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DocBlaze, w NPCs in Video Games [NakeyJakey]

respectfully, what is this? it’s just a subject. what discussion are you having about NPCs? are they good, bad, unnecessary bloat? improving with the pace of AI? the best 10 NPCs of all time? NPCs based on real characters? I don’t really want to risk a click until I know what I’m fully getting myself into.

Dr_Cog, avatar

It’s a comedy video about NPCs


oh okay, thanks.


I’d love to be behind you in line at starbucks

PM_ME_FEET_PICS, w Creative Assembly faces potential layoffs

This is one developer that needs to be shut down.


Why? The Total War series is awesome.

ChaoticEntropy, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim avatar

You can’t keep a good grifter down.


He definitely delivered on Fable though


The game that was missing so many features promised by him that the studio had to stop him from doing any more interviews?

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

Most of “his” genuinely good games seem to deliver despite him, not because of him. Beyond his ability to deceive enough investors/gamers to get funding for other people to pull something good from the fire he creates, what else does he do.

snooggums, avatar

Is he the Elon Musk of video games?

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

He’s more of a snake oil salesman than a Musk, who makes the pitch, takes the money and vanishes off to another scheme.

Musk likes to become very involved and get his hands dirty, even if it’s often just from his own faeces that he is throwing at the wall.

dom, w Factorio Friday Facts #378 - Trains on another level

I guess I should learn how to use rails now


Rails are amazing and I don’t even fully utilize them with all the cool logic stuff you can do.

They get rid of so much clutter when done right.

mojo, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

Get monetization and crypto out of games. Sell complete entertainment products!

cobysev, w Report: Fall Guys dev Mediatonic "decimated" by Epic layoffs avatar

They should’ve stuck with Steam instead of going exclusive through Epic Games. Epic’s predatory practice of PC exclusives makes it hard to survive something like this. If they existed on a broader spectrum of services, this would be no big deal.


Um, they were purchased by Epic. They didn’t have a choice.


Everybody knows first party exclusives are evil!


The Rocket League devs made it work somehow.


Not on Linux they didn’t!


I guess by making it work you mean not having a significant change outside of the introduction of tournaments and knockout ltm both of which were launched years ago. I love the game to death but Psyonix isn’t doing shit besides making cosmetics and supposedly migrating to Unreal 5 which we’ve not heard a peep about in ages.

I wish they would’ve actually kept developing the game but its a cosmetic collectathon now.


You still can’t get Rocket League on Steam on an account that didn’t already have the game bought before it was F2P. Is this the case for Fall Guys, or did they go further and stop updating the Steam version?

Blizzard, w Mirror's Edge - Rainy Mod Project

What if you slip on wet surface?!


I could feel every traction loss and wipe out that would have happened in that video through my entire body. And the feeling of my hands slipping and a metal edge jamming under my fingernails.

Miclux, w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

Empty, lifeless, soulless without a deep story.


Such as life. Or space, in general.


So where are the space hookers?


They realized that modders were going to overhaul the game in any way, so they just gave us a blank canvas instead.


Out of everything else, this is the most scathing criticism of this game I’ve seen 🤣

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s funny and true; I have no desire to continue playing and yet I am still excited to get my hands on the toolkit and make my own shit because all I see are missed opportunities everywhere. Honestly, I kinda wonder how into sci-fi the devs actually are, because everything is surface-level and misses the mark on a lot of referencial material so often.

Kolanaki, w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead
!deleted6508 avatar

And yet I find myself not wanting to play it at all after only 80 hours.

kae, w WWE 2K22 servers will be discontinued as of January 3rd, 2024

For those curious, the game was released March 11, 2022.

Making the server support just over a year and a half of running the servers before pulling the plug. That’s not something I’d be spending 60USD (which is what it is on sale for today) on.

nanoUFO, avatar

I think people who buy these games every year are just built different.


Thin on bottom, with hard candy up top?


IDK who downvoted this brilliance but they should be ashamed.

woelkchen, w Counter Strike 2 is surprisingly awful on Steam Deck right now avatar

I tried CS2 on my Deck after the update. I only tried against bots on Italy but found that given the hardware, it ran surprisingly OK. 40 FPS with default settings. Obviously the controls are not so great. I’ve read somewhere later that resetting Steam Input for this game to defaults is required but didn’t know that at the time.

Btw I played with the Deck on a stand and my left hand on the controller part while my right hand held a Bluetooth mouse.


Is that… comfortable? That sounds like a really awkward way to play. Any reason you didn’t do all in on the controller or keyboard+mouse?

woelkchen, avatar

Is that… comfortable? That sounds like a really awkward way to play.

It was kinda OK. It actually had the benefit of analog movement as compared to WASD. Biggest downside was the small screen.

Any reason you didn’t do all in on the controller or keyboard+mouse?

