totallymojo, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review avatar

It’s not as open and “huge scale” as people seem to think it is.
It’s kind of “fake open” if that makes sense.
You cannot get into your ship and fly 500m east to your mission.
If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there.

Made me disappointed.


Wait, what? How does that work? I haven’t seen much of the game except trailers.

Skyhighatrist, (edited )

There’s no flying in atmosphere at all. To do what the parent commenter says would require going back to orbit (loading screen) then choosing a spot on the planet to land (another loading screen). When you land like that on planet, it generates an instance for you that is procedurally generated, but won’t contain any of your mission markers. (I haven’t actually tried that part, but I’ve seen others talk about it.)

The game is basically areas, separated by loading screens. You get in your ship, that’s a loading screen, you fly to orbit, another loading screen. Then in orbit if you want to go to another planet, you set course and do another loading screen. Once there, you choose a spot and land for another loading screen. There is flying in space, but it’s limited to small instances with some other ships, and POIs. Your ship’s speed is very slow, and as far as I’ve been able to tell you cannot walk around your ship while it’s in flight (this may be a limitation of the controller controls, I saw a streamer stand up in flight, but I don’t know if that was a bug or not. There’s no binding to stand up when you are in flight on controller.) I just wasn’t holding B long enough, you can stand up when you are in space, you just have to hold the normal binding for longer than I expected.

All that being said, I’m still enjoying the game. But I went in with low expectations.


What you describe sounds almost exactly like the Mass Effect 1 procedurally generated missions. But that game came out in 2007…

totallymojo, avatar

Oh shit, you are right. This is how Starfield works. I forgot that Mass Effect had the same thing!


Mass Effect 1 has the Mako though. In Starfield, as far as I know there are no ground vehicles at all. So it’s just a lot of running.


I mean to be fair, maybe starfield is better off without ground vehicles if the alternative is the mako

SenorBolsa, (edited ) avatar

It Mako me angry. There’s enough there I think it would be nice to have a little rover that could go like 30 mph and haul your loot.


Sounds like an absolute chore of a game


I would have much rather play in a single star system where all of the worlds are carefully crafted than them having this kind of “infinite although not really” random terrain generation thing.

Even no Man’s Sky has more exploratory options.

AndrasKrigare, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Cyberpunk 2077. I was pretty skeptical of it before it came out (didn’t really feel like it was doing anything unique), but it was such a big release I picked it up to have an opinion on it.

Don’t think I’m gonna do the same for Starfield, though, that’s just a pass

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I think for me it’s going to end up depending on the modding community and how linear the game feels.

I played The Outer Worlds due to the hype around Obsidian releasing a game but it just felt kind of flat and lifeless. Maybe it’s just because it seems similar in atmosphere but I’m worried Starfield is going to end up feeling the same.


Even though I agree for the most part about Cyberpunk,I did finish it ,but skipped parts of story by doing the worse ending. I intend to start a new game after Phantom Liberty dlc comes out just cause I’m curious about the improvements.

Starfield… Now I never liked Bethesda games and could never finish most. I did finish FO4,but was very very bored by the end and rushed it. Starfield is just so bland and has so many mixed ideas and mechanics from other games it just feels like it can’t make up its mind what it wants to be. And the combat… Cyberpunk feels like a combat masterpiece compared to Starfield and Star Citizen the same (despite all issues) for the space part. Starfield just can’t draw me in.

Edit: autocorrect

eight_byte, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review

I don’t want to hear how good this game is because I only own a PS5 and don’t have a gaming PC.


A decade old gaming PC (that was mid-tier at best back then), a PS5 that’s not technically mine, a Switch, and an OG Xbox One. Tell me about it. 😂

admin, avatar

Same here…I’m incredibly disappointed they didn’t release this for PS5!

Veraxus, avatar

Good news for you: It's not very good. At least not the first 5 hours, which are painfully boring and full of jank.


An honest answer. I can respect that

Techmaster, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec?

RealPlayer. I love how every video sounds like they’re taking a shower.


You just triggered my PTSD!

