MudMan, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid? avatar

I like both, frankly. I get going with free positioning in BG3, mostly because that's how it is in both BG1&2 and Divinity OS 1&2, so it'd be a weird change. But also, it makes sense on CRPGs where you're trying to depict very fluid, dynamic "do what you want" situations more than tactical precision.

I do hate in BG3 when I accidentally step on something or a command to do something places a character on top of a hazard first, but... you know, table top jank captured, I suppose.

I will say that I'm not sure "immersion" is what the grid triggers for me one way or the other, though. Mostly grid tactical games are about optimization and precision while free roaming is about looser, fluid improvisation. If it's a full-on tactics game I'd prefer a grid for that reason, for narrative RPGs I can go either way.

I did like Midnight Suns quite a bit, although that's because I'm also a CCG guy and a superhero nerd, so that angle works for me. Weirdly, it was XCOM 2 that didn't quite do it for me compared to the first.

anakin78z, avatar

BG1&2 weren’t turn based, so I don’t think it’s quite the same thing. I did enjoy both of those games though, in their own right. What’s CCG?

MudMan, avatar

Hah, yeah, I guess they technically weren't. Could have fooled me, because if you didn't play those by pausing, queuing up every action and then only unpausing until you can queue up the next I don't know how your brain works. BG3 is basically a Divinity sequel, though, and it goes for that same improvised feel where you're supposed to go through the game chucking bags full of rotten fish at enemies instead of engaging with the actual combat rules. I agree that it's a very different feel in both, though.

CCG is "Collectible card games". I look at Midnight Suns as a card game with some positioning mechanics, more than a tactics game. It makes a lot more sense like that, in terms of the small puzzle-like encounters and the turn optimization and so on.

anakin78z, avatar

Oh gosh, I vaguely remember the pausing & queueing up action thing. I usually played 2 player, and I’m trying to remember if that paused everyone or not.

Yea, I saw Midnight Suns as a mashup between something like XCom and a CCG. I haven’t played too many CCGs, though I did enjoy Slay the Spire. I see the cards as adding some randomness to the game, but as far as the tactical positioning it doesn’t really change things for me. I remember the environment actually factoring in quite a bit… pushing people into things, or throwing things. I guess the lack of grid didn’t really hurt that, but I wonder if I would have enjoyed it more if the grid had been there. Ultimately I don’t know if it’s the grid itself, or just a fundamental shift in style of gameplay that leads to me not enjoying these games as much.

MudMan, avatar

Yeah, in Midnight Suns specifically I don't think the grid would have worked, because that game is built on grinding extra turns and extra damage from interactions, so you need to be able to line up things with each other. Like, you don't just want to hit, you want to hit so that the guy goes flying into an explosive that topples a thing that then falls on another guy. It's more of a puzzle game than anythign else sometimes. They even have a challenge mode in there with those sorts of setups.

I think it's perfectly fair to be mostly into grid tactics, it's almost a different genre. I don't think you can legitimately look at BG3 or Midnight Suns and suggest it's the same type of thing as Final Fantasy Tactics or even XCOM. There's connective tissue there, but it's like comparing, say, Devil May Cry and Tekken.

Glide, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

I’vealways seen grids as a way to simplify what is otherwise a challenging mechanic to track and utilize. They function as something of a “good enough” for when you are willing to sacrifice accuracy for simplicity. And there’s something to be said for the way that simplicity can be appealing to the player, as it get some of the more fiddily mechanics out of the way and frees you up to focus on more substantial or engaging mechanics like character builds and team comps.

So, do I miss then when they’re replaced with the more intricate measurement systems that they were designed to simplify? Not really. But I can certainly see why some would feel that way.

ratz30, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

Even in tabletop rpgs, I advocate for the removal of the grid. I prefer to do combat in the style of tabletop wargames, free movement in any direction, treating each inch of movement as 5 feet (for D&D and Pathfinder).

I just find that a lot more dynamic.

nickiam2, do piracy w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

DoubleDouble let’s you download from all the major streaming platforms just by giving it a link to what you want downloaded


Cool, what kind of quality would it be?


