Zeth0s, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

When doomguy picks the super shotgun in doom eternal. Most moving moment of video games history

Candelestine, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

Two games, that I can remember.

One was a particular Journey playthrough, where I happened to match with another really good player. We spent basically the entire game airborne, which if you know Journey mechanics, takes some doing. They drew me a heart at the end, that did it.

Second was my first successful Suzerain run. A morgna wes core.


Suzerain was awesome. I need to go back to it. I still haven’t seen most of the endings.


Hell yea! I’ve been wondering how long it’d be until I ran into someone on Lemmy had played it. lol Yeah it’s pretty good. I’m glad the devs have returned to the project too. I know they wanted to try out other stuff, but in this one subgenre, they’re the fucking kings man. Biggest fish in the whole pond imo. It’s a good spot to be in.

One of the more niche games around, for sure though. lol


Yeah I found out about it from the YouTuber quill18, who basically only does content on weird niches in gaming.

Kolanaki, do games w I am returning my Playstation Portal
!deleted6508 avatar

In these comments: People who can’t figure out what sarcasm is.


That or they just don’t like the content of the post?

I haven’t upvoted the post because I’m not a huge fan of the “I’m not like other gamers/posters” style of content and don’t really want to encourage it.

!deleted6508 avatar

I said nothing of the point value on the post. One can clearly see the comments here and how most of them blatantly took the post seriously (or didn’t actually read the body).

Ecksell, avatar

On the internet? There is no way!

Malgas, do gaming w Puzzle games with procedurally-generated levels?
Romanmir, do gaming w Steam Sale Games avatar

Just picked up Kenshi… becasue I’m a masochist.

Titan, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games?

No need to watch tutorials on how to create a character brother. Figuring things out as you play is the fun part

Kolanaki, (edited ) do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games?
!deleted6508 avatar

Destiny, Deep Rock Galactic and Overwatch are complex?

I play Dwarf Fortress. And I got into it before the Steam version gave it a functional UI. Maybe I’m just spoiled. I’ve been gaming since I was 3 or 4, so like 90% of what most games require is already ingrained in me. That last 10% is the stuff unique to a particular game; and recently I’m finding these unique things to be the only things not taught in a tutorial. And that is pretty annoying that they will teach the basic controls, which even a non gamer could figure out in mere seconds, but not a mechanic unique to that specific game that no other game has done before.

stardreamer, avatar

Some people play games to turn their brains off. Other people play them to solve a different type of problem than they do at work. I personally love optimizing, automating, and min-maxing numbers while doing the least amount of work possible. It’s relatively low-complexity (compared to the bs I put up with daily), low-stakes, and much easier to show someone else.

Also shout-out to CDDA and FFT for having some of the worst learning curves out there along with DF. Paradox games get an honorable mention for their wiki.

aram855, do games w For the people playing City Skylines 2 how do you solve 'High rent"

Zone smaller housing plots. The smaller the house, the lower the rent.


If this works, you just added another way to create denser neighborhoods for me.

DoucheBagMcSwag, do gaming w What game genre would you like to see more entrants in?

Immersive sims.

Give me more games like Deus Ex, system Shock, prey 2017 and bioshock please


God, I so badly want more.

There’s maybe a chance that the Adam Jenson trilogy gets finished up, but the Embracer situation has made that less clear.


Goddamnit this is exact what I think EVERY TIME I see Embracer in the news…

“Oh no fuck…Deus Ex is now even further away…”

Mummelpuffin, avatar

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Immersive Sims because, like, in theory they’re a lot of people’s dream games, right? Yet their actual audiences are small. Part of that has to be down to setting, for the same reason Blade Runner was never big, but… that can’t be it, right?

And why did people start calling Tears of the Kingdom an Immersive Sim? Is… Are classic Roguelikes immersive sims? Is Dwarf Fortress an Immersive Sim? Obviously not, but the definition we’ve given ourselves is too broad and what we actually consider a “reall immersive sim” seems too limited.

azdle, do gaming w Did anyone get the Limited Edition OLED Steam Deck avatar

Also, the LE is still showing as in-stock for me:

I think the OOS labels it showed a couple times might have just been from the servers getting overloaded.

