Fizz, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next? avatar

You could try Dungeons and dragons. It could be fun for his friend group.


I wish someone had taught my friends and me how to play D&D when I was 10, but my parents were part of the “satanic panic” generation, and had zero interest in anything to do with fantasy or improv. Once you get out of highschool, finding a night that everyone can meet up for D&D gets exponentially harder, let alone finding someone who wants to put in the time to DM.



My friend group would have thrived from something like that.

But our parents were always afraid of what we’d get up to in this very non-conceptual way, so instead we stayed close to home. And drank.


Let’s be real, D&D is a gateway drug to alcohol. And lots of doritos 🤭.


DnD is fantastic. I was planning to buy some campaign materials for xmas. Might as well get that started!


Oh yeah, DnD is a great idea, and if they aren’t into dragons (but who isn’t) there’s all kinds of variations of rpg games. Mutant Year Zero, Vaesen, Alien, Pathfinder, Starfinder, etc. The list goes on and on. And since you have mentioned you have a pc, you can use a virtual tabletop like Fantasy Grounds, for them to play where you don’t have to get them all together in the same room. I play a few different games each week with people I have only met in game. You could buy the FG Ultimate license for one pc, whomever is going to be the DM, and all the other kids could connect with the free beta license, and only the DM needs to own the books. Everyone else can just get on and read the manuals, or play the game with no expense.


Personally I have played dnd with those virtual tabletops and… they’re pretty bad. You spend about 3x as much time fiddling with it than you do playing. Plus you then get distracted by electronics when you should be getting into your character.


Well I guess it all depends on the dm and the material. I play a couple of games each week, and one is a 4 hour session and it’s pretty immersive. We have a few hiccups now and again, but it’s not anything that bad in my opinion. There is some work on the dm side, but since we are all spread about the planet, it allows us to get together and run a campaign. Even my local board game peeps use FG to play. We talk about playing local, but when we get together it’s usually to break out some board games we have and want to play, and one person playing our dnd game is a couple of states away. We joke about putting him on an ipad and facetiming him with his head sitting on the table. LOL.


Dnd (and tabletop gaming in general) is really fun, but I can foresee problems when you try to replace the electronic gambling skinner box of Roblox with a game where the core features are math and imagination.


I’d say the main hangup with any tabletop game is availability. My family is already planning to do dnd sessions at home.


If you plan to DM:

For immersiveness, I recommend miniatures to use on a grid (can be just paper with 1”x1” squares drawn with a pencil). One thing I can say for doing it cheap and quick is to buy a bunch of those small game piece holders (1”x1”) and find monster art online to print, cut, and put in the holders as your minis.

[For example](LLMSIX 24 Pieces Game Card Stand Clear Card Holders Plastic Place Card Display Stand Photo Card Holder DIY Board Games Stand for Business Cards Price Tags Labels Menus Party Favor)

You can get basic rules online for free and you could probably pick up books used.


Yeah I’m 100% not giving WOTC money. Fuck them. I wonder how easy it is to pick up Pathfinder

DonPiano, do gaming w Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.

There’s many things I can overlook here but the lack of bikes nixed my hype fully. I don’t want to build car hell yet again. I can leave the house if I wanna see that.

brezelradar, avatar

I don’t want to build car hell yet again

this, so much

RickyRigatoni, avatar

If you’re not making your city a hell for the npcs in some way how are you having fun


I mean… If I want to build a hell, I still want options.

Like, realistic space use for car hell would be interesting but maybe sometimes I wanna build a university on a hill and student housing at the top of a different hill and to get to class you have to bike up a hill both ways.


I did this in university, it sucked

tocopherol, avatar

No bikes??? I hadn’t heard that, one of the most satisfying things about playing C:S1 to me was making great bike routes and useful public transit, without bikes I really don’t feel a drive to play this one now honestly hah. Maybe they are going the Sims route where all the useful basic things they added in the previous edition will be released over time as DLC, ffs.


I don’t think the first Cities Skylines shipped with bikes either? Wasn’t it part of the After Dark DLC? Or maybe that was just bike lanes? I hate the DLC for Paradox games… It’s so confusing that I think I’m just not going to buy their games anymore.


This is why most people wait a couple years after a Paradox game comes out. They’re fantastic games…once you have the DLC.


You’re right. After Dark was one of the first(?) DLCs and I’m not sure if bikes were part of that or the eco-friendly DLC but bikes definitely are not part of the vanilla experience (I have quite a few DLCs that are important to me and no bikes yet)


They usually give a lot of free stuff at the same patch even if you don’t buy the dlc.


