bananabenana, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

I personally don’t give a shit about whichever store I use for gaming because I have no loyalty to Steam like a lot of the people in this thread. It’s just a store and launcher. I wish people would get a grip.

I buy games where it’s cheapest, whether that’s GoG, Steam or Epic or anywhere else. I use the wishlist functions to make sure I can price compare on sales etc.


Do you know about ?

SeeJayEmm, do games w Do you play games over the holidays with your family? avatar

What has become our holiday tradition is Jackbox.

Aielman15, do games w What are some 3D platformer/3rd person shooter hybrids aside from the Ratchet and Jak series? avatar

Journey to the savage planet is a very recent game that ties those two genres together. There is a lot of platforming to do and you eventually unlock more equipment, such as the grappling hook and a limited booster jet, that further improve how you traverse the environment. Unfortunately the shooter part is kinda basic from beginning to end, but if you liked Ratchet & Clank, you’ll be okay with it.

Aside from that one, I don’t remember other games that try to blend platforming with shooter. In Psychonauts you shoot psychic beams, but maybe that’s a bit of a stretch.

haywire7, avatar

It may be a stretch but Spyro, Tomb Raider and Portal may scratch that itch it thier own ways. Rad Rodgers is a side scroller 3D shooter and anything in the Contra style is going to be madness. The old Skylander games depending on the characters you used could be played as shooters I suppose.


I came here to comment Psychonauts (both of them), cause those are the games that popped into my mind when I was reading the post.

I’d say they’re good recommendations for this game type. I’d also argue that aside from punching, your main attack is your Psi Blast.

burnso, do games w Which Spider Man games to play on PS5?

Yeah these games are quite story heavy so don’t start with Miles, play them in order.

Also, there’s only 3 games in the current series to my knowledge.


Yes. I guess I got confused for some reason, which now i realised was dumb on my part.


I imagine there might be quite a few available on the PS store so don’t worry about it.

Enjoy! I’ve only played the first one but I enjoyed it enough to 100% it twice.

echo64, do games w Heres an idea, Fromsoft should make the Soul Reaver sequel

Post made me wonder where the IP ended up, Eidos published the series and owned the IP, that went through SquareEnix after they bought out Eidos, then they sold the IP to Embracer who is currently going through a very slow bankruptcy.

So outside the thought exercise, this is mostly wishful thinking. The best we can hope at this point is that embracer sell their IPs to someone else who maybe publishers remasters?

From software probably aren’t a good choice though, they don’t really vibe super well with the more straightforward European mythologies, they like to weave more (intentionally) convoluted worlds that don’t super mesh well with the stories in the soul reaver series.

The closest I can think of would be the psvr exclusive Déraciné, which is a time travelljng story about faries in a boarding school, and it’s still pretty far.


I’d say THQ Nordic could maybe do it justice. They remade the Destroy All Humans! games and those were great imo.


So, yeah. THQ Nordic is owned by the aformentioned Embracer. They got no money. Everything they have is currently being shut down and will likely all be sold off to pay the bills in the next year unless they pull a mega hit out of their behind

!deleted6508 avatar

Unless they pull a mega hit out of their behind

Maybe they could do, I dunno… Soul Reaver?


I love Soul Revear and the cain series, but they weren’t even hits at their most popular ;) Embracer needs a huge injection of money just to keep going. huge


That means only one thing: Gex!

Omegamanthethird, avatar

Unironically, that seems like a pretty easy game to remaster and turn for a profit. But also, they seem like they could ask Sony for funding in exchange for exclusivity. People don’t like exclusives, but sometimes it can fund stuff that wouldn’t normally get made.


My real hope is that they sell off the IPs to a capable group. They sure gobbled up some great IPs and then did fuck all with them

stagen, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next? avatar

I recommend Astroneer - a solo / multiplayer survival game about collecting resources, refining stuff and building up bases on several planets. It’s hecking fun in multiplayer and it doesn’t have combat. There’s a ton of things to do and if the kids are good at communicating with each other they can quickly conquer the game. The only microtransactiony stuff it has is cosmetics (but it’s not being pushed upon you in any way), but you can unlock some of these through progression as well.

