thingsiplay, do gaming w Positive ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ User Reviews Split Unusually From Critics

My theory is, that most people who don’t like the idea of Suicide Squad simply don’t buy and do not play. As there was enough warning before and lot of YouTubers hating on the game; even before it was playable.

twistedtxb, do gaming w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins avatar

No Series S owner will be mad if a game has Series X specific exclusive content. MS is shooting itself in the foot


I think people would be mad. Imagine you play a game at your friend’s home on his Series X, and then proceed to buy the game so you can play multiplayer online, only to then have a certain features or game modes missing (say you get team death match but not battle royale because it uses too much memory).

It’s not that easy to communicate feature disparity. Some people probably don’t even know which Xbox they have.

acastcandream, (edited )

At some point, it’s on you to know what your machine can and can’t handle. They put big letters on the front of each game telling you if it’s able to play on the series X and series S. It is right there lol. 

Also, with smart delivery, it would probably be trivial for Microsoft to have a modal pop up saying “this game is not optimized for series S and will not play, do you still want to purchase?”

No, the real issue here is developers (not their fault mind you). The moment Microsoft says “you don’t have to make it playable on the S,“ they simply won’t. Because why would you? 


A dev team is more likely to axe Xbox release or features. So because S won’t have enough memory/gpu grunt, X won’t be getting that feature either.


Why would they completely abandon Xbox just because the series S won’t be required? 


S is required if you want to release a game on X. This means you cannot leverage the technical maximum of X, ever, because the game and all it’s features must run on S.

acastcandream, (edited )

Yes we know. The comment at the top of this chain is talking about whether or not Microsoft could stop allowing that requirement and the potential blowback. Scroll to the top and start from the beginning you’ll see. 


You still don’t seem to comprehend what I said. Hint: not about blowback.

acastcandream, (edited )

We know microsoft’s current policy. It’s obvious we do. Please stop this and discuss the topic at hand or move on.


Are you really not comprehending what I said? To re-iterate: the cost-to-returns ratio to spend man hours for certain features is not feasible because of how much time would need to be spent. This, at worst means some titles will simply not have feature X, and at average means the “worst first” development method means some games will just be worse, than they could have been, if it were merely X, PS5 and PC to consider.

I think we agree that MS bungled their approach and overestimated that cloud powered gaming would take off. But the reality of it is that S has become a thing that holds down game development, and like with BG3, gives sony pseudo exclusivity on consoles. It’s also likely what caused 343 to never ship couch-coop on Halo. It worked to some extent, but simply wasn’t worth the hours to finish for S.

Sooner or later MS has to tackle the issue somehow, and if I had to guess, they’ll rather push for a 0.5 gen jump instead of just screwing with people who bought S.

It’s easier to say a game is “newest gen optimized” than to backtrack on their promise.

If you are talking about something completely different, then no worries, carry on. This was merely my 2 cents on the topic.


Are you really not comprehending what I said?

I guess not and frankly I just don’t feel like speaking further with you given the completely needless hostility over what is likely just our talking at cross purposes. Have a good one.

red, (edited )

I did not mean that in a hostile way. I asked because you kept replying to my comments, but disregarding their content while telling me to stop talking.

Based on the vote ratio, other people got the point just fine and didn’t feel like they needed to tell me to be silent or scroll back up.

Sorry if it felt hostile.


sorry if it felt hostile.

It did because it was. Are you really not comprehending what I said?

This is “I’m sorry you feel that way” patronizing nonsense man.

Gaywallet, avatar

This is a reminder to be nice on our instance


Yep and a lot of times, we won’t even hear about it. It’ll just be another game that happens to be on Playstation and not Xbox, a defacto exclusive of sorts.


If a game can’t run on the Series S it means it also can’t be ported to the PC. Turn down the resolution and graphics settings until you get the same fps target and continue in with your day.

I would expect any game from a developer that complains about this to be so poorly optimized that it runs like it would on the Series S on the bigger consoles, and likely have garbage gameplay as well because they spent all of their budget on graphics.

!deleted7120 avatar

Ok, but game they’re talking about here, Baldur’s Gate 3, runs just fine on PC. But they can’t get a specific feature to run on Series S that can run on X. You might want to read the article before commenting?