ASaltPepper, do gaming w Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down? avatar

Fallout 4 for me was great on the deck. I’ve had it for years but only when I got the deck did I actually play it.

Also streaming Baldur’s Gate 3 has been fantastic as well.


Oooh, I forgot you could stream from your PC to the deck!

Four_lights77, do gaming w Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down?

The messenger and stardew valley are perfect steam deck games. I suspect hades is too but I put too many hours into it on PC before I got the deck.

skulblaka, avatar

Hades is a killer game for the Deck, I just can't get used to using stick controls. I put like 280 hours into M+K, it's a hard habit to break and Heat 11 isn't exactly the best place to learn a new control scheme.

My partner loves it though. They started the game on the deck so the learning curve is easier.

SnotFlickerman, do gaming w Rant: Valve's new Steam Deck screws speak volumes about their ethos. avatar

Yeah, the OG Steam Deck video before it even released made very clear that the original run was made with self-tapping screws, which meant that disassembly and re-assembly was always going to result in a less firm and tight re-assembly because the holes have already been tapped once.

It was honestly my personal biggest complaint considering it seemed otherwise like they were aiming to support self-repair. Very refreshing to see they changed tack to a costlier option for the sake of their customers. Very true, companies rarely do this out of the goodness of their hearts, and Valve is an unusual company.


I consistently pray for shareholders never getting their deathgrip on Valve

WarmSoda, do gaming w Super Mario RPG (2023) Review Thread

Cool. Figured it would be received well. The trailers looked exactly like how the game seemed to look back in the day.

How much are they selling it for though? It’s still a ten hour game.

ampersandrew, avatar

It's $60, but you say ten hour game like that's a negative. It's trivial to make a game longer without making it better.


I mean, it’s a rpg. A SNES RPG that’s 1/5 the length of other SNES RPGs.

I absolutely say $60 is too much for it.

ampersandrew, avatar

Chrono Trigger isn't much longer. Whatever; I'm not going to say this game in particular is worth $60, but 10 hour games are like an oasis in the modern games market.


Lol what. Chrono Trigger A is definitely longer at like 24ish hours for a playthrough, B has what 12 endings? Which adds replay value way past a single playthrough adding a lot more hours to it. C is selling for $10 on iOS, with updated content to extend the play time even more than the original including now a 13th ending.

Ah, $15 on steam.

ampersandrew, avatar

HowLongToBeat has a median playthrough for Super Mario RPG at 17 hours and 24 hours for Chrono Trigger (rushed comes in at 12 and 16, respectively). Completionist times are coming in at about 25 to Chrono Trigger's 43. That's not 1/5th the length any way you slice it.


I didn’t say 1/5? I just said definitely longer. But I’ll say it doesn’t need to be 5x the price of Chrono trigger. I’m happy it looks nice and is a good remake but it should be like half that price at most.

Also, idk reviews saying 10 hours so idk if it’s easier and shorter with the remake or if they’ve already played it this time is shorter, or they’re exaggerating but 14 to 24 (which almost doubles if you want to play all the endings, and then idk how much the added content adds but it’s more than 0 hours.)

ampersandrew, avatar

The person above you in this comment chain said 1/5. 24 hours to 17 hours isn't that huge of a difference, and you responded with "lol what" as though I indicated Viewfinder was comparable in length to Baldur's Gate 3.


They made a comment about general SNES RPGS, not Chrono Trigger specifically. Unless they edited it, I don't know if the fediverse has edit warnings for some instances.

ampersandrew, avatar

Even against the average SNES RPG, it's not coming in close to that disparity in length.


Which is fair, most people tend to exaggerate on the internet. But the average does seem to be around double (or more) of SMRPG, and while that's not a metric you seem to care about, it is one that others care about.

Can you at least agree that it's short for it's genre/platform? Even if it's not by the hyperbolic degree one person has thus far stated?


