Aliexpress is definitely the way to go. Here’s a link to spreadsheet with the best prices from legit stores: Link
(Compiled by /u/DargillaUomo over on reddit - i think he earns an affiliate cut, but they do seem to genuinely be the best prices if you’re buying new)
Back in the early 90s, here in the UK, a company called Cheetah produced licensed joysticks based on Batman, Terminator, Alien³ and The Simpsons. They looked great but they were terrible to use, especially the Alien³ model which I really liked but was incredibly uncomfortable. I never bought one, just tried then on the shops, awful things.
There were some cheap ass weird ones in North America too. I remember for Christmas we’d ask for a Joycon or something like that, and we’d get “the Joycron,” which looked nothing like a controller, had a weird shape, felt like shit and was cheap as hell. The old man would be like, arrrr we saw it at the BiWay and it was 99 cents, why do you need the one thats $60? Then he would play it, and sure enough, by February you had the real one.
There’s a mod that puts a museum in solitude and hundreds of unique collectables into the game as well as several small quests. The whole of it is comparable to the Thieves guild in content and the stories are well written. Plus it gives you a place to store all the beautiful unique items and radiant quests to go get them.
Personally I love it, it’s everything I want in Skyrim.
Explore a remarkably authentic simulation of the 1999 World Wide Web as a moderator of a Geocities-like website hub. Rather than just being a joke about the corny retro graphics, it’s a heartfelt funeral for that era of the internet.
I used Backlogery, but Backloggd seems to be more popular nowadays. That forum discussion mentions a few others, too.
If you play retro games, then you could also look into RetroAchievements, which will track more than when you simply beat a game. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for all games though.
For more modern games, you could also use Achievements to track what you beat.
As for keeping track of what games you WANT to play… it’s called buying them! Don’t buy games you don’t want to play, haha
Seriously though, you could go through your Steam library and add games you want to play to a playlist, or sell physical games you wanted to support but don’t want to play.
But for multi-platform stuff, check out the linked forum post
What spoilers? That you fight a big, weird-looking boss with multiple baby heads or something at some point? The game’s story is not exactly full of twists and turns.
I agree, those are those play for the gameplay games, I don’t want to sit in a menu for 20 hours reading lore and still don’t know that I’m missing the necklace that explains why the jesters head was cut off or some stupid shit.
These games are made for some passionate fan to explain the lore in a way for others to grasp and that’s not always a bad thing. Still friggen stupid though.
Well, I personally love the Lore/Story. But I also love Games like Majoras Mask with lots of speculation and mysteries. If I play a Souls Game it feels like I’m an archeologist, most of the story is told by looking at the environments and reading old descriptions for Weapons/items.
“And thus it was that the Great Finger Lords, thralls to Gordana the Pulchritudinous, cast their withered finger-bodies into the Well of Sanguine Apoploxy, shattering the Piteous Eye, and covering the vale in a shadow of fingers.
Only when the Order of the Beshivered Spindle is restored upon the Great Finger-ruine Mountain will Bodkin the Befingered, with his Great Spear of Unreturning, return to rebuild the Yeoman’s Sepulchre and return the Affrighted Digitus, with its many weird, tiny baby-faced fingers, to its finger-realm. Fingers.”
I can only speak for myself. For me it felt really great being able to explore the world having absolutely zero idea of what is what, how much game is left, etc. It is reminiscent of a time when I was a kid and playing a game was exactly like that.
I even got quite sad when my friend “accidentally” told me
spoilerThat a certain action I did locked me into a specific ending unless I did something I probably wouldn’t be able to figure out. Rationally I understand that this is as inconsequential as it gets, but I didn’t even know for sure if there were multiple endings until that point.
Yeah, the hardware in a console is mass produced, the hardware in an arcade cabinet is made in relatively small batches. Mass producing something is always a lot cheaper per unit due to economies of scale.
Not all of them. In recent years, virtually all arcades have been powered by standard gaming PCs (see for example the infamous Half-Life 2 arcade). In the past, it wasn’t unheard of for some arcades to have nearly identical hardware compared to home consoles. The Neo Geo arcade for example is running the exact same code as the home console (although in this case, the arcade came first). There have also been edge-cases, like the Namco System 11, which is using only slightly modified PS1 hardware (primarily in the sound department) in order to drive down costs.