ya at a million!' after pickpocketing 500,000 NPCs in a doomed quest for treasure under multiple self-imposed restrictions

I’m glad I can still play RuneScape vicariously through these weird challenge characters

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