AbsoluteChicagoDog, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Suits: a Business RPG is short but entertaining

Crazazy, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Spheres of Chaos is an old asteroids based game that really ups the ante on trippyness and cool sounds

I should warn you though that it is very flashy, so epilepsy warning is in order

tobz619, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?

Burnout, but takedown style, NOT paradise/open world

It’s insane I can’t just have a game where I can do ridiculous crashes and uses cars as bullets.


Butnout: Paradise was the good shit


But they took out crash mode. Yeah, you could crash whenever in the open world, but I loved the puzzle game aspects of the old crash mode.


What kind of mode is that ?
'Cause there was a mode you were scored on the amount of mayhem you caused.


They had pre-arranged intersections with set traffic patterns and multipliers and stuff scattered about, so it was a puzzle as well as a driving challenge.


oh that’s cool !


Crash mode was sort of like Angry Birds but with exploding cars and 10x the production value. You’d get score multipliers for causing the most damage possible.

kratoz29, avatar

NOT paradise/open world

Jeez, I am with you in this one, what is wrong selecting tracks and having less open world games in general?


This is my number one gaming wish. The old school burnout games were great! Couldn’t get into Paradise and all the driving around in between races.

Scio, (edited ) do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?

No One Lives Forever! Please and thank you.

They’re both fantastic games, but the original (in which you go to Hamburg and a space station) felt more adventurous rather than the more grounded sequel (in which you go to the arctics and even more exotic locale: my hometown of Calcutta). Set it in the fictionalized disco-themed cold-war with the lead jet-setting around the world, and we’re golden!

Also, only a single game, but: Arcanum. (At least this one’s possible to buy on Gog and Steam…)

Arcanum supposedly had a sequel in the works at some point: Journey to the Center of Arcanum, and frankly, while I’d prefer to see other continents on that world explored a là Around the World in 80 Days, I’d still be sold on a hollow-earth adventure any day!

[Finished with the edits now!]


Such a shame NOLF is so deeply mired in rights disputes that we’ll probably never even get a digital rerelease, let alone a sequel.


A friendly reminder to everyone: there is a fan project, part 1 and 2 updated to run on modern systems. They have their own page, the full games can be downloaded from there, and they just work. Just Google the title and fan update.


Which is what the NOLF link in my post points to.

Edit: no that’s just NOLF revival. I suppose I shouldn’t change it now, and thanks for posting ☺️


Nonono, that’s it!!! I totally missed the link :)

After fiddling with my original CDs back two years I gave up and installed these! Wide-screen, stable, high resolutions, perfect! I was so happy fans decided to get them running again!


Me too! My original discs for the sequel was unreadable even before I got to play it (it was a hand-me-down).

I also found this mod on itch as well, after your post. I think I had to edit the configs to get the resolution writing for Nolf2 even on the revival copy (and, save files from different resolutions don’t load!) If this patch can work around those issues that’d be great.

Time for another playthrough of the series, on the Steam Deck!

simple, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?

Infamous. I don’t know why the series just disappeared after Infamous Second Son, I feel like we could’ve gotten way more in that universe. While they’re at it they should port Infamous 1 & 2 to modern consoles…


Ah man! What a great choice!

It looks like the studio was behind Ghost of Tsushima, so here's hoping further down the PS5's lifecycle we get a sequel!

Omegamanthethird, avatar

I loved the first 2 games. inFamous 2 is probably a top 5, definitely top 10 game for me. Festival of Blood is one of my favorite DLCs as well.

I didn’t finish Second Son.


I would love to have them on PC. Honestly why Sony doesn’t port all their old catalog (Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter etc.) is beyond me. That would get them so much money.


Came to say inFamous, but specifically picking up after the evil ending in 2. The way that frames it could allow for character customization, and maybe even getting to choose your powerset.

It could even have multiplayer elements if that’s where they wanted to go with it. Not sure how well PvP would work out, but co-op missions could be fun. But, it could work just fine without any of that


PvP would probably go poorly, making a single player studio create multiplayer games is bad.
Unless they themselves really want it.


