Nice idea but unfortunately good luck convincing everyone to collaborate into single super-game and integrate each “X simulator” as DLC assuming everyone also adhere guideline and consistent
I want a VR shooter that actually uses the tech interestingly. Give me sections of Zero G with full 6dof. Give me quirky weapons with panels you slide open when they overheat and barrels that twist to change firing mode. Give me abilities that I could only use with a virtual pair of hands, like slingshotting grenades without dropping my primary or reaching into things to grab loot. And make the gunplay feel like Pavlov because it’s the best.
Easy enough, right? 😅
Edit: also use eye tracking to make the horror better
Yes that’s crazy. The game has the Electronic Arts label and the servers are still operational. It’s not exactly the same servers but some people invested time and money into migrating the data without any guarantee that the player would login ever again.
And given that she is in the middle of the Shrouded Isle extension map, next visit will probably be in a few years. I bet she will still be exactly the same, unaffected by the time going on.
My wishlist is Final Fantasy Tactics, Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, and Xenogears. A Xenogears remake likely isn’t ever happening so I’d be happy with a remaster, and it’s practically an open secret at this point that an FFT project is in development. It getting the Tactics Ogre Reborn treatment would be lovely, but what I really want is an orchestrated soundtrack. Here’s hoping it doesn’t get cancelled. 🤞
As a genre, 4X is still kicking around, but I’m not even sure if SMAC is beloved enough to get the treatment. Good voice acting would be essential.
I’d play NFSU in modern graphics! But apparently linear games are not allowed any more and it always has to be open world and come with seasons and DLCs and all that.
The entirety of Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty made less money than the first paid mount skin in World of Warcraft. That’s why companies don’t make linear games - because people will buy the microtransaction that required 1/1 000 000 effort of the game for more money than the game made.
I am slowly buying and playing through the old NFS games. I just bought Carbon and I’m going to go pick up MW before it comes in. I love the Underground 1&2 but Most Wanted was special for me. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
Factorio. The new dlc hooked me into a 5h gaming session at one eve. I cant remember when i did that the last time in my life. Probably with 15? But be warned, the game isn’t called cracktorio without reason.
The most important setting for me, was to set the enemies as passive. So you can kill them off when you need place and they will never attack themselves.
I was going to immediately mention Hollow Knight but I see someone already did. Second thought: Tunic. It’s been a long time since a game hit me as hard as those two.
For pure fun addictive gaming: Factorio is absolutely nuts. 2D survival craft platforming action: Terraria is still king.
For space empire building check out X4: Foundations, after almost 10 years under development it’s absolutely amazing (but a huge timesink haha)
Oh and if you’re into semi-hard-scifi basebuilding you could give Stationeers a look. Sunk quite some hours into that one.
The learning cliff of the X games is pretty intense but totally worth it. I made it through and just look at me now! I, err… wasn’t going to do anything better with those hundreds of hours anyway.
Yeh, it is unfortunstely a micro USB controller but it cost me £4 with a recharable battery pack inside so I’m not gonna complain at all. Just didn’t know where it had come from! Thanks for the reply :)
So up until very recently, the monster hunter games had a theme of living in balance with the environment and monsters were only hunted to help control manageable numbers or if some had gone out of control. Then they were apparently specifically told to tone down their environmental messaging to appeal to a wider audience.