I can leave the house if I wanna see that

too bloody right

Skoobie, do games w Am I allowed to use a VPN with Steam? avatar

I exclusively use a VPN with everything and have done so for years. If steam has an issue, they have yet to inform me lol.

On a serious note tho, there is an issue if you use a VPN to access store prices for a country outside your own. Regional pricing means that some people game the system and Valve rightfully cares about that.


Yeah I changed it so my VPN says I’m in America for this reason


You don’t have to, your regional price is linked to your account’s regional setting so that if you move you can legitimately change your region but VPN doesn’t affect it at all.



rikudou, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

I want Spore, but modern and better.


It’s called Stellaris, but it’s only the last stage of Spore.

joelfromaus, avatar

I was watching The Spiffing Brit’s exploit video of Spore. It definitely made me wish for a modern Spore game. To be clear, the visuals don’t need to be much better just better lighting and it’d look modern enough. If they overhauled the gameplay systems then it could be a 10/10 game.

solsangraal, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation

we’re getting old dude

the kids who are the age we were in the half life glory days–they don’t want single player. they want league of apex legends fortnitewatchstrike

single player games won’t go away completely, but they’re definitely taking a backseat to whatever the rage is with the kids. currently mobas. just google “most played video games” if you’re not depressed enough already

Carighan, avatar

“Single player games have taken a backseat”. Okay. We’re just going to state that as a truth? And also just stating kids as being the main video games audience still?

I mean if single player games have taken such a backseat, why are big companies pouring so much money into games such as Horizon, Dragon Age, Assassin’s Creed, Anno or Dark Souls? Why are indie games, thousands and tens of thousands of them, so overwhelmingly single player? Why is Zelda still not a MOBA? Just does not really hold water as an argument IMO. If anything it seems the opposite is happening and after the height of MOBAs in ˜2015, the market is slowly creeping back.

helenslunch, avatar

“Single player games have taken a backseat”. Okay. We’re just going to state that as a truth?

I think we can state as a truth that they have less potential profit.

And also just stating kids as being the main video games audience still?

They spend more money. Probably because it’s not theirs.


Both of your points are only partially correct.

I think we can state as a truth that they have less potential profit.

Wrong, they just take less effort and have a more constant revenue stream.

Potential for profit means nothing, when so many attempts at milkable forever games end up like Suicide Squad or Concord.

Also you can come into them half baked and pull the plug if the game doesn’t sell (because it’s half baked) like they’re doing with SS and they did with the Avengers game.

They spend more money.

They don’t, you can’t spend money you don’t have, whales are working adults.

Kids spend money for less. Better ROI, not higher payoff.

You make the 18302nd skin and troves of kids will badger their parents for fortnite bucks so they can buy it but not everyone will. The upside is that making a skin costs you single digits percent points of the profits, so even if one or two are a dud, you’re fine, the good ones will make up for it.

It’s a business model you can throw money at once the game’s got an audience base, which is very attractive to companies, because it’s uncomplicated and reliable.

ampersandrew, avatar

There’s plenty of room to monetize single player games when it’s add-in content to games that you continually replay as opposed to add-on content for something that’s story driven. More systemic games like Civilization, roguelikes, simulators, etc.

helenslunch, avatar

Not nearly as much. Look at games like Rocket League that are many years old but still selling new skins every month.

ampersandrew, avatar

When your game isn’t live service multiplayer, your incentives change to putting out more sequels rather than iterating on the same game. So your revenue per game goes down, but there’s no reason it can’t necessarily be as lucrative overall.

helenslunch, avatar

They make way more money selling skins for years and years than any DLC ever will. This is clear as day. Not sure where the confusion is.

ampersandrew, avatar

It’s not confusion. Your perspective is survivorship bias. For every Rocket League, there are 10 Concords. That’s why the entire industry is imploding right now. Everyone thinks their game will be Fortnite, but only so many games can be Fortnite, and a lot of that even comes down to luck, so you’ve got games like Avengers and Suicide Squad losing hundreds of millions of dollars each instead of making games for half or a quarter of their budgets that would have recouped their costs and then some.

helenslunch, avatar

And the Rocket League is worth 20 Concords.

ampersandrew, avatar

Well then I guess your recommendation would be to keep trying to be Rocket League, even though statistically you’re going to leave a crater in the ground formed by hundreds of millions of dollars and the better part of a decade of work? Keep in mind there are single player games that make more money than Rocket League too, if we’re going to cherry pick.

helenslunch, avatar

My point is it pays off in the long run.

ampersandrew, avatar

Given the unfathomable number of layoffs we’ve seen the past two years, I think that’s a difficult argument to make.

helenslunch, avatar

Given that those layoffs exist outside of the gaming industry, I don’t think that’s a valid argument.