DARbarian, do piracy w Proton VPN. How good is it? avatar

According to r/VPNTorrents, Proton and AirVPN are the only recommended VPNs since they are the only well-established privacy-respecting ones left. New ones are popping up with promise, like Azire, but time will tell. As for Proton, I decided against it because of limited port forwarding and lack of IPv6 compatibility and settled on AirVPN. Also, I personally try to avoid keeping all my eggs in a single corporation's basket, so I cannot advise buying into the full Proton suite if you're remotely tech savvy and/or privacy-concerned. But they are genuinely great products if you have no desire to do any tinkering or shopping around. I just can't see the appeal in my VPN activities being directly tied to my email. Oh and I almost forgot, I switched from PIA due to their lack of IPv6 support and acquistion by Kape, a known adware company.

DARbarian, avatar

PS: AirVPN, in my opinion, is the last great VPN. Open-source, run by activists, anonymous accounts, crypto purchasing, IPv6 compatibility, full port forwarding, great support, Tor integration, the list goes on.


Mullvad no longer useful due to no port forwarding?

DARbarian, avatar

Well, to put it one way, Mullvad is almost definitely the best VPN that doesn't offer port forwarding. Which, in reality, may only be absolutely crucial for torrenting.


How noob/non tech savy friendly would you say it is?


My Proton email is just a fallback and privacy based activities. Nothing nefarious, just stuff I’d prefer to keep off Google’s servers.

DARbarian, avatar

Ah makes sense then. Proton is my main until I get around to self-hosted email.


What happened to CyberGhost?

Aidinthel, do gaming w Confused about the ending of Metro 2033

The nosalises were added to the game because shooter games need generic enemies to shoot. They don’t exist in the books, so the actual plot doesn’t mention them.


Also, blowing up the dark ones is canonically a bad idea. It’s a representation of humanity’s tendency to react with irrational fear and violence against things we don’t understand. If it seems foolish to you, congrats, you understand the point of the story.

jessica, do piracy w I got some malware yesterday, here are the sites I visited as a warning

I didn’t get malware yesterday, here are the sites I visited:


I have firefox as it were


That’s interesting. Less than one minute after posting this, you said you used Brave.


indeed. I use both. I happen to have brave AND firefox on my laptop, as I’ve been making the transition to firefox the last few months. I’m entirely on firefox on my desktop, but I mainly use brave on my laptop. I used it to stream the aforementioned things on Saturday

jimp, do gaming w Beautiful games?

Stray. There were lots of times I’d perch up high and look around at everything going on below.

dQw4w9WgXcQ, do gaming w What's a good game you played with an awful tutorial?

Kerbal Space Program.

Basically “do rocket science without instructions”.

soulsource, avatar

Relevant xkcd:

reverendsteveii, do gaming w The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.

I would also like to bitch at you for talking in terms of “normies”. Gross.


All sorts of hobbies use the term to describe people who aren’t fully into something but have a passing interest, it’s a pretty standard phrase.

snowbell, avatar

How is it gross?


The implied derision.

snowbell, avatar

Not seeing it in this context. If anything it is self deriding. Still a stretch.

bl_r, do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3?

I’m a crpg fan, and a D&D/PF fan. For me, the thing that makes this game so fun is it feels like a streamlined D&D session. Sure, you can’t do as much as you would like in a D&D session, but you can do 99% of what you would typically want to do.

The other thing is the game is extremely polished. So many recent games have been underproduced, unpolished garbage with DLC/MTX shoved in and a $70 price tag. BG3 is a breath of fresh air. It’s not perfect, but the care and dedication that went into it clearly shows.

I feel what makes this game so popular is the fact that the game is just really well made. The story is great, the classes are much better balanced than 5e, and the amount of interesting solutions you can use to solve any problem is just fun. Add co-op, and the game becomes a blast to play with friends.

Considering the recent rise in trrpg popularity and fans of older titles in the franchise, Larian’s existing fans, and an early access that showed off the game as being fun and promising, I’m not surprised it ended up attracting a lot of players. If you have a large enough player base at launch, and an amazing game, I don’t think it is a surprise the game is lighting the world on fire.


I’ve been telling people: it’s as close to a D&D module you can get in a video game. Right down to the banter between party members. It’s an amazing game.

siv9939, do games w Help identifying an old game? avatar

Possibly Dig-N-Rig, although you dig to the left.


This is exactly it, thank you so much! The digipen must’ve been why I was thinking digiminer.

exscape, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

Baldur's Gate 3.
I can probably count the number of games I've paid full price for in the past 15 years on one hand, and this is one of them. No regrets whatsoever.

