Templa, do gaming w Diablo 4's latest microtransaction controversy is a $30 portal recolor.

Path of Exile players pay this and more with a smile on their faces, but yeah the game is “free to play” (you can barely play the game without buying storage tabs).


For $20 you can buy enough stash tabs to happily play for years with nothing else. You do need more storage and the map tab is very helpful but most of the specialized tabs are not really needed. I have most of the specialized ones and I could easily live without them. So it’s a $20 game in my multi-1000 hours in-game opinion. The cosmetic microtransactions are a mixed bag but some are very cool. Compared to the money I spent on D4 which didn’t give me much in return, it is not in the same ballpark.

Blackmist, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

I had to look up a video to realise this wasn’t the “I guess that’s something I do now” game.

Looks like a confusing mess of a game tbh. When a game’s failure is blamed on it being released close to fucking Starfield, you know it never had much going for it.

rainynight65, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

Unlike many people in this thread, I actually have heard of the game. The makers of a podcast I follow loved it, and had the head of the studio on their show for a pretty frank interview, too. When I learned that there was a free demo, I decided I would give the game a try some time.

And in light of the overwhelming negativity in this thread, I did so last night. And what can I say? I spent an hour and change going through the prologue, the training and the first battle sequence, and I really enjoyed it. Movement and shooting slinging magic are great fun, with a diversity of spells available pretty much from the get-go. Just shoot, or throw a massive armor-breaking spell at a wave of enemies, or use a lash to pull a remote enemy close and whack them. I wouldn’t have know what to expect from the ‘CoD with magic’ premise but it’s really enjoyable so far.

The voice acting is very good, and while the facial animations are a bit uncanny valley, I am enjoying the snarky dialogues and matching facial expressions. Gina Torres has presence, and the rest of the cast so far blends in fine.

I will definitely spend some more time with the demo, and if it doesn’t annoy me too much, I might just buy this. And that seems to be the feedback the devs got from many people - once players actually get their hands on it, they actually enjoy it. According ton the studio head, sales have picked up towards Christmas, and they’ve been getting a lot of conversions from the free demo.

hswolf, avatar

I think the problem is just that, the game is… okay, not bad or good, just okay, unremarkable and forgettable.

If you want good sales you need to do something innovative and interesting, or something cliché but really well done.

Taking a look at Doom 2016 (also a single player shooter) we can see the core gameplay: Shoot demons, Pick up ammo, Shoot more demons. But it’s crafted so masterfully that you spend dozens or hundreds of hours doing just that.

Now with this game that I actually forgot the name mid comment, It’s… well you get the ideia.


If you want good sales you need to do something innovative and interesting, or something cliché but really well done.

Or a recognisable brand. Starfield got panned and still sold oodles.

Taking a look at Doom 2016 (also a single player shooter)

Case in point. Doom has a lot riding on its name and legacy, and many people will buy it just because of that.

reverendsteveii, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

I play a lot of single player shooters. One thing they all have in common is that I know they exist, which I’m thinking could potentially be part of the problem with this one. Based on reactions in this thread it seems like a lot of people are in the same position I’m in, where the first they hear of the game is when it’s being pronounced a flop. I’m getting big The Producers vibes.

guacupado, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

EA is a truly awful idea. I’m curious if their sports games are the only thing keeping them in business.


Well that, The Sims and the Star Wars license…

Draedron, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

I would love an AAA single player shooter. If it is done well and fun. So no chance EA could do it

steeznson, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

This game was the most AA shit I’ve ever seen. In the PS2 days it would have got a 7.5 average from most reviewers then it would have had a not-insignificant number of people pick it up.

They are delusional for thinking a UE5 asset flip is a AAA game.


Wait for the “Body Cam” games to flood the market with their UE5 asset flips. Its all shit.

RampantParanoia2365, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

“a AAA single-player shooter in today’s market was a truly awful idea”

Fucking what? Why? What in the actual fuck?


You have to remember that they mentally block out the idea that their game was a bag of wank.

HawlSera, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

Maybe if you market it at all so that I’ve actually fucking heard of it that’ll help?

Ilflish, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

I’ve been hearing rumblings of people complaining about current game advertisement cycles being too long. Immortals, is a great example of one too short. Announced at Summer Game Fest and released in August(?). We don’t need long Ad campaigns for old brands but if you want to market a new IP as Triple A you have to put in the work to reach unplugged gamers, and it barely reached plugged in gamers.


I also don’t want to be marketed at. If it’s good I’ll find out organically.

And I don’t want to find out about it at/before release-time. Because then I’ll want to buy it on release.

