EvaUnit02, do gaming w Dissapointed in Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller avatar

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a patent Microsoft just hasn't been willing to license use of.

I remember when the Sixaxis came out. It was missing vibration. It was because Immersion sued Sony (and ultimately won) over patent infringement of rumble motors. Sony ended up having to pay somewhere around $100 million.

Lojcs, do gaming w Dissapointed in Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller

That’s bizarre to me too. Everyone keeps praising the Xbox controllers for being the best and they don’t even have gyro??


People tend not to like gyro aim.

People are wrong, but I am not surprised.


whether they like it or not, it should still be included on a “premium” product, when the Wii U controllers had it!

tal, avatar

Problem is that even on a premium product, cost is gonna be a factor. Well, and weight.

I can think of a bunch of features that could be supported in a controller. Problem is, not everyone is gonna want everything, and if they put it on the thing, everyone is gonna pay for it. On the XBox Elite Series 2:


i get that, but adding a gyro is really, really minor, just a couple modules on a PCB


How is that bizarre? It‘s not exactly a widespread feature so most people don‘t care about it.


Isn’t xbox the only one that doesn’t?


Yep games for Xbox don’t have it because Xbox controllers don’t have it.


Gyro has been present in Sony controllers since Dualshock 3. All of the Nintendo controllers I ever used had it. Steam deck has it. I honestly assumed it is a standard feature.


I‘ve have a PS3 and PS4 and can‘t think of a single game that uses this feature. When I say widespread I don’t mean the hardware, but how it is implemented in software.


GTA IV had it for PS3, I remember.


It did? How was this utilized?


It was optional to use, you could control leaning on bikes I remember but I never used the feature.

tal, (edited ) avatar

I decided to buy a good and expensive controller for my PC for the first time,

It‘s not exactly a widespread feature

Gyro has been present in Sony controllers since Dualshock 3.

Not many PC games natively support gyro, however, because most controllers that people have on the PC don’t support it.

Yeah, it’s an input that you can use to rig something up with Steam Input or some sort of macro software, but if you don’t have a large proportion of the userbase with hardware support, game developers aren’t going to put resources into native support, and without native support, most people won’t use it, and if most people aren’t going to use it, not a lot of incentive for game controller developers to support it.

Same thing for the haptic feedback and the force feedback triggers on the Playstation controllers. You can use them on the PC, theoretically, but just not much native support out there for them.

I kind of wish that there were some kind of standard, cross-platform, open-source software package that you could have games hook into on one end and controllers on the other, have a developer-provided profile, but let the package provide some kind of profile that does something reasonable for an arbitrary controller (or multiple controllers, think HOTAS) if the developer doesn’t, and let game controller developers and players publish control scheme settings for games/controllers. Steam Input is kind of the closest thing to this, but is proprietary and tied to one distribution platform (Steam), which sort of sucks.

The sex toy crowd has something like this going on with – which, ironically enough, can actually support linking games to game controllers with vibration, not just sex toys, but for some reason we haven’t managed to get there with normal, actual game controller input. I kind of wish that given that they have their shit together enough to actually get something like this out there, that they’d rename the project to something uncontroversial like GameIO, support hooking up games to arbitrary output devices and input devices, and then expose an input layer to games. Have the option to use the game’s provided profile by default, but also use a custom one.

Steam deck has it.

The Steam Deck is successful for what it is, and maybe one day it will have enough market share to be able to really drive game features, but as things stand, it’s something like a percent.


If you crunch the numbers and assume the Deck does indeed represent 40% of Linux users, which make up 1.97% of Steam users, then the Deck is used by 0.78% of all Steam users. That’s the exact market share number for the Deck APU in the GPU survey, which means at least these datapoints are internally consistent.

That’s maybe the largest single bloc of people using a single specific non-mouse/keyboard input device on Steam, but it’s still a very small portion of the overall PC user base.


All PC games support gyro if they’re played with SteamAPI and the controller has gyro support. You can configure it however you want, it’s just a controller function being bound to an input.

You can even add gyro support to games that never had it, like PS2 and GameCube games. Because, again, it’s just a method of input.