ElusiveClarity, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

My brother and I started playing Grounded together as a way to just chill and catch up throughout the week. We were shocked with how much content was actually in the game. It’s like Valheim mixed with Honey I Shrunk The Kids, 4 player online coop, base building, survival. It has a storyline so there’s always a sense of direction and it syncs the world with everyone regardless of who plays so it’s easy to just come and go. I could definitely see a group of 10 year olds getting sucked into this.


Oh that looks really good. Thanks for the recommendation.

Lunar, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

No Man’s Sky?


We actually tried it on gamepass and my son was only kind of interested. Thanks for the recommendation though

timo_timboo_, do gaming w Good multiplayer games for 3 people

Ever heard of the Trine series? 5 games by now (can only speak about the first 4 though), and they are really fun together. Basically 2d puzzle games with 3 different characters that all have their own abilities, which leads to many different ways to solve puzzles. Highly recommended.


I also highly recommend the trine series.

Nacktmull, do gaming w Good multiplayer games for 3 people

Dude, where Terraria, Magicka 2 and Stardew Valley at??


In your comment? ;)

Artisian, avatar

I didn’t realize Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime did more than 2! That’s great!


Keep in mind, that whenever the Yamato Cannon is fired, all players simultaneously have to shout “YAMATOOO” :D

ampersandrew, do gaming w Updates regarding the IndieLand / The Completionist charity fraud allegations avatar

Things look incredibly bad.

I don't think that they do. They still had the money. It's now been donated, and Jirard is distancing himself from the charity and not running them attached to IndieLand anymore; the trust is gone, so it would have been difficult to get people to donate anyway. The only smoking gun I could see they had against him was the money still in the account (at the time). The accusations about the golf tournaments had no numbers attached to them, only that "there must be more money there", and it felt very unfounded and as though Jobst just needed another video out for his baked in sponsor slot. From what I can see, Jirard did exactly what he should have to make amends, and now that a bunch of people have all been encouraged en masse to lodge complaints to the IRS, the rest of the truth will come out of that inevitable audit, because I sure didn't feel like I got it from Jobst's follow-up videos. His and OrdinaryGamers are two channels I'm certainly not interested in watching again. If you're going to do something resembling investigative journalism, then act like it; don't preamble your video telling me how I should feel about something before you've presented your facts.


By that I meant from the perspective that the initial allegations still felt like it could all just be a misunderstanding. Now that it has been donated, it seems to be more a matter of who at Open Hand was actually in the know (since it is possible that Jirard geniunely was being misled himself), and why the money wasn’t being donated. The golf tournament stuff definitely feels much more circumstantial since it is based on extrapolation. Overall it does seem like the IRS getting involved is going be the only way definitive evidence of what was actually going on will come out.

ampersandrew, avatar

I'm reading between the lines of what Jirard said in his recorded calls and his response video when I say this, but I got the sense he and his family wanted that dollar value to be significantly higher so that they could have more control over what it gets spent on. People are more willing to do what you want them to do when you give them $1M than if you give them $1000. Still not a great reason to hold on to it if so, but hardly fraud.


Jirard’s words were unambiguous over the years, though. It was always “we’re working with…” or “we’ve donated to…” and not “we’re looking at these charities”. I don’t know what the rationale for hanging on to that money was, whether it was for the right reasons or not. What I do know is that people were lied to. It doesn’t matter if he intended to or not. It’s not a good spot to be in, and I can’t imagine it gets much better from here. The whole thing felt very much like w crypto scam, except the money was still available, but there was a whole lot of “trust me, bro” and misrepresentation of what was happening behind the scenes.

How many years of research do you need in order to pick the charity or university you want to fund? How many times do you repeat the lies (with numbers!) without even knowing what your own charity is doing? I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a different reason they hung on to the money, because this doesn’t pass the sniff test. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.

Mindless_Enigma, avatar

Karl’s drama/exposé videos have always had this kind of antagonistic energy to them. It usually doesn’t bother me since the subjects, like Billy Mitchell, have brought the absurdity on themselves. Carrying that same energy into serious claims of fraud feels like a poor decision even if it’s the style of video you’re used to making. I don’t think the money would have been donated without these videos so I’m glad they were made, but the presentation was not as effective as it could’ve been.


