MerchantsOfMisery, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

I’m still playing TF2 🤓

signor, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

Blizz really went downhill after they sold out.


I‘m pretty sure that the Overwatch 2 debacle started before blizzard was sold to MS

p03locke, avatar

You mean Activision?


Ah right, but Blizzard was/is part of activision, isn‘t it?

p03locke, avatar

I‘m pretty sure that the Overwatch 2 debacle started before blizzard was sold to MS Activision

It was sold to Activision before it was sold to Microsoft.

108, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

It is way too much of a transaction first over any real substance game. This is just something to get people in the door to sell you more crap.

We don’t even have a game mode filter yet, but they will sure spend the year shoving microtransactions in your face.

Zahille7, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

So why did they drop the team numbers from 6 to 5? Does it really make that much of a difference? Couldn’t they just have both modes available (like Halo has 16v16, 32v32 and such)?


It makes a massive difference, the game was balanced with 6v6 from the get go, removing a tank completely changes how the game works.

They had problems with certain tank combinations, but instead of addressing that directly, they just removed one. A lot of changes they made just felt like justifications to calling it a 'new game'.

The devs are too proud to add a 6v6 mode along side, it's took so much pressure for them to finally 'experiment' with 6v6, they just won't admit their modes, changes etc are failures.

Carighan, avatar

It also essentially undermines the whole idea of the game. “More FPS focus” and “more focus on individual gameplay” are not why I enjoyed OW1 in the first place, after all. It was the game to play with real life friends while hanging out on voice chat and relaxing after work. The mix of high-precision, low-precision, no-precision, tanking, healing, everything meant that there was something for everybody and we could all easily play together and just spend an evening talking shit and doing shit.


They want everyone to feel powerful on every hero (to sell skins), but that's not Overwatch's identity. They took a lot of skill expression and teamplay out of the game.

I mean the devs are completely clueless anyway, they removed mccrees stun citing "too much CC in the game" while simultaneously adding more CC through both new heros and changing existing ones. Just reading their patch notes shows how lost they are.

Carighan, avatar

Oh the grenade part was so silly. “Hey we are removing the stun, too much CC and let’s be honest, it makes it far too easy to blow up stunned flankers”.

“Here, as a replacement that’s a homing grenade that just straight up kills the flanker, no stunning necessary.”

Okay, I guess. 🤷

Carighan, avatar

It’s worth it to read the director’s take that goes with this announcement, it’s quite long but goes into great detail about the motivation and effects.

I hate the change, but I can totally understand why they did it. Much as I personally dislike it.

TommySoda, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

Well, they also sell weapon skins that cost as much as the entire game used to cost. So I’m sure they are just trying to do damage control while also not changing their monetization.


I don’t personally mind microtransactions as long as they are cosmetic only. What I do mind is how matchmaking got terribly bad.


I don’t mind it if the game was always free to play. They gotta make their money somehow if that’s the case. The problem I have with Overwatch and the microtransactions is that they went free to play after they already made a fuck ton of money off of loot boxes and the fact that you used to actually have to buy the game. It’s just a cash cow and gameplay (including matchmaking, like you said) has suffered considerably. Not only that but they charge as much money as entire games for skins. Games like Overwatch when it first came out.

I don’t mind microtransactions in free to play games, I really don’t. It’s just the method they are using is just blatantly greedy and targeted for whales that will pay anything for fear of missing out.


I would love to see a class action lawsuit against Blizzard for this bait and switch scheme.


I am with you on that one. I was speaking from the point of view of someone who didnt buy ow1 because I only got into the game after ow2 so I completely forgot it wasnt free before. Its sad how nowadays you cannot ever have “complete” games. Most games just few unpolished and unfinished and they just throw things at it trying to make money. Which for me is so ironic because I think ow has a solid gameplay mechanic - it just gets completely shadowed by all the financial decisions.

eldrichhydralisk, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

I'm glad they're looking into 6v6, but I honestly like 5v5 better. Queue times are short, games play quick, and it's easier to keep track of what's going on. It does put a lot of pressure on the solo tank, but not so much that I don't enjoy playing tank.

I'm more interested to see where they go with some of the other queue changes they mentioned. If they can add some more flexibility than "1-2-2 only" in a way that doesn't totally break team comp, that could be a lot of fun!


I completely gave up on the game after they killed the PvE / skill plans for 2 (around Lifeweaver launch), but I played quite a lot of 2 from launch and agree. I really like 5v5 and team structure wise to me the game felt in a great place with the change.

My guess is that they’re still bleeding players and looking for any shot in the arm to bring the oldheads back


Double tank was such a pain in the ass. The new tanks were built to solo tank. It will require an almost 100% tear down and rebuild to get back to 6v6.

Carighan, avatar

I mean, they can undo the buffs to the other tanks, and do the equivalent nerfs to the new tanks.


Yea I actually really like 5v5. It changed the pace of the game to something that I actually like compared to Overwatch 1. That said, the game still failed to keep my interest weeks after release so maybe I’m really just not part of their target audience.