They are making too much money with ghost of tsushima lol

RightHandOfIkaros, do games w What category is games like Life is Strange and Until Dawn?


Telltale is the most prolific developer of these kinds of games.

Japan has had elements similar to this in visual novels for a long time. Snatcher, Policenauts, YU-NO, etc. feature the same type of gameplay but without the parts in Life is Strange where you explore in a 3d environment.

MyNameIsAtticus, avatar

Man. I miss Telltale

LordBelphegor, do gaming w Android games for girls?

Stardew Valley


I was so convinced Stardew Valley had ads and micro transactions I had to look it up, but no ads no MT.

Everything I found was positive, it may be the last bastion of cute and positive gaming.


Also some major world expansions for free over the years.

Ginger Island is the most recent one, and I believe there is another one on the way as CA switches between Stardew and the unreleased chocolate game.

teawrecks, do gaming w Android games for girls?

No such thing as “girl games” and “boy games”. Just ones they like and ones they don’t.


I absolutely agree. I just typed the description she gave me of the game she wants.


Hah, sorry everyone jumped down your throat on the choice of words. Stardew Valley would be good for anyone old enough to read who would enjoy taking care of their own farm and building a relationship with villagers. I would call the graphics “cute”, but not gratuitously so (which might be preferred). Cooking Mama is another one that has a good reputation on non-mobile platforms, and it looks like they made an Android version. (Haven’t played the Android version, hopefully it’s not full of micro transactions).

If she has a Switch, I would say Animal Crossing.


There are definitely games where the primary/target demographic is boys or girls though.

The arcade classic “Centipede” is a good example of this. It was designed to try to attract women to play it. The colors were pastel shades and its sequel Millipede took it further by having a “story” about an elf archer protecting a mushroom forest from a bug invasion. Centipede was partially programmed by a woman (one of four people who made the game), Donna Bailey, who was also responsible for choosing the games vibrant pastel color palette.

Now, is Centipede or Millipede only for girls? No of course not. No video game is only for a single demographic. But real world data showed that girls/ women generally played Centipede and Millipede more than boys/men did. Some things just have a general appeal to some demographics more than others. So typically when a person asks for “girl games,” they just means games that will have a high appeal to girls or games that were designed with girls as the primary demographic.

Otome visual novels are this way as well. They target a female playerbase with a story-based romance game and generally feature a female protagonist who romances male characters in the game.

WatDabney, do gaming w best GBA games? I need recommendations

Most similar to Advance Wars:

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis

Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation

Shining Force:Resurrection of the Dark Dragon

Just in general:

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1 and 2

Drill Dozer

Golden Sun 1 and 2

Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

Guru Logic Champ

Metroid Fusion

Metroid Zero Mission

Medabots RPG

Klonoa: Empire of Dreams

TheMinions, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Assassin’s Creed and the Open World Gameplay design. It definitely existed before then, but after AC came out, it felt like every RPG switched to the open world map.

r00ty, avatar

There have been "open world" games since the 1980s. Just of course, memory limited how big that world could be, and how much you could do in it. The genre as a whole is ancient.


For sure. AC just popularized it.


The first ones I can think of is legend of Zelda and final fantasy, but I think there was also Adventure for the Atari before those even. The first Assassin’s Creed was 2007, Adventure was 1980


Which Zelda games were open world (before BotW)? I’ve always found them annoyingly linear.

subignition, avatar

The original Legend of Zelda. You had a large open overworld to explore, and IIRC could do many of the dungeons in any order.


That’s cool, I haven’t played any of the 2D ones (as you’ve probably guessed!), are they worth playing now for someone with no nostalgia goggles?


I would say the original Zelda isn’t, but link to the past definitely holds up. Honestly most of the 2d Zelda’s from link to the past onwards are good

subignition, avatar

It hasn't aged too badly, but it's from an era where you were not necessarily expected to figure everything out on your own -- talking about it with IRL friends or reading tips and tricks in a magazine (or on the early Internet/Usenet) were pretty normal. I would say give it a try but don't be hesitant to look for a guide if you get stuck or lost.