It’s not widespread BECAUSE Microsoft refuses to include it in all their controllers. It’s been a standard in Sony, Nintendo, and even some 3rd party controllers like 8bitdo.

SinkingLotus, do games w What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about? avatar
  • To The Moon: Absolutely heart breaking.
  • Tales of Maj’Eyal: An incredible rogue-like with 30+ classes and God knows how many achievements.
  • Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead: Apocalyptic rogue-like. Zombies, bandits, aliens and Lovecraft shit. Want to raid a dojo? Learn Judo from a book and proceed to race around town on a pair of rollerblades practicing on the undead? Feel free.
popcar2, do games w What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about?

Levelhead is a fantastic mario-maker esque platformer. The official campaign is a little over 10 hours long and is pretty good but its main draw is its incredible level editor and infinite number of quality levels online. I can’t recommend it enough. Sadly it never got as popular as it should have but there’s still a massive backlog of online levels to play.

Someone else mentioned Distance and I agree. It’s a futuristic racing game with some horror elements. The campaign is short, but there’s a great amount of levels in the workshop. The multiplayer modes are also pretty fun if you can grab a few friends (there’s split-screen too).

Inkbound is launching from early access soon and while I wouldn’t say it’s the greatest roguelike out there, it’s a lot of fun and very unique. It’s essentially a co-op turn based RPG where you and other players play all your turns at the same time. I’ve played a lot of singleplayer too and the game feels well balanced there.

Voxelgram is Picross 3D for PC. Must-have for people who like nonograms.

jerkface, avatar

Voxelgram is Picross 3D for PC. Must-have for people who like nonograms.

I know many of those words.


TL;DR you’ll enjoy it if you like casual puzzle games lol.

Voxelgram is a spiritual successor to an older game called Picross 3D. Picross 3D is a 3D version of a popular logic puzzle called Nonograms.

t3rmit3, do gaming w Are you enjoying Palworld?

I have about 45 hours in it so far, and I’m still loving it. It’s just really up my alley.

Krudler, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Neverwinter Nights.

I’m not going to say it’s a bad game, but if I want to read a book, I’ll read a book.


As an avid fan of NWN… this comment amuses me. You’re not wrong.


I tried to get into that game so many times but it was such a bloody slog!!! I’ve since found Torchlight I & II scratched that simple dungeony-DnD-ish itch.


I think I played the first chapter about 6 times. Everytime around the time I rescued the waterdavian creatures I get bored.

BigBananaDealer, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? avatar

minecraft and games like minecraft. i just dont get whats supposed to be fun about them. i dont hate minecraft specifically its a well made game, but i dont find it and others like it fun at all


Its the riveting cycle of breaking blocks to make things that break better blocks that make better things to make…


"You mine stuff to craft with and craft stuff to mine with"

  • Rick Sanchez
captain_aggravated, avatar

It’s funny…I bounced right off Minecraft but I like games like Satisfactory and Factorio.

A lot of people play Minecraft as an outlet for creativity; it has an end game with a final boss and a victory condition, but most people don’t even try to “win” Minecraft, they want to build cool things. Well between my electronics bench, my wood shop, my 3D printer and my various creative, design and programming software suites, I already build a lot of cool stuff, so that itch is already scratched.

Those factory building games come with a clearly stated goal: “You’ve crash landed on an alien planet with a hammer and a pistol with 100 shots. Build a rocket.” I’ll spend months of my life building a gigantic complex of individual factories connected by an intricate rail network to accomplish that goal. I’ve heard this kind of thing described as “problem solving gameplay” rather than “puzzle solving gameplay.”

As you say I don’t hate Minecraft, I’m often awed and inspired at the things people have built in it, but it’s not for me.


Have you played Mindustry? It’s an open source game available on Linux. I’ve heard people describe it as an “open source Factorio”.

captain_aggravated, avatar

I haven’t, but I’ll give it a look.


I liken Minecraft to “Digital Lego”. That’s how I ‘got it’.

hugetechnerd, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Don’t Starve I already can’t stand Tim Burton’s style, and I really can’t get over the similarities to try to enjoy this game, even though one of my autistic special interests is open world survival crafting games.

Fallout 4 Seems like a perfectly fine FPS, very much not a Fallout game. Leans far too heavily on action and not enough on the RPG elements.

