Summzashi, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

I feel like Call of Duty 4 modernized and standardized the FPS genre on at least consoles. Every call of duty game still looks and feels exactly the same since CoD4 and every other first person shooter copied it’s control scheme because it was so firmly cemented.


What did CoD 4 introduce that Halo 3 hadn’t already done 2 months prior?


Real world weapon customization comes to mind. Other than that I don’t know, I haven’t played Halo 3.

harlatan, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Bullet time was popularized in max payne.


And perfected in The Specialists!

simple, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Dark Souls popularized the stamina meter and the “dropping all your money on death and having to go pick it back up” mechanic. Not to mention spawning a subgenre of similar games like Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen


The first Dark Souls was 2011. Diablo was released in 1997. World of Warcraft was 2004 and while you didn’t quite drop all your stuff and money you die you did have to run back to your corpse to keep from having all your stuff degrade and cost a bunch of money. The first Sonic was 1991 and getting hit makes you drop all your “money” and have to pick it back up.


Mechanic wise the first was Demons Souls in 2009. But your point still stands.


It isn’t a question of who did it first, it’s a question of who made it popular. Look at how many games have a death run since DS came out. Hollow Knight, Nioh, Blasphemous, etc. It’s also not the same mechanic as losing your items on death.


They did spawn a sub genre, but the stamina meter being popularized is nonsense.


I had a stamina meter in Morrowind in 2002 and in daggerfall in 1996.

ICastFist, avatar

Those mechanics were lifted/copied straight from Monster Hunter, mind you :)

The PS2 and PSP Monster Hunter games are basically dark souls but you gotta kill giant bosses to transform their scales into better armor and weapons.


Dark Souls is literally just Legend of Zelda for adults, which had a stamina system at about the same time Kings Field did. It’s honestly hilarious to me that it became known as the father of the genre, but the immediate copycats were also aiming for a similar tone to FromSoftware so I guess it’s fair.

TheMinions, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Assassin’s Creed and the Open World Gameplay design. It definitely existed before then, but after AC came out, it felt like every RPG switched to the open world map.

r00ty, avatar

There have been "open world" games since the 1980s. Just of course, memory limited how big that world could be, and how much you could do in it. The genre as a whole is ancient.


For sure. AC just popularized it.


The first ones I can think of is legend of Zelda and final fantasy, but I think there was also Adventure for the Atari before those even. The first Assassin’s Creed was 2007, Adventure was 1980


Which Zelda games were open world (before BotW)? I’ve always found them annoyingly linear.

subignition, avatar

The original Legend of Zelda. You had a large open overworld to explore, and IIRC could do many of the dungeons in any order.


That’s cool, I haven’t played any of the 2D ones (as you’ve probably guessed!), are they worth playing now for someone with no nostalgia goggles?


I would say the original Zelda isn’t, but link to the past definitely holds up. Honestly most of the 2d Zelda’s from link to the past onwards are good

subignition, avatar

It hasn't aged too badly, but it's from an era where you were not necessarily expected to figure everything out on your own -- talking about it with IRL friends or reading tips and tricks in a magazine (or on the early Internet/Usenet) were pretty normal. I would say give it a try but don't be hesitant to look for a guide if you get stuck or lost.


Which Zelda game WASNT open world???

subignition, avatar

Skyward Sword in particular was pretty linear despite technically having a literal 'overworld' of sorts.


I feel like GTA planted that seed waaayy before that. I remember open world games being followed by “like GTA”. Assassin’s Creed was no exception.


Valid point. I forgot about GTA since that was one of the few banned games in my household.


I feel like Elder Scrolls was the model being followed for open world RPGs. Assassin’s Creed didn’t even have RPG mechanics until the later games.

delitomatoes, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

I think Spyro was the first mainstream game to standardise achievements, you could do random stuff in-game and it gave you a little pop up, carried over to Ratchet and Clank and now every game has official achievements


I think Spyro was the first mainstream game to standardise achievements, you could do random stuff in-game and it gave you a little pop up

Which one did that?


I believe the very first one had skill points that unlocked an extended ending and game art.

