Drigo, do gaming w Please help me select parts for a "competent" gaming PC

I have just spend the last couple of months researching myself because I’m in the process of upgrading my rig as well.

I haven’t seen you mention your budget anywhere, but as I read your comments, I understand this is a bit above what you want.

CPU: I would get the 7 7800X3D instead. It odtens performances better for gaming.

Fan: I don’t really like water cooling, but that’s personal opinion. I would get a noctua NH-D15

Motherboard: the “X” before the numbers, is overkill for gaming, it has lots of “ekstra” expensive features that’s just not that usefull. Definitely find one that start with a “B”. Iam getting the “Gigabyte B650 AORUS ELITE AX ATX AM5 Motherboard”

GPU: I don’t play 4k myself, so cannot really give you any pointers. I got a 7800 XT, because it’s super good for it’s value. The biggest difference is, Nvidia cards is best for Ray tracing in games, so if you need that, get a Nvidia. If you don’t care for Ray training, get AMD. Also look up reviews of the GPU fx Gamers Nexus/hardware unboxed is good. And see how the cards perform in the games you want to play.

RAM: 16 gb is often good enough, but I would go with 32 gb for now. 64 gb is overkill, and can always be upgraded later. The ones you have picked I think is fine, just get the 32 variant.

Storage: the SSD is good, and 2tb is good. Maybe getting a HDD, if you wants to storage other files that don’t need to be on the SSD.

PSU: I got the exactly same for my build. A rule of thumb for calculating the PSU needed, put every component you need in PCPartPicker, and take the total wattage * 1.5. But the new GPU use so much power should should add 100 ekstra wattage as a “high-end tax” so fx 550 wattage * 1.5 + 100 = 925 PSU.

But the most important thing is, research all the comments you want to try, and watch YouTube videos of people that actually tried and tested it. One youtube channel I like is “PC Builder” he explains what components are pretty well, and give actually examples of good parts to buy.


Super helpful; also thanks for the channel recommendation.

Anissem, do gaming w Please help me select parts for a "competent" gaming PC avatar

Second the PCPartPicker recommendation. You can also share your build ideas with people via that site, very useful.

Callie, do gaming w Quick note about Gamescensor avatar

Awesome! I was really tired of seeing that site. Definitely not a reputable publication and shouldn’t ever has been listed

jordanlund, do gaming w hello! looking to buy sub 1K laptop, general suggestions?
!deleted7836 avatar


“Sub $1,000”

My gut reaction is “choose one”.

You might be able to get a gaming laptop under $1K but get ready to replace it in 2 years.

ampersandrew, avatar

The vast majority of games, even the best ones, won't require a top-of-the-line spec, so there's very little that the OP would be barred from playing.


Can be done, but the timing has to be right. My buddy got a midrange gaming laptop during prime days (from a different retailer) that was regular priced around $1500 at the time for $850. I don’t like the one he got but I understand his reasoning.

If OP is looking to buy today, maybe. If they can hold off another couple of weeks then there’s a smaller “big sale” going on that they may be able to game to get something sub $1k that would normally be more.

If they don’t care about playing the very latest at 4k high then they’ll likely be able to get 5 years out of it.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 24th
!deleted6508 avatar

I decided to play Disco Elysium again, but this time I’m just going full on drug and alcohol addicted sex maniac. I only wear the tie, I never tell the truth, and I’m just an absolute asshole continuing the bender that Harry started 3 days prior to us taking control of his adventure. Fuck solving this murder. I’m party cop.


I did an apocalypse cop playthrough earlier where I just renounced the HDB name and just went with Raphael Ambrosius Costeau.

kinther, do games w I would like to enjoy Zelda BOTW but … avatar

A few tips for you:

Cook food. Lots of it. You can sell cooked food (especially meats e.g. rare meats) for crazy amounts of rupees. Use rupees to buy cold weather clothing from the various towns in game, then use that whenever you feel cold (same goes for hot weather, you’ll need hot weather clothes).

Don’t try to go way off into the mountains right to start. Find the shrines close to you, mark them on your map, and go there. Do the same for towns. You can then fast travel via the map around the game world, making things way easier.

Finally, when it comes to weapons, you really can’t get attached to any of them. The Master Sword is the only one that doesn’t break, but it will lose energy and take time to recharge before it can be used again. It’s just part of the game mechanics. While annoying, it does force you to plan out your attacks and consider your resource usage.

RaivoKulli, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread

makes amends


redemption arc

I guess they’re talking about the update since saying how 30€ DLC is their redemption would be too ridiculous even for gaming world. Still, giving some of the shit you promised years after the launch is hardly a “redemption” imo. It should’ve been there from the get-go and giving it now, way late, is least they could do.

