silvercove, do gaming w The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.

It’s also changing how normies think of Linux.

Also it basically doubled the % of linux users at Steam.


Normies don’t think about Linux. You don’t even need to see Linux if you use a Steam Deck.

ReverseModule, avatar

Still, casual gamers did think Linux couldn’t game. It’s changing this opinion in the best way possible and that’s really important since Linux is the best OS. I personally think we still live in medieval PC times as long as Windows is the main OS used.


Still, casual gamers did think Linux couldn’t game.

The parent comment is right. Most people don't think about Linux. Ask a 'casual' Swtich owner what OS the Switch uses, and their answer is probably going to be pretty close to the answer that a similar Deck user would give.

callyral, avatar

Normies¹ don't even really think about Windows or OS in general, most people just think it's just what a computer is like regardless.

¹ : Normie as in person who is not experienced with computers and PC gaming

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Even so it made it significantly harder for people to make the dated throwaway comment that you’ll lose access to a majority of your games by switching to Linux.

With that I feel like people will see it’s just as usable as MacOS and Windows in a majority of circumstances.


You can use crossover and it isn't awful, but I think Mac is third for gaming at this point.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I’m not too sure. I used to browse /r/MacGaming despite not owning a Mac but I lost of track of things when they killed 32 bit support


There are some games that get official Mac ports, and that's nice, but compatibility on the rest of your library doesn't just work out of the box.

Like I said, crossover is OK but when Mac's biggest strength is ease of use, fiddly manual configuration to make your library work isn't awesome.

ApathyTree, avatar

I lost all my games when I swapped to Linux.

But that’s because it was a decade ago, and I was way too lazy to figure out why wine wouldn’t work, tho I don’t really pc game anyway and these were mostly older games, even then. Small loss.

I know there’s a lot of stuff either native dev or ported/cracked for Linux, just never really spent the time to look into it.

The only thing that’s going to cause problems for me now is idk how Linux handles vr. I assume not terribly well, since none (almost none?) of it is native dev. I’m looking to move away from consoles now that they are moving away from physical media (no point collecting if there’s nothing to collect), so Linux being more robust is great! But vr maybe my stick point. Depends how well developed it gets I guess.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

VR headsets and games with anti-cheat software still have issues. I haven’t been able to get Oculus Rift S to work for example.

I think some headsets like the ones made by Valve and HTC work better though. I’m not sure if there’s currently the same degree of rapid advancements for VR Linux gaming as there are for gaming in general on Linux. I know OpenHMD exists but I haven’t tried it out myself.

shadowbert, avatar

My Vive Pro does work - but not as nicely as it did on windows. Driver support for stuff like reprojection doesn't seem to be there.

ApathyTree, avatar

Yeah that’s kinda what I was expecting.

I don’t really have a vr setup right now (have a psvr, the tracking sucks but I want to like it) but I was thinking maybe an index at some point…

Tho tbh if I need to keep a windows pc for that to work… I can… I won’t be thrilled for it, but my laptop is touchscreen and running 11… idk how Linux does with touchscreen so I haven’t changed it out yet, probs could upgrade the hardware to game off it.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Have you tried using the PSVR on your computer?

ApathyTree, avatar

Not yet, but I looked into it before I bought it and I’ve seen that it can be done as sort of a viewing unit? If I understand correctly that’s all it would be, which is still probably a powerful tool, but I just got the vr like a month ago and then immediately got two surprise kittens so I have not had time to play at all, much less do anything fancy with it.

However if you want to tell me all about it, I am more than happy to learn from a person rather than an impersonal article. Really.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I would have linked an article. I haven’t experimented with it myself but it seems like there’s one paid project available through Steam that aims to support the PSVR

ApathyTree, avatar

No worries.

It’s a thing I’ll probably do at some point. Just for kicks. I’m a big fan of playing around with hardware to save money 😁 but it’ll probably be a while before I get to it. I have some self hosting and automation to learn to do first (not super knowledgeable presently, but omfg is the fediverse helpful with tech stuff 💜)

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Me too. Messing around with hardware is something that’s always stuck with me from when I was a teenager. If you give the PSVR thing a test mind messaging me or commenting so I can hear how it goes?

ApathyTree, avatar

I was also messing with hardware/software starting in teens. Grew up during the brief period in which home computers were fairly common though still quite expensive, but pc repair shops weren’t really around.

I will try to remember, but it might not be for a while. :)


I was going to say I slightly disagree, but then I thought about it some more and realized they probably just see it as SteamOS in the same way Android doesn’t make people think about Linux either.