ICastFist, avatar

Not the first one on the PSX, that’s for sure. Also, getting some extra stuff for 100% a game wasn’t new by the time of Spyro, both Donkey Kong Country and Crash Bandicoot already did that

Okami_No_Rei, avatar

This. They were indeed called Skill Points, and Insomniac loved to tie cheats and bonus material to completing them. I played the shit out of Spyro and Ratchet and Clank back in the day.

VindictiveJudge, avatar

Actually introduced in Ripto’s Rage. The Reignited version backported them to the first game, though.


Mortal Kombat for the Genesis did that though. Every once and a while on good hit, little dude would pop into the corner and call out, “Toasty!!”

Really makes you feel like you achieved something great


Just a heads up that I think you replied to the wrong comment in the chain


Some like heads up but I far prefer butts up

sirico, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics? avatar

Arma 2-3 have been responsible for at least 3 major multiplayer genres.

Danitos, (edited )

SovietWomble has a video essay that touches this topic.

rustyfish, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics? avatar

Don’t know if this counts, but Resident Evil 4 killed off the tank controls and single-handedly popularised third person cameras for survival horror games.

ampersandrew, avatar

Resident Evil 4 still had tank controls, but it moved the camera behind the back. Unlike dual analog third person shooters at the time, it did have one major innovation: it moved the character to the left side of the screen so you could more easily see what’s in front of you.


I think Halo was what popularized the twin stick controls.


Not even just survival horror, RE4 was a landmark title just as a third-person action shooter. It had a huge influence on the generation of third person shooters that came after it.

Hathaway, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 18th

Been playing “the isle” recently. Game has had/still has some questionable development happening around it, however, dinosaur. I’ve been enjoying it.

Cornelius_Wangenheim, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

The original XCOM is the source of grid based inventories.

Star Control 2 is the first RPG that did the standard dialogue interface where you talk to someone and choose from multiple replies.

ripcord, avatar

SC2 did (or did the first mainstream) implementation of a bunch of things, but I’m surprised it was the first for this.


Idk, I think this game already had a grid base inventory: ……/Das_Schwarze_Auge:_Die_Nordland-…

April 1992.


Man, that’s some good memories.

Yazinda, Durin, Arva von Harben, Tjalf, Melina and Caldrin, I miss you guys.

pm_me_anime_thighs, do games w Is 4gb vram enough to run read dead redemtion 2?

I played rdr2 on a 1060 3gb before I upgraded my card. I had to turn pretty much everything down to low except for texture quality, keep that high or at least medium cuz anything lower and it straight up becomes a ps2 game. Was able to get around 50 fps most of the time, up to 60 indoors and 30-40 in saint denis. Your 4gb card should get better performance than that due to higher vram tho.

Faydaikin, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 18th avatar

Just got into Shantae and The Seven Sirens. Haven’t had a good new side-scroller in quite a while. I’m enjoying it very much so far.

And ofcause, running around on Helldivers 2’s new difficulty being stupid. Getting caught up in that whole debacle (what is life without a bit of drama). Fun, if a bit unpolished.

kratoz29, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics? avatar

Please people, help me out with this, which game popularized any modern game to be a huge ass open world action RPG?

My best bet is that it is The Witcher 3’s fault.


First thing that came to mind are the Dragon Age games before, at least Inquisition was sort of action RPG.

Before that in a lesser extent the Assassin’s Creed games, although they were more action than RPG.

That said, I greatly enjoyed all these games, including Witcher 3.


Probably any Bethesda game


GTA3 is the one that started the trend.

kratoz29, avatar

Hmm, it lacked the RPG part though… GTA San Andreas on the other hand 😀


I wouldn’t call most of the modern ones real RPGs either.

MalReynolds, avatar

Been around since at least early Final Fantasy / Chrono Trigger SNES era (for some values of action). Maybe Atari ‘Adventure’.


Could even say it goes back to the Zelda games on NES. Metroidvania games might also count. Those games all have the “you might progress in any available direction” mechanic, which IMO is the core of the open world mechanic.

There’s also some games like Star tropics where the whole world was open (as in you could return to previous locations) but progress was more linear.

Would super Mario world count as open world? Not as old as the NES ones I mentioned, but I’m curious. Or say if you could go back to previous worlds in SMB3, would that be open world?


