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CaptainBasculin, w Counter-Strike 2 Players Express Disappointment as Many of CS:GO's Key Features Disappear

All I want from CS2 is to remove legs, like who thought it would’ve been a good idea?

woelkchen, avatar

I rather see Valve work on actually crucial features than to put effort in removing features that are already implemented.


I dont understand. Legs as in the character models legs?

Virkkunen, avatar

Yes. CS2 has added legs to your firsrt person view model, so when you look down, you see the your character's body instead of nothing.

I find it a welcome addition.


Ah I see. The models always had legs thats why I was confused^^


People down voting you don’t realize how irritating it is to be blocked from kills by your own player model. Bunch of Dust II mains smh my head

MrMcGasion, w Eldritch fishing horror Dredge delays Iron Rig paid expansion into 2024

I recently played through Dredge, and enjoyed it so much I went ahead and spent the time to unlock all the achievements. I saw the news of this delay on Steam, and was really glad that pretty much all the comments there were praising the studio for not pushing something incomplete out just to hit a deadline, and encouraging them to take all the time they need.

Schaedelbach, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

It’s all just buzzwordsalad at this point.

Who the fuck genuinely cares about a digital plot of land? The only reason stuff like this attracts people is the hope to make money, and therefore only people who only care about the monetary aspect play games like Legacy.

I highly suggest the YouTube channel “Jauwn”! The dude plays nft games “frome the perspective of a gamer”, so he tries to give those games a fair shot (although he is clearly biased against nfts in general). To no one’s surprise each and every nft game is just a grift to mine money in the pockets of idiots who think they are smarter than the rest.

woelkchen, w Counter Strike 2 is surprisingly awful on Steam Deck right now avatar

I tried CS2 on my Deck after the update. I only tried against bots on Italy but found that given the hardware, it ran surprisingly OK. 40 FPS with default settings. Obviously the controls are not so great. I’ve read somewhere later that resetting Steam Input for this game to defaults is required but didn’t know that at the time.

Btw I played with the Deck on a stand and my left hand on the controller part while my right hand held a Bluetooth mouse.


Is that… comfortable? That sounds like a really awkward way to play. Any reason you didn’t do all in on the controller or keyboard+mouse?

woelkchen, avatar

Is that… comfortable? That sounds like a really awkward way to play.

It was kinda OK. It actually had the benefit of analog movement as compared to WASD. Biggest downside was the small screen.

Any reason you didn’t do all in on the controller or keyboard+mouse?

The game did not seem to work with controller only and forced me to use the trackpads and I cannot play FPS games with just a controller anyway. As for why no keyboard, the answer is simple: I was too lazy to get up and get my BT keyboard and my USB C dock (all my Deck accessories are stored in a dedicated bag).

Draghetta, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

Why all the hate towards this guy? I didn’t know him before, he seems to be behind games like black and white and fable which are very solid titles

bogdugg, avatar

Why all the hate towards this guy?

As time went on, he developed a reputation for big promises and hype and underdelivering - viewed by some as straight up lying. He arguably killed the Fable brand. He presented a tech demo for the launch of the Kinect that was thought to be a real game, that was mostly smoke and mirrors. Following Fable 3’s poor reception, he makes his own company and hypes up “Curiosity”, essentially a bad clicker game with a promised prize to the person who gets the final click. The tech was bad, and the “prize” was supposedly a share of the revenue from their following project Godus. That project was not good (which was only expected to be at all due to his penchant for inflating expectations), and the cherry on top was that the person who won the prize for the aforementioned Curiosity game never received a dime.

After that, people stopped caring.


Fair, thanks :)


The most fun thing about Curiosity was using it to draw dicks.

Chailles, avatar

A bad clicker game that you could pay money into to make your clicks worth more, might I add. And I believe that the words “will change your life” was used to describe the prize. And that part of the prize was to play Godus early and they got bored pretty quickly of it.


And that part of the prize was to play Godus early and they got bored pretty quickly of it.