When some Microsoft simp makes unfounded claims about how you can’t game on Linux, we now only need to point at the Steam Deck.


No, this is incorrect, OP thought steam deck is ok because the games are exclusively only in steam. OP never try to consider her mother-in-law. Giving someone linux and just assuming they understand is not going to help make them like the game or machine.


Thats because its linux only in a technical sense


We’re talking about software, what other senses are there? :D


Well for the user. Like the mum from the post won’t go like “Oh wow the linux pc that is my steam deck can game”

They only experience steam OS as the console. Like when mum used to say you play “the nintendo” too much :D


How is it not Linux?


Most people probably won’t explore the desktop mode, but SteamOS is basically a full-on Linux distro.




Most improvements on the Deck translate to all Linux distros. That’s pretty good.


Good point, i didnt think about it that way


that’s like saying apple is changing how normies think of Unix

umbraroze, do games w PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery

Hngh. Balatro already had a bunch of hassle on Switch eShop due to the PEGI ratings change.

Earlier, Nintendo somehow got a PEGI 12 rating for 51 Worldwide Games, which includes poker and blackjack. I wonder what they argued to avoid the 18 rating. “Sure, this compilation has poker and blackjack, but it’s not like we made it fun.” (It’s adequate but compared to Balatro it’s very much a non-frills experience.)


I believe 51 Games came out right before the stricter PEGI policy. Same year at least. The whole thing is very silly.

themoonisacheese, avatar

“sure our game has gambling elements, but we’re Nintendo so shut the fuck up and give us a better rating because you’re a private company in the business of giving ratings”

eutsgueden, do games w Stardew Valley 1.6 is Coming November 4th.

A good man, this Ape.


He’s so concerned about everyone.

kinkles, do games w Is overwatch 2 really that bad? avatar

It’s a decent game but a terrible one if you are comparing it to the original Overwatch.


It’s a decent game but a terrible one if you are comparing it to the original Overwatch.

I’m just genuinely curious why/how it’s still getting updates and people are playing it with the way it’s talked about, they make it sound like the worst game ever

kinkles, avatar

Because despite the bitching it still has a very respectable user base, at least purely looking at the Steam stats:

Voyajer, avatar

Do we know it’s average playerbase back when it was still overwatch?


No pretty sure it was exclusive

Fubarberry, (edited ) avatar

That’s honestly not that good, when games like CS2 are regularly pulling 2million+.

According to 3rd party websites (that may not have accurate estimates), Overwatch 1 had between 600k-1mil peak concurrent players through a lot of 2020/2021. One of those same websites now says that OW2 had about 140k peak players today when combining all players on all platforms. So it would seem there’s been a huge drop in players.

rigatti, avatar

Keep in mind that a large portion of players don’t have it installed on Steam and use the launcher instead (like me).

Fubarberry, avatar

Right, that’s why the collective play amount is ~140k when the steam daily is only ~30k

rigatti, avatar

Ah, if only I could read more than one sentence at a time…


Also, the game is on consoles too with crossplay


CS2 is top of the pile, there is very little that can fairly be compared to it.

Fubarberry, avatar

I think Overwatch 1 at it’s peak could be compared to CS2.


In my opinion, anyone saying OW2 is worse than the original is saying this for personal reasons and not trying to be objective. OW2 is, in my experience, much more balanced than OW1. Many of the more frustrating aspects of the game have been fixed or removed, and most of the characters added since OW1 seem fun to play and not frustrating to play against.

There are very many valid criticisms one can make of Blizzard. The history of being a shitty workplace, the objectively awful decision to make OW2 a sequel, the treatment of Jeff Kaplan by execs, the monetization, and probably more. None of those criticisms (except monetization to a limited degree) have anything to do with whether or not OW2 is a bad game or not.

But I’m speculating since the person you responded to has not elaborated on any of their views.


I agree with you. Even though they’re still not the kind of game so would play regularly, Overwatch 1 was extremely annoying to play with all the stuns, freezes and more. Overwatch 2 toned down and removed most of these which made it actually somewhat enjoyable.


Ehh I disagree, I played consistently ow1 for years and ow2 just wasn’t as good.

I mainly missed tank synergies. Without it the game just wasn’t the same. The other tank changes were just insane too. And I preferred the full 6v6 experience.

Then they had to go an monetize the shit out of it, when I already paid for the game! The last straw was either paying for new characters or grinding like hell.


The tank and 6v6/5v5 has been heavily discussed, recently devs made a long devblog about it. I can kinda see where you’re coming from, I think, but between balance/queue times/the average player (of which there tends to be more of when you’re with 5 others instead of just 4) it seems to me like 1 tank works better in practice even though it struggles when compared to the ideal world+nostalgia goggles.

