
Kolanaki, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”
!deleted6508 avatar

I’d demand they honor the 75% off sticker on the assumption that they removed the original shrink wrap to place it on the cover.

HeyJoe, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”

Back in the day they would tell me the only game they have left in stock is the wall case copy. So you can take it but the case was opened and disc removed and put into a drawer behind the counter in a cd envelope. They would tell you it’s new and they can’t give a discount but assure you it’s new. I hated that, still took it but I really hated it. Give $5 off or something… the worst part is it probably happened to me like 3 times which I couldn’t believe.

I wonder if the copy in the pic is the same deal that I had.


I hated that, still took it but I really hated it

they fucked you because they could. you kept going back, that’s part of growing up I guess.

they’re just awful.

@ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone avatar

I used to work for their brand in my country, and I would have to repackage and shrink wrap the game & booklets when we received new stock.

So yes, it is open but still new (assuming the store manager is honest).

I still didn’t like the idea of doing this to games, but there weren’t many jobs in my town and it sure beat working checkouts…

ZephyrXero, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”

I worked at Electronics Boutique over 20 years ago, and we’d do the same thing. If someone brought a game back and got a refund because they didn’t like it, or they got it for the wrong platform we’d just re-shrink wrap it and put it back out as new. But the lazy person who did yours didn’t even break out the heat gun smh

Also, I’m not sure if GameStop even allows this, but back in the day employees were allowed to borrow almost any game in the store to try it out, so we could know about it when selling. And we’d re-shrink those too


Depends on the store, some let employees rent games.

And there’s no shrink gun at Gamestop, just that stupid plastic bag.

Triple_B, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”

Former Gamestop employee, AMA.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I have questions. First of all, how dare you?


I would also like to know: what gives you the right?


First of all, how are you?

MagnyusG, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”

Same thing happened to me recently with their stupid BOGO sale, I bought Xenoblade Chronicles DE and Skyward Sword “New” and they sent me both packages with no plastic wrapping whatsoever, the pre-owned stickers very obviously ripped off and lots of damage to the cases. I went to a brick and mortar to return it and they didn’t reimburse my shipping fees, I had to call customer support for them to give that back to me.

I tried to just buy them new in store and they told me they “don’t carry rare games like that anymore.” I said fuck it, and went to my local Walmart for Xenoblade and Target for Skyward Sword and it cost me less. What a fucking joke. GameStop is trash.

My most recent gripe is with Amiibo, Nintendo literally announced some new ones recently and yet none of their supposed retailers carry them, aside from Amazon who have ridiculous upcharges on them. Went to GameStop and the employees didn’t even know what the fuck I was talking about. So if you can’t buy them directly from Nintendo you’re shit outta luck cuz good luck finding anyone that sells them for retail price.


GameStop is trash.

Yup. And none of this is a surprise or new revelation - they’ve been trash the whole fucking time. Some folks just got so into their ‘big short’ fanfic that they thought keeping this company alive would be fun and profitable.

hopefully they had fun. it’s gonna crater sooner or later thanks to their business practices, and thank goodness. Mom & Pop shops like Pink Gorilla are way better any day.

seaQueue, (edited )
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

So if you can’t buy them directly from Nintendo you’re shit outta luck cuz good luck finding anyone that sells them for retail price.

This is par for the course for basically any physical Nintendo product. Ninty is categorically allergic to manufacturing enough supply to satisfy demand and the resellers figured this out about 10-15y ago. Any limited production run product is almost immediately bought out on Amazon and the other big retailers websites and relisted at a markup on Amazon/eBay. If resellers smell blood in the water around a manufacturing run of a popular game (ie: Nintendo is close to selling through the available physical cartridge supply) they’ll buy that up and resell it too. Nintendo would rather their products be unavailable for however long it takes them to decide to manufacture more (usually somewhere between two and six months) than have excess stock on hand.


I tried to just buy them new in store and they told me they “don’t carry rare games like that anymore.”

Wait, was that bullshit, or was that game still a ridiculously limited release in America? Does NoA really hate this game that much?

In Europe physical XCDE doesn’t really look that rare.


GameStop went to shit a long time ago and should have gone out of business and folded their assets. Instead because of some redditors they think they still have a valuable business with loyal customers.

Once they hard focused on NFTs I knew it’d never get better

xkforce, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”

And this is the company wallstreetbets wanted so bad to defend. It should have died. It DESERVED to die but Reddit wanted it alive because if there’s anything Reddit hates more, it is short sellers. But the reality is that most of the time the companies that get taken down by short selling aren’t healthy to begin with. After all, why push a strong company off the cliff when you can push a weak one that is overvalued?


Watching that all was a bit like watching a sped up version of the crypto boom.

