Along with the suggestions here can also recommend a short hike. There’s also a bunch of short, fulfilling games on and the developers see more of your cash vs steam, worth considering if you’re so inclined.
I also go through phases like this, particularly in the winter. You could be suffering from depression or if this is a more recent thing as the days get shorter maybe its SAD. Get some sunshine and a SAD lamp and see if that helps. If not, worth talking to a professional like others have suggested. Godspeed fellow gamer!
Bokura. This is a bit hard though since the Steam store page kind of spoils it but just get it and think of it as a cool short co-op puzzle platformer.
My wife and I played it. Lots of fun! Forcing ourselves not to look at each others’ screens for the puzzles and dialogue was hard, but definitely made it more enjoyable from a communication aspect!
it would be if i didnt have 3 other games i wanted to play as well 😂 already bought downloaded and collecting dust as i replay the same game over again
I don’t see the point in stardew Valley and witcher, they are pretty self explanatory. But going in blind into Minecraft? Yeah, you’re not getting anything done.
I played Minecraft blind for about a year as a child and didn’t get much done, to be fair, but I had lots of fun. Optimising stuff and beating the game sometimes takes the fun out of it.
Funny enough, I was in this situation. Didn’t really grow up in a culture and time that was heavy about Star Wars. Someone pointed out to me that my last name backwards was Anakin, harped on me to watch Star Wars, and I got about forty minutes in before I realized I just wasn’t into it.
The Halo 1 and KOTOR twists do hit pretty hard if you somehow haven’t been spoiled. KOTOR has one of my favorite reveal sequences ever with showing you how much foreshadowing you missed, and Halo’s twist turns the game on its head.
However, Reach’s tagline was, “From the beginning, you know the end,” so there was an expectation that everyone playing would know how it was going to pan out.
You can only stuff about those games without having the twist or whatever spoiled. What Halo twist was it? I’ve finished it a few times and don’t remember really. It was all about how open it was and the action, plus the multiplayer.
I enjoy playing older games I missed out on years ago. Recently I finally played Silent Hill 3 and 4 for instance. Now I plan on doing Resi 1-3 and games like it. Other than that my guilty pleasure is League of Legends. I have accepted that I will play it until they shut it down.
If we’re being real, there’s a chance you’re just depressed. It’s also worth noting that you don’t actually have to play video games. Sometimes I just find myself without anything good to play. It’s ok to do something else for fun for awhile.
For normal Factorio i would not absolutely agree,but for space age this is absolutely true. It takes a lot from you when you already know how to get started on the new planets.