Pxtl, (edited ) do games w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help avatar

There cannot and should not be balanced and open discussion on this issue. You cannot “polite” your way into finding a way to say that non-binary people are not legitimate.

This is paradox-of-tolerance stuff. Maintaining an inclusive community requires being intolerant of intolerance.

The existence of non-binary people does not hurt you.

Insisting on finding ways to deny that they exist hurts them.

So no, there will be no polite disagreement.

Fuck the chuds.

librechad, (edited )

While the concerns you’ve raised resonate with many, it’s worth remembering JFK’s words, ‘Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.’ As a society, we must consider the nuance that exists in any debate, even one as sensitive as this. Open discussion should serve as a mechanism to understand what defines intolerance and how to appropriately combat it, rather than shutting down dialogue altogether.


No, just shut up and go be a bigot somewhere else, fucking cockholster.


Very constructive response.


Construct deez nuts, cousin fucker


Uncle fucker, you got me.

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w I am so pumped for Phantom Liberty and Cyberpunk 2077 v2.0!

As someone who was hyped for Cyberpunk but backed out due to all the negative press, I'm cautiously optimistic about Phantom Liberty. I was a little concerned back when they announced the game would only have one major expansion, but the free update revamping the game has eased a lot of those concerns. Looking forward to finally picking up Cyberpunk once the update and expansion are out.

Pat, do games w Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore?

Reminder to get Indie Wiki Buddy to automatically be redirected to ad-free versions of fandom wikis or to be redirected to actual genuine wikis, for example, TF2 Fandom Wikis get redirected to the official TF2 Wiki.

ADHDefy, do piracy w Youtube - like apps like, but as Android app? avatar

Newpipe + Sponsorblock is a really good option.


This is what I use. Great once you’ve properly customized it.

xohoo, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories

Mossbag for Hollow Knight lore!

fraydabson, do piracy w Radarr + Real-Debrid setup guide?

Not sure if you use docker but I found this -

I really like real Debrid but my preferred method is using I’ve been using this for a while now and it’s great.


plex_debrid looks the way to go with. I was put off it because its name and I use jellyfin. Reading more closely it works with jellyfin, so cutting off the middleman (radarr) seems like a very good solution!

Is there anything special to know about it before trying myself? Any issues or roadblocks you had when setting this up?

Thanks for the answer!


Yeah I’ve tried it with both plex and Jellyfin. Plex has a more seamless experience with discovering new shows and movies and adding to wish list to see it available instantly. Though as I go more FOSS, I think it’s time to move back to Jellyfin. With Jellyseerr to find and request new media. It’s all pretty simple!

I use it with docker along with his fork of rclone with realdebrid support also in docker. Works great! I’d say my biggest annoyance is sometimes realdebrid gets a weird title of a show or movie which doesn’t mix well with how his rclone fork works.

His fork uses regex to parse names and move them into either a movie or tv show directory. If it can’t decide which one it belongs to it goes to a default. Plex handles this better than Jellyfin from what I remember. You would add tv and default to tv library and movie and default to movie library. Jellyfin would get confused and there’s no way to rename it or move it. You just need to find a different torrent. You can customize the regex and scraping profiles and even integrate it with torrentio.

but exciting news! on august 27 he announced the beta update for his rclone fork that will allow renaming/moving files and folders. As well as creating new folders and deleting parts of torrents instead of the whole thing. This is huge and will make operating it through Jellyfin much easier and prevent the issue I mentioned.


Interesting. I installed here but I may be doing something wrong with my setup, because just using Jellyseerr is not triggering a RD download. First, using jellyseer required radarr anyway, the setup is like following:

  1. Jellyseer request a movie/show, put that request via radarr
  2. radarr will try search for a torrent via indexers (not working right now)
  3. Download via Black Hole Torrent, which is basically monitoring plex_debrid folders

Still, not working as things aren’t communicating with each other correctly and I didn’t set any indexers (or set jackett).

My setup feels wrong or too complex, can you give a bit more of details on yours? How the parts communicate? :)


Hmmm. I don’t use radarr but this is how my workflow was for Jellyfin and jellyseerr

These are the steps from his GitHub but for my Jellyfin setup.

  1. Mount your real Debrid account via api token and rclone_RD. You know you did this right when you can browse the new realdebrid mounted directory and see all your shows and movies currently in your Debrid account.
  2. Setup Jellyfin as normal. Making sure to setup your libraries to use the Debrid mount. So tv shows and default for tv and movies and default for movies.
  3. Launch the plex Debrid main .py file and go through the configuration. Example:

First you choose a content service. Which for you would choose jellyseerr.

