DrMango, do games w How the Assassin's Creed Mirage logo and its celebration of Arabic calligraphy came to life


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  • Dremor, avatar

    **You comment was removed for breaking Rule 2 : Be civil. **

    Sure Ubisoft have some bad business practice, I understand the sentiment, but we wish to keep this community as toxicity free as possible.


    Understandable. Have a nice day 👍

    Rose, do games w How the Assassin's Creed Mirage logo and its celebration of Arabic calligraphy came to life

    Mirage seems to be doing a great job at being respectful to the culture but I hope for a major game that gets people to change their view of Islam as inherently militant or in any way inferior to Christianity.

    Marsupial, avatar

    Oh I think it’s just as shit as Christianity.


    It is. But that is not said enough of times


    And the shitty militantism was accented/triggered by Christianity’s shitty militantism. Thanks crusades, the gift that keeps on shitting on.

    philycheezestake, do games w Assassin's Creed Mirage's narrative director fought to include the Alamut because it's so important for the lore

    I’m actually looking forward to an Assassin’s Creed game for the first time since AC3, has the modern day story gotten any more coherent?


    As far as I know - no I played Valhalla and enjoyed the gameplay but the story is just so gone now. I hope this new game has it brought back.

    harmonea, avatar

    Are they still working on buffing the shit out of the same modern day protagonist as before or what? I only got about halfway through Odyssey (but looked up the ending) and skipped Valhalla.


    I still can’t believe they haven’t just ditched the modern day stuff


    At this point I agree. I loved the modern day stuff up until the end of 3. But then Black Flag just made it a boring slog with maybe one or two good ideas.


    In AC: Odyssey it gave you the option to outright skip the modern day sections


    Not any personal interest in Black Flag? Tbf, my opinion is that it’s a great game but not a good Assassin’s Creed game


    I can’t believe they didn’t create any mods for BF, could easily have been like Skyrim in terms of longevity. People would have added full on trading and fleet mods like the old school Syd Meyers games. What a waste of dev time to create so much potential and justet it die.


    Ubisoft did finally make a stand alone version that’s in beta right now. Skull and Bones. They promised all the cool stuff we wanted and it’s totally separate from assassin’s Creed, but unfortunately they seemed to have botched it and there’s even fewer features than in Black Flag. Ubisoft just doesn’t seem to be able to make anything else except progressively worse AC games.


    Hey! They also can drive Far Cry and all the Tom Clancy series into the ground, while also forgetting the rest of their beloved series even existed.


    Oh I loved Black Flag but I wasn’t excited for it like the previous titles and the present day stuff was just kinda spinning it’s wheels while making meta jokes about Ubisoft.


    Very fair! I go back to replay it with excitement and it always drops off my face when I remember how god awful the present day stuff is… can’t believe it took until Odyssey to give us an option to skip

    skhayfa, do games w How the Assassin's Creed Mirage logo and its celebration of Arabic calligraphy came to life

    It’s written Al makhfi-المخفي the hidden one in Arabic. They should have mentioned the brilliant artist name hatem arafa @hatem_arafa The eagle he designed for the soundtrack cover is Even more amazing.

    kryllic, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead avatar

    They released the game 5 years too late, it was clearly made for a different market

    Kolanaki, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead
    !deleted6508 avatar

    And yet I find myself not wanting to play it at all after only 80 hours.

    Chailles, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead avatar

    We can just wait for the mod that recreates Skyrim in Starfield.

    Dr_Cog, avatar

    Land on a planet, you step off the ship, and you suddenly get captured. Hard cut to black.

    Slow fade in… “you’re finally awake”

    Chailles, avatar

    “Walked right into that UC ambush, same as us and that thief over there.”

    “That’s Solomon Freestar! The true High King of Skyrim!”

    And the dragons are just space ships and the souls you absorb are just… uh… radiation I guess from damaging the reactor. Or the magic space civilization from Starfield originated from here, so that’s why everyone has magic.

    I’m not backing down from the space ship dragons though, that part is just brilliant.


    “Spaceships are dragons” Buddy we all know you’re just trying to make an excuse for your vore mod.

    “No, no, you need a warm and soft fleshy interior which you have to enter through the mouth, how else would you have dragon spaceships”

    We all know how this goes

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Why do I have to enter through the mouth? What if I want to take the backdoor and be less conspicuous?


    God I love Lemmy lmfao

    Chailles, avatar

    It’s just a coincidence the airlock happen to be teeth shaped. A teeth pattern ensures none of the air escapes.

    Pratai, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

    If that’s the case, wouldn’t they have made it interesting?

    RealFknNito, avatar

    “basically we made a coloring book. It’s bland, boring, but some talented artists will add onto the poorly fleshed out systems later and keep it alive for five years. We love our modding community.”