Which Zelda game WASNT open world???

subignition, avatar

Skyward Sword in particular was pretty linear despite technically having a literal 'overworld' of sorts.


I feel like GTA planted that seed waaayy before that. I remember open world games being followed by “like GTA”. Assassin’s Creed was no exception.


Valid point. I forgot about GTA since that was one of the few banned games in my household.


I feel like Elder Scrolls was the model being followed for open world RPGs. Assassin’s Creed didn’t even have RPG mechanics until the later games.

H1jAcK, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Quake revolutionized fps games

Ape Escape was the first PS1 game to require the dual shock controller


I’d argue that quake did far more for 3D graphics then it did for FPS. Like Doom is what got FPS into the spotlight even though Wolfenstein 3d came first. Like quake is pretty much what made real 3D possible and doable on the hardware of the time thanks to everything going on under the hood

RootBeerGuy, avatar

Absolutely, we didn’t even have any special graphics cards at the time for 3D, I believe? I remember that started some time around Quake 2 but I am not sure, I might remember wrong.


While I don’t know much about video cards, the IBM Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA) is often called the first video card and had a couple of contenders for first that were either designed earlier or released at almost the same time in 1981 and were all for displaying text only. The first GPU card sold to the public was the GeForce 256 in 1999. I’m assuming there’s some in between that were not really used by the public that would have been used in movies and whatnot.

The reason why nobody was selling GPUs before Quake was because quake was THE first 3D game. Doom and other games before Quake were 2.5D and didn’t have 3D models only sprites. Games before Quake essentially mimicked 3D while Quake IS 3D


The first GPU card sold to the public was the GeForce 256 in 1999

3dfx cards like the Voodoo and Voodoo2 were 3d accelerators that predated nVidia’s offerings.

And even from nVidia themselves, the Riva TNT was a GPU released before the GeForce models.


Ohhhh! I think the Riva TNT (or Riva TNT 2?) was my first 3D accelerated graphics card! What a time to be alive was that.


The first PC that I bought myself has a TNT2 with 8mb of memory. I upgraded it some time later with a GeForce 2 and the difference was shocking.


I remember having a GeForce 2 as well. Yes, I was really into graphics at that time. :) Ever since Wolfenstein 3D, or DooM, to be honest.

Colored lighting in Unreal for the first time!

Did you have dreams of DooM back then? I remember opening doors in DooM with that iconic sound in my dreams, lol.


The term GPU wasn’t used yet. It got applied as something of a marketing term to cards that had hardware transform and lighting, and that was indeed the GeForce 256. Before then, they were “3d accelerators”.

You can see this on the Wiki page for the GeForce:

GeForce 256 was marketed as “the world’s first ‘GPU’, or Graphics Processing Unit”, a term Nvidia defined at the time as “a single-chip processor with integrated transform, lighting, triangle setup/clipping, and rendering engines that is capable of processing a minimum of 10 million polygons per second”.

So it kinda depends on perspective. If you take Nvidia’s marketing at face value, then the GeForce 256 was, indeed, the first GPU. You could retroactively apply it to earlier 3d accelerators, including the SNES Super FX chip, but none of them used the term at the time.


At that point, what even is the purpose of defining it? It’s such a specific term that was designed to only apply to their hardware. It’s like creating a new word for a car because you added air conditioning to it.

Sure, they had the first GPU because they coined a term that only applied to one specific product.


The first GPU card sold to the public was the GeForce 256 in 1999.

No it wasn’t. Rendition had the Verite back in 1996 that was true 3D and 2D on the same single video card. At the same time as the Verite was the 3DFX Voodoo (released 1995), but it was 3D only and needed a second card for 2D. Rendition was also the only 3D accelerator natively supported by Quake.


Nvidia did indeed market it as the first GPU at the time. You can retroactively apply the term, but it didn’t exist before then.


