
Hyggyldy, do games w Fortnite’s next chapter adds Peter Griffin and Solid Snake to the game

I wish I could completely filter fortnite out of my life.


I never really saw the appeal, but my friends keep wanting to play it. There is so much waiting. I’m just bored most of the time.

brsrklf, do games w Every Franchise Xbox Now Owns After Buying Activision

3D Ultra Pinball

Come on, how can they list that and not the masterpiece that is 3D Ultra Minigolf?

Seriously though, they’re at least missing quite a bit of Sierra stuff there. Like Impressions Games city builders, or The Incredible Machine.

elscallr, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp
@elscallr@lemmy.world avatar

Godot seeing both Unity and Epic implode in the same month: “now’s the time”

TheAgeOfSuperboredom, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I’m fine with it too!

Nexus Mods has had some controversy in the past but they seem generally solid.

umbrella, do gaming w Half Of PlayStation Players Still Haven't Upgraded To PS5
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

it has no games and was plagued by availability/price issues for a BIG while there.

why should anyone buy it?


Blind fanboyism?


I said I wish I hadn’t purchased the PS5 due to the poor library of games in comparison to the PS4 era on Reddit. Proceeded to get downvotes.

Shadywack, do games w Star Wars Outlaws Requires The Internet To Install It
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Ummm, so do most other games???


They’re talking about DRM on the installer there so no, most other games don’t have that “feature”.

amio, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

It's like Goldeneye except the only weapon setting is "Slappers only"

(Too easy, I know)


Take your eyes of my wife’s screen!

@pgetsos@kbin.social avatar
shiveyarbles, do gaming w According to Kotaku: 25 Days Into 2024 And 5,800+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

God I hope we don’t go through a phase of crappy games designed and developed using AI.

@Kir@feddit.it avatar

Oh we are, I’m afraid.

@squirrel@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I wonder if 2023 will go down as one of the last good years for gaming (and even that only works if you ignore all the layoffs that already happened).

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Nah. I remain hopeful that this is a market correction against live service investment. Devs will be hurt in the interim, but think about how something like Redfall happened. The suits said they had to make a live service game at Arkane. Arkane devs had no passion for that. 70% of the studio left, leaving Redfall's development to inexperienced new hires that replaced them, and they essentially set those development funds on fire making that game that no one wanted to spend money on. Sega made Hyenas for $70M, their most expensive project to date, and decided it was better to just not release it than to continue to run infrastructure to enable it. A similar story to Hyenas over at Sony, where they cut their live service portfolio down from 12 games to 6, seeing that the well had run dry. There have been a lot of these bets made, and they've been big bets, with the assumption that they'd see all the success that their predecessors in live service games had, without realizing that there aren't enough customers out there for you to be lucky enough to capture that success from when they're busy playing other games.

So what do all of these devs make instead? Video games that people actually want to play and spend money on, that can be made with budgets they can afford.

@squirrel@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Sure, the death of the live service hype plays a role, too, but in my view it is mostly due to the gravy train of cheap money coming to a halt: Lots of companies are scaling back because they had funded themselves with loans while laundering profits through tax havens. Gaming companies are not much different from tech companies and media companies in this regard. Those are also in hot water ATM and fire people in order to stabilize their cash flow.

At the end of the day, gaming companies are going to invest far less in the future. Games such as “Spider-Man 2” and other AAA titles with exorbitant budgets will become rare. This has been a trend for years.

Thus I am rather certain that 2023 was one of the last years where we have seen a strong line-up of high quality, high budget titles alongside indie success stories.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

It has been a trend that we see fewer AAA games per year, for a very long time. I think that can easily stabilize at a number of AAA games similar to what we saw last year, when we stop designing games that take up infinite time to play. Likewise, a great year for games doesn't mean that so many of them are concentrated in the AAA space. Hollow Knight Silksong, Mina the Hollower, and Penny's Big Breakaway could, potentially, all be some of the best games we've ever played, and not one of them will have come close to a $100M budget. (I don't think this year will top last year, but my point is that it doesn't require massive budgets to do so.)


There’s also the AA scene to consider. Nacon did a fantastic job with the RoboCop game - it doesn’t break any new ground, but it’s a simple, solid game that captures the tone of the RoboCop franchise well.


Nah, video games are and will always be at their best when a small team is bringing a new and unique, or a fresh and refined, perspective on something.