The guy didn’t even look like he had any interest in that kind of game to begin with. And, really, why would he? He’s just a random bloke who tried playing a brainless clicker game, and won the jackpot. There’s nothing that predestined the prize winner to be into any of this. Even Molyneux’s greatest hits in the god game/management genre are still *very" niche games.

Also yeah, Godus was a disaster on many, many levels and very far from those.

The whole thing was very flawed from the beginning.


Even if you know nothing about the past of this guy, the fact that he made a blockchain-based business sim should tell you all you need in order to form an opinion.

!deleted6508 avatar

He exaggerates or straight up lies about the games he has made. Despite some of them being very good, they still under delivered on many outrageous claims Moleneux has made.

Like with Fable, he once said shit ranging from that you’d be able to do shit like carve your name in a tree and watch it grow and the scar evolve over time and even seemingly minor things like fighting a dragon as a boss which didn’t come to fruition.


Originally he was a well liked, well respected autuer game designer from back in the days when that was still a thing. He made games like Populous, and people thought he was pretty cool.

Around the time of Black and White, the cracks started to show. He had bought into his own hype, and had a real tendency to over promise and under deliver. But, even though it didn’t exactly match up to some of his more grandiose descriptions, Black & White was still a very good game, so people didn’t mind.

Fable was where things really went off the rails. The thing is, Fable was a very good game, a fun but largely quite contained RPG, feeling more like a western take on a Zelda game than anything (as in the N64 Zelda games).

But it was not the game that Molyneux promised. Not even slightly. The game he described was one that would have nearly photo realistic graphics, and a vast open world where you could literally see a distant mountain peak and set off to climb it. A world where you could kill a man in a duel, and his son would grow up dedicating their life to one day hunting you down and killing you. A world where you could conquer whole nations with armies of darkness at your command.

Think Skyrim crossed with Mount & Blade crossed with Crusader Kings crossed with Star Citizen. Now imagine that game releasing at the same time as Morrowind.

So by this point people were starting to understand that Molyneux was fundamentally incapable of a) reigning in his imagination, and b) operating in the modern world of game development.

And then we got to Curiosity. If you don’t know, it was a mobile game where all you did was tap on a big cube made of layers of little cubes. Every time you tapped on a little cube it got destroyed, and everyone was working together on this, so each cube was destroyed for everyone. The goal was to destroy all the layers and reveal the centre, and whoever destroyed the last layer would win a prize. Kind of dumb, very simple. But Molyneux, Molyneux hyped this to the heavens. This wasn’t just a “game”, oh no, this was a grand social experiment the likes of which the world had never seen before, and the winner would recieve something “truly life changing.” Molyneux hammered that point a lot. “Life changing.”

What they recieved was that a character would be named after them in Godus, the Kickstarter game Molyneux was making. Oh, and they’d get “a portion” of the revenue from the game (it was never publicly stated how big that portion would be).

That was back in 2013. Ten years later Godus is still in early access, backers are clamouring for refunds after basically none of the Kickstarter promises were met, and the winner of Curiosity has not been contacted by the company since 2016.

He has never seen a cent of the money he was promised.

So, yeah, that’s the problem with Molyneux.


Fairly detailed explanation, thanks!

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

I didn’t play those but I remember spending a lot of time on Populous. That one was quite good.

mojo, w War Thunder user leaks restricted military documents for AH-64D Apache Longbow

I think this makes it leak from the forums

Turns out baiting nerds into internet arguments is significantly more effective then foreign op agents infiltrating the dod.

Pratai, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

But why though?


Blockchain anything was how you got investor funding in 2017 and no one was gonna fund a Peter Molyneux game without it


Your phrasing suggests blockchain is only being used here to facilitate an actual interesting game, which I can guarantee is not true.


Nah, no suggestion of that. Just talking about what investors were spending money on in 2017

MentalEdge, avatar

No he’s suggesting the game would be so shit that buzzwords were the only way it could get any runway.


My point, albeit overly obtuse, was that the game is blockchain. He didn’t patch on the idea just to get funding.

MentalEdge, avatar

This game in particular, yes, but Molyneux certainly could make non-blockchain games.