I think we can state as a truth that they have less potential profit.

That’s true but it’s not because people aren’t playing single player games. The reason single player games are less profitable is because the non-subscription, non-microtransaction single player market is extremely saturated with indie games. That makes it very hard to sell AAA single player games. The standards are extremely high and the opportunities for extra monetization are not there.

I have been a single player gamer for most of my life, yet I haven’t bought a AAA single player game in decades. I have more indie single player games to play than I know what to do with, and frankly they appeal to me more than AAA titles. Expensive graphics and voice acting don’t have much draw for me these days. I am much more interested in roguelikes and retro games now. I think there are thousands of others like me out there, among all those who don’t go in for multiplayer games and haven’t purchased a console.


Single player games are less and less profitable these days. What the original commenter could have said is, these days, there isn’t much money to be made telling a story when fortnight makes so much money by doing nothing but cosmetics.

bionicjoey, (edited )

It’s not a question of demand, it’s a question of profit. Multiplayer games stand to make a lot more money than singleplayer. Nobody will spend real world dollars on cosmetic items in a singleplayer game.


Skyrim has no multiplayer component, but plenty of people have paid cash money for cosmetic items.


Not even close to the same scale as what Valve and Blizzard get people to pay for skins and hats


profit is a function of demand


And it’s gonna continue until regulations recognize how these games are psychologically terrible for kids and have gambling mechanics.

AnEilifintChorcra, do gaming w #StopKillingGames update: Finland just passed the threshold.

Even if your coutry reaches 100% and you haven’t signed, please still do incase some signatures are invalid

TIP – It is better to collect more signatures than required. Sometimes the national authorities might not be able to validate all the statements of support you provide.


Also just getting 100% in 7 countries is not ging to be enough to reach 1 million votes total.

So you should keep signing it either way. Every vote still counts

GrayBackgroundMusic, do gaming w Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better?

Are you cherry picking the good games out of older libraries? I find people do that a lot when remembering. It’s a survivorship bias thing. The good ones get remembered more and the bad one forgotten, so they seem like the population is better.

jeffw, do games w Controversy and Censorship avatar

Changing designs due to market pressures isn’t censorship. Remember the Sonic movie, where they redid the animation due to criticism? Nobody was outraged at that change but when it’s tits, all of a sudden people care.


What “market pressure” are you talking about? The game topped charts because it seemingly wasn’t afraid to have an attractive female lead while backing that up with fun gameplay. The difference with the Sonic movie was that no one liked the original design, and the movie wasn’t patched after people bought tickets.


You know there are a shit load of games with attractive female leads and amazing gameplay right?

You say it as if developers are terrified to make attractive girl characters…


Summarized it much better than I could.

If you’ve ever seen isometric pixel sprites, authors often draw those first “naked” to get the shape right. If they show an in development model that’s naked, and later have added clothes, is that then “censorship”? No of course it fucking isn’t.

thezeesystem, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

Factorio. Help I got 4k hours and I still get cravings.

Honorable mentions.

Rimworld, Dyson sphere program, Minecraft (before it became microcrap)


Closing to 6k. There is just infinite replayabillity. Then you add mods, and friends.


I think we‘re the same person! :D

Jokes aside, I wholeheartedly agree. 500 hrs in factorio but rw and dsp are awesome. Mc used to be. I like mineclone though.

Hit me up if you wanna play something together some time.

Battle_Masker, do games w What's up with Epic Games? avatar

aside from what everyone else said, they killed the beloved Unreal Tournament series, which is a huge sour spot for older gamers who fondly remember those. Then there’s the excessive microtransaction demand inside Fortnite, a game with a large playerbase under the age of 18. That alone led to two major lawsuits that they both lost

EtherealMoon, avatar

Aside from TF2–and even that I got a bit bored with–most all of my interest in multiplayer FPS died along with Unreal Tournament. Doesn’t feel like having fun is the goal anymore.


They are killing rocket league too

TheBat, avatar

I quit playing Rocket League the moment it was announced that it was going to be Epic exclusive available only on Windows.

SomethingBurger, do gaming w What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?

Need for Speed: The Run, but good. Give me an uninterrupted race accoss the US (or any other continent), against 199 other drivers, with strategic decisions to make such as fuel stops, sleep breaks, multiple paths… Make it a rogue lite with unlockable vehicle classes, police chases, weather changes, racing through traffic… Bonus points for realistic physics and VR support.

Fizz, avatar

Nfs the run was so disappointing. Even for a nfs game.


Some NFS game are straight up terrible (Undercover…), but at least the good ones with similar gameplay (NFSU2, Carbon) still exist. But The Run was worse than bad; it was disappointing. It could have been good, but wasn’t, and they never tried to make another one with a similar premise.

