conciselyverbose, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’

Suits like this should permanently get everything you own, including subsidiaries and parent companies, placed in the public domain immediately.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Sure would be nice to be able to read those links.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Are you not able to? I don’t have a problem


The second one is behind a paywall/requires an account.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Weird, doesn’t seem to be the case for me.

Try this one


Ya, that one worked. Thanks for the link.

Sanctus, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’ avatar

Finite people, wasting finite time, on abstract concepts. “Don’t you think of us when you read the letter ‘R’?” No, I think of a Rhinoceros.


“Don’t you think of us when you read the letter ‘R’?” No, I think of a Rhinoceros.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Metal_Zealot, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’ avatar

Remember when King tried to trademark the word Candy?


I didn’t know about this one. The first one that popped in my head was this

“In 2016, the Fine Brothers, formerly known as FBE, attempted to trademark the word “react” for their reaction videos.”

Metal_Zealot, avatar

Lol I forgot about that too! Fucking morons

kindenough, avatar

Me too, looked it up just now, still 20 million followers. Loads and loads of morons.


Remember when Apple invented rectangles with rounded edges?

maxenmajs, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’ avatar

Bullshit lawsuit. The two R logos are quite distinctive. Rockstar has their iconic star and Remedy’s R is whatever it is.

Shelbyeileen, avatar

Thank you for this. It’s a pretty shit article when they don’t show the comparison.

Poggervania, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’ avatar

Never forget the time Bethesda went after Notch for the word “scroll” being used for another one of Notch’s games.

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’

Not surprising given Take-Two's history when it comes to trademark disputes. I'm pretty sure they went after the developers of It Takes Two because of the name, plus any random business that has Rockstar in the name.

DebatableRaccoon, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’

I really wish I wasn’t surprised they’d be this petty. Yet another day in the greedy corpo world

nx2, do gaming w Diablo 4's latest microtransaction controversy is a $30 portal recolor. avatar

it died a long time ago


With the Worldstone.

troyunrau, do gaming w Diablo 4's latest microtransaction controversy is a $30 portal recolor. avatar

All six people who still play Diablo 4 probably bought it though…

NegativeLookBehind, avatar

Shockingly, it appears that it still has an average 480k daily players

blindsight, do gaming w Diablo 4's latest microtransaction controversy is a $30 portal recolor.

$30 cosmetic microtransactions are reasonable in Path of Exile, imho. But it’s free-to-play, and most of their MTX are purely cosmetic.

To get the “full” experience, I suppose you’ll want to drop a retail-box-price on a supporter pack to get some stash tabs, but you can reasonably play the game to end game content (30+ hours of play time for the first time for a new player, I’d guess?) without spending a cent.

But MTX in a game that’s over $100CAD on release? ಠ_ಠ

AFallingAnvil, (edited ) avatar

Reasonable? Big pass from me chief. Grinding Gear Games isn’t some indie studio that needs every penny anymore, they just used the inertia to get people used to dropping 300$ on a game


I haven’t played much since before Ascendancy Classes were added to the game, so I’m well out of the loop (although I do keep up with some of the news), so maybe I’m still emotionally attached to the studio I started following in alpha.

That said, I don’t really have a problem with their business model. They need to get paid, and they don’t sell game-breaking MTX, beyond needing a map tab, a currency tab, and a premium quad tab. I don’t regret the money I spent on supporter packs; I got over a thousand hours out of the game.


$300? I’ve met people that buy the highest supporter pack tier every year plus the highest supporter pack from the seasons. That can add up to over $1k/year.

I think at this point I probably have more than $300 in MTX too, but I paid much more than that to FFXIV sub since 2014.

verysoft, (edited )

There's no such thing. It's just milking people who are crazy enough to fall into the trap of buying them.
$30 is not a microtransaction, thats a macrotransaction, thats an entire other video game.

Free to play doesnt give a game a pass on predatory business tactics, they are free to play for one reason only... to sell you worthless pixels for ridiculous prices. F2P games are designed for that purpose and that purpose only.