I would say, being even more pedantic, that the game uses a blockchain (which is just a different type of database) to record in game digital asset ownership. This game could have been made with a normal db taking that roll and would probably run no differently.

He is mentioning and using a blockchain over a normal db for no other reason that it probably helped to secure funding in 2017 as it was a massive tech buzzword at the time.

ech, (edited )

It could, sure, but I’m positive the only reason he’s making it is because of blockchain. I seriously doubt Pete was rolling around a game idea for online real estate separately and just threw blockchain in as a way to get funding.

Carighan, avatar

It makes them money off of desperate or in turn grifting people, I suppose. Just like all of crypto.

Pons_Aelius, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

a blockchain-based business sim

Sorry Pete but blockchain is so 2020. Everyone knows AI is the new hotness in tech buzzwords.

"Ownership and creativity take center stage as you get the chance to build and manage your business on your very own land!"

What happens if/when the servers your business is located on are switched off?

all-knight-party, avatar

Ownership and creativity exit stage left.


exit stage left

Heavens to Murgatroyd!



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  • Pons_Aelius, (edited )

    The blockchain does not contain the assets he is talking about. it is just a ledger saying who owns the assets.

    If the place the blockchain ledger points to no longer exists, the ledger is useless.

    Same with NFT's, they are digital receipts that point to a web address, If the web address closes down, the NFT is useless.

    Not sure you understand what you are talking about there bubs.


    I get how the blockchain works.

    I was responding specifically to the end of your comment:

    What happens if/when the servers your business is located on are switched off?

    I probably should have quoted you.

    Carighan, avatar

    Eh? That’s not how a block chain works.


    Gotta admire the misplaced condescension.


    If they use the blockchain as designed, there will be no central server to switch off - it’s just running in a bunch of basements. They rarely do, though.


    The person who stated this a while ago deleted their comment so the reply may not have made sense:

    The blockchain does not contain the digital assets. it is just a ledger saying who owns the assets.

    If the place the blockchain ledger points to no longer exists, the ledger is useless.

    Same with NFT's, they are digital receipts that point to a web address, If the web address closes down, the NFT is useless.

    For a real world analogy.

    A deed (blockchain ledger) proves you own a house (digital asset stored on the game server). If the house burns down (game server is switched off), the deed still exists but it is useless as the asset it describes no longer does.


    An NFT doesn’t need to point to a web address - the ape picture can be stored on the blockchain too.

    So on the case of a game, everyone can be running their own server, using a blockchain to keep the shared world in sync. There’s no physical product to begin with.


    Cries in Rock Band

    bjoern_tantau, (edited ) w Gothic Classic Switch Port | Release Trailer avatar

    Let’s see how it is received. That game is not modern-gamer friendly.

    But the even more important question: Did they keep the In Extremo concert in?

    Edit: Read through the YouTube comments. Apparently it’s littered with bugs and the concert is gone. So I guess it’s a little bit true to the original release.

    alphacyberranger, w WWE 2K22 servers will be discontinued as of January 3rd, 2024 avatar

    People should boycott buying games from such companies.

    kae, w WWE 2K22 servers will be discontinued as of January 3rd, 2024

    For those curious, the game was released March 11, 2022.

    Making the server support just over a year and a half of running the servers before pulling the plug. That’s not something I’d be spending 60USD (which is what it is on sale for today) on.

    nanoUFO, avatar

    I think people who buy these games every year are just built different.


    Thin on bottom, with hard candy up top?


    IDK who downvoted this brilliance but they should be ashamed.

    corrupts_absolutely, w Underrail: Heavy Duty Trailer

    thats huge! excited for machine guns, but also hopefully this comes with firearm/other systems rebalance

    Gamey, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

    I mean, hot naked people seem to be one of their best selling point so it’s a very fitting bug for sure!

    mojo, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

    I blame Gale

    mojo, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

    Gamers are known for never bandwagoning or over reacting.

    war, avatar

    And poof, just like that the criticism has been invalidated! Great job!


    Glad you understand. It’s great when people on the Internet understand that their backlash against a very popular thing doesn’t matter because the popular thing is still beloved by millions

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