God of War 2018. I played all the original games but I was still just a casual fan. I heard about the new game coming out but didn’t really pay much attention to it. I eventually play it and holy crap I didn’t know it was going to be what it was. Before playing it, I had RDR2 as my game of the year but GOW really stole it in the end.
I tried it a few years ago and gave up after an hour of not knowing what to do. But I had this week off and tried it again, it I’m really enjoying it this time. It’s not like anything else, and once that initial bump is passed its learning curve is really quite good.
It is one of my all-time favorite games. I have unfortunately played it to death; I’ve run out of stupid challenge runs. The game has a story and uniquely for survival games it has an ending, there’s a Win The Game button. But the game is as much about the story you’re going to create; the way you choose to go about things, the order you decide to explore in, the happenstances of your adventure are maybe more important than what the wiki says the story is. Savor that.
I will offer this hint. I don’t think it’s a spoiler; I think there is a strong possibility this hint will prevent you from alt-tabbing out to look up the wiki and accidentally encounter a spoiler. But I will tag it as a spoiler anyway.
spoilerIf you find yourself without an immediate goal, you’re milling about the ocean thinking “well now what?” Go deeper.
I mean, it's a 22 year old game, but since you asked nicely... 🤷♂️Seeing that silt strider just outside Seyda Neen after the intro to what looked like your run of the mill D&D style fantasy RPG was a surprise, to say the least…
… and it was just the beginning.
It’s a real shame later Elder Scrolls games mostly lost that otherworldly feel.
It’s almost impossible to have not been bombarded with the main story and setting of Morrowind by this point. But when this game came out, it was an experience and a half. Unlike anything I had seen before at least. Sure, Ultima, TES 2, etc all existed. But none of them had never sold their world so effectively if you ask me.
Conspiracy theorists: “scientists know it’s all wrong but they’re preventing the truth from coming out to protect their precious ‘theories’”
Actual scientists: “crap, our theories were dead on yet again, damn it, will someone please finally blow even a tiny hole in this thing so we can move forward”
This is the worst example in this thread. You do not want to launch this game unprepared!
Much better to have an established player with enough resources build and equip your character.
If you put too few points in resources, choose the wrong class or race, or get hit by a random nerf, you’ll be locked out of most of the progression.
There’s no second chances, all you get is one save. And when you quit the game, it bricks your system.
Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery. This game is fairly old now (like maybe 15 years) and I’ve only played it once and it took like 4 hours of total playtime, but it remains among the most memorable games I’ve witnessed. I HIGHLY recommend it.
Yay! Just, please don’t leave it untouched. Mild spoiler, but the game tells you how long you should play each session and the first is 30 minutes. So please give it a 30 minute chance to grab you
Everyone always glosses over his second big game, The Hex. It’s fucking stellar, and a GREAT game to go into blind.
Quick edit: I didn’t think I’d like it more than Inscryption and it doesn’t have the same replay value, but after beating it over the course of two days… The Hex is his best work. Very excited for Pony Island 2.
I could not love it more. Ignore the graphics in the preview—they make sense like a half hour in. (Not a spoiler, something that got me to play the game)
Another Quicc Edit: I think it’s been long enough where I can replay it. I loved it sooooo much.