    Watching Bethesda scrape together this new IP and it just being… Average… Is disheartening. I hope they’re just channeling their good ideas in ES6 but I’m losing faith.

    Zoomboingding, avatar

    I lost faith when the lead creative left like 6 years ago

    Edgelord_Of_Tomorrow, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

    Years of loading screens




    I was actually pretty impressed with the loading, especially after coming from bg3. It was pretty much instant for me.


    Coming from bg3, I had the opposite opinion. BG3 loading screens take a while but it doesnt load very much unless your loading saves a lot. With Starfield you get hit with a small loading screen constantly like when transitioning in/out of ships, buildings, planets, etc.


    I save scum like a mother so bg3 was pretty painful to get through. Starfield was a breath of fresh air.


    For me it’s not the speed, but the quantity. Docking? Loading screen. Launching off planet? Loading screen. Changing planet? Loading screen. Landing on the same planet? Loading screen. The only solution is to fast travel everywhere in an “immersive” space sim RPG. NMS and Elite:Dangerous have solved this issue. Bethesda needs to get with the times already.

    CubbyTustard, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead


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  • newthrowaway20,

    I get that, but to me it all feels like cookie cutter material. Maybe I’m not searching right, and maybe I haven’t discovered enough, but I can’t help but feel extremely whelmed.


    from what I've seen, it does look pretty formulaic, functionality-wise

    p03locke, avatar

    Soooo, The Outer Worlds?


    In terms of exploration, it’s very similar to No Man’s Sky, another boring space game. Every planet has similar terrain, similar plants and animals, similar goals, and similar structures. The differences are ambient light shades, colors and patterns on the plants and animals, and clutter in the artificial areas. The player can go scan life forms and blast bad guys. That’s about it.

    But I don’t see how it could be any other way. How else does a studio scale up a galaxy such that every one of the 1000-odd planets is its own unique, interesting, engaging snowflake of a setting without spending hundreds of employee-years on each one?

    Maybe AI will be the answer, but I’m not holding my breath.


    There’s nothing like making a somewhat decent shell of a game, and then counting on unpaid labor to make it worth the price to play it.



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  • Pratai, (edited )

    Skyrim and fallout were also complete Games when they were released. However, they were buggy disasters. It took tons of modders to fix them and make them what they are today.

    And bethesda didn’t have to lift a finger.

    … but don’t let me get in the way of that blind loyalty of yours. You’ve got that “new game honeymoon” thing going on. You should enjoy it while it lasts.



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  • Pratai,



    People not liking a game you like isn’t them being “entitled”


    Tons of people put dozens of hours into Skyrim in its launch month. It wasn’t a “buggy disaster”.


    Isn’t that kinda the entire point to Bethesda games and has been since at least oblivion? The modability of their games has long been their big selling point.


    If the selling point it’s that they require mods to work correctly, and they don’t pay those that out in the countless hours to make them, they shouldn’t make games. Period.

    I refuse to support this bullshit.


    And that’s completely fine too. But plenty enjoy and support it anyway, it’s working pretty well for them so far whether that pleases you or not.

    Miclux, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

    Empty, lifeless, soulless without a deep story.


    Such as life. Or space, in general.


    So where are the space hookers?


    They realized that modders were going to overhaul the game in any way, so they just gave us a blank canvas instead.


    Out of everything else, this is the most scathing criticism of this game I’ve seen 🤣

    !deleted6508 avatar

    It’s funny and true; I have no desire to continue playing and yet I am still excited to get my hands on the toolkit and make my own shit because all I see are missed opportunities everywhere. Honestly, I kinda wonder how into sci-fi the devs actually are, because everything is surface-level and misses the mark on a lot of referencial material so often.

    mrbogus, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

    Vast and “Empty” ==/== years of content

    BadLackey, (edited ) do games w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like"

    I would pay good money for a stand-alone ME3 Multiplayer remake with all the bugs fixed, new maps, and less BS grind. I think I put almost 2000 hours into the multiplayer and still don’t have all the guns unlocked/upgraded

    vzq, do games w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like"

    I really really liked ME1 and 2. Sure, there are some nits to pick, especially with the act 2 gameplay (stupid mako, silly scanner), but they are great games.


    ME2 is a good game in isolation, but I think it played a big part in getting Bioware where they are now.

    ME2 saw them move far, far more into the action-RPG direction that was wildly popular at the time, with a narrative that was in retrospect just running in place (ME2 contributes effectively nothing towards the greater plot and zero major issues are introduced if it is excised from the trilogy). I feel the wild success ME2 saw after going in this direction caused Bioware to (a) double down on trend chasing, and (b) abandon one of their core strengths of strong, cohesive narratives. ME3 chased multiplayer shooter trends, DA:I and ME:A both chased open world RPG trends, Anthem chased the live service trend, and the first try at DA3 chased more live service stuff before Anthem launched to shit and they scrapped the whole thing to start over.