Sony coined the term GPU in 1994 for what was in the Playstation.

Nvidia might have marketed it as the first GPU, but other companies had combined 2D/3D processors on a single chip marketed to consumers well before the GeForce, including Nvidia themselves with the Riva 128. The GeForce was the first product from Nvidia marketed as a GPU, but that doesn’t mean it was the first product to market that was either called a GPU or not called that but still was one. It WAS the first to market with a T&L system (though Rendition had T&L on a chip first it never made it to market).


This is correct. I remember running Quake II in software mode with hardware effects (could that have been OpenGL already?). It ran at like 1 frames per second, because I didn’t have a 3D graphics card. Although the lighting looked lovely when you shot a rocket through a hallway.


That may be what I was thinking of. I actually never played Quake, I just knew it was groundbreaking


And then there was the Quake 2 engine which gave us Deus Ex, American McGee’s Alice and then (through the modified GoldSrc version) Half-Life, Counter Strike and countless others! The family tree of 3D engines is really interesting.


and the Unreal engine which gave us I don’t have any idea how many but just a staggering number. Both solid games on their own, but long-term the engines were the real rock stars

Burn_The_Right, do astronomy w Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia

So… Does this mean Australia is no longer a continent?


Dwarf continent


If that photo was taken right before impact, none of the continents will remain continents because it’s all about to melt and we might have another moon when everything settles down and we evolve back from scratch over the next several billion years.


The only survivors would be Australia’s infamous Magma Spiders.


Just in time to get baked by the sun!


Or does it mean Australia is a planet?


I’m sure the rest of the world would agree!


Australia would have to round up its edges and clear it’s orbit of little islands before being called a planet.

Iheartcheese, avatar

Mostly just a cunt


Sand Mass?


Seems like it amounts to a gas giant down under.

Zozano, avatar

It never was. The concept of Australis is part of spherical world order.

Do you really think a Platypus is a real animal? A mammal that let’s eggs and has bioluminescent fur. Get the fuck outta here.

vikingtons, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store? avatar

shattered pixel dungeon is a good time. It’s FOSS and you can also find it in fdroid.


Hey what’s the difference between Shattered Pixel Dungeon and Pixel Dungeon ML?

vikingtons, avatar

ML appears to be a fork with improved multi language support


Neat! Thank you ^_^

ICastFist, avatar

Adding to a FOSS list: Mindustry and Unciv. The latter is an amazing Civilization 5 clone.

fwygon, do gaming w 98% compatibility

Linux must achieve 100% compatibility. Otherwise the doubters will not shut up.


Eh they’ll find something else to whine about


to WINE about


Eyyyyy (╭☞´ิ∀´ิ)╭☞

Sas, (edited )

Windows also does not have 100% compatibility. Try playing something like age of wonders 1 on current windows. I could run in out of the box on steam deck but not on my pc that at the time had windows 10. I think Windows no longer has compatibility with win 98 and lower but i might be misremembering.


This is true I wanted to play magicka 1 with friends but he couldn’t launch it on his windows pc while I could launch it without any problems on Linux

OozingPositron, avatar

The lazy companies developing anti-cheats will likely not allow that. Some games even refuse VMs, it’s incredibly stupid.


XBOX must have 100% of games available on Playstation. Otherwise nobody will ever switch.

SomeGuy69, do gaming w Do you know any singleplayer games that are infinitely replayable? avatar

Rimworld, Terraria, Minecraft, Satisfactory, basically sandbox games, where each playthrough is different.

gerryflap, avatar

Not sure about satisfactory, considering the map is always the same. So the only sources of randomness are starting at another location in the same map or playing differently yourself


Then just go for factorio. Randomly generated map and recources. Highly adjustable for dificulty and a LOT of mods that add to the game. Concidering that the dlc , that seems to be as complex as the Base Game, comes out in Oktober you have a good Kandidaten for infinite replayability

Hexarei, avatar

I also recommend folks check out Dyson Sphere Program, I’ve sunk many hundreds of hours into it at this point

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