ChicoSuave, do gaming w Nintendo files lawsuit against Palworld

Outside of a passing similarity to Pokemon, I wonder what the suit is about


It’s about Nintendo and their rabid legal practices.

Wussy, do nintendo w Nintendo Is "Evolving" Into An Entertainment Company, According To Doug Bowser

Breaking news: The company that created the Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo Entertainment System is evolving into an entertainment company!


Funny, but I think he means they want to take on the likes of Disney. Not necessarily be known for movies; but games, movies, shows, maybe even theme parks.

If any company has the ability to do it, it’s Nintendo.


Don’t they effectively do all of those things already? Maybe they have someone else produce or run them, but they already seem to make all of those.

alienanimals, do nintendo w Nintendo Is "Evolving" Into An Entertainment Company, According To Doug Bowser

I sure wish journalism would “evolve” so that every article wasn’t some brain dead take.


Well they used to be that way so maybe journalism is in more need of devolving.

Snowpix, do games w Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana' avatar

And this is why I haven’t bought anything Nintendo since the DSi. Fuck you, Nintendo.


Buy nintendo stuff.

Just buy it used, and hack it, lol.

Its what I did with my New3DSXL (god I hate the naming conventions on these things…)

JoMiran, do games w Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana' avatar

Stop playing Nintendo games and buying Nintendo consoles. Why support a company that is so hostile to its own fanbase?


Because their games are so good. There is no denying that Mario games are incredible platformers with super tight controls and any Zelda game is going to be a good adventure at the very least.

That’s why pirate then, anyways.

Pika, avatar

The latest Mario games have seemed to been quite meh for me, like out of watching gameplay of them anyway. Legend of Zelda though I’m not a Zelda fan but dang was tears of the Kingdom fun to watch, almost made me break my boycott on their products, thankfully though they’ve issued like three rounds of dmca since which has firmly solidified my decision.

ripcord, avatar

Have they? IMO Super Mario Odyssey is the #1 Mario game ever made (Super Mario World being #2). And Wonder is pretty good. Heck, even tbr 3d remake collection thing was pretty nice, as far as “remastered” releases go.

handhookcardoor, do games w Ayaneo's New Handheld Looks Like A 2023 Nintendo DS Successor

If this isn’t powerful enough for Citra, it’ll be useless, but it looks fun. Reminds me of the New 2DS in a good way!


AMD’s Ryzen 7 7840U

Yeah that’s plenty for 3ds.

JCreazy, do games w Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'

Outside of a few first party titles (Even those have been lackluster), Nintendo doesn’t really have much going for it lately does it? I know the Switch 2 is coming which I have no desire for. Hell, my Switch hasn’t been touched in a couple years. So many other options that Nintendo no longer sits on the pedestal it once did.


Switch 2 is coming which I have no desire for.

I was hyped for the Switch 2 until the latest round of bullshit lawsuits. Now I’m going to pass.

I’ll be sure to buy an emulator from China pre-loaded with every Switch 2 title in about a decade, though.


I honestly care more to see what comes out of a Switch 2 emulator than what games it will play.


It’s the typical end-of-generation lull right now, but even with that, the brand is broadly, wildly popular. The Switch is approaching the PS2’s sales record. Throw in all the money from MTX now and it’s surely the most profitable venture ever in traditional video games.

That’s precisely why Nintendo can afford to burn up goodwill with trash like this move.

Pika, avatar

I’ve been the same way with my switch, I haven’t touched it for probably a year and a half outside of a short bit when tears of the Kingdom launched where I replayed some of breath of the wild and a small portion of Animal Crossing, I agree

They had been falling for at least 4 years now, I had already strayed from doing anything on the switch from lack of appeal, but their crackdown on dmca with the yuzu Community was the final straw for me, I didn’t even use the emulator myself but I’ve always heavily embraced emulation and the ability to Tinker with stuff that you purchase and that just didn’t sit right with me.

It was also around that time that I actually read into what happened with Gary Bowser, and that made me sick to my stomach, because it was essentially the equivalent of Prosecuting a cashier for the crimes that the CEO did.

Honestly even if they were still prospering I wouldn’t recommend the products, it’s hard enough to recommend their product to customers in the first place due the platform restrictions and the fact that they just keep regurgitating the three same IP over and over again, and that’s without the active hostilities towards their fanbase


I couldn’t disagree more. Other than Pokémon their first-party releases have been pretty much flawless this generation, it’s arguably the strongest lineup of games any Nintendo console has ever seen. There’s a reason the Switch is currently in route to become the best selling console of all time. That’s not an excuse to their legal team shenanigans, of course, but credit where credit is due.