Looking back on Steam, last time was GTA V. Prior to that Skyrim, and prior to that Portal 2.

hoodatninja, avatar

I swear 40-50% of all dialogue, interactions, etc. reflect the character I built. It is insane. They made D&D into a video game. They actually did it.


I didn’t pay full price for it and I’m being punished for it. The pirated copy I downloaded had a virus on it :(

The game is brilliant though! Shoving people into pits is the best class hands down.


Shoving gobbos from a cliff to kill them by falling damage. Soo good!


Honestly if it’s not worth paying for it’s probably not worth playing. Your time is more valuable than that.


I get what you mean but not everyone can afford $60 games. In some parts of the world that’s more than half a month’s salary.


In those places, the games are differently priced. Regional pricing is on Steam, epic, and a few other stores. Also, I only buy games, I don’t pirate and I rarely buy games for 60 dollars. I typically just wait a bit and pick them up for 30 or less. That said I understand, pirating is easier and for AAA games it might truly not matter if you do or not. Indie games are certainly a different story and each purchase, even extremely discounted, gives the developer that little bit more which can mean a lot.


I live in one of those places and we don’t have regional pricing. When Steam starts offering competitive pricing in Africa I’ll start buying games at full price but for the moment I’ll stick to buying games on sale and piracy.


What currency do you use? Rand?


Shillings. I’ll let you guess which kind of shillings ;)


Ah, okay. Yeah, looking at Steam’s pricing it doesn’t give me the option to regionally price for shillings of any kind. The most I can regionally price is the South African Rand. Do prices on Steam then just show in USD for you or do they actually sell stuff in shillings?


Sucks for us :/ The prices show up in USD.


I caved and bought it at full price 😭 Responsible spending habits are a capitalist conspiracy.


Seen the hype, but man, I don't feel like slogging through a 100 hour RPG at this point in my life.

exscape, avatar

I play with a friend. If it works out anything like Divinity: Original Sin 2 we'll be finished maybe around April or something.
We usually play about 1 hour at a time, almost never more than 1.5 hour... and about 2-4 times a week. So it'll take a long while, but it's a lot of fun.

mifan, avatar

As a new dad I don’t have the time for games that I used to, but I’ve been playing BG2 for a few hours every week, and now BG3 has taken over, it’s actually a perfect game to play whenever you just have a short time on your hand.

It’s one of those game experiences where I think of my character all the time when not playing. Can’t wait to get back, when the little one is sleeping again.

gaytswiftfan, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I hate when games are open world just cause. I only ever enjoy an open world when there’s an insane amount of lore like in Skyrim or Fallout, but in most games I prefer a linear gameplay or semi-open (Mass effect, Dragon Age)

At some point something happened and literally every game has to be open world now 😭


A Plague Tale is an incredible example of what can be done with a linear design. Both Innocence and Requiem were amazing.

Open world games like the Witcher 3 leave the player with this really weird interaction with plot urgency. I’m looking for someone but just barely missed them? Hurry to the next town so I don’t miss them again? But then zero consequences when I ignore that quest for twenty levels.


Agreed. Like the original linear Mirror’s Edge is way better than it’s open world prequel. It’s my go-to example for exactly this problem.


And that Halo game I can’t remember what it’s called, but there’s an open world Halo game and it’s awful.

The biggest problem in that game, and in general, is the fact that, yeah it’s an open world game, but there isn’t really a lot to do, so you have to run around through the level, which is usually boring, to get to the actual next bit of the game.

It wouldn’t be so bad if they just teleported you to the next bit. Then the open world aspect could be played around with on your terms, but you could also just ignore it if you wanted. But they never do that because they’ve made an open world, and they want you to look at it.


While I don’t mind openworld games, they definitely feel off, esp. with regards to the main quest. Can’t save the world, gotta get this granny laid.

One of the only games with a open world that actually REQUIRED it for the game to make sense is Paradise Killers. It’s a detective open world game on an island. The open world makes a lot of sense, because a detective has to find their clues. It’s not a detective game if there’s a counter of “clues found” or there’s a linear progression. The game never tells you that you’re done finding clues. Like a real detective in a real open world, you have to decide whether you’ve seen enough.

Faydaikin, avatar

I mostly dislike open-world games because of the lazy travel systems. Either you have to run everywhere or you free fast-travel from any point, too any point.