It started off with a bunch of well-meaning weirdos that were sticking it to the man. Then a few people made a whole bunch of money and from there it got super popular and turned into a weird libertarian cult.


It got me interested in stocks. I blew a few bucks on their wacky schemes, but for the most part I put in some long term investments that are slowly climbing.


I think there was more to it than that. It seemed more like a situation where they could kill two birds with one stone. They could destroy, or at least severely damage the stock market by ensuring the hedgefunds couldn’t buy back the shorted stock, and even if they didn’t, they had the chance to become extremely wealthy while trying.

It probably would have worked too if it weren’t for those meddling kids stock brokers like Robin Hood working with hedgefunds to claw back stocks and the SEC towering over them with potential charges of market manipulation.


It never would have worked. The absolute best case scenario was one hedgefund company has less profit that year.


Destroy or severely damage the stock market? It was just one stock, some people lost money but it didn’t affect 99%+ of the stock market or its traders… Just a little meme blip on the scale of things.


It's not that they wanted GameStop to win. They wanted Wall Street to lose.


I think you are right, at the start they had noble intentions hidden behind a get rich quick scheme.

But then they all became GME holders, they had a vested interest. So now they act like the shitty video game store in the mall is actually cool and innovative and soon some management changes and NFT nonsense will turn the company around.

In some small way, they became what they sought to destroy.


So now they act like the shitty video game store in the mall is actually cool and innovative and soon some management changes and NFT nonsense will turn the company around.

Outside of people clearly being facetious on WSB, I literally never see anybody genuinely have this attitude toward GameStop.


If every pro-GameStop post on r/WSB and r/Superstonk was actually a joke then they have achieved levels of sarcasm far beyond what I thought possible.


What starts out as a joke turns real as people who don’t understand it’s a joke join in.


The act is very important in the event of an SEC investigation. Since I don’t hold stock in the company, I’m safe to say this, but basically if they wrote “Yeah, I don’t have any faith in the company itself, I just caught Wall Street tycoons making an insane short sell” then that comment could become a major exhibit in an exchange fraud case that makes them forfeit their shares.


If you guys haven’t done it, Dan Olson released a video talking about it. youtu.be/5pYeoZaoWrA?si=fJrgiv3c5OKPpa1c

NumbersCanBeFun, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”
@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar


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  • vivadanang,

    probably an online order.

    the fact that GS sells shit in this state speaks more about their cocksucker business; the idea that you’re standing up for it - stonkdweeb adherent lol. get a fucking life.

    it was a company circling the drain for great reason before it got saved by a bunch of reddit dweebs. enjoy your movie, I strongly doubt your hodls will be worth it lol

    @NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar


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  • vivadanang,

    Man, if this phenomena was rallying around a decent company with a decent history that’d make sense… it’s a wretched company that’s been historically crap to it’s customers and employees. Your ‘concern’ for me is hilarious, you have a great night lol

    @Bruno_Myers@lemmy.world avatar

    Have you tried talking to anyone at the company or is your first response just to cry about it in social media

    Also you’re an asshole.

    pot, I’d like you to meet kettle

    @NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar


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  • Bruno_Myers,
    @Bruno_Myers@lemmy.world avatar

    yes, the exact same thing you did to op. you almost get it.

    @NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar


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  • Bruno_Myers,
    @Bruno_Myers@lemmy.world avatar

    i can tell you work in retail, damn


    because they chimed in an unloaded all their bullshit hatred on me for no valid reason

    Really take a step back, reread your initial comment, and tell us honestly that what you’re describing doesn’t sound exactly like what you just did lol


    the fact that GS sells shit in this state speaks more about their cocksucker business; the idea that you’re standing up for it - stonkdweeb adherent lol. get a fucking life.

    Geez, who hurt you?

    I’d argue, as long as there are “cocksuckers” that keep buying from them, regardless of these posts (I’ve seen at least 10 or 20 over the past years), there is very much a market to service. Just capitalisticly speaking.


    ROFL. How did people from Reddit “save” GameStop? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read so far in this thread.


    GameStop was going to be shorted into failing. Reddit legitimately saved the company from being liquidated with the whole WSB stuff.

    They’ll probably still fail since they have a failing business model, but they were absolutely propped up by Reddit.



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  • vivadanang,

    no one cares about your bullshit, mate. no one. blah blah blah gamestop blah blah it’s a fucked up predatory company that treats their employees and customers with clear disdain. maybe you’re into that. good for you. have a nice life and get fucked.



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  • seaQueue, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”
    @seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

    I mean, GameStop’s entire business model is that they’re a chain of predatory pawnshops that prey on children so I’m not terribly surprised.


    The second they started taking phone trade ins was the death of the classic GameStop. I remember even late 2000s picking up used GameCube games for a STEAL.