I’m sure the fact that Nintendo systems sell well with families and has been massively cheaper than a ps5/Xbox series x plus been available for much longer and there’s been very little stock problems unlike the ps5 has nothing to do with why its one of the top selling systems… Comments like yours always read like propaganda as they never mention other factors than games.


Why, just because I decided to leave my honest opinion instead of trashing Nintendo like every other comment here? I can see where people are coming from with their complaints but to say Nintendo’s games have been disappointing is absurd. Yes, there are other factors contributing to these sales numbers, and none of them would matter at all if the Switch didn’t also have great games on it.

toastal, do gaming w Nintendo files lawsuit against Palworld

Nostalgia is a hard drug. You can still appreciate games from you childhood & not buy games or consoles from a evil company.


Plus, there’s always piracy. With that said, I generally prefer the older games anyway.

sparky, avatar

Yup. Piracy is bad so make sure to avoid that. Specifically, do not search for “Yuzu 1734” and combine it with “Firmware 18.1” and “Prod keys 18.1”, because if you did that you would be all set to pirate switch games. So to repeat, definitely don’t search for these things. Now you know what to avoid.


That would be so unfortunate, I would definitely hate that!

MataVatnik, do gaming w Nintendo files lawsuit against Palworld avatar

Nintendo sues Nintendo for using Nintendo intellectual property

circuitfarmer, do nintendo w Nintendo Is "Evolving" Into An Entertainment Company, According To Doug Bowser avatar

…are they not already?

toasteecup, do games w Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'

ahh Nintendo. don’t like our game our way? fuck you.

Missmuffet, do gaming w Nintendo files lawsuit against Palworld

Is there any way to support pocketpair during the lawsuit? I already bought the game, and it’s one of my favorites, and pokemon can eat a dick


DM me, I can point you towards an account you can send money to.

Silentiea, avatar

Thanks, I just hope my $5000 will be enough


It’s weird that palworld only accepts google play cards


Clearly a scam, if you need to send money to anyone, DM ME, I’ll make sure it gets to the right place. Also, any interest in buying a bridge?


Wow a lot of scammers around here, don’t fall for them! My uncle works at pocketpair; DM me I’ll make sure the money goes to the right place!

tetris11, avatar

…what kind of bridge?


The good kind. Really sturdy. Put a toll booth on it, get your money back in no time.

garretble, do nintendo w Nintendo Is "Evolving" Into An Entertainment Company, According To Doug Bowser avatar

So this whole time they haven’t been producing entertainment products. Curious.

(I know what he’s saying, I’m just having a laugh.)


Lol that’s what I was thinking…so my NES/SNES/64/Wii/wiiu/switch have all been…??? Educational or something else that’s not entertaining lol


Man, I learned a TON about the Caribbean sea islands and colonial era big cities from Pirates on the NES. Countless hours spent pouring over this map to find hidden treasure and hunt down leads



Maybe the article explains exactly what he meant. Just maybe. (Spoiler alert: it’s not maybe, it’s literally in the beginning of the article)


But how can I make snarky comments if I read the article?


I know right? I could’ve swore they produced an entertainment system back in the 80’s.

turkalino, avatar

and TV shows… and later a Mario movie (the better one)…

pixelscript, do gaming w Nintendo files lawsuit against Palworld

It’s speculated that the patent in question (or one of) is one that essentially protects the gameplay loop of Pokémon Legends Arceus.

Running the first claim of the invention through Google Translate yields this massive run-on sentence description:

The computer causes a player character in a virtual space to take a stance to release a capture item when a first category group including a plurality of types of capture items for capturing a field character placed on a field in a virtual space is selected based on an operation input of pressing an operation button, and causes a player character in the virtual space to take a stance to release the capture item when a second category group including a plurality of types of combat characters that engage in combat is selected, and determines an aiming direction in the virtual space based on a directional input, and further selects the capture item included in the first category group when the first category group is selected, and the combat character included in the second category group when the second category group is selected, based on an operation input using an operation button different from the operation button , and causes the player character in the virtual space to take a stance to release the capture item when a first category group including a plurality of types of capture items for capturing a field character placed on a field in a virtual space is selected, and determines an aiming direction in the virtual space based on an operation input using an operation button different from the operation button, A game program which, based on an operation input of releasing the operation button pressed when having the player character perform an action, has the player character perform an action of releasing the selected capture item in the aiming direction if the capture item is selected, and has the player character perform an action of releasing the selected combat character in the aiming direction if the combat character is selected, and when the capture item is released and hits the field character, makes a capture success determination as to whether the capture is successful, and when the capture success determination is judged to be positive, sets the field character hit by the capture item to a state where it is owned by the player, and when the combat character is released to a location where it can fight with the field character, starts a fight on the field between the combat character and the field character.

