crossdl, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale?

Fuck, fam.

I legit dropped $100. I have a Steam Deck now so it’s like I can have ANY OF IT.

So far, LOTR Moria, For Honor, Barotrauma, and Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance.

I had Dark Alliance on my OG Xbox when I was younger and I’m really looking forward to playing it again as like an idle game.

wcSyndrome, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?

Not as good as the examples you listed but subnautica imo

koncertejo, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? avatar

Just bought Riven, I’m liking it quite a lot so far. I see why it’s a classic. Love the feeling of being dropped into a completely alien world.

scratchee, (edited )

Great game! Just be glad you don’t have to swap the cd every 20 clicks. Riven was basically 1 disc per cutscene when it first came out and I remember getting very frustrated as a kid when I accidentally triggered an island switch and knew it’d be 10 minutes until I could get back.

jerkface, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? avatar

Ahh, I’d love to tell you, but it would spoil the surprise.

darthelmet, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?


The one thing I think is worth “spoiling” just to save you some pain:

Tap for spoilerIf you find a room with a bunch of curtains and bells, it is NOT A PUZZLE!

I also second Outer Wilds.


i bounced off tunic super hard. i love the puzzle aspects, the cryptic manual pages, and figuring things out, but the combat was way too brutal, even on the easier setting. the bigger white ghost enemies at the very start killed me so many times i no longer want to go back to it.


Understandable. It got pretty frustrating for me too at various points. I’m kinda bad at this kind of combat in general. Most of what motivates me to push through it in games like Dark Souls or Tunic is being interested in the world. But sometimes not even that’s enough.


it’s especially wild in a cutesy game like tunic where it just bodies you ten minutes in. it made me feel like i had been tricked.


I didn’t have too much trouble up until the first real boss. Thankfully there was a save point pretty close by so I just threw myself at it more times than I’d like to admit.

p03locke, avatar

The game throws big bosses at you at a time when you won’t have range weapons, and expects you to dodge these big sweeping attacks that would be more appropriate fighting with ranged weapons. And by the time you get a ranged weapon, it’s too late, and they’ve raised the stakes again for future bosses to the point that having a ranged weapon isn’t even an advantage.

I was forced to reduce the difficulty just for the bosses. All of the other enemies were mostly fine.

p03locke, avatar

Try playing Environmental Station Alpha. Super cutesy robot, absolutely unfair difficulty for a Metroidvania. Which is a shame, because there’s an interesting story and gameplay buried in that difficulty, and I love Metroidvanias.


man, soulslikes ruined metroidvanias.


I’ve gotta remember what those ghosts are.

I’ve slowly acclimated to Soulslikes since Tunic, and a common theme is that they make you think you need to be pressing more buttons, when they’re often teaching specialized bits of patience. In Tunic’s case, a lot of people expend their stamina too quickly.

Still don’t like FromSoft’s games


i thought that too, and tried studying their movements, but they attacked faster than i could even press the button.


I switched that to easy mode at one of the mid game bosses, and I still struggled. The combat is way too tough for what it is.

p03locke, avatar

I thought the reward for the puzzles was not good enough, either. When you play Outer Wilds, you figure things out, unlock a wonderful story, and learn tricks for other puzzles. When you play Tunic, you (eventually) figure things out and get a bad ending for a game that barely reveals anything, story-wise.

I also thought that requiring a web app or a bunch of paperwork to figure out the language was far too inconvenient for a game made in the 21st century. They borrowed the wrong lessons from Fez.


hey i learned to read the language in fez fluently. this is more like they took the wrong lesson from double fines Hack’n’Slash, where the glyphs are absolutely everywhere and look so much alike that the easiest way to decipher them is to replace the font.


I just finished playing tunic (good ending). A friend and I were playing it at the same time. If I didn’t have that friendly competition I would have dropped it so many times. There is way too much manual work in this game that you often times aren’t playing a video game anymore.

At the end of it all I didn’t feel a sense of accomplishment just relief that I’m done with the game. Only to find out after doing the secret puzzle is just more meta puzzles outside the game.

Outer Wilds on the other hand is fantastic and not having to use a pencil and paper to advance in the game is A+.

Suck_on_my_Presence, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?
  • SOMA

I agree with your others

Endymion_Mallorn, avatar

SOMA is such a kick in the nards.

DuckWrangler9000, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? avatar

I really wanted to try Starfield but can’t justify the price. Like I want to buy it, but I also don’t have that kind of money to spend. Might start asking around my local friends to see if any of them have it so I can library share with them


I had access to it with GamePass when it launched (I’m full Linux now so I’ve canceled that). I still pirated it because you can’t mod games distributed by Windows unless the specifically allow it. I’m saying this to say, there are alternative means to try it available if you want, but also I regret the time I wasted on it. It wasn’t worth the time spent not even spending money on it specifically, and I love previous Bethesda games and the sci-fi genre.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

Any games you recommend playing? I’m very bored lately

lustyargonian, do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA?

Shenanigans: hydra

Car: Sultan

Bike: NRG500

EddyNottingham, do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA?

That NRG900 sporty motorbike.

Loved going fullspeed down the highway so that I would crash and die and only see what I crashed into 2 seconds later once it had actually loaded in 🥲

Duke_Nukem_1990, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale?

Anybody got an opinion on which is the best Far Cry game aside from the first three?




5 has a amazing weapons modifications system

new dawn is absolutely amazing, but it is very much “qualität statt quantität”, meaning: very good game, but also a small game.


Ich hab auch Qualität statt Quantität verstanden =P danke!

Seasm0ke, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale?

Dark souls remastered, sekiro, and cities skylines

Duke_Nukem_1990, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale?

Nothing yet. Currently having Slime Rancher and Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood in my cart. Wondering if buying games right now is even worth it with PoE2 coming next friday lol

dance_ninja, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale?

I’m giving Yakuza: Infinite Wealth a hard look.


It’s a great game and you should buy it


Nice! I got the previous entry for free on Playstation, and I really liked it.

cocobean, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?


Hades 2

russjr08, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale?

I picked up Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, I think that’s really all I’m going to pickup honestly. Already have a fair bit in my backlog, and there’s nothing else in my wishlist that makes me go “I want to play that right now” that can’t just wait for another sale.

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