I was very pleasently surprised not disappointed by the monetization, like uncompleted weekly (battle pass -primary method of profression) challenges carry over, so in theory you can do all weekliesduring the last week if a battle pass. also aren’t the new heroes available if you play just a few matches?


I honestly though I would get used to it, like the forced 2-2-2 comps which I initially disliked, but I never did. It just made the game feel like too much more like a pure fps. And it not feeling like that was what made it unique.

In my experience all the que times were fine as 2-2-2 even when queued as duo dps


I don’t mean to be a dick but without giving actual reasons all you’re saying is “I preferred ow1”, which is kind of what my original comment was referring to. Tank synergies is definitely something that was lost with ow1, rein/zarya and dive comps were very fun and definitely something I miss. But it was also a major source of balance issues and player frustration.

Two tank team composition was a consistent balance issue and severely restricted the design of tank heroes. Sigma is a really fun and interesting hero, but when he was added overwatch entered a prolonged two shield meta which was incredibly boring. The devs added a cool hero, and he made the game worse. Not only did he make the game worse, but there was no obvious or easy solution, because sigma wasn’t the problem, two shields was the problem. In my opinion that exemplifies how bad of an issue the game was facing and justifies the changes made.

There’s nothing wrong with preferring ow1 but the person I responded to called it “a terrible game compared to the original” which is just blatantly incorrect in my opinion.


He did give reasons. Can’t you read?


Why? I played OW from beta, stopped playing after all the shitty workplace accusations came out, then played again for 10 or so hours last month.

I didn’t play much competitive (in my recent sessions) but the game seemed like it was in a pretty solid place. The only “major” issue I can think of is that the tank role is incredibly important, which creates a bit of a toxic environment where people are scared to play tank because they get flamed if the team gets rolled. But I think the downsides are worth the benefits, with tank being so important it’s become the core that the rest of the game balances around. Healers have more agency and dealing damage/contributing to elims is a vital part of the role. A lot of the frustrating/cheesy aspects of the game have been removed, scattershot, damage-doomfist, mercy 5-man-res, goats, double shield.

Again, I took a long break from the game, but before that I clocked a lot of hours in competitive. Personally the game feels about as balanced and enjoyable as it’s ever been.

Obviously the monetization is gross and that entire side of the game sucks now but that’s an entirely different conversation.

bionicjoey, do games w "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy"

So funny when a corpo is forced to seem positive about something where there is absolutely no positive way of spinning it. It has this surreal energy where the person doing PR seems almost uncanny, like some kind of lizard person.

Teddy, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle Game

It’s a word-puzzle game that incrementally teaches you how to use Regular Expressions (RegEx) to find & replace text. Some of the puzzles add silly restraints for you to work around, and the game has charming NPC coworkers that introduce each challenge.


Never heard of it, and sounds awesome, regexes are the sort of things that need lots of practice to be good at, a game seems like a great way to keep the skill alive


Ah yes, a game that taunts me about my shitty regex-fu.

After a decade, I don’t think I’ll ever remember how to regex without a cheat sheet.

capt_wolf, (edited ) do games w shuts down after 20 years; database has been moved to the Internet Archive avatar

Such a shame…

Here’s Gideon Zhi’s response and a little explanation, from his side anyway, of what has actually happened.

If you’re not familiar, he runs Aeon Genesis, one of the longest, if not the longest, running translation groups.


Yeesh, I’ve never used the website but that NightCrawler person seems like they have some serious control problems. The fact that the whole community was willing to chip in/pay for it and take it over and the admin still refused to cooperate is pretty shitty. At least it looks like someone managed to convince the admin to let them host and takeover the site’s wiki.


This is oddly common in ROM hacking/mod scenes. There’s been no shortage of drama in the Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics communities, too.

At the very least I wish people would consider the bus test once a site/project gets to a certain critical mass. Insane to me that a site with this kind of profile never had coverage for that scenario this entire time.


I really hope that tcrf doesn’t take over. I STILL can’t contribute to that website because it requires you to sign up for Discord and agree to Discord’s ToS just to paste some stupid code into their bot.

capt_wolf, avatar

Wait are you talking cutting room? I had no idea they did that. Very weird for a site that’s just copying Wikipedia.


Copying Wikipedia? Where did you get that from? They have loads of content, including stuff like text dumps, that you’d never see on Wikipedia.

capt_wolf, avatar

I mean the format, it’s a generic wiki formatting. Not referring to the actual content. The content they have is awesome.