Hell it runs on a steam deck

snowbell, avatar

What. None of this comment makes any sense.


Problem is that it can turn into a slippery slope. Where should MS draw the line if they start to allow Series X exclusive content? Can developers cut entire game modes from the S version if they just ask kindly enough? Or maybe ignore the S version completely? The risk is that developers are going to abuse this opportunity.

MS wants people to see the Series S as a viable purchase. Why should you buy it when you won’t be able to play the next big release in full?


Yes, they should be able to say "this game doesn't run on series S" because it's significantly worse than the other options and it doesn't deserve the work it takes. It doesn't even have CPU parity, which is a much bigger deal than less GPU cores.


That will just betray all the customers who bought Series S. Will they upgrade to a Series X to play the next big thing? No, they will probably just buy a PS5 instead. Why should they continue to stay loyal with MS?


It's not capable.

They might have made the bed and be stuck in it, but it was a bad plan that substantially sabatoges the actual next gen console.


It was a stupid promise and even worse requirement for publishing a game on the platform.

They should start considering them just different consoles and remove the parity (and requirement to release on both).


How is it any different than the number of games coming out that betray all the things they promised?

As a series S owner, I never expected this thing to be able to play modern AAA games for 7-10 years like previous gens. It’s delusional. It was $300 with a controller ffs lol

yogthos, do gaming w Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!) avatar

Personally, I just don’t have time or energy to play big AAA games for the most part. I very much prefer smaller indie games nowadays, and Steam Deck has those in spades. I would wager a lot of older gamers are in the same boat.

HATEFISH, do games w ‘Dota 2’ Adds ‘Street Fighter’ Style Fighting Game In Crownfall Update

The fact that they included frame data for a game so simple makes me wonder if they’ve considered a dota fighter like League is doing with 2XKO.

garretble, do games w ‘Fortnite’ Has Actually Made The Metaverse After Everyone Else Quit avatar

If Fortnite is the definition of “metaverse” we are using now, then woof.


true, but it is surely a testament to how miserably Zucky has failed

garretble, avatar

That true. He did fail spectacularly.

Gork, do gaming w ‘The Walking Dead’ Just Released A Shocking, Hilariously Bad Game

What the hell. The article has major show spoilers on the first damn sentence.


That episode aired in 2010, and they’re pretty much just describing the trailer for the game


Seriously? If you haven’t see the ending of the first season by now you don’t get to complain about spoilers.


I’m the biggest The Walking Dead fan! I almost made it to the third episode!

Catastrophic235, avatar

Someone spoiled the Dead Space remake ending for me a week before it even came out.


Having never played either, is the remake ending different from the original ending?

Lamb, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

I wish I could get a partial money back if I played 2-3 hours because the game is crap…

Princeali311, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Man, did any of you read the article?

“Zelnick is admitting that even though maybe this should be the case, that because of the nature of the market, there simply cannot be a pricing model like that, and the move to $70 recently is sort of the maximum they can hope for.”


There absolutely can be a market like that. We’re in a digital utopia where we don’t actually own anything. You could even have a cutoff, where playing more doesn’t charge you more. Gamers might even accept that, in a weird way. You rent it per hour up to 70 hours, and then you just “own” it.

But I suspect most of his stats show that there’s a huge number of people out there who will spend $70 on a game on day one, play it for 10 hours and never touch it again. RDR2 for example has a 30% completion rate on PSN. 31% didn’t even finish the first chapter. And he certainly doesn’t want to say goodbye to that money.

I don’t want a market like that because it will lead to even more time-wasting and busywork in games than there already is. But maybe that would backfire. If you played 10 hours of a game and it was mostly trudging about doing nothing, would you pay to play more of it?

people_are_cute, avatar

there simply cannot be a pricing model like that

Microtransactions? Battle passes? Episodic releases? Is the guy purposefully playing dumb?


Goes further back than that. In the late 90s early 2000s basically all 3 of the MMOs on the market were subscription models (Ultima, Everquest, and Warcraft are the ones that spring to my mind). Essentially a pay per time scheme where if you were playing the game you paid for it monthly.