GTA 5 If GTA were a candy, GTA 5 would be a bucket of that candy. It’s fine if you really really really like that candy, but if you’re just not THAT obsessed with the candy, it can get a bit tiring. Having three people with different stories and event going on felt like I never spent enough time with one character to REALLY get into their development. I’d rather see them innovate than just do MORE GTA

Outer Worlds Boring af


I’m with you on FO4. The voiced protagonist is bad for my roleplay and the storyline with my So and baby are all loaded unto me, and I couldn’t give a damn about both of them. The shooting was better than in FO3, I give them that. Now my hopes are high for fallout London to combine the shooting and give me a story where I can immerse myself more


I thought FO3 was a great way to revive the series in a way that would keep interest in it for newer generations. With how Starfield seems to be going, how FO76 went, how Skyrim was compared to past versions of Elder Scrolls, I’m not sure I’ll trust anything that Bethesda spits out until long after release.


Good thing fallout London is a huge mod and not a Bethesda game ;)


I haven’t been following things. Now I’m going to have to look into it!!!

Buttons, avatar

Outer Worlds should not be confused with Outer Wilds. Outer Wilds is one of the best games ever because it’s the best execution of it’s genre.

Nacktmull, do games w Is there any love for BAR (Beyond All Reason-FOSS RTS) on Lemmy?

Spring engine based RTS games have been the best for a long time. I remember being similarly excited when I started playing Balanced Annihilation, which is the OG Spring based RTS, over ten years ago. BAR seems closely related to BA but has much more impressive looking graphics. Enjoy!


Yeah another big Spring Engine fan checking in here, the development of the Spring RTS engine and games on it has been a long road with lots of fun games played along it, mostly in Total Annihilation derivative games like BA, AA, XTA I forgot the other acronyms… and playing a TA-like game was what brought me like many others to playing games on the Spring Engine….

We wanted to play more RTS games like Total Annihilation but other than Supreme Commander FAF no game companies really seemed interested in doing anything but copying StarCraft (ughhh) or doing something totally different like Company Of Heroes. As a TA fan it felt like the RTS genre cut off its own head by treating StarCraft like it was this perfect RTS that demanded everyone copy it and I NEVER liked it. I liked TA with huge battles, the enormous amount of units with different roles not different gimmicks, the actual modeling of unit’s projectiles not some calculated MMO-like damage exchange, the fact that aircraft actually flew not just hovered, artillery had super long ranges like artillery should and battlefields could be as large and sprawling as my computer could handle.

I hadn’t checked in for awhile, but when I tried out BAR for the first time it got me really hyped again. BAR is so polished and well made and at this point just by virtue of being a TA-like Spring Engine mod there are years and years of tweaks, additions and subtractions to the TA formula that have been hammered out through thousands and thousands of games and many different mods with different ideas of what made TA good. The end result is a REALLY solid TA-like game that has the benefit of years of knowledge gleaned from tinkering with the formula of TA. This isn’t just a clone of TA, it is TA with 10+ years more of development work focused around gameplay balance and fun.

BAR is awesome! The AI got really good too at some point?

ctkatz, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

I realize this is an overgeneralization I’m making.

every game made since the ps2 was officially retired. I don’t hate them because they’re hard and I’m just not getting the handle of gameplay. I hate them for specific reasons:

  1. the reliance on online modes. games used to be a singular affair between the player and the game. since 2008 online modes have become increasingly necessary to a requirement. with online modes comes a need for a server dedicated to that game. so what happens when the company shuts that server down? you’re sol. and piggybacking on that
  2. games are released buggy out of the box. before a game wasn’t published until it was done. now it’s released on a target date and patches get released along the way. so if you happen to be in a position where you have the physical media but no internet you could have a broken game and not be able to do anything about it. I just think about that situation with the tony hawk game where the manus didn’t ship the game on the disc and players had to download the entire game as an “update”. and what’s going to happen when that server shuts down?
  3. games are moving to downloads instead of on physical media. I’m a full believer in you buy a game you own it. some game publisher just said recently that players shouldn’t own their games anymore. gaming is going to move to a streaming model where you own a service (console/platform) and games will move on and off it when a licensing deal expires. sorry I don’t want any part of that.
  4. games made that don’t require you to be online to have any kind of gameplay are becoming rare. I’m the game player that plays the game just to play the game and doesn’t want to play against another human player online. my competitive juices don’t flow that way. I’m perfectly fine playing against the game’s ai.