Yes, the software that runs the site is Mediawiki, same one that runs Wikipedia and others. Sites can add their own registration requirements.

doctortran, (edited )

after some further research, it became apparent that Discord staff could save a significant amount of money by changing S3 providers. The new bucket was set up, but when the time came to make the change NC refused to do it, even though he was not the one footing the bill.

There’s a conspicuous absence of explaining why they wouldn’t do it. What were their actual concerns? Did they not voice them or are they just being withheld?

NC refused to join the Discord to talk about solutions in real-time.

Why was this a requirement?

Did we vent in private? Sure.

And what did you say?

Did we dox or threaten? Fucking hell, no! And frankly I’m LIVID at even the suggestion that we did.

Well something clearly happened if his family was brought into it, so if you’re going to skimp on the details, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to believe that.

The whole thing just comes back to the larger issue with discord: the record vanishes.

kionay, do games w What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?

Stardew valley is 2D so fewer controls to learn than a 3D game. It also has a cute art style.


And lots of additional content in mods (you can do that for her, it’s pretty simple).

Another one, Universim. Oh, and Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, maybe Sims 3/4.

ouch, do games w The four horsemen of unmet financial expectations

Steam should have an option to send feedback to publishers: “I didn’t buy this because of [select all that apply]”.


Yes! Inverted reviews! Love it!

ekZepp, do gaming w Gamer_IRL avatar

Uh, this meme has layers.

JusticeForPorygon, do games w Shower thought, traversal in open world games have turned from game mechanics to loading screens avatar

Might be an unpopular opinion but I feel like complaining about loading screens being hidden in gameplay is pretty much just looking for something to complain about. The game has to load assets. That’s a fact. Is it not better that it’s done in the background than giving you a generic loading screen every time?


People gave Starfield shit for all of the loading screens during travel. Now OP is complaining about them finding ways to make it more immersive. The gaming community is ridiculous.

JusticeForPorygon, (edited ) avatar

I say this alot when referring to the Minecraft community, but it’s really a blanket statement.

You can’t please those who have no desire to be satisfied.

Edit: Oh, and even when there are loading screens everywhere cough cough BOTW, it doesn’t even come close to being a deal breaker.


It is more that the people who act like these opinions come from the same person are ridiculous.

“You say your favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry but yesterday someone else said his favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla. Humans are ridiculous!”

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

That is why I used the word “community” in my reply ;-). Community means multiple people. You can look it up on if you need to confirm the definition.

Try reading more carefully next time. Maybe read slower or try to pay more attention.



People gave Starfield shit for all of the loading screens during travel. Now OP is complaining about them finding ways to make it more immersive. The gaming community is ridiculous.

xD great you used the word “community” so what?

You are saying that “people” said one thing then “OP” said something different and that makes the gaming community ridiculous?

And after pointing out that this makes no sense because you still treat it as two different opinions coming from the same entity, you counter with “thats why I used the word community.”? That makes even less sense xD

The irony telling me to pay more attention.

You are ridiculous :D Lay of the weed maybe then you can formulate a cohesive thought.

Thanks for the laugh :D


No, thank YOU for the laugh :-)


At least Starfield has pretty screenshots to look at during the loading screens. And if you use photo mode, it’ll shuffle your pictures in with the default ones.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

so many pictures of sarah morgans ass are my loading screen that i cant imagine ever complaining about them

PapstJL4U, avatar

Holding forward during the loading screen is not better than being free to do anything.

Noone is against background loading. This is a given. People are against pseudo interaction.


Me personally I’d rather have the loading screen. It’s being honest about what’s happening rather than trying to hide it.

I don’t find constantly moving through tight corridors immersive at all.

chemical_cutthroat, do games w Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening avatar

It didn’t tank this morning. It’s been going downhill for exactly a month.

sirico, avatar

You are correct, it’s been on a downward slope since about 2021 but had a another sharp dip this morning probaly following the news they were delaying Asassins Creed


A rushed game is usually pretty bad, a delayed game is eventually good. While I dont hold AC in very high regard, im glad they told people that it needs more time to cook instead of throwing it out there half-baked.


Yea. Really sad to see the price theyre paying for making the right decision once is 20% of their stock price…

maniii, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • Eyck_of_denesle,

    This brother did not play a single assassins creed game

    Edit: I just read the last few lines, dude pls go take a shower


    What are you even talking about?


    Kerbal space program 2 was somehow both rushed and delayed :(


    And pretty bad.


    Such a tragedy. And that was a game that just needed a tech upgrade, expand a bit, more of the same, nothing crazy.