Agreed with the tone of the videos being off and I don’t like both creators.

On the other hand, there is definitely some weird accounting going on at the charity. They are supposed to report all expenses which they didn’t. They also didn’t provide any banking statement that show the money were there all the time. If the fund is misused and then repaid later, they were still misused.


Also, as I understand it, $600,000 is not all the money. Already last year’s tax filings showed more capital than that. The charity also has some money deducted for “costs” that is not broken down, and although I’m an outsider it doesn’t seem very cool because the charity hadn’t actually been doing anything so I can’t imagine donors feeling like costs of that size are warranted.


He didn’t even manage to donate all the money they claimed to have on their tax filings from over a year ago. There is another entire indie land after that at least.

So no. He hasn’t even donated all the money. His “apology” was also pretty much a non apology. “Sorry if you felt mislead”.

domi, do gaming w How many stinkers did you play this year? avatar

Not “bad” but disappointing: No Man’s Sky. There’s a lot to be liked here but as someone who has played Elite Dangerous everything is just so incredibly dumbed down.

Fighting is trivially easy, just hold S, shoot and grab a snack while doing it.

There’s absolutely no consequences for anything. It doesn’t matter how much fuel I have because I can just find new fuel anywhere or teleport somewhere completely different. Doesn’t matter where I log out because the game will just throw me to the same system as my coop partner anyway.

Doesn’t matter if the authorities want me, just fly into a station and all is forgotten. Got contraband? Just tell them to get lost and fly away casually. No bounty on my head, no nothing.

Don’t get me wrong, Elite is definitely way too hardcore for casual play but at the same time the only thing No Man’s Sky has done is make me want to play Elite again.


I wanted to like "No Man's Sky," when it was finally available on the Switch (my PS4 had just died when it came out) I was elated to play it. After a couple hours of playing, I wanted those two hours of my life back. An ugly game with very little color, and absolutely no direction as to what you're supposed to be doing, I wasted those two hours trying to figure out what the hell was going on. I absolutely hated it - the only game I ever asked for a refund on.


I’ve often described NMS as Minecraft in Space. The “story”, such as it is, is completely pointless and superfluous. You just fly around, mine minerals, build stuff, and that’s about it. And it wears thin really quickly.


Same here – I’ve been doing exploration exclusively in Elite, and it got kinda samey and boring. Yet, somehow playing Elite was so mentally taxing, it quite often felt like having a second job. So, I decided to try out NMS, after hearing about its redemption so much.

The story of NMS was kinda neat, even though it was presented in a very dry way. The visuals were also not bad. Looking at planetary landscapes sometimes felt like stepping into the world of The Sand Sea and the Plateaux of Mirrors, which is a very good thing imo.

The actual gameplay just wasn’t engaging enough, though, and super janky (making gas/mineral farms sucks). Like, it’s very hard to find meaning in whatever you’re doing in that game. In contrast, doing exploration in Outer Wilds was very fun, because it felt like you were exploring an actual living world. In NMS, you get the same prefab randomly generated building and a sliver of lore. No environmental storytelling, no anything. So, it’s very difficult to connect to NMS’s world.

Wahots, avatar

Elite dangerous is so fucking good.

Faydaikin, do gaming w How many stinkers did you play this year? avatar

I can’t actually think of anything off the top of my head. After I stopped buying AAA titles from the obvious scummy companies, pretty much everything has been at least as good as expected.

tygerprints, do gaming w How many stinkers did you play this year?

If you're talking video (not board) games, I think most the games I played were kind of a mix of good and bad. I mean they usually start out pretty well but then end up being repetitive and boring. If I ever have to play another farm sim where I'm required to craft things in some convoluted way that makes no sense, I'll chuck my game system out the nearest window. Why does "Stardew Valley" get it totally right, and the rest not get it right at all? OK yes I play mostly casual games, but the real "gems" are few and far between. Still waiting for another good sim that isn't more work than it is fun.


OK yes I play mostly casual games…

You say that like it’s something to be ashamed of. “Casual” is an underrated genre, because sometimes, it’s nice to just take your time and enjoy the experience. Life has enough complexities that escaping to a world of simplicity and calm can be truly rewarding.