The game did not seem to work with controller only and forced me to use the trackpads and I cannot play FPS games with just a controller anyway. As for why no keyboard, the answer is simple: I was too lazy to get up and get my BT keyboard and my USB C dock (all my Deck accessories are stored in a dedicated bag).

AdmiralShat, (edited ) w Counter Strike 2 is surprisingly awful on Steam Deck right now


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  • Kolanaki,
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Can you not connect a mouse and keyboard to the deck?



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  • kattenluik,

    The only way people should play is MY way! Get out of here computer-with-attached-controls users, you’re worthless and not welcome!



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  • kattenluik,

    Anything can be suboptimal hardware, the Steam Deck is no different from any other computer and does not even have to be a handheld.

    And I do not play or own a Steam Deck or alike, if that concerns you. Accept other peoples hardware and ways to play, it’s a whole lot easier than whatever you’re doing.


    The size of screen is a huge disadvantage by itself

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Can it not output the display to, say, a TV?

    The thing could be a budget gaming PC for some people. Most people are not going to be competing super hard; they just want to play the game and have fun. Who else would be taking up the bronze and silver brackets?


    Yes, they sell a dock just for this purpose.


    And pretty much any USBC dock will work as well.

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    4K output. Peripheral/mouse and keyboard support. It’s a PC.


    you can


    Steam Deck is not limited to handheld, you can hook it up to a desk setup with USB -C. Also, I used to play CSGO handheld. I’m in the low silvers even on PC and it doesn’t make a big difference to me skill wise. You can be really precise with trackpad + gyroscope.


    You might have enough time to aim with a trackpad in silver, thats definetly not the case in higher ranks.


    You can plug a mouse into a steam deck, dork.

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    Not everyone is trying to go pro lol

    candle_lighter, avatar

    Gyro is easily comparable to using a mouse


    Not according to literally every test ever done on it. It always falls behind far enough to not be viable competitively

    candle_lighter, avatar

    I think you live in an alternate universe and also have never tried it


    Ive owned a steam controller for several years and regularly use gyro aim in many games that aren’t competitive.

    But again, it’s still behind a traditional mouse as far as accuracy. There are tons of videos on this, even aim training software has data about this.


    Dang it’s a good thing people don’t play games for fun otherwise you might actually have a point, doofus


    it literally is a computer smart guy



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  • loutr, avatar

    And a USB-C port, and native support for KBM.


    On handheld hardware

    BolexForSoup, (edited ) avatar


    ChaoticEntropy, avatar

    “Comp” as in competitive.


    If you bought a compatible game that suddenly updates to be unusable on your platform, I think that’s a big issue…


    Csgo was free


    For some time only. It was paid before and after to access ranked


    What if they wanna play custom hide and seek maps? Doesn’t have to be just competitive matches.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Per your edit:

    Anyone else remember when “competitive shooter” also implied it could be run on a fucking potato with decent speeds? Or that competitive games aren’t still meant to be played for fun by the vast majority of people who are gonna be playing?

    It’s not targeted exclusively towards professionals, is it?

    DavLemmyHav, w Why PlayStation Fans Are Cheering CEO’s Departure

    CEO makes stupid short-term-profit-driven decisions which ultimately fail and make the company less reputable. who could have guessed?


    Won’t the next one just do the same thing?


    yep, ‘tis the way of the ceo. being so delightfully out of touch that you make the shittiest decisions possible just for your quarterly profits to be marginally higher


    What are these decisions?


    In general, he made decisions to attempt to buy the market rather than have the best services/console.

    I'm not sure if MS is going to go the good route, but they have said that their acquisitions won't be console exclusives. I've understood that consoles lose money. Selling games is where you make it. Why limit your games to a single console? We're unlikely to see incredible dominance of a console in the future. You'd just be limiting your consumer base

    Omegamanthethird, avatar

    MS has indicated that they will honor contracts and some promises were made to get their acquisitions through.

    But everything has either been vague or outright said will be console exclusive. Bethesda is the earliest example of this, and we’ll probably see more later.

    PS mostly makes their console exclusives in house. Even Spider-Man (the prime example people point to) was always intended to be console exclusive by Marvel and is only as good as it is because of Playstation funding.


    The point of first party exclusives is to make money from your store long term. If they make their first party titles available on other platforms, fewer people would buy a PlayStation, which means less long term royalties from store sales.

    So you limit the customer base for your first party titles, but ideally you make a ton more on your store fees. That’s the same reason Valve makes first party titles, to get people on Steam, not to make money from game sales.

    What they should do is make a handheld that can play PS4 titles. That attracts a different demographic and keeps control of the store royalties. But they really need to make sure it works well, since it’ll be competing with the Switch and Steam Deck (and similar handheld PCs).

    woelkchen, w Hatoful Boyfriend dev has not received any royalty payments from Epic games since Spring 2021 avatar

    They seem to claim it was all an innocent mistake:

    @EpicPublishing We are looking into this and the team will be reaching out to you directly.