    M0oP0o, avatar

    They tryed to put a story in ksp2. That’s how bad they misunderstood the franchise.

    Oh and you can still join the discord if you want to talk to people who still believe in ksp2 (its fascinating).


    To be fair, those tech upgrades aren’t exactly trivial to do, and most programmers aren’t skilled enough to do it.

    These kinds of projects need very careful management to avoid running overtime and over budget.


    I don’t know, the first one was cobbled up together from early access by programmers at a marketing firm and while janky (part of the charm some would say), it was quite an achievement.

    The approach which should have delivered better results was wrecked with takeovers and company drama then dumped to the public in a bad state.


    Quartery earnings report due 10/25. There’s no reason to sit capital here if there’s no catalyst for change.

    altima_neo, avatar

    It’s not much of a delay. It was supposed to come out in 2 months, but delayed another 2 months. Doesn’t seem like much time to get any real work done.

    They also cancelled their premier at the Tokyo game show days before schedule. I have to wonder if they’re worried about the backlash that a lot of games are getting lately (Dustborn, Concord, etc) and just trying to push the game a little bit further out to avoid controversy?

    OozingPositron, avatar

    Didn’t happen to cyberpunk lmao.

    Peffse, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end?

    I’m the kind of person who has no issues with moving on from a game with only 20% of the achievements/trophies unlocked after beating the final boss. If it’s not fun, it’s not fun.

    I think the only two games I set out to 100% were probably Super Mario World, or Donkey Kong Country 2.


    I did dk1, dk2 and super Metroid from that era. Great games. Dk2 is unreal, top 20 for sure.


    There were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many secret caves in DKC1 to try to 100%. I did try to complete DKC3, but I don’t think I achieved it.


    Ah dk3, the one I’ve NEVER beat. I always set out to do it and grow bored first. I think by the time I started playing that really good games existed like halo and the like.


    Me too. Most things I play because i want to know what happens next. If I know everything then I am done with the game.

    Sometimes I like the gameplay that much that it happens automatically. Bloodborne comes to mind.

    Deestan, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

    Antichamber - clever first person puzzle game

    SorteKanin, avatar

    Good suggestion, I played it many years ago as well :)


    I’d place Superliminal in this category as well.


    Superliminal was cool, but I just didn’t enjoy it. It was fun for a bit, but I feel like the mechanic overstayed it’s welcome for how simple it is. There’s not very many unique ways to use it. That’s probably why Valve abandoned the idea too.

    Still, it’s interesting and worth a shot. Plenty of people love it.


    You can replay it to find all the extra secrets though

    the16bitgamer, avatar

    I replayed it after many years. It was fantastic, now I need to wait another many years to forget the solution.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    The older you get the more often you’ll be able to play!


    This goes for most of these first person puzzle games. Once you solve the puzzle its not very fun to do it again.

    Portal 1 and 2, the Witness, Talos Principle 1 and 2, Manifold Garden - all worth a play through. Next on my list to try is Viewfinder.

    SorteKanin, avatar

    I kind of got bored of manifold garden. I guess it was the lack of any story. I just had no motivation to continue.

    jqubed, avatar

    I play through both Portal games every few years; maybe every 5 or 6. I think I’m due again soon.


    I feel portal could be replayed if you focused too hard on the puzzles the first time through, there were quite a few secrets worth exploring in that world, though none too deep unfortunately


    I feel like portal 2 can get by on a playthrough every so many years based on the writing/VA making it enjoyable even if you half remember the puzzles.


    Copying my comment from elsewhere in this thread

    I was going to write anti chamber, because I never want to play it again, but %'s 30-90 of the way through the game I was itching to start over. It had me so hooked, but then the ending just took the wind out of the sails so hard. Heck maybe 10-98% of the game had me itching to replay it.

    Zozano, avatar

    Awesome game. I was high on cannabis when I played it, and managed to beat it in one sitting about 10 years ago. I want to play it while high on shrooms, that would be even crazier.

    BillDaCatt, do games w Fuck Ubisoft. avatar

    You can be sure that even the Epic version will still require the Ubisoft launcher. That is how all of my Steam purchased Ubisoft games are with the exception of the first Assassin's Creed which predated the Ubisoft launcher. All of the others require it regardless of how I bought it.

    I'm going to wait for at least two or more years after release for the new Prince of Persia. My days of paying full price for Ubisoft's games are over and recent statements from the CEO make me reluctant to ever buy their games again.


    I tried playing the original AC games recently. They went back and integrated the launcher for those too smh

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