I feel like the obvious answer would be something like Fallout New Vegas, DLCs as well (especially the DLCs) or any visual novel games like Song of Data or the Danganronpa series.
Though for non-obvious answers, gonna say Brok the Investigator. Story driven with changing how you play affecting the ending you get. Non-obvious because I don’t see a ton of hype around it, even though there’s a cool looking DLC being developed.
Forgot to add just about any puzzle game to the list. I watched someone play a puzzle game (Baba Is You) roughly 4-5 years ago and picked it up last spring. Just long enough for me to remember almost none of the solutions. Definitely much more fun that way. Same reason I loved Portal 2 back when I got it on xbox. Didn’t have a clue what would happen or what the puzzle solutions were.
You’re getting bored from playing the same thing constantly and need to try new genres. Spend some time away from live service / AAA and the fun should return
I really wanted to try Starfield but can’t justify the price. Like I want to buy it, but I also don’t have that kind of money to spend. Might start asking around my local friends to see if any of them have it so I can library share with them
I had access to it with GamePass when it launched (I’m full Linux now so I’ve canceled that). I still pirated it because you can’t mod games distributed by Windows unless the specifically allow it. I’m saying this to say, there are alternative means to try it available if you want, but also I regret the time I wasted on it. It wasn’t worth the time spent not even spending money on it specifically, and I love previous Bethesda games and the sci-fi genre.
Maybe try something different? A strategy game perhaps?
Or you might actually need a dopamine detox in combination with practicing a more rewarding and sustainable hobby. Read a book or start a project if some sort.
It could also be that you’re experiencing a depression.
Another opportunity to shout out my 2024 GOTY, Dread Delusion! I have so much love to gush for it. I wouldn’t say it “blows the mind” per se, but it knows what it is and executes it soundly. Give it a shot if you enjoy the sonder-type experience from a well-crafted storyline
Great game! Just be glad you don’t have to swap the cd every 20 clicks. Riven was basically 1 disc per cutscene when it first came out and I remember getting very frustrated as a kid when I accidentally triggered an island switch and knew it’d be 10 minutes until I could get back.
Sounds like you’re over saturated and need a break from gaming. Happens to a lot of us.Try not gaming at all for like 2-3 months. It’ll feel fresher afterwards
Skullgirls is the best game you can play on any machine, and it will run on that laptop. But if you’re mostly interested in RPGs, check out the Pillars of Eternity games, especially the second one. Wasteland 2 will likely run on that thing just fine.
I just started Pillars.
Great suggestion, thanks! Also bought Wasteland 2 (with the current sale, I think I bought 10 great old games for $20) and will try that next.
Awesome! That first one can be a lot of combat, but it is good combat, and Pillars 2 is, in my opinion, just a better game in every way that the first game feels lacking.
I’ve bought both. The first one feels a lot like what I remember from the old DnD games (Baldurs Gate 1+2, Temple of Elemental Evil, Icewind Dale) and it seems to be very well-designed.
But if it turns into a slog, I’ll definitely try the second part before giving up. I already like the lore a lot.