tldr the internet killed gaming for me.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

At least back in the day, multiplayer games released with the server you could self host.
Or you’d find a chill one that you liked and it became its own little community of sorts with regulars and whatnot.
Now, some games make it genuinely hard to even play multiple rounds back to back with the same people.
The ranking system and match making superceded the lobby.
There’s still a lot of enjoyable games, gems even, but there’s a lot of hot garbage too.

I don’t think it’s (just) Internet’s fault.
Hell, we’d play Diablo over dial-up and it was amazing at the time.
I think it’s more the corpo greed making its way everywhere. No mTx, no subscription, no battle pass, no unlocking bs, no cosmetics, no unending daily grinds, just you, the game, maybe a buddy if your family didn’t need the phone.
DRM didn’t exist, they’d ask you questions about the game manual instead.
I remember bringing the Fallout manual on a trip and reading through it thinking about what character I’d make. Now everything is digital only, you’re almost lucky if it comes with a wallpaper.

prunerye, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Minecraft. It desperately needs some QoL improvements for it to be anything but tedious.


That’s what mods are for, most of the game’s popularity is built around the community and not the vanilla game itself

memo, avatar

Do you have anything to suggest? Me and a friend would like to re-dive into minecraft as a cozy co-op experience but we both have some experience with it from 2010-2018 and the new stuff that came out the last few years just don’t look that convincing.

I’ve seen modpacks mentioned, but there’s so many I don’t know where to start


I’ve also been a bit out of the loop the past ~4 years, but Feed The Beast is a good place to start. There seems to be a lot of variety depending on your playstyle. Some are technology focused, some are adventure focused, some are custom gamemodes like skyblock, There’s even FTB University which is a modpack to teach you how complex mods work.

BmeBenji, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?


Don’t get me wrong, the game has fantastic mechanics and great art direction.

HOWEVER. The game relied too much on its lack of hand-holding in order to be enticing but it came out just raw fuckin frustrating. You know what’s cool? Finding new areas by exploration and not by being told it’s where you’re supposed to go. You know what’s not cool? Being handed a list of names of places with no idea of what is in each of them and being expected to know where to go. I got really frustrated with a boss and quit for a few weeks. I come back, kill the boss, and learn that there’s no new door out of the boss arena. I open the fast travel list to find a long list of names of places I had been to but had no fucking idea which one I was supposed to explore next. That is the absolute worst design choice I have seen in a universally loved game. Fuck Bloodborne.

Yes, I will absolutely buy it when they decide to remaster it for PC.


I feel like fromsoft games in general like to be intentionally obtuse.

fprawn, do games w NVidia Shield For Streaming Steam Games Opinions?

I have a pro that I use with a ps5 controller, sunshine and moonlight, but I connect the controller directly to my pc instead of going through the shield. Using the shield results in a different “feel” to the games and android insists on stealing the ps button input for android menu nonsense without any way (that I could find) to disable that and pass it through to the pc.

There’s lots of options for extending Bluetooth and usb to computers further away if yours isn’t close enough. I wouldn’t recommend this setup if you needed to connect the controller through the shield. I am sensitive to that sort of thing, but I think most people would find it pretty bad, especially if they have any experience using it with a console.

The rest works brilliantly (when connected with wired networking), I rarely use my pc directly for games anymore.


in addition to this, turn off the AI upscaling. it adds lag and makes everything look weird. good for video, bad for games. Geforce Now (which honestly, give that a shot too it’s pretty good for cloud streaming) automatically disables it but iirc other things don’t.

BudgieMania, do games w AGDQ 2024 has concluded, raising over $2.5 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation!

The Granny Trilogy run was one of the funniest runs ever done in the event, it is very worth a watch

Rhynoplaz, do games w What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children?

Have you played Stardew Valley? That’s another great game to sink a few years into.


I havent yet but it looks cool!

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