This guy is just so far down the modern game industry rabbit hole he forgot that it wasn’t as profitable as the soul sucking microtransaction/whaling hellscape that’s become the norm.

beefcat, avatar

This is Lemmy, nobody reads the article. They just react to the headline they know is cherry picked and find a way to work it into whatever circlejerk suits their fancy.

RaoulDook, (edited )

I’m still not going to buy games at $70. I don’t care enough about their BS to pay that much.

Plenty of great games in the $20 to $30 market all day long. I’ve put a few hundred hours into a handful of games that were that cheap over the last few months and have bought zero $50+ games. [EDIT: I did buy Zelda TOTK for $50, correction]

For example, I would like to buy Armored Core 6 but I’m not going to pay the “discounted” price of $53 that it’s available at now. I can wait until it’s further discounted, while I play lots of other games that I already have.

Wahots, avatar

I bought the new Zelda game for $70, and while fun, didn’t feel worth $70. I won’t be paying $70 anymore. Most games just can’t put out the value required unless they actually build the game from the ground up with a phenomenal story, good replayability and (optional) co-op.

You guys are competing against Deep Rock Galactic, Baldur’s Gate 3, Subnautica, Battlefield 1, Risk Of Rain 2 / Risk of Rain Returns, and many other total gems. If you aren’t beating those high standards, you can’t charge $70.


I actually did buy the new Zelda but I waited until I found it on sale for $50 a few weeks after launch. It was a temporary deal but I knew it would likely be the best price on TOTK for a long time given the trend of high prices staying high for Switch games. My kid and I are still playing it so it was worth the high price considering the market status quo.

them, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

There’s a concept that should be familiar to a business owner called value based pricing where you charge based upon a (usually service) product’s perceived value rather than the cost of producing it. Make a game worth giving time and money to then you’ll have success. Fill it with pointless content to pad out the hours and it is neither worth the time nor the money

MomoTimeToDie, do games w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins

Yeah, the series s was a great decision in the short term, but was always going to create a lot of problems as the current generation progressed. Because while it kept consoles on shelves during the initial launch and chip shortage, and pulled in people who would ordinarily balk at the cost, the promise of next Gen support for the series s was always going to come back and bite Microsoft in the ass when more games started to push the consoles limits.

In this regard, Sony was way smarter in just extending the ps4 lifespan since developers can just drop it any time without the existing user base feeling like the got scammed since the ps4 never had promises of running concurrent to the ps5 like the series s does.

woelkchen, do games w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins avatar

They could just remove split-screen entirely on Xbox and then Series S would run it just fine (that’s what they did on Steam Deck).

yesterdayshero, avatar

Let’s say that’s something Microsoft would even allow, it diminishes the ability to compete with the PS5. Why would I get a Series X if there’s a chance that some big game launches will have less features than other current gen platforms?

Microsoft really hamstrung this generation of consoles by releasing the S and demanding it runs feature parity with the X.

woelkchen, avatar

Let’s say that’s something Microsoft would even allow

Games launch with different features between consoles all the time.

it diminishes the ability to compete with the PS5.

Not getting the games at all even more so.

Why would I get a Series X if there’s a chance that some big game launches will have less features than other current gen platforms?

Why would you get a Series X if games don’t launch at all because of Series S parity mandate?

Nothing you wrote really is an argument for why launching BG3 without split screen on any Xbox is worse than not launching at all.

yesterdayshero, avatar

Hey guys, you should get a Series X because BG3 is coming out. Sure it will be missing features that you’ll get on the PS5 like split screen, but you guys understand we need to support the Series S and have parity between our two consoles.

So even though you spent more money on a Series X, that’s capable of running the full game that the PS5 is getting, you should just be happy that you’re getting the game at all. Don’t worry about having paid for a console that’s capable of more.


woelkchen, avatar

Your comment makes zero sense. The decision not to release on Xbox at all is not Microsoft’s. It’s Larian who rather sacrifice an entire hardware base for a niche feature. You obviously didn’t read the article. It’s spelled out there.

yesterdayshero, avatar

It’s literally in the title…

Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands

And in the article…

While there would be some variance in technical capabilities between consoles, feature parity between the two would remain the same. It would remain the same because Microsoft would demand it remain the same, from both its own studios and third parties.

woelkchen, (edited ) avatar

It’s literally in the title…

Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands

Wow, I’m amazed on how bad you’re at grasping the basics of what I wrote.