How dense are you. One fifth was an off the cuff number. I already said that. I’m not writing a dissertation on it lol


The newest versions of chrono trigger also have additional maps, dialog, items, and side quests that weren’t in the original game. It doesn’t add a ton of play time, but it was nice to have some new things to do in one of my favorite games of all time that I’ve probably played through 15 or 20 times already.


Chrono Trigger is definitely longer than Mario RPG and twice that because of all the multiple endings.
Harvest Moon is 25 hours.
Earthbound is 30-35.
Dragon Quest 5 is 30 hours.
Final Fantasy 5 is 30+.
The list goes on.

The reviews for this game are saying it’s 10 hours.

ampersandrew, avatar

Replaying large swaths of the game over again in order to get each permutation of how the ending can be different isn't adding as much value as you're letting on. That's not to say that Chrono Trigger did something wrong, but it doesn't turn a 20 hour game into 40 hours of value just because replaying the previous 20 hours can have a different ending. That's exactly the way that it's easy to make games "longer" and why I don't think a ten hour game should be some kind of pejorative, and we're still a long ways off from a 1:5 ratio in game length.


I’m sorry you somehow think I sat down and calculated the 1:5 example.

This is still a ten hour RPG for $60


I think you alluded to this earlier, but I think we can agree that $6/hr is an insane amount to pay for a short game that’s just a remake, not a novel experience.

Imagine if Xenogears had a modern remake and sold for that amount. The original was about 50 hours to finish, so if we’re generous and say they streamline the experience down to 40 hours, that would be a $240 game if $6/hr is treated as an acceptable price.

Nintendo knows their fans will pay the nostalgia tax, though.

ampersandrew, avatar

I think I'd say, in a world where games that used to be 10-15 hours are now 30-60 hours and much worse off for it, that dollars per hour is just not a metric I'm interested in using or setting thresholds for. So no, I don't think $6/hour is an insane amount to pay. I paid that for Resident Evil 2, and it was very good.


Then we will agree to disagree on what we find an acceptable value.


Chrono Trigger is at least double the play time If you go after all the endings and get all the secrets and do all the side quests, to say nothing of the opportunity for grinding to level your characters that you just don’t get with SMRPG since you max out at level 32 iirc. You can do everything there is to do in SMRPG in a day. A long-ish day, but a day nonetheless.

ampersandrew, avatar

To each their own, but if you see an arbitrary grind to max level as offering more value, it's exactly why people like me find more value in games that don't have one, as that's the way that games can be arbitrarily made to be "longer" that I was talking about. I've played Metal Gear Solid so many times that I've easily gotten over 100 hours out of it, but that doesn't make it a 100 hour game. It's just a quality short game.


I’ve never actually made it to max level, I just grind until I can solo Lavos with Crono, which I can usually consistently achieve by around level 70. It’s not an arbitrary grind, I have a specific goal in mind.

ampersandrew, avatar

But that's no different than me just replaying Metal Gear Solid or setting an arbitrary goal for myself in any other game. That's just you enjoying that game and wanting to replay it in some different way, which is fine. You can replay Super Mario RPG as many times as you like too. The arbitrary grind is more of a modern thing that developers derived from systems like Chrono Trigger's that have been around for decades that they weren't thinking of in Chrono Trigger, but they didn't add tons of content to Chrono Trigger by having a high level cap. You just chose to power level against the same content over and over again.

jaspersgroove, (edited )

Right but there is in-game content that gives you an incentive to do so. If you want to get all the endings, you have to solo Lavos with Crono. And in my opinion it’s the best ending of the game, because you get to talk to sprites of the devs and it’s a really cool kinda 4th-wall breaking way to tie everything up at the end. Is it repetive? Sure, but so are 95% of the games that are coming out today.


Most snes RPGs arguably aren’t better for their length.

slowbyrne, do gaming w Bought my first Steam Deck after seeing the deep discounts on refurbs...what should i know as a first time Steam Deck/PC gamer? avatar

Check out to see how compatible a game is with the deck (and Linux in general). The comments will usually have suggestions for getting the game to run well.

Evolone, avatar

This is great to know! Especially coming into this system with very little knowledge of how things work, or how to “optimize” games.

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