Carighan, avatar

Personally I get why 5v5 was done, but I utterly hate it. It removes all the things that made Overwatch 1 so cool compared to other FPS to me:

  • Slow TTK as a result of two tanks in front of the team.
  • High focus on healing, as someone who enjoys playing healers in all games this was heaven to me.
  • Lower focus on personal damage contribution and aim, as syncing ults, creating trap spots and selectively bursting targets was how you got kills, not just aiming.

In total, this resulted in me and my friends easily having a game we could all enjoy on a few characters each (me on Moira, Mercy, Torbjörn, Symmetra and Bastion, for example) and talk shit while just playing the entire evening.

This whole “social” spirit was lost as they slowly pitched the balance towards faster and faster TTK, and ultimately with 5v5. It’s a “competitive FPS” now, but honestly, I don’t need a competitive FPS. Never did. I did however need a social fun low-stakes FPS, back when OW1 came out. And that spot is no longer filled, sadly.

AmbiguousProps, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

I stopped playing shortly after OW2 came out. They killed my favorite role (tank) by throwing one of the tanks away, making the tank role miserable to play since the team fights were always on my shoulders. Then, on top of that, they unbalanced everything even more, and had to update maps for 5v5, forever removing some of them from the game.

That was all after the slap in the face that was taking away a game I paid money for to replace it with a broken, microtransaction-ridden experience.

I might be willing to look past the microtransaction BS and play again if they bring 6v6 with some of the original, unmodified OW1 maps.

Carighan, avatar

The biggest issue is that IMO, even nowadays balance isn’t remotely as good as it was before the change, owing to the massive imbalance on all ends the 5v5-switch introduced, and them only working through that at a glacial pace. But even more so, this is annoying because of how it essentially undermines the reason they did this.

Sure, the queue time argument still stands. Yeah. But on a balance level, “Double tanks were problematic for game balance” is a bit of a moot point in hindsight. Yeah, they were, sure. Less so than 5v5 is, it turns out.

Carighan, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future avatar

This is interesting. I mean of course, I am aware of the reasons they did this massive change, and on paper they all made sense ahead of time.

They also massively degraded the game feel, and IMO were ultimately the wrong solution for the problem(s) they were facing. I understand why they did it, much like I understand why they chased the eSports-hype, but I disagree with all actions taken and their outcomes regardless.

The game had already mostly lost me by the time OW2 rolled around, and between the very intense-feeling 5v5 that was nothing like the chill chat-with-friends-while-playing-some-OW we had before and the rampant monetization, I just dropped off. I don’t think this will at all make me come back to the game, but on a conceptual level I really enjoy them at least experimenting with undoing a lot of the shit they did to the game over the years, this isn’t the only thing they’re reverting after all.

Omegamanthethird, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future avatar

Did OW1 not have PvE when it launched? I remember that being my favorite part of the first game.

Riven, avatar

Iirc it had occasional pve events but the point of ow2 according to them was to have a permanent pve mode which iirc never happened but I haven’t played in a while so take my words with salt.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

That sounds right. If PvE wasn’t permanent, it was a pretty common event type.


There were holiday events, like halloween (junkenstein) and an anniversary event covering the robot invasion thing from lore. But I don’t recall there being any permanent events, especially at launch.

miau, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

I only got into the game after 2 was launched so I only really played the 5x5 mode, but I always thought the 6x6 mode could be fun. Unfortunatelly I am not playing anymore. The core concept of the game is fun, but the matches felt just too unbalanced for me to enjoy. And although I think this change would be fun I don’ think it will fix the balance problem on matchmaking.

magoosh, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

All it took was a MS buyout…

Vipsu, do games w Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions avatar

I wish more players would just ignore these cosmetic microtransactions and go with the default skin or at least limit themselves to ones that can be obtained by actually achieving something in the game. Using default skin while outplaying people in competitive games could probably induce some people to make quite salty comments.

DoucheBagMcSwag, do games w Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions

Fuckers waited until the high praise reviews were in


Gaming publications should automatically retroactively set their score to 0 in this case.


On the one hand I agree, it was obviously a calculated move to bait sales before microtransactions were added, which is incredibly scummy. But on the other hand, if a game reviewer gave it a certain score before microtransactions were added and nothing was altered/removed from the experience that was originally reviewed, I guess I don’t see the problem with the score they assigned at the time (assuming it was reviewed in good faith).

You can install it out of the box and disable game updates and not see any microtransactions, which will let you play it exactly as it was when it was first reviewed. You won’t get to do any online play, but I guess the bigger takeaway in that case is that any game which relies on online/live service elements for continued engagement needs to have a big fucking “CAVEAT EMPTOR” on every review.

