Obligatiry but: Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV which has an expanded free trial that you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning HEAVENSWARD and STORMBLOOD expansions up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime? Now available on XBOX series X & S! Sign up and enjoy Eorzea today!
I only started the free trial recently, 100 or so hours in. I’m somewhere before the ultima weapon fight. It’s currently on pause because other games took over my life.
Diablo’s story is now entirely detached from its gameplay, the protag can see the villains cutscenes due to a plot device, no more clever writing to explain events after, you get rewards not from an NPC but from the menu from completing world events, and somehow there are localised areas of 100s of enemies just waiting for you to start a fight in a random spot on an open field, theres a GPS showing you the way to the next objective
Diablo 2’s story is also detached, it’s nothing new lol. I’d say Diablo 3 actually had the most protag focused story besides Diablo 1. In D4, all of the cutscenes at least involve main characters you regularly interact with.
Regardless, no one plays those games for the story. They’ve always been purely about gear grinding and demon/monster butchering. D4 is probably the most polished in the series, except for maybe D3, which was a very streamlined experience, for better or worse. I like all of the Diablo games, but I still think D2 and D3 are the most fun I’ve had playing with friends. Fun is always the most important aspect, and D4 was making strong strides to improving that aspect when I last played over the summer. Not sure if that’s still the case in the new expansion, but I figure I’ll try it out when the xpac is on a deep discount.
Ubisoft has never been a mod-friendly publisher, and none of their titles support modding to any extent that I’m aware of. The mods that exist for it are pretty limited in nature (i.e. they modify existing values and textures, and don’t really expand the game afaik). I like FarCry 2, 3, 5, New Dawn, and 6, but the series has definitely written itself into a corner. Removing the guns makes it not work (e.g. Primal), but they’ve literally ended their timeline with 5 and New Dawn, and 6 just makes it feel like they don’t know where to go and are doing offshoots. 6 felt more like Just Cause than Far Cry, to me.
Thats fair I’ve heard good things for the first two Far Cry’s. Once I’ve played through the dlc of 5 I will probs go and check another entry in the franchise. What are you thoughts on Blood Dragon? And also cheers your informed response, it makes sense so few mods exist.
I think you might have missed that this question is sarcastic and the intent was to prompt stupid interpretations of video games. i.e. Mario Kart is communist because it only gives the lower class (losers) access to the deadliest weapon (the blue shell) in order to take out the upper class (the leader)
Just play 1, 2 & 3 chronologically and if you want more play odst. I, personally, wouldn’t recommend halo 4. They’re also great games for co op if you have a friend you can convince
Spoiler-free TL;DW: Halo 4 was controversial because this was the first new mainline Halo game by 343 Industries, who changed things up from previous Halo titles.
But aside from questionable changes to the franchise in order to appeal to the CoD audience, there were a few genuine issues with the campaign (in my opinion, as a player who never finished Halo 4’s campaign).
In terms of gameplay:
The sandbox was absolutely destroyed through many changes to older weapons, to encourage you to use the new 343 weapons. The weapons were either nerfed into the ground to make them unviable, greatly reduced in ammo/availability, or outright removed. This meant that you would constantly be forced to replace your weapons, or you’d have to use the newer weapons, which still ran out of ammo. This greatly limited your options when playing the game.
The enemies would act in a way that greatly limited your options when fighting them. The most common weapons (plasma pistols and needlers) were both were used in a way that forces you to methodically take them out from a distance. Melee attacks were undodgeable instant deaths, forcing you to take them out from a distance. Then, the Promethian knights have stupid health, shields that recharge almost instantly, and the ability to fucking teleport to recover their shields (or hit you with an undodgeable melee attacks).
The result is that you are basically limited to only using long-range weapons to take out enemies. Hope you enjoy hours of Light Rifle gameplay!
In terms of other parts of the game, this is more subjective but:
The story felt incoherent, especially considering that it is a sequel to Halo 3
The sound design completely changed the iconic sound effects, and the music felt off
The characters were bland and forgettable, only Master Chief and Cortana were anywhere near fleshed-out
Overall just a poor experience compared to older Halo titles.
GTA in general has a long story. Which I honestly don’t mind. It means you get your money’s worth with the story alone. All the messing around is just secondary and an added bonus.
I was trying to think of one since I feel the opposite most of the time. This one did surprise me with the length. You think the end is approaching, but some more bullshit is ejected at Niko every time. The main quests takes a lot of detours (in a good way). There isn’t just one villain and you help/fight tons of different factions across the islands.
Halls of Torment and Brotato are both similar to Vampire Survivors, but better in my opinion. Great art styles and the weapon system in Brotato is really fun.
Casual-wise, story-based games are nice, like Frog Detective, Florence and the like.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon. It’s free to play with no ads but I would encourage you to support the creator (who is also the mod of the lemmy instance) if you can.
It’s a rouge like dungeon crawl. You’re going to die and start over a lot, but totally worth it when you win.
It’s one of the few roguelikes that actually holds pretty close to the core of Rogue, too - completely turn-based, procedurally generated, with an emphasis on what you find rather than level-up abilities. Great game.
I should try the Cleric soon, I’ve just got so many other games rn…
Ignore all the that, it’s marketing. A lot of cool indies that have better story and mechanics than AAA games, you just have to look beyond your usual places
Yes, a Steam Deck is a viable alternative to a budget gaming PC. But if you would want to buy a dock and peripherals and keep it docked most of the time I’d say go with the PC.
For me personally, the biggest plus of a Steam Deck was that I didn’t have to get peripherals (because my living situation is a bit complicated at the moment). And they’re dirt cheap, got a used LCD512 GB one for 320€.
edit: I own a laptop too. If I didn’t, I would’ve gotten a new one
Surprised I haven’t seen Undertale yet. The online fanbase is hilariously toxic, (seriously, don’t go looking for any extra details about the game after you finish it) but it’s a solid game that should be experienced 100% blind. All I’ll say is that it’s a game that is written to subvert expectations; If you go into it expecting to play it like a traditional RPG, you’ll be in for a big surprise.
Everyone always glosses over his second big game, The Hex. It’s fucking stellar, and a GREAT game to go into blind.
Quick edit: I didn’t think I’d like it more than Inscryption and it doesn’t have the same replay value, but after beating it over the course of two days… The Hex is his best work. Very excited for Pony Island 2.
I could not love it more. Ignore the graphics in the preview—they make sense like a half hour in. (Not a spoiler, something that got me to play the game)
Another Quicc Edit: I think it’s been long enough where I can replay it. I loved it sooooo much.
warframe used to be. but it’s near-impossible now to start & get through even the first major ‘holyshit’ moment without having it at least partially spoiled before hand.
TBF, Warframe was far from a free-to-play tier experience, at least back when I played it. The Second Dream is still my favorite story quest in any game I’ve ever played
Seconding this. It’s really an exception to the rule in every way. Pretty much an exception to every rule really for better or worse, the game barely tries to be liked or to even make itself comprehensible.
You have warframes, the tenno, flying wings that attach to your character in space and in the open worlds, capital ship combat, the necromechs, the hoverboards, fishing, rougelike world, pets, soon also the protoframes with their AK-47s, an insane story involving truly Kojima-esque named characters like The Man In The Wall and maybe gay love(?) and some character choices like the one with the hole for a face, bird, or brutalism.
You don’t even have to play it multiplayer either. You can solo just about everything.