Krafting, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated) avatar

Prism Launcher, the only one worth it in my opinion

tias, (edited ) do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated)

Haven’t tried all the ones mentioned here but I installed the modrinth app and can’t really complain about anything so I haven’t looked further. Easy to search mods and install them, it deals with all the dependencies, updates automatically, etc. It looks nice and doesn’t get in your way.

INHALE_VEGETABLES, do gaming w What's your favourite and/or least favourite gaming hardware?

Virtual boy fits in both best and worst 👍


O see the worst but how is it the best?


At the time it blew my mind.

strawberry, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated)

I like mulimc. super easy to manage mods (I use a performance boosting modpack that has like 25 mods in it) so it automatically keeps that up to date

also the official launcher had issues with my VPN where if it was connected it wouldn't load my skin and I couldn't even split tunnel it, multimc doesn't have that issue

Beaver, do gaming w #StopKillingGames update: Finland just passed the threshold. avatar

Bro Finland wins at everything!

Lootboblin, avatar

not in the Olympics.

woelkchen, do games w Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha avatar

Somebody needs to tell the games team that they make their own operating system. This is Windows-only. WTF.

Virkkunen, avatar

Runs perfectly fine on Linux though, with DX11 or Vulkan. On Windows, Vulkan has some performance issues that make it quite unenjoyable, but in Linux for me it plays a lot better with Vulkan than Windows DX11.

woelkchen, avatar

Runs perfectly fine on Linux though

The quality of Proton is not the point, the point is that they’re not dogfooding their own platform. They’ll likely follow the same course as CS2: Lengthy prerelease test exclusively on Windows, then a few days before actual release someone will port the game to Linux/SteamOS and release day is the first day of the Linux port’s alpha test.

How can anybody at Valve expect game publishers to take Steam Deck and SteamOS seriously if the developer of the actual platform is not dogfooding it with their own games?

Virkkunen, avatar

Yeah I get what you mean, but with Linux gaming I think it's great enough that it runs with Proton and no one is blocking it. I also believe they'll port it to native Linux after the alpha stage is done, but remember that the game is in a closed alpha state, so at no point this should be taken as "Valve not dogfooding their platform". All we can do right now is wait and see.

woelkchen, avatar

with Linux gaming I think it’s great enough that it runs with Proton and no one is blocking it.

You clearly missed many news from the gaming sphere.

remember that the game is in a closed alpha state, so at no point this should be taken as “Valve not dogfooding their platform

Yes, it is. Sony is developing their games for PlayStation first and Windows as an afterthought. I’m not saying that Windows should be an afterthought but SteamOS should be a development target from day 1.

All we can do right now is wait and see.

Grab your Steam Deck, install Counter-Strike 2, and look at the state of Source2 games right now.


They are beta testing, remove the OS issue and they van focus on games issues

woelkchen, avatar

They are beta testing, remove the OS issue and they van focus on games issues

SteamOS needs to be day 1 development target for all things at Valve. With your attitude we end up with CS2 broken on Steam Deck until now.


A yes, because Steam Deck is the most optimal platform to play competitive FPS

woelkchen, avatar

A yes, because Steam Deck is the most optimal platform to play competitive FPS

That’s not even the argument. The argument is that Valve’s own game teams should be able to support their own hardware.


No. Development occurs on windows machines, so this is where they deploy. It’s essential for a studio to work on core mechanics, gameplay loop and feel. It’s obviously going to be steam deck day one.

woelkchen, avatar

No. Development occurs on windows machines

“Development occurs on” and “development target” are different things.

It’s obviously going to be steam deck day one.

Sure, like CS2 is on Steam Deck since day one and still broken.


Who the actual fuck do you think wants to play cs on a motherfucking steam deck? And again, you of course target your own machine first for a pc game. It’s how 99% of all editors work. Why would you try to argue something that you don’t know how it works?


Valve is probably perfectly happy with just making sure proton compatibility is good. They don’t expect developers to change their whole workflow to cater to the Deck, that’s why they’ve done so much work with proton.

woelkchen, avatar

Valve is probably perfectly happy with just making sure proton compatibility is good.

Valve is happy that games break all the time? Yeah, sure buddy. If anybody at Valve was happy with that, maybe that Microsoft agent should lose their job.