But I agree that any paid game should have zero MTX, cosmetic or not. Industry is killing its creative aspect with all this monetisation shit.


I spent about 40 bucks on poe. I don't think it's worth spending much more. It's a trap.

Maestro, avatar

I spent about the same on a couple of stash tabs during a sale. I don't regret it. The game gave me a couple of hundred hours of fun. That's more than most games

KairuByte, do gaming w Diablo 4's latest microtransaction controversy is a $30 portal recolor. avatar

Didn’t this happen years ago with a mount in WoW?

SteefLem, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" avatar

Is this a single player shooter? I thought it was multi player? And theres nothing wrong with single player shooters “in todays market” look at jedi fallen order great game and singlr player. But a shit game is a shit game single or multi.


It's worse than shit, it's mediocre.

At least people talk about shit games, which means some people buy a copy just because they're curious.

Mediocre stuff? No one's interested.

twoface_99, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

The issue is not the genre “single player (shooter)” itself, but that these big companies just churn out the same generic bullshit and then act surprised when no-one plays it.

AAA studios just don’t have the balls anymore to take a risk and develop something unique. And this is their downfall.

Titanfall 2, Metro Exodus, Ghostwire Tokyo, Doom (to name a few) are all excellent first person shooters. All of them have something unique about them that makes them worthwhile.


Goes to show that making a good game is still more art than science.

Hell, make a broken or buggy game, if it has the special something it'll still likely become a classic.

Eg. Fallout New Vegas or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.


Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2 had one of the most acclaimed single-player campaigns, with it being only a few hours long and mostly a showcase to get people on multiplayer, and it was still enough.


Quite seriously I am actually looking to attempt to solo indie dev a sort of fps/tactics/management hybrid FPS that would at least start out as single player, and titanfall 2’s gameplay is something I am drawing inspiration from.

My basic idea is: What if you had the squad management and mission planning depth of basically Xenonauts, but you actually played out the missions in first person, with combat systems and load outs and player (and enemy) capabilities that resembled titanfall2’s mix of athletecism and gunplay?

Im in very early stages, but yeah basically titanfall2/xenonauts hybrid with (this is likely the hard part) procedurally generated, 3d levels, strung together with a kind of narrative generation engine, something sort of like rimworld’s system that simulates world conditions and then generates certain events based off of them, but also responds to certain specific things you do or do not do in mission, or what missions you choose to embark on over others.

Probably Im gonna focus on core gameplay systems and not really worry about graphics or assets at all until I can get any of this to an actual working concept level.

ampersandrew, avatar

So like Rainbow Six 1-3's mission planning mode?


Probably similar in many ways, but ideally I would like to make it as or more in depth with other features from something like xenonauts.

Youve got resources such as vehicles of differing kinds you may choose to deploy or not, but you have to store them somewhere and also be able to repair them. All this comes from pools of funding from at first probably just completing a mission according to guidelines, but some things take maybe an R&D program or just outright raiding a rival faction or something.

Maybe you want to go a more special forces type route and have a few exceptionally well trained / equipped soldiers and leverage things like helicopters to do infil and exfil and leverage the element of surprise.

Maybe you want to act more like a conventional military and go with larger numbers with decent equipment and a wider array of possible vehicles and support systems.

Maybe you want to focus as much as possible on gathering intel before missions, maybe you want a more intelligent active battlefield info you can access in mission via various sensors.

So… what I am aiming for is something that eventually allows for a more broad array of mission profiles and sort of map archetypes, which, depending on many factors, will have surprises that may occur, like an enemy force having the ability to call for reinforcements that maybe you did not know about, and might force you to withdraw.

Or maybe some missions will take place with a relatively high number of civillian AI running around and your org you work for/run will suffer massively if you just go scorched earth.

I dunno, these are all ambitions at this point, and Im going to focus on at the very least getting a functional combat prototype done first, and then testing out how well that and what I can make combat AI actually do actually works.