Essentially, Nintendo has a patent on video games that involve throwing a capsule device at characters in a virtual space to capture them and initiate battle with them. In other words, they have a patent on the concept of Poké Balls (as they appear and function in Legends Arceus, specifically).

Palworld has “Pal Spheres”, which are basically just Poké Balls with barely legally distinct naming.

If this sounds like an unfairly broad thing for Nintendo to have a patent on, I’m not so sure I agree. It’s not like they’re trying to enforce a blanket patent on all creature collectors. Just the concept of characters physically throwing capsule devices at creatures.

If you think about it, that’s kind of the one thing that sets Pokémon apart from others in the genre. If there’s anything to be protected, that’s it. It’s literally what Pokémon is named after–you put the monster in your pocket, using the capsule you threw at it.

Palworld could have easily dodged this bullet. They claim they aren’t inspired by Pokémon, and that they’re instead inspired by Ark: Survival Evolved. Funny, then, that Ark doesn’t have throwable capsules, yet Palworld decided to add them. I’m not sure I buy their statement. And if this is indeed the patent being violated, I don’t think a court will buy it either.

I’m not trying to be a Pokémon apologist here. I want Palworld to succeed and give Pokémon a run for its money. But looking at the evidence, it’s clear to me Pocketpair flew a little too close to the sun here. And they’re kind of idiots for it.

I’m just surprised they aren’t getting nailed for the alleged blatant asset theft.


Ark has cryopods which do the same thing mechanically, the only major difference being that you don’t visually throw them. If you use the vague wording on the patents surrounding pokemon’s box mechanics, it falls easily under there, since you are storing a captured creature in a digital storage.

Nintendo is the KING of frivolous patents. They’ve lost cases on it before, and with palworld being a sony interest, I don’t think the usual financial bullying nintendo brings to the table is going to cut it on this one. They need an airtight case and their vague patents (and recent history trying to patent THE LOADING SCREEN and vehicle speed matching for player characters with totk being denied) is a bad look for them in a courtroom. Like the US, the holder of a patent in Japan needs to file suits swiftly to protect the patent, or they risk losing cases (like this one. See “laches defense”).

Palworld is back in the top 100 global bestsellers today.

cadekat, (edited )

Arguably Ghostbusters (1984) is prior art for throwing a capsule and capturing 🤣

Edit: they even had a video game with the ghost trap.


Agreed, guess this is unpopular opinion but palworld just looked like a copycat from the get-go, especially the capture mechanic. It is too similar imo.

Ferk, (edited ) avatar

There are many games that had that mechanic before Arceus.

In particular, Craftopia (which is from the same developers of Palworld) had capsule devices that you can throw to enemies in a “virtual space” while characters “engage in combat” before Arceus was a thing.

Just because they wrote a patent does not make it enforceable… patents don’t really mean anything until they are actually tested in court so they are just tools to try and scare people away whenever a company wants to bully with the prospect of a lawsuit.

I feel that Palworld is likely to win this, this actually is an idiotic move from Nintendo and a win for Palworld… now they will get more publicity, perhaps another spike in sales, and they are finally given the opportunity to prove how they are in the right, so they can shut up all the naysayers who complained about it. I’m hoping all the paranoic empty claims about “blatant asset theft” will be settled once and for all.

altima_neo, do gaming w Nintendo files lawsuit against Palworld avatar

Weird. They seemed fine with it when it launched.


The lawyers had time to figure out an angle.

Swedneck, avatar

it’s really funny to me how obvious the… “inspiration” of this game is from pokemon, and yet nintendo has been struggling so hard to come up with something to sue them for, like i don’t really care about this in and of itself, but seeing a big company unable to remove a splinter from their toe and copyright unable to be enforced brings me joy.


They want so hard to remove false competition, that is a glorious frustration.

Pokemon is Pokemon, Palworld is Palworld. One trying to claim the other steps on their toes is hilarious. If they have merit, Doom could sue every FPS with monsters.

Stay mad Nintendo/GameFreak, you are a joke and should make better games.


They are working on a new Legends game, which is somewhat similar in gameplay.

Could be that they’d rather not have any association made.

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