    All while, of what I saw first hand (of those I played) or read about secondhand (of those I did not play) none of those games put any serious focus on Bioware’s bread&butter of well written narratives. ME3 in particular is a narrative mess, with two solid payoffs (Krogans + Geth-Quarians) and the rest being some of the worst writing I’ve seen in a major video game.

    ME2 was great. ME2 also set Bioware on a doomed path.


    ME2 vastly expanded the universe of mass effect from the very bare bones level of the first game. It makes the reapers into more than vague robot threat that kills the universe every so often. It established other races as more than basic caricatures. You can keep the basic narrative intact without it, but you lose the sense of payoff in 3 without seeing krogan as a dying race, geth as a sentient race that deserves equality, and the truly desperate nature of the nomadic quarians.

    3 was pretty good until the final ending that was clearly rushed in establishing the full reasoning behind each choice. Yes it had multi-player tacked on, but it was clearly a rushed effort and cutting it wouldn’t have fixed the story. The multi-player is also the best coop gameplay I’ve ever played and nothing has came close to the feel. You’re problems with 3 and other Bioware releases seem directly related to the broad direction EA was forcing everyone down.


    There is a big failing in ME2 that made me sad: the shift to a human centric story and universe.

    ME3 I don’t see anything interesting in the scenario right from the start. It’s very similar to DAI btw.


    Ah that’s true, I realize it now that you put it your finger in it: ME2 is really a “let’s tour the universe” kind of story fleshing out the background of known races (and adding new ones) and places.


    I think you’re putting an awful lot of blame on ME2. Visceral combat in no way precludes good storytelling.


    This is very true. And it’s ironic because when I saw BG3 I thought that bioware paved the way for it. They had everything to make a BG3 since kotor and nwn2, they successfully kick-started their own IP with ME and DAO, but they went on the path of ME3 and DAI instead.

    They mistakenly thought the kotor and neverwinter nights ways were different. And then they failed at adapting to the openworld era.

    big_duck_energy, do games w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like" avatar

    I absolutely loved Dragon Age: Inquisition, don’t hate me.


    Origins was amazing DAII was serviceable Varric did a lot of heavy lifting. DA:Inquisition I played 10 minutes of and dropped it.

    I played all games in succession after buying on steam too.


    Calling DA2 serviceable is probably some of the highest praise it’s received. The game is steaming dookie. It took out every single thing that made Origins a masterpiece and gave us a dialogue wheel and an entire game made of 5 copy+pasted rooms. Also a nonsensical main plot with no real player agency and the most forgettable ending of all.

    DAI is mid af but it looks like a God damn masterpiece next to DA2.


    Don’t feel bad, man. I’m one of the 6 folks who enjoyed DA2.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I’m also one of that small number. It’s actually my favorite in the series.

    Mass Effect 2 is also my least favorite in the series, so I know I’m in the minority for both franchises.


    If they hadn’t reused the maps it’d been remembered as one of the greats.

    I also thought the balance on Nightmare or whatever was an atrocious mix of ubertank enemies and getting one-shot by rogues but the actual story and companions were fantastic.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I can only imagine how good DA2 would have been if BioWare had been given more than a year and a half to make it.

    Murais, avatar

    I guess that makes me number 3?

    The ending was a bit silly, but the Qunari storyline was fucking incredible.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    When I found out that fight with Orsino had been mandated by higher ups who demanded another boss fight be added, it explained so much.


    What exactly do you mean by that? Like, he could have indeed been a well meaning mage just trying to live under templar thumbs? Instead of also being exactly the smoking gun?

    !deleted7120 avatar

    The Orsino fight doesn’t make much sense if you side with the mages - there was no reason for him to go Akira monster when he did. Even BioWare acknowledged how little sense it made, in a conversation you can have with Varric in Inquisition.


    Listen, it might’ve looked cheap as fuck, but I found a certain charm in the “every dungeon interior is just one of three dungeons with different parts blocked off”. Plus the combat flowed really well. I played that whole game through like… 5 times. One right after the other.


    If you play it after coming off Mass Effect 1, the “every colony bunker or mine is one of three options” regardless of the planet just becomes part of that Old BioWare’s aesthetic.


    Great ideas, cool combat system, great art style and graphics, ruined by writing that was somehow chaotic and utterly predictable at the same time and stupid ass kill ten rats/fetch 10 letters filler quests.


    The combat got pretty repetitive imo. Though that wasn’t helped by just how many times you had to do the same fights against rifts/tears etc


    Didn’t finish but liked it a lot more than most people.


    Well I wasn’t planning on hating you but due to my compulsive contrarianism we are now bitter enemies. See you in Hell and have a nice day!

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