Rimworld, Kenshi, Stardew Valley, Grim Dawn, Project Zomboid, Palworld… none of those needed big budgets and large parent companies. My Steam wishlist has over 100 games on it currently, and maybe 5 of those are AAA titles. There’s plenty of great stuff still coming.


Gaming, like all software development, becomes plagued by popularized anti-patterns every so often. Remember back in like 2010 and every. single. fucking. game. had unskippable, frustratingly difficult, often instantly fatal should you fail them, quicktime events? Because I fucking remember. And now those are nowhere, because they’re terrible. And, yes, the use of AI is not a game design pattern so much as it is a development tool that will be used to fastforward development and decrease costs around, presumably, asset generation, but to some extent that was always going to happen. Any time a tool comes about that fundamentally reduces human labor, it always sees widespread adoption. Eventually it’ll be industry standard, and it’ll be…fine. It’ll suck for people with aspirations around graphic design and 3D modeling, but those are just the first places there will be cuts. Eventually you’ll have the physics engines, game systems, state management, etc. and other core components of game design automated via AI processes, which will kill a shitload of dev jobs. And eventually the people who make these AI game engines will, instead of selling to a studio who will parameterize the AI with prompts, will automate the prompting process with AI itself, so instead of selling to studios, they’ll just have an AI service that will take your description for a game that you want, run it through a bunch of canned AI subroutines and it’ll crap out a boutique game of your design that they technically own and have full copyright over and which is just incredibly derivative of a ton of other IP - imagine every single game being Palworld, “like X crossed with Y with a bit of A and B thrown in.” That’s right: eventually the end user will design the games themselves. A world in which you never have to consume any game, or probably eventually any media of any kind, beyond the one you already liked and wanted. You’ll never have to be challenged more than you would like or experiment with different forms of media. It’ll be a brave new world, filled with brave new games.


Cyberpunk is literally full of what amount to dialogue based quicktime events.


Yeah, finding fucking timed dialogue events made me wanna chuck the disc out the damned window

Here’s two wildly different dialog options, that might have vastly different consequences. You have three seconds to decide. Fuck that shit.


i didn’t think it was a big problem but i could see how some people are slower to react and pressure gets to them

but i also think it’s weird when npcs wait forever for player input. but we’re not there yet

Zworf, (edited )

Well, for some realism I do understand you can’t think forever. Imagine someone asking you a question and you stay frozen for 1 minute. That would be weird 🤭

But the time in CyberPunk 2077 is too short yes.

PS: I wish I could reload my save game in real life 😂


You should try roleplaying.


Yeah, and people fucking hate it. It’s a blemish on an otherwise okay game.

@MantidSys@kbin.social avatar

Maybe. But multiplayer games exist. And people have a very high standard for what population a game must have for it to be worth playing. People will consolidate into singular pre-made titles, compromising on their desires like they do now, in order to have many other humans to play with.

Maybe AI can be convincing NPCs eventually, but people will want to play games with their friends. They'll find out eventually if another character is an NPC or human, and they will care.

Even singleplayer games will be subject to this, to a degree. People enjoy playing what their friends play - they like having the same experiences, they like having something in common to discuss, they like the shared experience that brings a sense of community to the fans of a single title or series.

Sure, people could make any game they desire, but it will be isolating. You're underselling the social desires and needs we all have. Maybe we'll end up with something similar to Garry's Mod and Roblox: connected gaming hubs where people can load up any number of experiences - but still being able to include their friends somehow. I think that is much more likely than the concept of a person sitting in the corner of a room with their VR headset, wilting away in a world of their own creation, having lost all connections that would otherwise surround them. Humans naturally fight against that. We'll experience things we're not familiar with, as long as we're experiencing them with other people.


Yeah like the clip shows in the 80/90s TV series. Yuck.

Tosti, do gaming w 10 Days Into 2024 And 2300+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced
@Tosti@feddit.nl avatar

Unity is firing people as a result of a failed monetization attempt by the chief executive. I would argue the employees should have a case against the company and the chief executive. As this was so poorly implemented, fault could be argued.

Clbull, (edited ) do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I used to have a lot of respect for Az from HeelVsBabyface as a content creator back when he did WoW videos. Many of the fanboys who play Blizzard games dismissed him as a whiny bitch when he complained about issues with the game long before other more respected creators (i.e. Bellular, Asmongold, Sodapoppin, Preach) jumped on the very same ‘fuck Blizzard’ bandwagon.