There is no middelground.

I miss games like Morrowind, where you not only had to pay for fast-travel, but it functioned more like an actual transportation system. Like, you had to go to this city and take a Strider to that town and then a boat ride to get to your destination.

Giving the world some infrastructur and natural money drainers helps with immersion and facilitates the need to go do some side-quests every now then. You get fast-travel, but you also get to see the world that was build for you. And you don’t run around as the richest douche in the world by level 10 with the best gear available because nothing costs anything.

Bethesda skipped this aspect entirely back in Oblivion and never looked back. Making your characters golden gods from the get-go, with no reason to interact with anyone or do anything except screwing around and collecting trinkets.

There’s more to it, ofcause, but this is the biggest pet-peeve I have.

Rakqoi, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Here’s one I genuinely love and hate at the same time. In Dark Souls and Elden Ring, you drop your souls/runes (currency) on the spot where you last died, and if you die again before recovering them, they’re lost forever. You get souls and runes by killing enemies and generally progressing, so this leads to some interesting scenarios.

One one hand, it incentivizes you to spend your currency (to minimize risk of losing it) instead of just sitting on it, forcing you to make decisions on how you spend it, and whether to take the risk to save up to get more expensive items or level ups. It also forces you to play very deliberately, since there’s a penalty, but only if you die twice.

But… it makes me scared to progress, because I don’t know what to expect, and I don’t want to risk losing my souls/runes. Unless I have just recently lost everything and I have nothing to lose, I feel pressured to play overly carefully and never take risks and play the game in the most fun way possible, out of fear of loss. And even when I DO die and lose my currency, the freedom to play in risky ways only lasts for a short time, because as I kill enemies I start to build up my souls or runes again, and then I’m back in the same situation of not wanting to lose them.

I think that’s the main reason why I haven’t finished Elden Ring despite getting so close to the end. That overly careful playstyle is not very fun, but I can’t get over that fear of losing my runes in order to enjoy the game more.


The run back to your body helps you build up runes too, where a game where you’re loading a save it reverts progress. The souls style allows death to create progress for people struggling. If you’re dying then you’ll be forced to build runes up and can then go level or upgrade gear.

Usually you shouldn’t be too worried about losing souls though because they’re fairly easy to come by. It’s a bit of a trap in souls games to value your souls too much. There are many ways to farm them that don’t take much time or effort, including just going exploring side content and finding new equipment. Once you level up yourself or your gear a few times, the part you were struggling with will be easier. That’s how Elden Ring especially, but even Dakr Souls, is supposed to be played. If you’re struggling and don’t want to be, just go somewhere else. There’s plenty of content to do.

Toribor, avatar

This is definitely one of the things I originally didn’t like about Souls games that have come to realize is a pretty cleverly designed mechanic. Earning enough souls to purchase something shouldn’t take very long and it if is, then it means you already have what you need to be succeeding in your current area. The ‘git gud’ joke is worn out, but genuinely you just need to learn how to face off with enemies (or run past them) until they stop being scary.

The game will not let you progress without learning how to engage with the systems it presents to you. There are typically several or many viable strategies, you just have to figure out what works for you.

By the time you’re dragging yourself through a toxic poison swamp you’ll realize that your level is just a number and nothing lasts forever.


I have several hundred hours across the 3 souls games and ER, and I totally get that it’s a well designed mechanic, which is why I love it. and yeah, I know that valuing souls too much is a mental trap that prevents me from enjoying the game, but I just can’t shake it in Elden Ring for some reason, despite doing so more easily in souls games. (though, it especially sucks in DS2 because of soul memory but that’s a whole can of worms)

The souls series is one of my favorite game series of all time, and I would definitely not change the blood stain mechanic whatsoever because I think it’s about perfect. Especially with rings of sacrifice (or the weird twigs) and homeward bones to give you chances to mitigate the penalty when you really think you need to. It’s excellently designed and forces you to improve at the game.

Despite that, it still causes me hesitation and demotivates me from playing the games sometimes. I have to be in a specific mood to want to improve at a game, and I’m in that mood less often as I have more things I need to spend my time on, and usually play games just to relax and have an easier time nowadays. I still love Elden Ring to death and it’s genuinely one of the best games ever made (in my opinion), and yet I have a love/hate relationship with death mechanics in these games.

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