Ornadin, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?

Starwars Knights of the old Republic 1 and 2 they are on steam and kotar 1 can be played on a phone. AC blackflag. Dragon age origins. If you want a more specific recommendation based on a old gaming system let me know.

catloaf, do games w shuts down after 20 years; database has been moved to the Internet Archive

Quick link to the archive:



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  • glitches_brew, do games w Good game soundtracks?

    Surprised to not see FTL mentioned yet.

    I’m loving the track Balatro has too. I wish that game had more music like the one song it has.

    Intrama, do games w Good game soundtracks? avatar

    Chrono Trigger was fantastic. Look specifically for the instrumentals/orchestral on YouTube. 🤙


    Thanks for commenting this so I didn’t have to!

    brsrklf, do games w Coming back to a western open world game H:FW after Elden Ring is a massive whiplash

    I’ve not played Forbidden West, but I’ve played all of Zero Dawn. I’ll just say, as much as I like the game (I do, quite a bit), it’s bad at being open-world.

    Most narrow paths are only related to quests, and if you try exploring them before you need to go there the game punishes you by making it a chore to go and to leave for no gain. Also, the terrible message “you’re out of bound, turn back now or we reset to your last save” is one of the worst failure at world design ever. It pops up constantly if you’re just trying to explore.

    And yes, I tried playing HUD-free for a bit (I had a great experience doing that on Breath of the Wild). As you said it’s almost impossible, the environment, while looking good, is way too messy to spot the small details you’re supposed to… Unless you turn on the magic compass and GPS.

    In other games, paths and important items are highlighted with lighting and clear and functional visual cues. Beside the infamous yellow paint, HZD does almost none of that efficiently.

    JPAKx4, (edited ) do games w Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?

    One time purchase:

    • Peglin ✨
    • Luck be a landlord ✨
    • Forager
    • Dicey dungeons
    • Dead Cells (optional DLC)
    • Bloons Tower Defense 6 (out of the way IAP) ✨
    • Terraria
    • 20 minutes till dawn (has a non premium option with some micro transactions)


    • Antimatter dimensions (long idle-ish game) ✨
    • Legends of Runeterra (just play the story modes) ✨
    • Team fight tactics (cosmetics only)
    • Plague inc (and probably rebel inc, but I haven’t played that yet) ✨
    • Super Auto Pets (cosmetics and extra optional sets) ✨

    Star on the ones I’d specifically recommend for casual play


    You need to make a bulleted list because your lists came out as jumbled paragraphs. At a minimum you need to put two spaces at the end of each line to preserve line breaks.

    I’ll fix it since you put in all the effort to write that up.

    One time purchase:

    • Peglin ✨
    • Luck be a landlord ✨
    • Forager
    • Dicey dungeons
    • Dead Cells (optional DLC)
    • Bloons Tower Defense 6 (out of the way IAP) ✨
    • Terraria
    • 20 minutes till dawn (has a non premium option with some micro transactions)


    • Antimatter dimensions (long idle-ish game) ✨
    • Legends of Runeterra (just play the story modes) ✨
    • Team fight tactics (cosmetics only)
    • Plague inc (and probably rebel inc, but I haven’t played that yet) ✨
    • Super Auto Pets (cosmetics and extra optional sets) ✨

    Star on the ones I’d specifically recommend for casual play


    ^^ A real Bro!


    Had no idea, thanks


    Bro, kind and generous.


    I reached Challenger on Teamfight Tactics in a couple seasons and I’ve gotta say it honestly gets a bit tiresome how often they change the game. Mortdog and Co do a great job on balance but you just can’t swap from set to set that often and expect things not to break. Plus they like to nerf the things I like the most, and that’s inexcusable.

    I also didn’t really care for it as mobile game because you can’t hop in and out, you start a match you need to finish the match and they’re not short. Even the “quick” mode is like fifteen minutes long.

    In other words? Great desktop game for people that don’t mind the meta changing entirely every six months. Great “mobile” game if you want to kill no less than thirty minutes.


    I didn’t star it for a reason lmao, it’s a good game but not great casually

    silverchase, do games w Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals avatar

    Ultimate Chicken Horse $5.24 (65% off, matching the all-time low)

    Design platformer levels with your friends, then race them to the end, locally or online. Points are only awarded if someone died, so make the level extra dangerous!


    My kids played this till their eyes bled. Great local screen party game.


    I’ve played somewhere around 1500 hours across multiple systems. There’s really nothing else quite like it.