Watched him a lot less after he branched away from WoW stuff because his content was more anti-woke and not really of my interest.

His two minute anti-pronoun rant made him look like a clown and was the last straw that made me unsub to his YouTube and unfollow him on X.

What people like Az seem to forget is that Starfield is set hundreds of years in the future. I can understand why a pronoun selection menu would look out of place in a medieval setting like The Elder Scrolls, but not in a game set 300 years in the future.

Also, nobody is forcing you to play as a trans or non-binary character. This is not discrimination against white men as Az pointed out in his nonsensical rant. You can make a white male character that identifies with he/him pronouns and not be placed at a disadvantage in the game.


The crazy thing is that in TES, people don’t know what a UI element is and we can hide it from the NPCs. Everyone wins. Most games don’t directly feature bigotry in their content, certainly not TES, so there’s no real reason not to include such ab thing.


Most games don’t directly feature bigotry in their content, certainly not TES

Well. Not real-world bigotry.


Yea, if you create a male looking caracter it will even default to he/him, that rant is just reducles and silly af!


reducles -> ridiculous


I kind of like the way “reducles” sounds in my head. “Rih-duck-uls”

reducles reducles reducles


Had a hell of a time trying to sound out what that word was trying to be


His two minute anti-pronoun rant made him look like a clown and was the last straw that made me unsub to his YouTube and unfollow him on X.

Part of me wants to have a “NO PRONOUNS” option. Just replace all uses of he/she/they/you/etc with the characters name, no matter how awkward that makes it read. Give Az exactly what Az wishes for.

No one will ever refer to Az by a pronoun again, Az will simply be Az regardless of if referring to Az in that fashion sounds weird as fuck and not like the way anyone would ever actually talk. But then Az will have to find another issue for Az to complain about, likely that other people are allowed to play as they see fit, even though Az is also allowed to play as Az sees fit.


This calls for everyone else to be aware of this social convention.

Kinda like someone asking about preferred pronouns.

proper, do xbox w Studio Behind EA's Magical FPS (Immortals of Aveum) Has Layoffs After Low Sales
@proper@lemmy.world avatar

I hadn’t even heard of this game til now. maybe that lack of marketing was a factor.


Obviously different marketing preferences, but I hadn’t stopped hearing about this game for months

@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

I don’t know if it’s the same game, but I saw a guy on YT make a little model glove thing as a sponsored prop for a game and I think it was this.

The talking points sounded like it was a cheap mobile game, and I only heard about it like a week before this.


The marketing really seemed to focus on the story, which definitely seemed like a bad idea.

“We came here to stop Sandrak from winning the Everwar.”

That line got blasted at me a thousand times. Who’s Sandrak, and who cares? Why are teen fiction writers taking charge of the war’s name?


I think releasing right between Baldur’s Gate 3 and Armored Core 6 was a bad idea.

LeylaLove, do gaming w Hideo Kojima Says Death Stranding 2 Will Redefine 'Strand'

Morbius 2 is going to recontextualize what “Morbin” is fr

RightHandOfIkaros, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

This is not a good sign.

leave_it_blank, do games w The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit

Rated PG. It can work (The old Mortal Kombat movie), but this looks like crap.


The casting alone is a reason to be skeptical.

Resol, do gaming w Half Of PlayStation Players Still Haven't Upgraded To PS5
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

PS3 lets me play online for free. Later consoles don’t.

PS3 plays CDs and stores media files on its internal hard drive. Later consoles are limited to external storage solutions for media playback (and no, streaming doesn’t count).

PS3 has a snazzy user interface. Later consoles have… a user interface, I guess.

PS3 plays PS1 disks. Some models even play PS2 disks. None of the later consoles do that, having a strong reliance on digital downloads for PS1 and PS2 compatibility, meaning some games are straight up limited to the earlier consoles.

PS3 even lets me transfer games and media to a PSP or PS Vita through a USB connection. Guess what, the later consoles straight up don’t do that.

Don’t have an HDTV? PS3 works with composite, component, and even S-Video in addition to working with HDMI. It even downscales Blu-ray Disks to fit on your super small screen. Got an HDTV? PS3 upscales your DVDs to fit your super big screen. Later consoles only work with HDMI, and I’m not sure if the upscaling/downscaling thing with DVDs and Blu-ray even works or not.

The choice is yours.


Pretty cool!

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Someone else mentioned the lack of a browser on the PS5 too. This doesn’t apply to PS4 so I didn’t mention it in my comment.

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