Depends on how you constrain that idea. Open worlds were a very early idea, but old computers were somewhat capacity limited in how much content you could have.

r00ty, avatar

I would say older than that (well maybe not elite), as much as the tech could handle it you should include:

Here you had several town maps, including dual carriageways, main roads, side roads, one way streets. And you could just drive down any of them. They were all nondescript, but the amount of memory really limited what could be done.

There was also the games using the freescape engine. Driller, Darkside and Total Eclipse. These were all about as open world as you could achieve on the hardware of the time.

In terms of "open world" the definition is open to interpretation. I'd argue that text based adventures were open world too in their own way. So it really depends on what features people agree makes an "open world" game as to what the first game that contains all those features was.


It started long before that, I think ubisoft in general was hugely influential in that trend.




Open world RPGs were always the goal, old games tried to mask the hardware limitations by using several techniques. By the time the Witcher 3 came along open world RPGs were the most common thing, in fact at the time lots of people called the Witcher a sellout because of that, it’s like if it had come up a couple years ago and had base buildiechanics, EVERYONE else was doing it.

There are LOTS of examples that pre-date TW3, I’ll limit myself to a few, just because it’s the ones I played. In the 90s and early 2000s I used to play Ultima Online, which is an MMO from 97 that has a vast open world. But if you want first person, Oblivion is old enough to drink.

ICastFist, avatar

In a way, I’d say World of Warcraft (2004 onwards) popularized that.

Here’s your starting place. Here’s a bunch of easy quests and monsters.

You quit the starting area. Everything feels huge and really, really fucking far away. One step in the wrong direction and you’re assaulted by an enemy with a 💀 for a level. Not only that, most people would only see the loading screen once before doing an hours-long playthrough and that also increased the sense of “fucking huge world”


I think the fault lies with Ubisoft and Assassin’s Creed. They really championed the idea of a bloated open world stuffed with systems that don’t really interact with each other, and now AAA gaming just keeps trying to stuff more mechanics in the pile.

9point6, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

The first RTS is an obscure Japanese game called Herzog Zwei,

Westwood studios then made Dune 2 and Command & Conquer which basically polished and popularised the genre for the rest of the world.

Pretty much every RTS that followed took at least some inspiration from how those games worked

RootBeerGuy, avatar

Warcraft came a year before Command & Conquer and improved on many concepts that Dune II introduced.


Yeah, you’re right to highlight warcraft although I don’t think it’s a clean line with Warcraft between dune 2 and c&c. C&C was probably around 2 years into development by the time Warcraft came out, and my assumption is most of the actual game design was pretty finalised by that point. Though I’m sure some minor influences made their way in, I don’t think Warcraft massively affected the kind of game we got in the end.

But yeah that’s not to diminish the contribution of warcraft to the genre, there’s loads of games that followed copying the Warcraft style of RTS, even as part of the c&c series in the end with Generals.

pixeltree, avatar

Towards the end of the decade Total Annihilation would be released and it’s modern day fan made remake, Beyond All Reason, is really good. Sad there’s no campaign though, I really loved the TA campaign


gonna be real, WC1 was not a huge title at the time. I think a lot of people look back, rightly, at WC3 being one of the greatest RTS of all time and then think the whole series was lauded at release, but Warcraft: Orcs and Humans was just okay.

makr_alland, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Spacewar! was a F2P PvP game with no microtransactions and no battle pass. Although it’s hard to quantify exact player numbers (it precedes Steam charts), for a while it was the most played videogame in the world.

Its real-time graphics and multiplayer combat were very influential, and widely copied by many other games.

sneezycat, (edited ) avatar

It also popularized the “mechanic” of online matchmaking through steam for pirated and abandoned games. Thank you Spacewar, very cool.

Edit: the Steam one is a test game for their steamworks system with source code from the original game. The more you know.


Wow this brought it full circle, the name looked familiar but then it clicked, back in my pirating days lol

MajorHavoc, (edited )

for a while it was the most played videogame in the world.

I see what you did there!

Space War historySpaceWar is the first game to be frequently ported to different computers, back when computers took up a big portion of the room they sat it, and when “porting” was practically re-coding, from scratch, in Assembler.

rimjob_rainer, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Ocarina of Time is the mother of modern 3D gaming with Z-targeting.

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