The article is about feature parity between Series S and Series X and not about how all Xbox variants can’t have feature disparity with PlayStation. If Larian were to cut split screen for all Xbox versions, the game could launch just fine.

Really not that hard to understand.

yesterdayshero, avatar

Where did Microsoft or Larian say that was an option? Where did Microsoft say that they would be happy to have features cut from the X to keep parity with the S?

I pointed out how poor a business decision this would be if Microsoft would allow it. It ruins their offering for the Series X. How can it compete with the PS5 if they start allowing developers to drop features from Xbox games? The entire point of the article is that Microsoft has boxed themselves into this corner. And your suggestion isn’t a good solution.

woelkchen, avatar

Where did Microsoft or Larian say that was an option?

That is an option because exclusive features come to one brand all the time. Everyone with even minor insight in video game business knows that.

Where did Microsoft say that they would be happy to have features cut from the X to keep parity with the S?

It’s not about happiness, it’s about what the rules allow and since there are exclusive features on other consoles all the time, it’s obviously allowed. That’s how the Spider-Man character ended up being exclusive on the PlayStation version of Marvel’s Avengers. Golden Eye 007 has online multiplayer exclusive to Nintendo Switch. Those are well-known facts and if you don’t know them: That’s on you.

I pointed out how poor a business decision this would be if Microsoft would allow it. It ruins their offering for the Series X. How can it compete with the PS5 if they start allowing developers to drop features from Xbox games?

Yeah, you’re such a great business genius, you think not launching a game at all is better than cutting a niche feature barely anyone cares about. Yes, you totally convinced me.

I guess you gonna vote me down again because you cannot stomach that I’m right and you’re wrong.


xsx and xss have to have same features.

xss can’t do split screen. it only needs to do split screen because the xsx can do it.

If devs remove split screen from xsx, then xss would not need split screen, because xsx doesn’t have it either.

Microsoft can only demand feature parity for their consoles, not sony’s

Pika, avatar

I think you are misreading, they are refusing to launch because of the feature parity but, that’s because they are consciously deciding that split screen is a hard requirement for the game to launch, whereas with other consoles(steam deck) they just removed split screen and called it good.


They've explicitly told us that Microsoft won't let them have feature disparity between the two, and that that's the reason it isn't there.

No one's speculating. We know that it's not there exactly because the S can't handle the most demanding feature of a moderately demanding game.

woelkchen, avatar

Can’t you read? I wrote about no split screen on all Xboxes, not to allow feature disparity between X and S.

Mandy, do gaming w The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

A lesson that isnt needed Mtx are as prevelant as they are cause they sadly work

“Everybody”.shits on d immortal and overwatch 2 Yet they still bring in huge profits

Riker_Maneuver, avatar

I keep seeing the posts about OW2 where everyone is acting like blizzard is getting destroyed by the poor reviews, but, like you said, they still already made bank on these games in spite of all the complaints that have existed since launch. Blizzard just out here like:


like i said, the reason all of these games are as bad as they are, cause it fucking works, and i hate it

altima_neo, do gaming w PlayStation 6 Priced At $700 Like PS5 Pro? It’s Looking Likely avatar

They probably pigeon holed themselves trying to offer high end visuals like ray tracing and 4k, and can no longer offer that with low end hardware.

visor841, do gaming w Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!)

In 2027 the current iteration won’t be legally able to be sold in the EU, since the EU will require portable devices to have easily replaceable batteries. (Which the Steam does not qualify for due to needing a heat gun). So an upgrade is almost certainly planned by then.

callouscomic, do gaming w Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!)

Do they care to explain the pathetically underpowered, slow, and clunky Switch? We’ll wait.


They did.


i mean it is eight years old.


It was crap at release.


that’s always been nintendo’s MO though. with the exception of the N64 and GameCube, their consoles have all been very modest spec-wise. but the games they put out are made specifically for that hardware, so it’s usually fine.

and actually, the switch is underclocked in its stock configuration. if you have adequate cooling for it you can basically double its clock speed with a softmod, which at least for totk removed basically all stuttering for me!

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