They don’t expect developers to change their whole workflow to cater to the Deck

The point of cross-platform middleware is specifically not to “change their whole workflow”. 🙄

that’s why they’ve done so much work with proton.

Valve is also doing much work with SDL and so on to target native development, that’s why it’s embarrassing that they don’t target their own platform. All successful platform holders treat their platform as 1st class citizens: Sony targets PlayStation from day 1 of game development, so does Nintendo with Switch. Apple is not prioritizing Windows either.

Failing platforms are those where the platform vendor doesn’t even believe enough in it to properly support it. Since over a decade Microsoft makes ARM-based Surface devices and to this day Microsoft has ported not a single game, not even casual stuff like Minesweeper, over to Windows ARM. “Microsoft is perfectly happy with just making sure Prism compatibility is good” and yet emulated applications crash, perform worse, and result in battery drain. Similar with Steam Deck: The only way to ensure games perform to their best and don’t unexpectedly break on an update is proper SteamOS native versions.


They are going to add Linux support the game is in alpha.

woelkchen, avatar

They are going to add Linux support the game is in alpha.

That’s not day 1. Why do I need to say it over and over again? It’s not like I spelled it out already: CS2 had a Windows-only pre-release and the Linux port was only added to the formal release, resulting in the Linux port being very buggy to this day! Their own platform needs to be the top tier development target from day 1. How is that difficult to understand?


Because they are developing the game for windows first since that’s where 93% of the customers are. Are you even thinking this through?

woelkchen, avatar

Because they are developing the game for windows first since that’s where 93% of the customers are.

Why not develop for Windows and Steam Deck equally then?

Are you even thinking this through?

Definitively more than you.


You’re pretty funny but you clearly aren’t smart.


It’s almost as if they are a for-profit company that doesn’t want to waste development time on an OS that have significantly fewer players to sell to and will choose to optimize for Linux as an afterthought.

I use Arch, btw and play only on Linux, so I’m not being biased, just speaking truths.

Virkkunen, avatar

I wouldn't say that's the case because it's Valve, and they work on a very unique way. Besides, the work they did with Proton, SteamOS and Steam Deck shows that at no point they believe developing for Linux is waste of efforts or an afterthought. They go out of the usual way to make things better for Linux. I fully expect them to port Deadlock to Linux once it hits beta or release.

woelkchen, avatar

I fully expect them to port Deadlock to Linux once it hits beta or release.

Like CS2 that has severe bugs on Steam Deck to this day?

woelkchen, avatar

It’s almost as if they are a for-profit company that doesn’t want to waste development time on an OS that have significantly fewer players to sell to and will choose to optimize for Linux as an afterthought.

Yeah, why would Nintendo develop for Switch or Sony for PlayStation when it’s clearly a waste of development time and and money and Windows is clearly the superior development target?

I’m not being biased, just speaking truths.

No, you speak nothing of truth regarding game development has a platform holder.

skulblaka, avatar

Yeah but Valve, who is making this game, made SteamOS and the Steam Deck in house. It’s their own product. It would be a monumentally stupid move to release a first party game that doesn’t run on their own first party hardware.


It’s still niche. You’re living in your dream world, not reality. It’s the entire point of proton - not to have to create two versions of the game. As long as it’s compatible it’ll run nicely on their hardware.

mox, (edited )

I’m with you in principle, but I think it’s unlikely that Valve are building the game themselves, given that they haven’t done much of that in ages.

It’s reasonable to think their first priorities were finding a development studio [Edit: or even in-house developers] capable producing a good game, and helping them to do so. If the developers are most familiar with Windows tools and APIs, then the path to a successful game would be letting them use those, at least to begin with.

Let’s just hope that they’re being guided along to way toward design decisions that make a native port relatively easy if the game turns out to be good.


The project is reportedly led by “IceFrog”, which looked like a studio name when I first read it, but it’s apparently a person. So maybe this is in-house development after all. Great! It would be nice to see Valve making significant games again.

Nevertheless, gathering a team with the talent and vision to make a good game is harder than finding people who can learn a certain API or platform, so if they have the former, it would make sense to let them target the platform they already know and get the game out the door. Doing it in-house just makes it even easier for Valve’s linux folks to guide them in design choices that would simplify multiplatform support later. (Cross-platform development isn’t all that hard if you plan for it from the start instead of painting yourself into a corner.) If the game is well received, it would then make sense to invest more time into training the devs on linux and doing a linux-native port.