Its possible I’ll find some kind of thing that really works well, or really doesn’t work, and change scope significantly.

So far all I have really figured out is that a near future setting would seem to work best with the scope of either my minimal working concept, or a more extended version of it.


ampersandrew, avatar

Best of luck. But yes, there's a good chance your scope is too large, so definitely start small.


Oh hey Im surprised that all even posted, my connection crapped out right as I hit send.

But uh haha yeah.

My one saving grace is I have a lot of time on my hands.

But I expect it to take probably at least 6 months before I even have what Id consider a working combat prototype with a variety of different weapons and Ai routines, and maybe a barebones model of a procedural map generator.

Im guessing that me soloing a whole project like this could take 3 years, but if I can get a prototype working, I might have enough money to pay for some 3D assets to speed up dev time a bit.

Almost certainly not enough money to hire anyone lol, and I really really do not want to do kickstarter or early access and deal with the community and possible total failure.

Im the exact opposite of a PR person.

yamanii, avatar

Titanfall 2 also bombed, even a good game can flop if your marketing sucks or if you release it next to other massive hits.

Chainweasel, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

Single player shooter’s aren’t bad or even unpopular right now. But I think people are beginning to realize that anything that has EA’s name attached to it is trash and just avoid it on principal.

Badeendje, avatar

Jup, even new iterations of their older IP seem to be devolving instead of taking that which was fun and expanding on it.

Maybe they should use all these behaviour experts to investigate why people keep playing games instead of figuring out how to maximally predate on your customer base.

Ubi does the same. I found the last farcy so Uninteresting that I stopped playing somewhere mid game. And the first signals from their pirate game are also not encouraging, while I know many people that looked forward to it.


Everyone in the single player fps demo is replaying the old good games, or seeking out like custom doom wads or the occasional actually good indie fps single player game, having at this point long given up on large studios being able to make a compelling single player fps.

Sure, a lot of us enjoy lots of other kinds of games too, but good lord is there an unscratchable itch for a new, compelling FPS campaign thats actually interesting and challenging.

ampersandrew, avatar

It's boomer shooters or nothing in that space right now. We're starving out here. On my radar in the coming year or two are Mouse, Core Decay, and Agent 64, but no one knows what kind of quality we'll get out of those. Also, is it a crime to just throw in some competitive multiplayer that's meant to be played a handful of times with friends instead of being the next e-sport?

chemical_cutthroat, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" avatar

Big “no one understands my art” vibes coming off that dev. You made a mediocre game for an outrageous amount and released it in one of the heaviest gaming release years in recent memory. Sorry, this year a new IP with a 74% on metacritic doesn’t cut it. They say EA dropped 40mil on the advertising for it, but this is litterally the first I’ve heard about it, and frankly I’m the target audience for this game. I bet this shit was shoved down the throats of Fortnight and Valorant players via tiktok.


Same. Those 40mil probably went into someones pocket, not surprising noone is playing the game

M137, avatar

No one is playing it because it’s very “meh”, but it has absolutely been widely advertised and also talked about a lot (for being not so good).

I really doubt any of you who replied here saying you haven’t heard about it ever interact with gaming journalism and community. It has been just as visible as most other AAA games.

Jaysyn, avatar

I had never heard of it either until this post.

snooggums, avatar

This is the first time for me as well, and it sounds likely to be the last.


I heard about it when Skill Up, whose YouTube channel I have notifications turned on for, posted his review of it. Before that, I'd seen absolutely nothing about it, and I heard very little about it after that, too. I was shocked to find out it was an EA game - partly because it didn't look (visually) polished enough to be an EA game, and partly because of the complete lack of marketing I'd seen for a major publisher game.

Finding out it was an expensive flop and not just a smaller AA game they decided to put out on the side is a surprise, too.

M137, avatar

I’m not really the target audience and I’ve come across it what must be hundreds of times. It has been talked about a lot on anything gaming. Most of the big gaming journalism (good and bad) websites, youtube channels etc have made articles and videos about it.

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