Well to be truthful, it feels like people DO put casual gaming in sort of a "not really serious" category. And that's somewhat true; I don't like overly complicated games that have tons of drop down menus you can't even read onscreen (tiny fonts). I've always been more into puzzle or even sim games because there is no platforming usually (I SUCK SO MUCH AT PLATFORMING!). I love casual games because they usually are easy going, I can play for 20 minutes or an hour, it's up to me.


Oh, for sure. But so what if it’s “not really serious?” Isn’t that kind of the point of the Casual genre? Play the games you like; don’t listen to a bunch of tryhard, self-important gatekeepers.


That's a good point. I mean, why should games not be as unserious as possible? That's one thing that always kind of bothered me about video game evolution. At first, it was this little square dot you swatted with a white "paddle"; my family bought that system and I was about eighteen.

I've been a video game addict since and probably have owned every system at one time. But I really hoped to see it grow in the direction of fun but other the top sim games and casual but engrossing puzzle games, not so much in the direction of let's go shoot people and kill as many other sim-humans as we can.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that! I mean, I have a special love for the God of War games, but to me those are so crazy with mythological creatures and stuff that it really appeals to me more than, say, GTA type games.


The beauty of it is gaming is all of those things! There’s something for everyone, even down to revisiting old formats (see Moonring).


That's so true! It's kind crazy to me how many new games are in the jagged style of old arcade games (pixelated). I think the old and new all have a place in gaming, but -- I can't keep up with all the new consoles. I mean, I really don't want to have to get a PS5. But - i don't want to be left in the pixelated dust of yesteryear either!!


If you don’t want gaming to feel like work, maybe stop playing labor simulators. Like, isn’t the point of those games to make you feel like your working whatever job they’re “simulating”?


Clearly there are some games that do it better.


Oh sure go and be all logical about it. :/ You're right though, and I do try to stay away from labor simulators (which is a better name for them than gaming simulators, since there's not much fun in them if you ask me). Even Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing get very tedious doing the same chores every day all day long - maybe it's just my adult ADHD acting up.

autumn, avatar

this is such a mood. i’m still waiting for the next stardew valley.


Me too! And why after all this time, isn't there a Stardew 2? I know he's busy with Haunted Chocolatier, which makes me salivate for many reasons - but I dunno if I'll ever live long enough to see it come out for realsies.


Why does “Stardew Valley” get it totally right, and the rest not get it right at all?

I think it’s because Stardew has a lot of RPG elements. Developing relationships with the townspeople (romantic and friendship), figuring out the lore, etc. Lots of games that try to replicate Stardew do the farming / labor stuff and call it quits. I know there are probably some people that go into that game only doing farming, but most people I’ve met who are fans of it like the lore stuff.


That's one thing Stardew does right. But also, it gets the "labor mechanics" right; there aren't a ton of drop down menus to navigate through, your tools are right there on the bottom tab. And also, amazingly - and astonishingly - it GIVES you the basic farm tools you need right off the bat! You can start a farm without much explanation and zero aggravation. If you need upgrades, you just pay for them and yes, there's some material gathering to make buildings, but someone else does the actual construction. To me that's great because then I can go fight blobs in the mines or fish or visit the other residents.


Why does “Stardew Valley” get it totally right, and the rest not get it right at all?

I am not an expert on SDV, but my wife plays basically every HM-like out there, and her take is that Barone focused so heavily on the ‘economy’ balance in SDV that all of the activities feel like they’re worth doing, so it doesn’t become “only farming”, or “only adventuring”, etc, like many others do. Even just picking up wild plants feels worth it when you drop them in the sale bin in the evening.


I think that's true and one reason I like SDV so much. There isn't a lot of time spent on material gathering, and you don't have to craft your own tools or make your own buildings. I think those things COULD be fun if they weren't so complicated in so many sim games - I could not make heads or tails out of the crafting mechanics in "My Time at Portia," for example. I think if you're goingg to task the gamer with those things, they should be very easy to do, because most people don't want to waste time on mundane chores and drawn out searches for rare materials or who knows what the game requires (in many cases I simply have no idea what the game is wanting from me!).