Next you need a library collection service (which might be the confusion) you do need to use either Trakt or Plex so that plex Debrid knows what you currently have in your library. Given you are doing a Jellyfin setup it’s prob best to use Trakt. Which means you need to hookup Trakt to your Jellyfin library so it knows what you already downloaded. If I’m remembering correctly this plugin is how I did this for Trakt + Jellyfin.

So now when you add a request via jellyseerr plex Debrid will first scan Trakt library to see if you already have it. If it doesn’t find it then it will push your request directly into your Debrid account after scraping for the best torrent.

Next step in the plex Debrid setup is library update service. Which you can set to Jellyfin. So that once real Debrid caches your torrent it will force a refresh of your full Jellyfin library to scan for new content.

Then there’s a few optional steps I’ll explain below but last important step is for **Debrid services ** which is when you’ll tell plex Debrid what your real Debrid account is via api key.

So full workflow would be request tv show or movie via jellyseerr, which check Trakt if you have it already and if not pushes it to torrentio to find a torrent for your request. Once found it uses your Debrid api key to automatically load the torrent into real Debrid. It will wait for Debrid to finish downloading and once complete it will refresh your jelly fin library and then you can watch it

To clarify , for my identical setup you wouldn’t be using radarr or black hole. The Debrid python script takes care of that for you.

That’s really it. The rest is optional to configure. library ignore service you can use a local ignore list or a Trakt library or local file and it knows what you’ve watched and doesn’t try to get it again.

Next optional step is scraper services I usually leave this as default which will scrape using torrentio.


Awesome and thanks a lot for putting the time to explain it like this.

So for some reason I got side tracked with radarr and didn’t see the need for trackt anywhere, but that seems the missing part on all this.

This also shows up that the Plex workflow is seamless (no Overseerr/jellyseerr need, no trackt need) than jellyfin right now.

Reading plex_debrid code, it seems it has some initial code on scanning current Jellyfin library, so finishing that code could remove the need of Trackt.

Now, one advantage of using Radarr ia that it will move and rename to a standad naming the incoming files, I think that only for this feature it is worth to keep it in the workflow.

So it seems like I’ll need to fix plex_debrid to understand existing Jellyfin library and remove the need of trackt!

Thanks a lot!


Awesome stuff! If you do fork or PR for seamless Jellyfin integration let me know! That’d be awesome. I know he’s been super busy lately and hasn’t been able to update as much as he wants.


Hey if you do decide to pursue finishing his Jellyfin library code you should definitely check out the discord. They have a channel for development.

Namely I saw a post from the dev back in February saying the reason he didn’t finish Jellyfin libraries, and still relies on Trakt, is because

Jellyfin doesn’t give out the IMDb ids of stored files easily.


Oh and because I’m recently learning to move over to NixOS (which comes prebuilt with packages for Jellyfin and jellyseerr) it has the default rclone but I’m compiling a NixOS package for his fork that I’ll push to the main repo when it’s done!


Wow that’s living in the future!


My thoughts exactly when I found it.

people_are_cute, do piracy w Which cracks and repacs works best on linux? avatar

Who cracked or repacked it doesn’t make a difference, how much the game itself supports Linux does.

gamedeviancy, avatar

Idk I usually have problem with fitgirl repacs so maybe for Linux are better alternatives

yote_zip, avatar

In my experience DODI installers tend to work slightly better than Fitgirl’s on Linux, but keep in mind that different games are compressed with different tools, and some of those tools inherently work better on Linux/Wine than others. The standard Ubisoft compression tool (more accurately it’s called a precompressor) has given me a lot of trouble on Linux, and every repacker is going to be using that same tool. Grabbing clean files and applying a crack yourself is always going to be the most compatible way.

people_are_cute, avatar

If you don’t have bandwidth or storage restrictions, I’ll always recommend you pull directly from a scene release or a clean steam dump instead of a repack.

theshatterstone54, (edited )

I’ve often been having issues with FitGirl as well. Dodi repacks have always worked for me though.

MalReynolds, do piracy w Can Pirate's Bay be considered "safe" if it is used only for non-executable multimedia content? avatar

It has to be executed to have any danger, so you’d need a zero day exploit for your media player, even then it should be contained at user level rather than system. I’ve not really heard of it happening, but it’s theoretically possible I guess, would take a really bad coding mistake. Keep your players updated and you should be fine.

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