It defaults to the highest quality available. Tidal gives you a flac file

mycus, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid? avatar

I mean, I don't mind too much the lack of a grid system but I just can't get used to the turn-less combat system of games like "Pillars of Eternity", Tyranny or Pathfinder.

They are great, though. It's just a nitpick I have.

StalinIsMaiWaifu, avatar

You can turn on turn based in pathfinder, I have it set up real time for exploration to for combat

Zoldyck, do games w Sea of Stars Review Thread | (90/100 OpenCritic)

Have been eagerly waiting for this one!

secret_online, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid? avatar

I’m currently in two different D&D campaigns. One plays combats on the regular 5ft grid, the other is “theatre of mind” where where everything is just described. Both are fine, I don’t really feel like I lose anything with either method, it’s just two different abstractions for the same ideas.

Larian’s previous game, Divinity Original Sin: 2, was still highly tactical despite its lack of grid-based positioning or targeting. The game used its mechanics of skills, freer movement, and surfaces/clouds to really shake up each battle and make them unique. Each combat was like a little puzzle. For me, who usually bounces off the likes of XCOM, it was absolutely brilliant. BG3 is much the same, just with a different ruleset (and I’m glad I was familiar with it beforehand. It must be daunting to be thrown into 5e without having a book thrown at you).

Being a nerd now, there is actually a grid in these games, but it’s only used for navmeshes and the surfaces. The game doesn’t expose either of these to you in-game. Visually, the edges of surfaces are messy and extend/retract from where they technically are according to the engine. I suppose you can kind of see the navmesh grid by clicking all around the edges of walkable areas, but other than walking up to edges, the navmesh has little impact on anything else.

aesopjah, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

I like that they donnt use the grid. Feels more natural. That being said, I would occasionally like a measurement tool or something so you can see if you’re within 5/60 ft or whatever

BudgieMania, do games w Sea of Stars Review Thread | (90/100 OpenCritic)

nooooo I just finished Chained Echoes I can't get sucked into another excellent JRPG-style indie noooo


Yes you can, have even less of a social life! I believe in you!


It's not possible to go below non-existent


Not with that attitude!

DingoBilly, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

I play a lot of strategy games and absolutely hate the grid. Always feels super basic and limiting to strategy.

Think it’s just a personal taste thing/what you grew up with playing.


Same and I agree.

Don’t know why. Because XCOM is full of flexibility. But It’s like a feeling like once you see those boxes, it feels like you’re playing by their rulebook.

Which is weird because BG3 is literally about rulebooks.

Pxtl, do gaming w What are your favourite classic fighting games? avatar

PowerStone 2. 4-player full-freedom game. Think Super Smash meets WWE games, but with pulp adventure theming (including a kinda stereotypical T-Hawk-style indigenous dude) and a vaguely Tezuka retro-anime art style. That and Virtual On Oratio Tangram (which is like if Armored Core was a fighting game) were reasons to own a Dreamcast for innovative fighting games.

refurbishedrefurbisher, do games w Sea of Stars Review Thread | (90/100 OpenCritic)

Can’t wait for it to come out. Hopefully the story is as good as the rest of the game.


Story is really what I care about the most from RPGs, though I’m also a sucker for old school RPG battle systems. I’ve never heard of this or the studio, but reviews liken it to Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy, which is a very good look in my book.

It seems like an especially great year for gaming. I can’t remember the last time there was so many highly rated games coming out (and there’s still more to come – I’m most excited for Starfield).

arudesalad, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

I think your just playing games that don’t have a grid. I still play a lot of games with a grid. If you want a strategy game that has a grid, my dad has been playing a lot of jagged alliance 3 and has been saying very positive things about it.

anakin78z, avatar

I know I’m late to respond, but I did check out jagged alliance 3,and it looks awesome. Thanks for the recommendation!

twistedtxb, do gaming w Sea of Stars (2023) review thread avatar

I’m so happy for these guys. Can’t wait until tomorrow to finally play the game!

fdisk, avatar

I feel the same way. The demo was great and I can’t wait to play the full game.

TheLobotomist, do piracy w Visions of a larger plunder avatar

You are going straight for the One Piece

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