That’s the time the game is most buggy and least optimised (maybe also unbalanced too).

Complaining it didn’t sell well enough on release is some real crybaby stuff as well.

“It didn’t go exactly the best way I wanted it to go 😭😭”

Tarogar, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

“potential customer hears about product for the first time after it’s announced a flop”

I mean, a single player FPS… Oh it’s an EA game we are talking about! NEVERMIND.

Cethin, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

And I mean, that’s maybe where the problems lie. This game is all jank and all generics, with no specific thing to present except “OMG LOOK AT OUR GRAPHICS!!!”.

This is exactly what AAA gaming is. Some guys in suits dictate projects to make money. There’s no passion behind them. They can’t do anything unique or interesting because it may not make money. They just make safe games, and they’re generic and boring as hell.

Throbbing_Banjo, do games w After 10,000+ hours grinding, MapleStory's first level 300 player slams the brakes at 299.99 to rant about the MMO and then quit, all on a dev-promoted stream

That was a wild read. Just quit playing the game dude lol it’s not that complicated


Don’t you think that whole thing is simply a publicity stunt? Because it kinda looks like it and it seems to work…

InquisitiveApathy, (edited )

It’s definitely not a publicity stunt. I don’t know if you’ve ever played the game, but it is soul-crushingly grindy because leveling is the game. It’s been around for almost 20 years and every year they make it more and more pay to win.


So why didn’t he stop playing at level 100 or 200 or whatever but waited with this rant until almost level 300 in a stream with large attention? Pure coincidence? To me it looks like he wanted to go out with a bang and rage bait.

InquisitiveApathy, (edited )

The game has exponential level growth. The amount of time it takes to go from level 1-250 is like the same as the time it takes to go 298-299…everyone has a breaking point.

Edit: The article specified that he was leveling at about .065% per hour at the end. That’s over 1500 hours to go from level 299 to 300.


Per 2 hours even! Makes that 1500 hours


Oh damn, that’s even worse! Thanks for the correction, I edited my edit 😝


187 days of playing 8 hours a day. That’s insane.

Couldbealeotard, avatar

Exponential growth means that you would level up faster and faster at an ever increasing rate.

Perhaps you mean logarithmic growth, where the rate of increase keeps slowing down?


The exp required to level up increases exponentially, not the amount you earn

Couldbealeotard, avatar

I see.

InquisitiveApathy, (edited )

No, I dont and if you truly need to be pedantic a logarithmic curve makes even less sense. It’s a generally linear experience curve with each level being about 20-30% more than the previous, but the number get exceptionally large after a while. Level requirements aren’t scaled based on time required, they’re scaled on number of experience points required.

Edit: Sorry for the Reddit link but the image is too high res to attach in a comment. Exp Curve Visualization

Aielman15, avatar

Seriously. Why do gamers spend thousands of hours on games they hate. Life’s full of shit to do. Go play something else. Or, God forbid, touch some grass. Why waste the little time you have on earth doing something you don’t like.




Why do gamers spend thousands of hours on games they hate.

It's because that "hate" comes from a place of love, and isn't really hate at all. From the outside, it can be hard to understand, but the people who hate certain games the most are usually the biggest fans. They hate seeing squandered potential when something they love gets ruined by updates.

They don't hate the game, itself. They love the game, and they love what it could be under different circumstances. They love the memories they've had with the game, the connections they've made, the experiences they've shared. The "hate" they seem to have isn't really hate at all; it's passion. They love the game and want to see it in a better state. That's why they're so hyper critical, because they care the most.


Yup exactly. They see wasted potential, and that pisses them off. Because there’s something they truly want to enjoy, so watching the devs make seemingly dumb decisions can be incredibly frustrating.


Which is basically the same situation as being in an abusive relationship.

And all the people who keep coming back, knowing it will never actually improve, are ultimately deluding themselves in some kind of way, and are too addicted to want to stop, or too immature or stupid to realize that dedicating a ton of time and energy to something that on net lets you down or harms you is not a healthy way to live.


For this guy, it’s because it’s his job as a streamer


You realize that he’s a streamer and that playing games is his job, right?


Sunk cost fallacy. The more you pay the more painful it is to quit.

Ultragigagigantic, avatar

“Just leave your husband lol it’s not that complicated.”


It’s a fuckin game not a marriage

I also understand some people struggle with video game addiction as well but comparing it to being in an abusive relationship is just psychotic

littlebluespark, avatar



Jon Snow…


Just quit your job dude lol it’s not that complicated.