Or to put it another way: Yes, Valve has an OS that keeps them independent from Windows, but that’s just one tool in their kit. Proton is another tool. That gives Valve flexibility in how they bring a game to market, and how they prioritize/schedule various phases of the project. This still-unannounced game might be Windows-only for now, but I would not assume that will be forever.

woelkchen, avatar

If that studio’s developers are most familiar with Windows tools and APIs, then the path to a successful game would be letting them use those, at least to begin with.

So you’re saying, if Sony or Nintendo made a new console and contracted an outside developer, that developer should develop for Windows instead of the new consoles because they are unfamiliar with the new tools and APIs? Why even develop using Source Engine (2)? Why not also give in to a total Unreal Engine monopoly because that’s what every game developer knows? CS2 on Steam Deck is bad right now.

mox, (edited )

No, that is not what I said at all. Either you’ve misunderstood, or you’re arguing in bad faith. Given that you’re now pushing an unrealistic all-or-nothing point of view and putting words in my mouth, I think it’s some of both.


Don’t waste your time. These people are blinded by idealism and don’t care about reality, just being angry.


Valve is absolutely developing this game themselves


I expected this from the start once proton was introduced, just not from Valve themselves… Welp. It’s now inevitable.

woelkchen, avatar

I expected this from the start once proton was introduced, just not from Valve themselves… Welp. It’s now inevitable.

Clueless people act as if Proton was like Java, a “write once, run everywhere” environment…🙄


Not sure what you mean here with your sarcasm. Proton means that developers can just write games for Windows and expect to make that version compatible with Linux with minimal changes as opposed to making a native Linux version.

As a developer myself, I know that it doesn’t make sense for a developer in most cases to write a Linux version and support it when the Linux user base is tiny by comparison. It happened with OS/2 and it can happen again. Not to mention Linux game developer tooling pales in comparison to Windows with DirectX.

woelkchen, avatar

Proton means that developers can just write games for Windows and expect to make that version compatible with Linux with minimal changes as opposed to making a native Linux version.

SteamOS is Valve’s own OS. Steam Linux Runtime is Valve’s own development target. Steam Deck is Valve’s on hardware. It’s a stable platform that doesn’t move constantly like chasing Windows compatibility through reverse engineering. Win32 is not Java, Proton is not OpenJDK. Windows games on Proton break constantly. The only way into the future is proper SteamOS versions, not buggy afterthoughts.

As a developer myself, I know that it doesn’t make sense for a developer in most cases to write a Linux version and support it when the Linux user base is tiny by comparison. It happened with OS/2 and it can happen again.

Steam Deck is not OS/2. Steam Deck is more like a video game console and needs to be treated like one with proper ports instead of broken shit like CS2, especially for Valve’s own games. Portal on Nintendo Switch works better than CS2 on Steam Deck because it’s a proper port, not an afterthought.

Stop repeating the same false arguments to me over and over again, as repeating those would make them right. If anyone of you would ever be put in charge of PlayStation, that entire business would collapse within months.

Not to mention Linux game developer tooling pales in comparison to Windows with DirectX.

Maybe Valve should improve that for their own platform then instead of relying of tools by a hostile competitor. It’s just dumb.


It’s really not? You can play it perfectly fine on linux. Performs great for me with 0 issues so far.

woelkchen, avatar

It’s really not?

The quality of Proton is not the point, the point is that they’re not dogfooding their own platform.

You guys making the same comments over and over again. I can literally paste previous replies because nobody of you cares to actually read.


That’s because I don’t understand your point. You complain about it being only for windows yet push away their efforts of bringing windows games to linux (which is proton). So indeed, the quality of proton is very much the point as it dictates the quality of the game on linux to a general extent.

Not to mention that this IS an early development build, I would say that its perfectly reasonable for them to only make the early builds for windows since that is where a majority of the play testers are likely to be (not to mention that linux -> windows tools don’t exist unless you want to game on WSL2).

So what are you trying to complain about? The fact that they aren’t exclusively pandering for steam deck users? If that is the case, I must admit that it’s very childish to just expect that and I hate other companies for making this the norm.

x00z, avatar

All of their games have native Linux builds. So if this one doesn’t support Linux out of the box, his opinion is quite valid.