DacoTaco, avatar

To be fair, most games these days have build in update checking, and more and more multiplayer games are always-online-or-piss-off type of games which shoot down your idea. I wish it was still possible in all games, but alas…


Right, but what I was getting at with how prone to change online experiences inherently are, it seems odd to rely on reviews to begin with. Sure I suppose it is irresponsible for a publication to make claims about the quality of an online experience, knowing that there is no guarantee of consistency over time, but the customer also shouldn’t approach any online/live service experience with an expectation of consistency, because change is inherent to the model. Enjoy it while it lasts if it is fun, but again, caveat emptor.

The feeling of betrayal people have about online experiences is thankfully leading to pushback against live service models in general. Too many companies out there doing bait and switch bullshit.

If a game like Tekken happens to have a solid campaign and fun local multiplayer, I would be okay with leaving a good review up, because that is pretty much all that would have been reviewed ahead of time before there were other players to do online modes with. If a publication has a specific “no microtransactions” criteria, though, then I suppose they can do whatever they like afterwards. But anyone should be able to still obtain the day 1 version of the game and play it offline if you don’t like the direction they went with its updates. You might just need to be more creative on PC to find them.

Peffse, do games w Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions

So, is this game DOA?


No, we’re taking about Tekken. DOA has shitty mtx problems of its own.

Badum tis.



pgetsos, avatar


Badum tits*

B0NK3RS, do games w Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions avatar

Adding micro transactions after release is bullshit. There should be rules where it needs to be in from release or not.


Right. Some people wouldn’t bother with a game at all if they knew there would be this. It’s very deceptive.

snooggums, avatar

Knowing they were charging for new characters was almost a dealbreaker for me. This would have stopped me if I had known.


Paying extra for characters IS a deal breaker for me in fighting games. It’s literally pay to win.

That said, I’ve been playing Tekken since ps1, so I’ll probably just pirate this whenever it’s available.


Some people wouldn’t bother with a game at all if they knew there would be this.

Perhaps if this was unusual for the genre. But it's a AAA fighting game. Anybody who is familiar with the genre knows that MTX is normal and expected, because it's going to have several years of support from the developers. I'd have a hard time believing that any Tekken fan bought this on the premise of it remaining MTX-free.


Something being normalized doesn’t automatically make it morally okay.


Doesn't it, though? This is what the players wanted, and the industry listened. They asked for support for the game after its release, and the industry said "Sure, but in exchange at least some of you should pay extra".

This isn't forced upon anybody. Just because Mazaratis exist doesn't mean that you have to buy one if you want a car. It only becomes a moral problem if somebody's choices are circumvented, but that's not really what's happening here.


Doesn’t it, though?

It used to normal to beat your kids. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now.

This is what the players wanted, and the industry listened.

The reason we are having this conversation in the first place is because people didn’t want it.

This isn’t forced upon anybody.

They added it the game post-launch, after reviews had already come out. Anyone morally opposed to micro transactions (which as I’ll get to in next point, have a very good reason to be opposed to on principle) who had bought the game has been tricked into supporting a business practice they despise. This is incredibly scummy and should rightfully be seen as a dick move.

It only becomes a moral problem if somebody’s choices are circumvented, but that’s not really what’s happening here.

Micro transactions as a concept are strategically designed to exploit people with addictive personalities. This is not a theory on my part, this is legitimately what the intent behind them is. But don’t take my word for it, here’s a video discussing that very thing.

yamanii, avatar

There’s a pretty big difference between new gameplay (characters) and cosmetics that were clearly removed to be sold.


Wait until the reviews are out so people can‘t be warned, and the product can’t be dunked on and then…


Exactly. If they’d announced this before launch, it would’ve been the only thing anyone talked about. There would have been a huge backlash and I’m sure a good percentage of the community would’ve dumped the series there and then.

This is doubly scummy. Glad I didn’t buy it yet.


If they’d announced this before launch, it would’ve been the only thing anyone talked about.

Not really. It'd hardly have been mentioned, at all. MTX are a part of every major fighting game, so it's hardly a newsworthy tidbit. They're completely expected in this genre. Any major competitive game that gets developer support after release is going to be funded either by microtransactions or subscriptions. The people who actually play these games know this.


If they place something behind MTs, then I completely agree. But, if they want to add more cosmetics that don’t exist yet, and they finance it MTs, and at a fair price, it’s less unethical.

Announcing it after reviews… Hm. Sketchy at best.


If you tried the customisation, it feels extremely bare bones in comparison to Tekken 7. So I wouldn’t be surprised if stuff was removed to add to the Store.

mlg, avatar


but tbf that basically invented the lootbox which then made TF2 free to play


At least they made it free to play. These games are still charging full price plus microtransactions


TF2 was a better experience before it went free-to-play. I want a barrier that keeps the hordes of clueless children out.

B0NK3RS, avatar

TF2 before F2P was one of, if not the, best multiplayer games. It just wasn’t the same after that and good community servers died out.


Adding shit to a game with a patch, post purchase, doesn’t require you to partake. While I hate MTX as much as anyone, you aren’t required to buy anything. Sure, this is enshittification, but you can avoid that buy buying games that aren’t “always online”.

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