Lmfao oppressed gamer comparing a cringe anime game to a real life job


We do not live in the same reality lol


Try telling that to a Warthunder player, or League of Legends, or anything like that.

They know the games are ruining their lives but uh sunken cost fallacy.

Its always amazed me that people can become addicted to an actual negative experience that has many negative side effects… but half (more?) The games industry is built on that these days.


most addictions are negative like this


They’re addicted to the high of winning, which happens at random intervals. That’s the core of gambling addiction and MOBA addiction. They will win again… eventually. So they keep playing even though losing sucks.

Nelots, (edited )

“Over here [in Heroic] it’s free-to-play friendly, by a considerable margin,” niru begins, talking over a graphic showing the player distribution between the world types, with Heroic leading in global MapleStory by some margin. “Pay-to-win is accepted here [in Interactive World], but the free-to-play experience is awful and that’s what needs to be improved right now.”

(Edit: it’s not made clear in that quote so I’ll just mention it here, they play in an Interactive world)

I get addiction is real and it’s not easy to quit for some people. What I don’t get is that the game apparently has a different world type that is just better and he’s actively choosing not to play it instead. That’s like picking to play P2W poker where you can buy better hands and then complaining that it’s not fun when you could just go play real poker at the next table instead. At some point I just lose a lot of my sympathy for them.

flamingos, do games w After 10,000+ hours grinding, MapleStory's first level 300 player slams the brakes at 299.99 to rant about the MMO and then quit, all on a dev-promoted stream avatar
skye, avatar

gamers will use what little voice they have to place the spotlight on a shit game and giving it an award, getting people to buy that game. Holy shit this is stupid

I’d rather see “gamers” vote for actual good and fitting games for these awards, starving shit games from any attention and money.


Red Dead is a work of art. It’s just shameful that Rockstar has neglected it.

Starfield is such a piece of shit, it actually gets me upset thinking about how bad of an experience it was. I finished it just so I would know how it turns over and I’m still angry about it. Thankfully I waited until it was less than $50

skye, avatar

yeah i was mostly just thinking how stupid it is to vote for starfield as “most innovative gameplay”


Yeah I hear that. At one point I was thinking why didn’t they turn the ai generator on the random shit instead of the world. Like there’s all these worlds and only one package type for everything? The immersion could have been amazing if there was 50 different packages of Chunks or whatever.


If I paid for starfield I would have felt annoyed about it. Played it on game pass so probably spent half price or less on the subscription time. It was fine, but not full price fine.


Shit I played star field on game pass, which I get for free, and I’m still annoyed at how bad that game was. Didn’t even finish it


Red dead got labour of love for how shitty the dev situation was when working on the game tho.


If Labor of Love had to go to a huge project, it should have gone to CyberPunk 2077. The devs had it at least as bad, if not worse, and oh they actually massively significantly improved the game.

RDR2 has uh… do they even still add new clothes?


It doesn’t need to go to a huge project, it needs to go to a project that was supported for a long time by dedicated devs who like working on the game and put in their all into it etc. Red dead was literally all crunch, devs hated working on it, and it stopped immediately after release.


Still laughing at anyone who watched Fallout 76 happen then willingly purchased a Bethesda game before two weeks after release to allow for some actual reviews to happen and the hype train to lessen.


I mean, I never expect a Bethesda game to come without game breaking caveats on release.

They just used to be worth it anyways.


I fully believe that particular occurrence was just people blindly voting for the games they recognized. Tbh, I’d be more disappointed if it was a coordinated effort. Highlighting a smaller game that is is great would be exponentially more effective and beneficial than using the awards to complain about a game you don’t enjoy playing. The studios aren’t going to notice, and neither will most people (like me), so it’s really just wasted effort.


Nah dude. Both cases are incredibly famous for what they were voted for. It was countless people shitposting. There were other, better recognizable games in there. Like Red Dead 2 is from 6 years ago.


There were other, better recognizable games in there. Like Red Dead 2 is from 6 years ago.

That’s what the “Labor of Love” award is supposed to be for: games that are older, but the devs have continued to support them as a passion project.

Both of those games being ironically nominated for those awards is apropos.


Tbh, I did blindly vote for games I recognized or looked good in the screenshots/videos.


Just so you know, supposedly you don’t have to vote at all to get the rewards anymore.

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

It was you!

deft, do games w After 10,000+ hours grinding, MapleStory's first level 300 player slams the brakes at 299.99 to rant about the MMO and then quit, all on a dev-promoted stream

So should I play MapleStory or naw


do you have 10000 hours to spare?


Not unless you can afford to spend $3k/month on a glorified gacha game.

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