    Do they still sell games? I would have sworn it was a Funko Pop dedicated shop.


    I went in to a GameStop to buy a new switch charger because my kids lost it on vacation. They told me you have to buy the right kind of charger, I was very confused because I thought Nintendo only sells one kind of charger for the switch. I told the guy I’m using it with a docking station and he pulled out some shitty GameStop branded charger and I said no thanks. The guy proceeded to tell me I would have to buy the charger directly from Nintendo…I went down the road to target and bought one off the shelf after like 5 minutes of looking. Fucking shameless GameStop…

    Just to make sure I wasn’t going insane, I looked at Nintendo’s website, and sure enough they only sell one kind of charger for the Nintendo switch. There’s some weird smaller charger they sell for accessories like the pokeball thing for let’s go Pikachu but they very clearly spell that out when you purchase the charger.


    Not related to your point at all, but: The switch uses USB-C. Pretty much any USB-C charger will work. For the dock you do want to make sure it can push enough power, but it’s a rather low requirement. I use the same charger for my SteamDeck dock and the Switch dock. It’s the great thing about USB-C. But of course gamestop would try to sell you their generic crap instead of an official one.


    You don’t want to be using any random USB-C charger for your switch. The Nintendo switch doesn’t adhere to USB-C power delivery standards and using a different charger can cause problems. That’s why all of those third party docks were burning up switches when the switch first came out.

    The docks were standard USB-C docks, but since the switch doesn’t follow proper USB-C standards because Nintendo, the docks were providing too much current and burning up switches. I will never use a third party charger for my switches, although if I did use one, the steam deck charger would be my first choice.

    I’m sure the chance of anything happening is so low that it’s probably insignificant, but I’d rather not take the chance, down votes be damned.


    Can’t say I’ve done extensive research, and Nintendo would be the first company I would assume would ignore standards, but my understanding is that any half decent charger has a sort of power negotiation to prevent such issue. I suppose if you have some cheap dollar store USB-C chargers laying around it might be risky if they too ignore the standards.

    That said, I did have a USB-C PD 65w charger fry a laptop. It was, for sure, the charger screwing up though, I even had warning signs I completely ignored. I miss that laptop, it was a good laptop.

    Carighan, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”
    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    I remember back when - at least over here in Germany - Gamestop were… cool. When they were just shop for consoles, games and some gaming geek stuff. And the whole used-sales was a small small side-business.

    That was a long time ago, but damn was it awesome to have dedicated game shops.

    detinu, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

    Just finished Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty yesterday, and it’s easily one of the best experience I ever had. The game’s not perfect, it has bugs, some balancing problems, some cliches. But it has a lot of charm and a very gripping story. I absolutely loved it.

    doublejay1999, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
    @doublejay1999@lemmy.world avatar

    Can only talk about my watch list :

    • Dave the Diver, on my Mac . Sadly, steam only.
    • dredge, PS4
    • thinking about cyberpunk but ps4 might grind
    • also BF2042 maybe for a shooter

    Also looking for some kind of chill farming / city building thing, for the mac, to play in bed, if anyone has anything ?


    For farming, I’ll assume you’ve tried Stardew, but if not that’s the obvious answer.

    There’s a new one out called Vexland which might interest you. I haven’t tried it.

    @doublejay1999@lemmy.world avatar

    Another stardew is what I’m looking for !


    We all are. Looks like there will be a 1.6 update with some new content. I never explored the additional 1.5 content, but it seemed like a good bit.

    @ShitOnABrick@lemmy.world avatar

    Project zomboid might quench that thirst with its farming foraging and fishing mechanics it’s a really good game I’ve put 860 hours into it myself since buying it in late 2018

    mihnt, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
    @mihnt@lemmy.world avatar

    ADD as fuck, so I’m juggling 7 games right now.

    • ME: Andromeda
    • Baldur’s Gate 3
    • Strange Brigade
    • Forza Horizon 4
    • Idle Slayer
    • Tomb Raider (2013)
    • Magic 2014

    ME: Andromeda isn’t as bad as everyone says it is once you get into it. Well, besides the bland companions. (Suvi being the exception.)

    Only been going through Baldur’s Gate at a snail’s pace because I’m playing it alone.


    It’s been a long time, but I remember liking Jaal, Vetra, Drack, and Peebee a lot. I also remember Peebee being controversial in terms of you love her or hate her.

    Mantis_Toboggan, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
    @Mantis_Toboggan@lemmy.world avatar

    Trying to finish all levels with all characters on Mario 3D World.

    Then, it’s always “just one more race” on F-zero 99

    Ubettawerk, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

    I just started Dave the Diver on the switch and I’m hooked!

    The_Helmet_Stays_On, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

    Back and forth working on Baldurs Gate 3, Death Stranding, Sekiro and Dead Signal

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