I think MTaP and to a lesser extent MTaS both really carried over a lot of the complexity from Planet Explorers, Pathea’s first game they released internationally. It’s a survival crafting game, with a LOT of complexity (e.g. manual, voxel-based weapon and vehicle designs). I don’t think it worked well in combination with other systems like farming being very underdeveloped (in MTaP especially).


What is MTaP and MTaS? *(sorry for my ignorance). Are they available on Switch? Or just PC? Just curious.


My Time at Portia and My Time at Sandrock (sequel). They’re both on Switch.


Oh OK - sheesh, I shoulda known that. I've seen My Time at Sandrock and it's available on Switch, but I'm afraid to check it out because I hated MTaP so much.


Yeah, if you didn’t enjoy MTaP I wouldn’t recommend it. :)


Thanks for letting me know, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't. Instead I'll end up wasting my money on something else that looks good and then I end up hating : (

averyminya, do gaming w LOL? lol

Alrighty it’s been some years since I’ve played but a lot of the answers here don’t get the full picture.

Everyone talking about toxicity isn’t wrong, but that’s more often at the high level/ranked levels of play. It can happen in random lobbies of course, but it’s far less frequent. What I suggest here is cautiously eyeing the mute all chat. Sometimes it can be helpful to type messages, sometimes people say awful, awful things. From the former, sometimes you can learn. From the latter, it’s pointless to even bother to try.

I would suggest keeping in game chat turned off.

Use online build guides - the meta of the game changes pretty consistently based on updates and nerfs to the characters. Your best bet for consistency is picking one character to learn - I suggest going by what feels most fun abilities wise.

Another thing here to keep in mind is there are roles in this game, top is often tanky, mid is often AP heavy, and bottom is often ADC and healer. (may have changed since I played).

Until about level 10 - tanks will be on their own a lot at the beginning, mostly just trying to survive being team-attacked (a gank) and planning with the team when to come in to help.

Mid keeps an eye on top and bottom lane, mostly keeping the other mid-laner occupied. Once in a while you go up top to 2v1 or down bottom to 3v1. Sometimes people come to you, but I wouldn’t expect it.

Bottom has to be watchful for ganks, and you need to work with your healer to make sure you get minion kills. You two are pretty much on your own as the only paired teammates, however occasionally a teammate will come down to help push.

During all of this, the first 9 levels or so (may be less, again it’s been a while) you will be placing vision items on the ground to avoid being ganked and setting up the items for your late game build. During this You’ll want to avoid being killed and major risks. You’ll just be following what the build guides say, but it can be helpful to learn what aspects of what you are affecting. In brief, there is magic damage (AP) and physical damage (AD). The ADC class mostly uses AD, but there are characters who can use either/both. The other surrounding stats matter in other ways, but those two are the main focus.

So for example, your ADC character picks items that increase their speed, attack speed, and damage. But now the enemy has an item that mitigates physical attack damage, so you can decide to buy an item that ignores a % of armor.

These items eventually are bought into bigger versions of it, so the item you start with sets you down a path, the other items you choose supplementing what you’re missing.

Around level 10 the individual dynamic begins to fade and you begin to group together as a team. During team fights you’ll want to stay together with your team, really the best thing overall is to be there when it happens. Around the next 5 levels and depending on the circumstances, your team may go find the monsters who give buffs - there’s the dragon which gives the whole team money, and the baron which gives the whole team a buff. These you have to go a little out of the way for, but they can be very strong strategic choices. You can also witness the enemy team fighting these, and attempt to steal the kill for it, giving your team the benefits instead.

Finally, I would say get comfortable with one character of each role. You can’t always be _____, sometimes people just pick first. Other than that, just do your best to have fun with your son. Don’t worry about min/maxing if it isn’t fun, don’t worry about other teammates complaining if you are legitimately trying, and for the love of all things don’t spend money on this game - it will only unlock characters you can unlock for free or give you visual aesthetic skins that don’t actually affect anything. They don’t need your support and you don’t need their offerings.

wildeaboutoskar, avatar

Good post, agree with this. I enjoyed playing it a few years ago, don’t let the bastards get you down.

Ashe and Lux ftw.

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