The only good part of the game is the bonus mission in Carbon Canyon, in all its HD glory.


What about the avalanche mission? Did you find that too Micheal Bay movie-like?


I don’t remember it. I don’t think I played this game a lot.


Here you go if you’re interested:


Honestly I loved The Run. It was a jam packed unique short game experience. It was definitely too short for it’s price, but you know at that time Blackbox was working on 3 separate games.

False, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing.

This is the weirdest complaint until you realize OP is from

TacticsConsort, avatar

But am I wrong? Making an unreasonable complaint?

I know that most people don’t like dragons as much as I do, but… is it really that weird to want them not to get screwed to the Nth degree?


Yes you are making an unreasonable complaint. You’re complaining that the story doesn’t include one particular niche element of interest to you and comparing it to having shit thrown in your face.

TacticsConsort, avatar

Yes, but I was under the entirely reasonable expectation that I would indeed get my niche thing (that being three or four lines of dialog), given the game’s overall setup, mechanics, advertising and franchise. It wasn’t just not included, it was actively averted as hard as possible.

Would you not be disappointed in the same circumstances?

AdlachGyfiawn, avatar

no. i don’t play games for fetish purposes.


Dragonheart wasn’t a fetish movie.

Marsupial, avatar

Sorry just a furry whining they can’t fuck an animal?

Makes sense, no normal person would have given this any thought.

th_in_gs, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

Or pause during cut scenes!

!deleted4210 avatar



Or skip cutscenes.


Or allow you to accidentally skip cutscenes when you didn’t mean to.


OMG this drives me nuts.


Fucking death stranding

Sternhammer, avatar

To be fair, Kojima games are primarily vehicles for cut-scene delivery. Gameplay is a bonus.


You can pause during cutscenes. Just finished it yesterday, and certainly needed it because some of those suckers are 30 minutes long.

Dadifer, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

I love how Halflife: Alyx isn't even being mentioned.

JshKlsn, avatar

Too scary lol. I got it with my index and never played. Really wish valve included a less scary switch in the settings, because it’s one of the best made VR games.

Just can’t do it. Not built for it.


I had no idea it would be so scary and played through it out of sheer will to enjoy the experience. I have no idea how I made it through.

SevenSwell, avatar

The half life games are right at the limit for me in terms of scary video games. They tread the line just enough imo. I think it’s because it’s not just horror the whole time, there’s tons of non scary puzzles and gun-slinging going on to cool down.


I read some interview about how they had to “nerf” the headcrabs by making them latch on to your chest instead of actually your face because it was too intense for VR, haha

Loved the game!


Seriously haha, arguably the best VR game out there


Right? It’s literally bundled with one of the most popular headsets.

Though there are still plenty of indies that still exude quality and love from their developers. Things like Compound, Budget Cuts, Until You Fall, or Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (if you’re a gun person) are all a bunch of fun.

Though there’s that Walking Dead game if you want something with more money behind it (and are less anxious than me).

silverchase, do games w Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals avatar

Celeste $1.99 (90% off, new all-time low)

Hard but fair precision platformer by an expert of platformer design. Excellent controls, deep platforming mechanics, and a cathartic story about internal and external struggles.

june, avatar

Also 🏳️‍⚧️


Is the character trans? I have flinished the whole game and I can’t recall that.

silverchase, avatar

Yes, Maddy is trans. This is both from word of god and a hint in the background of a piece of art in-game.

june, avatar…/index.html

Is Madeline Canonically Trans?

Well, yeah, of course she is.

This feels painfully obvious to a lot of (mostly trans) people, and likewise it feels painfully obvious to me too, in retrospect. It has also become painfully obvious to me that I, myself, am trans. But these are things that I was not aware of during the development of Celeste, where I was writing Madeline and speaking from her perspective. Creating Celeste with my friends helped me reach the point where I could realize this truth about myself. During Celeste’s development, I did not know that Madeline or myself were trans. During the Farewell DLC’s development, I began to form a hunch. Post-development, I now know that we both are.


So she is essentially retroactively trams.

Not that I mind, but it is what it is.

june, avatar

Read further, while the author didn’t realize what she was doing it is a trans narrative through and through, and the free dlc ending did contain the flag because by then she did know.

When Madeline looks in the mirror and sees her other self; when she attempts to abandon her reflection, who then drags her down the mountain; when the two reconcile and merge to become stronger and more complete… that was all unknowingly written from a trans perspective.

silverchase, avatar

I’ve been wanting to play this for a while and that price made it an instant buy. Really glad I did. Some of the strawberries are hard and unfair tho, haha.

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