    Really great party game, kids love it. There’s a constant push-pull to make the level just hard enough. It kind of breaks down though if somebody has made it effectively unwinnable for everybody and you can’t find a way to unblock it. Otherwise though, it’s a fantastic game.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, do games w Is it possible to safely "give away" a Steam account to a stranger? avatar

    legally steam accounts are nontransferrable. so ymmv


    *by the standards set by our corporate overlords

    The „laws“ that predatory, autocratic, overpowered nation states veiled as „companies“ push down our legal system are not the will of the people, nor are they based on „justice, fairness and equality“ as stated here so they are not laws.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

    go for it. challenge it in court. I’m sure your pro se filing will win.


    Very funny

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

    who said I was joking? stop whinging and nut up.


    Whatever you problem is mate, its not anything I‘m interested in hearing. Good bye.


    What do you suggest would go wrong? I never even gave Steam my name, so how would they even know it’s different?

    Walican132, do gaming w Best Soulslike game for beginners?

    Darksouls 1 makes the most sense, it’s where most fans started.


    No way lol, dark souls 1 is likely the most difficult in the series because it doesn’t hold your hand at all, and it’s very easy to get lost. There’s a reason it people kept comparing any super hard game to dark souls despite the fact that DS2 and DS3 were fairly accessible.


    I haven’t played ds2 or 3 yet, but found ds1 to be easier than fallen order / sekiro with how you can level up your way through tough enemies even if you dont take the intended route

    Fizz, avatar

    The combat is very slow im ds1 compared to other games which makes it far easier. People say dark souls meaning the whole series not specifically ds1.


    I really disliked the ability to get lost combined with the challenge in Dark Souls. In most games, if I come upon an area that’s extremely hard, it’s clear that I’m not supposed to go there yet. But with Dark Souls, I know it’s supposed to be hard and had a harder time gauging if there was somewhere else I should be going.


    I was about to recommend the same. Dark Souls is hard to get into, but it will train you to play a Souls like game like a Souls like game. However Elden Ring might be a good intro into the genre too, and is a bit more modern and accessible too.

    thingsiplay, do gaming w Why are there two different genres both called ARPG?

    I actually didn’t encounter anyone saying Dark Souls and like games being an ARPG. Dark Souls like games are usually called Souls like. The problem is, that the term RPG and Action are not a distinct genres. This is a long standing issue in gaming, long before 2000s even. When I was a teenager, some people called Zelda an RPG, others said Action RPG, some people (me included) said its an Action Adventure. Genres and terms that are vague and broad will always clash with others. Don’t let me begin what Secret of Mana (SNES) actually is.

    Look at Racing games. There are Mario Kart and Gran Turismo, two very different kind of racing games and both still are. What about motorcycle racing or classic racing games like Rock’n Roll Racing (someone remember? this is what Blizzard did before they became Blizzard!).

    OK, so you see it’s a mess of terms. Diablo isn’t a new game, it evolved from previous games that were similar and mixed in from other genres. How do you classify such a game in an already existing set of genre terms? It’s kind of an Action RPG that existed before, so its natural to put it into such a category. Look at all those RPG games, they are all RPG but still vastly different. BTW I never heard of bullet heaven, but that sounds really funny. It sounds like an anti name for jokes. And being the one with the bullets might even fit into the category funny and fitting name.

    If have a new name for Diable like games, it will clash with other genres again. You put generic terms like Loot or Build into it and so on. What if a Diablo like game isn’t that grindy? Or does not focus much on Loot. We have been through this with various other genres. Therefore I would not even try to invent something and not take genres too seriously. It’s a mess. You can’t getting it right by adding more mess to it.


    Yeah I’d be more likely to label dark souls as a 3d metroidvania than as an ARPG. Yeah, it has RPG elements, but what AAA game doesn’t?


    Exactly. Nowadays almost any game becomes and RPG. The terms are fluid. BTW I wouldn’t myself call Dark Souls anything like a Metroidvania, because my personal understanding is that the focus of Dark Souls is not quite on the backtracking and learning new abilities. I mean our discussion here shows again why game genres aren’t useful anymore.

    We nowadays use the tagging system, which allows us to give any number of “genres” and combine them individually for each game. Even though we don’t agree on all terms, it’s still better having a single genre like ARPG associated with a game.


    I actually didn’t encounter anyone saying Dark Souls and like games being an ARPG. Dark Souls like games are usually called Souls like.

    That is because everyone uses the term “Souls-like”. But if that term isn’t used, then they are all labeled as “Action Role-Playing Games”:

    A Soulslike (also spelled Souls-like) is a subgenre of action role-playing games known for high levels of difficulty and emphasis on environmental storytelling, typically in a dark fantasy setting. -


    If Zelda is an RPG then so is Halo. Master Chief and Link both have exactly the same number of thoughts in their heads. I would argue Halo ODST is more of an RPG than any Zelda game.

