I think they’re all games that seriously benefit from not knowing the lore or mechanics beforehand… you didn’t even contribute aside from being snide to me so how about you explain what I did wrong?
This happens to me when I don’t have somebody to share my progress in a game with. It’s definitely some sort of failure to achieve dopamine or something.
Having a second person to talk to about the game and your progression may help you to overcome this hurdle.
Alternatively, try some indie stuff? AAA+ games are made by soulless companies who don’t actually care about your joy. Have you ever played Stardew Valley? Made by ONE dude with love. Give that a shot.
I saw that Renowned Explorers: International Society had a pretty seriously deep sale going on right now. Only $4. It’s pretty interesting game, art styles fun, games got some interesting mechanics, overall I think it’ll scratch a turn-based strategy itch. I recommend it.
warframe used to be. but it’s near-impossible now to start & get through even the first major ‘holyshit’ moment without having it at least partially spoiled before hand.
TBF, Warframe was far from a free-to-play tier experience, at least back when I played it. The Second Dream is still my favorite story quest in any game I’ve ever played
Seconding this. It’s really an exception to the rule in every way. Pretty much an exception to every rule really for better or worse, the game barely tries to be liked or to even make itself comprehensible.
You have warframes, the tenno, flying wings that attach to your character in space and in the open worlds, capital ship combat, the necromechs, the hoverboards, fishing, rougelike world, pets, soon also the protoframes with their AK-47s, an insane story involving truly Kojima-esque named characters like The Man In The Wall and maybe gay love(?) and some character choices like the one with the hole for a face, bird, or brutalism.
You don’t even have to play it multiplayer either. You can solo just about everything.
I wonder what the final nail in the coffin will be for MOND. It seems like there’s new observations every few months supporting Lambda-CDM (even if it’s obviously not complete) over MOND. At some point, MOND is just a clever idea that was worth exploring and didn’t pan out.
Its a nice bit of tech. 73M in construction costs. The focal plane instrumentation alone weighs 10 tonnes. It includes 5,000 small computer controlled fiber positioners. The entire focal plane can be reconfigured for the next exposure in less than two minutes while the telescope slews to the next field. The DESI instrument is capable of taking 5,000 simultaneous spectra of different Galaxies