It’s not out of the box though is it? Considering that this is a game that hasn’t even been revealed to the world in the first place.

x00z, avatar

My bad, I meant when it gets released.


Ah I see. Sure, if there is no native linux build on the games release, I’ll be complaining too.

TheHobbyist, do games w #StopKillingGames Update: Sweden and Poland pass threshold as initiative reaches 25%

This is going very well it seems! I see the next few countries close to passing the threshold are:

  • Denmark (88%)
  • Netherlands (87%)
  • Germany (75%)

Assuming we get those, we would need one more country. The highest remaining country is Ireland (55%). Getting all those still wouldn’t reach 1M signatures, but the rest could keep being distributed across the EU (even including countries which have already passed the threshold, I’m assuming).

This is all very exciting and gives me a lot of hope! Keep signing folks!


(even including countries which have already passed the threshold, I’m assuming).

You assume correctly

nekusoul, (edited ) avatar

At this point I’d that say getting enough individual countries is almost inevitable in the process of getting 1M signatures. If the distribution between countries remains as it is, every country with more than 25% right now would reach the threshold by the end.

Seems to me like the individual country threshold is only added to prevent initiatives getting single-handedly pushed by a single big country and never be the blocker for regular initiatives.

So yeah, the best strategy would most likely be to keep pushing the big countries: Germany, France, Spain and Italy. Speaking of Italy, what’s up with them? Only 18%? Those are rookie numbers.


Could be due to Italy’s very old demographics. Fewer people who care about videogames.

nekusoul, avatar

That’s one thing I checked first, but compared to Germany for example, the average age and percentage of people playing video-games is apparently just a few percentage points of difference. Though “people playing video-games” could of course mean anything and I’d wager that the average person playing casual games on their phone might not care as much.

BuboScandiacus, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated) avatar

Prism or multimc

morbidcactus, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated)

I’ve used MultiMC forever, it’s open source and has linux support. Like it because I tend to have a few different modpacks/versions, keeps things organised.

Mwa, avatar

tbh i think multimc is a pretty alr comment but not saying its bad

apotheotic, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated)

Prism launcher is pretty sweet but its very barebones. If you want “features” (mods) like badlion comes pre-installed with you’ll have to add them yourself, but its very simple to do.

Bonus that prism launcher is developed by hella queer folks!

Mwa, (edited ) avatar

Bonus that prism launcher is developed by hella queer folks!

~~ok that makes sense cause they are on the mastodon instance ~~ Ok thats iris lol

ganymede, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated)

does doing so mean you can bypass the microsoft account bs?

Mwa, avatar

No just looking for a good minecraft client that is fast,feature packed,etc bcs I heard the official minecraft client is not good

Max_P, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated) avatar

I’d stay clear from those “clients”. I had a quick look and holy shit, they have stores with ridiculously predatory prices for skins. That’s 100% exploiting kids and their parents. Fuck that. Nope nope nope.

Use Prism. It’s open source, has existed for a very long time, works well and has been the goto on Linux for a while, and is actually a real launcher.

Max_P, avatar

$7/mo subscription to remove ads! For a launcher. Insanity.

Screenshot of subscription service at $6.95/mo to remove ads and get cosmetics

Mwa, avatar

Didn’t know these launchers were bad

Fizz, do gaming w Best client for mc?(is this the right community for this the minecraft one is semi dead but not fully but releated) avatar

I’m using prism for modded MC and its pretty good. It allows me to easily manage multiple modpacks and versions.

Mwa, avatar

I use cracked prism and it’s really good so might use that

Barbarian, do games w #StopKillingGames Update: Sweden and Poland pass threshold as initiative reaches 25% avatar

While we’re on the topic of EU initiatives, the tax the rich initiative still needs signatures. It aims to set a floor on tax rates for the very wealthy, and have member states use that new money for environment, employment and social policies.

They’ve hit the threshold for France and Germany, but still need more signatures everywhere else.


Apparently during the summer I missed all kind of this stuff: just voted!

Had it been enough presented in different social media?

Usernamealreadyinuse, do games w #StopKillingGames Update: Sweden and Poland pass threshold as initiative reaches 25%

I missed this iniative completely! Just voted!

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