    !deleted5697 avatar

    Zelda 2 is more of an RPG than ODST, but the thrust of your argument is true.

    spacemoss, do games w Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this?

    You can adjust them independently because your monitor’s width and height are different. Someone may want to be able to flick their mouse to the left and right edges of the monitor in the same time frame they can flick it to the top and bottom, or vice verse if the monitor is rotated. It’s probably useful in fps or with ultrawide/span monitor setups.


    Also because looking up and down may be more or less important than looking side-to-side.


    360 degrees left/right Maybe 90 degrees up/down


    Except maybe for a flight sim where I could imagine looking down would be even more important than side to side


    An airplane’s windows don’t allow looking up or down, if we’re taking cockpits without canopies.


    It’s probably useful in fps or with ultrawide/span monitor setups.

    That might be the case, but I still think it would just give me motion sickness. That’s what has happened, every time I’ve accidentally had one axis set to a larger value than the other. It just makes me feel like my hands and eyes are disconnected.

    But if some people dig it, that’s cool.

    off_brand_, do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX

    Hate it hate it. This game is so good, and it’s like I’m playing my old favorite again. The fact that they marred my baby with MTX like this is just gross. DD1 should be more popular, and what they did to DD2 may keep it from being the powerhouse it could because people will see the “mixed” ratings and second guess. Or they’ll open the store page and see a wall of MTX and get the wrong idea.

    But that’s just part of it of course. If this works for them, it’ll explode. And it will work for them. And everyone will get these fucking MTX in their full priced AAA games. And then once sales on MTX aren’t up to snuff – or if they are up to snuff, but in a few quarters when sales are merely consistent rather than continuing to grow – they’ll start pushing it. Just like they did with Shadow of Mordor where the gameplay gave you a nasty grind and a quick “buy your way past it” option.

    I’ll never buy the “it doesn’t effect you in a single player game” argument. It will, because the market incentives a worse experience for those less willing to buy in.

    Poopfeast420, (edited ) avatar

    DD1 already was full of microtransactions, but in the sequel they “ruin” the game? What changed for you?


    The MTX were removed for DD:DA.

    Only the original release of the game on Ps3 and 360 had the mtx. So in a way they improved things only to shit it up again.


    Huh. Did it??…/are_we_forgetting_that_dd1_had_micro…

    Here’s someone corroborating you, but it’s impossible to Google at the moment for obvious reasons. I have 0 recollection of any MTX, though. FWIW, it wouldn’t be any less bad if they did it before too.

    To be clear though, it didn’t ruin it. I said it “marred” the game. It is a mark that affects how the game is perceived and I hate that. The game itself is fun, and I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.

    skulblaka, avatar

    Dark Arisen just gave you most of the MTX content for free. When you start the game and pull an Eternal Ferrystone out of your bank along with all the starter armor that sells for 500k gold - yeah, that was all MTX gear.


    Ah! Well! I don’t like that!

    As with DD1, DD2 is fun and I don’t mean to say it isn’t. The MTX just provides a barrier to entry for folks turned off by it, and I wish it wasn’t there.

    VelociCatTurd, do games w Is there some sort of Indie Game Showcase?

    Steam does a next fest pretty regularly now to showcase indie games


    I had no idea that was what it was. I just looked at February’s Next Fest, and it is awesome. Thanks for the recommendation!

    DmMacniel, do gaming w There is Only One Level Left to be Beaten in Super Mario Maker 1

    The last generation with free online capability :(

    Knuschberkeks, avatar

    laughs in PC


    That changes when GabeN passes.


    Honestly, I don’t think it’s that simple. Console online services get away with making you pay because the system is locked and you don’t have a choice. Pc gamers can host their own servers, and if steam ever becomes so anti consumer as to charge for access to your library, competitors will rise and the market will balance.

    Knuschberkeks, avatar

    you can’t just host your own server if the developers don’t release the server software.

    Seasoned_Greetings, (edited )

    That’s true, but games exist already where people can host their own servers. Pc gaming is kind of like the sandbox of platforms. Other major consoles solved that problem by sunsetting their free services so that you can’t just go play an existing online game for free on their platform.

    It would be a gargantuan task to sunset free online connectivity as it exists in pc gaming today.

    bionicjoey, do games w Looking for emotional game recommendations

    Life is Strange made me cry. It has a good soundtrack too.

    seliaste, avatar

    I played through the original and True colors, it was great!

    drasglaf, avatar

    Play Before The Storm if you haven’t, it’s a prequel to the first game.

    seliaste, avatar

    I haven’t, will try it!

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