Honestly, for Sci-hub I think it’s just that Elbakyan got tired of maintaining and updating it constantly. That “waiting for court results” part was just an excuse, just because Indian law enforcement is too unequipped to go after pirates doesn’t mean the country magically became lax on IP law. There was no good chance she could’ve won the dismissal plea.
I think the best way would be to re-record the audio. Laugh track usually overlaps the dialog a bit so it’s impossible to get rid of it. You just have to find some actors and have them read the script. The casts of most sitcons are not that big. You will need like what? 10 people? You can probably do it with your friends. Then just add some basic sound effects like door closing and cars starting. A bit of work but doable.
Undertale is an indie game that promotes and encourages kindness toward others. You can play the game however you want, and there are a multitude of endings depending on how nice/mean you are in your playthrough.
But if you’re not 100% kind to everyone you meet; if you take even one unkind action toward someone, you’re locked out of the perfect good ending. And it remembers your playthrough, so you can’t ever earn it by replaying the game. I dunno if that’s been patched; I haven’t played it since about 2015, but that was the rule when I started it.
And there was no indication starting out that you had this choice. Most people default to fighting bad guys in games. There wasn’t even a hint that you could play the game as a passive, kind person and never harm anyone, despite their aggressive and harmful actions toward you.
So most gamers got locked out of that perfect good ending. Which I guess is kind of the message of the game. Every small act, whether good or bad, can affect people around you permanently. But it’s still annoying as a completionist, knowing that I could never perfectly complete a game because of a rule I wasn’t informed of when I started.
The game remembered a lot of things but you very much could do a pacifist run by starting a new game. I read about the pacifist run after about an hour into the game, decided I wanted to try it, and restarted and was able to achieve the best ending.
Dont Starve is pretty dark… i wouldnt call it horror exactly but it has a spooky vibe. Its officially 12+ but I think a horror-loving kid would probably be fine with it.
Consider moving from mullvad if you are into torrenting. Mullvad doesnt support port forwarding anymore. But no matter what provider you chose, use docker container gluetun to route traffic from any other container (like transmission). I like transmission, but most people use qbittorrent because its more advanced. You can also set up VPN in qbittorrent settings
If the port you’re connecting through isn’t forwarded, it isn’t allowing most connections through, drastically slowing down your speed and ability to seed, since you can’t connect to any peers.
I don’t torrent, as a rule, so I can’t say I’d notice any speed reduction. I had, however, noticed that no matter how long I kept seeding, I’d gotten few - or maybe no - connections. I didn’t know if this were because nobody else was leeching the thing at the time, or something else like this.
I’m very reluctant to give up Mullvad. So far, in all ways I care about they’ve demonstrated justification for brand loyalty. Plus, I’ve been with them for years and already have everything set up and configured across multiple deviiiiceeeessss.
As I said, torrenting isn’t a critical activity for me, so I’ll hang tight. I am curious to know if Mullvad has given a justification for stopping support for port forwarding. They used to, right? So it was work for them to stop.
You’ll get more connections if people can get to you; otherwise, you’re only connecting to people who are port forwarding themselves. If you’re port forwarding, you can connect to everyone.
You cannot tell a false positive from a real positive. It’s a gamble. You need to check for every AV what’s the results and do your own risk assessment. Do I really need this software given that XX Antivirus consider it to be a virus? New threats will have a low number of AV that will detect it.
In Return of the Obra Dinn you play an insurance claims investigator. You can magically view the moment of somebody’s death and hear the audio prior to it to aid in your investigation of a ghost ship.
I’ve never played such a unique big budget game. The core mechanic is terrain traversal to make deliveries, and the game continues to give you tools throughout it to accomplish that.
I loved the traversal mechanics in Death Stranding. Kind of made me realise that in all other games the characters are actually gliding and not walking.
I didn’t however like that the game gets a bit too actiony toward the end. And the MULEs and the terrorists stop being a threat when you get upgraded weapons, and the BTs once you have that golden handcuff thing.
I hope they address that in the sequel. The BTs should have been a lot scarier and the stealth a bit more refined.
Still an amazing game. I loved just doing the deliveries. There’s a meditative quality to it that I only previously saw in Shadow of the Colossus.
Well, if you want to try again at some point, I can tell you they get progressively less scary as the game goes on because you’ll get a bunch of tools to deal with them. In the last third of the game even getting caught by one is nothing because you’ll have blood grenade launchers that can easily kill them. And for those who like the stealth way better, you’ll get a special tool to sever the BTs umbilical if you get near them (the game is very liberal in what it counts as near).
Wow. I’m super impressed with all the suggestions here. I’ll add a few of my own that haven’t been mentioned yet.
Her Story - you query a police archive database for video clips, eventually revealing the plot. Kind of a mash between a murder mystery book with the pages out of order and Google. If you like it, check out Immortality
What Remains of Edith Finch - all you can do is walk around a very unusual house. The narrative reveals itself as you do so. That narrative is fantastical and heartbreaking and also very sweet.
Crawl - multiplayer game - you are all trying to escape a monster and trap filled dungeon. One of you is alive and the rest are spirits who can possess the monsters and traps. Any time a spirit kills the living player, they become the living player. Unique boss fight at the end where multiple spirits control parts of a huge boss monster.
Thanks for that! I actually had to put the game down for several months because my child had just been born and I couldn’t handle one of the scenes in the game. It was heavily telegraphed, so I had time to stop the game before anything upsetting happened. And when I went back to it months later it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it might be. But yeah, it’s a game about the death of many family members, told through metaphor and fanatical imagery.