    Not replying to the dev’s messages and not paying them for 2 years is not an innocent mistake.

    woelkchen, avatar

    Not replying to the dev’s messages and not paying them for 2 years is not an innocent mistake.

    Yeah, they only announced to reach out in the future after bad press.

    Chailles, avatar

    Or you can look at it as for what it is rather than some ulterior motive behind it, the emails may have just not been getting to the right person regardless of fault. They’re only replying now because it’s only just now they heard that something was wrong.

    Now on the other hand, I generally find it hard to believe that for a business as large as Epic, nobody would follow up on money that’s just been sitting around for over 2 years.

    cyberic, avatar

    Agreed, all it takes is for one or two employees to leave the company after the handoff and information can be forgotten.


    Is there more to the thread? It’s just showing me the one message linked, and it doesn’t say anything there about reaching out to Epic / not hearing back.

    harmonea, avatar

    No, there was absolutely no claim that it was an innocent mistake, I'm not sure why that was written there. It's just a promise to look into it, no more no less.


    So we also don’t know if the developer had reached out to Epic besides this post? Isn’t it possible, then, that this is the first Epic has heard of this as well?

    harmonea, avatar

    Huh. I guess you're one of those that waits for people to tell you things in the comments, makes weird extrapolations about it, and jumps to conclusions rather than just clicking the OP link and absorbing the information there?

    How did you even get that from what I said?

    And literally the second tweet the dev made was "they've never sent any replies to me" so he's clearly been trying?

    I'm usually more understanding of people missing information, but it took you more time and effort to jump to these conclusions and write a totally incorrect defense of Epic than it would have to just see that the info is right there.

    mammut, (edited )

    I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have an account on Twitter, but literally the only Tweet it shows me is the one linked, where she says that she hasn’t gotten royalties. It says this:

    btw I’ve got no royalty payment for Hatoful Boyfriend from Epic since they acquired Mediatonic back in spring 2021. I don’t think the sales have been zero for two years?🤔

    I noticed people in the comments saying that Epic didn’t respond to her, but I didn’t understand why people were saying that – from the only Tweet I can see, shown above, there’s nothing saying that she reached out to / didn’t get a response from Epic.

    So, I asked here in this thread if there are more Tweets, thinking that there must be more but Twitter just doesn’t show them to me. Because otherwise it makes no sense to assume that she reached out to Epic / didn’t get a response, based just on the Tweet linked. So, I posted,

    Is there more to the thread? It’s just showing me the one message linked, and it doesn’t say anything there about reaching out to Epic / not hearing back.

    Then I got a reply, from you, that opened with “No.” I read that as you saying that aren’t any more Tweets, and so I asked why everyone was assuming she’d reached out to Epic / hadn’t gotten a response. Because that’s not a logical assumption to make based on the text contained in the single Tweet linked here.

    Now you’re telling me there are more Tweets. I still cannot see them and do not know what they say, though, which is why I was asking in the first place.

    (Edit: I see there is now an image of the thread in this post. That was not there when I asked the initial question about if there were most posts.)


    Why not? Dev’s email might have ended up in the spam list and no one ever saw their emails. Shit happens. All the time.


    I agree- I work as a data scientist, and internal data is messy as shit. When you’re talking about data from an acquired company, that’s doubly so

    thantik, (edited ) w US FTC Revives Microsoft-Activision Deal Challenge

    Lots of obvious astroturfing going on regarding this. I’ve seen this news everywhere from Slashdot to Reddit with people sucking Microsofts dick. It’s either that, or people are too young to remember the bullshit Microsoft pulled … since forever basically. People aren’t going to benefit from this merger. Microsoft is patient. Embrace, extend, extinguish is their strategy. 10 year agreements are nothing for them to wait out.

    And it’s the same with every merger – “This will bring more competition, blah blah blah”, then merger goes through and half the people are fired, half the rest are rolled into existing systems, and some empty shell of the previous company just wanders along with no real spirit any longer.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    I’m not happy with the state of consolidation in every market under the sun, but I’m sure as shit happy Bobby Kotick is finally going to fuck off and I’m happy I’ll be able to play activision games on gamepass. When gamepass inevitably enshitifies I’ll just get rid of my subscription.


    Plus, how much worse could Microsoft’s oversight possibly make Blizzard, at this point.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    I agree, but I guess we’re shills?


    March to their step, otherwise you are unwanted. Yep, smells like tankie.

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    Huh? If you use “tankie” for everyone, no one is a tankie. That has nothing to do with this.


    Hmm. No sense of nuance. Our way or the highway. Not hating every ounce of capitalism at all times=shill.

    Idk, dude. Sounds pretty fucking tankish to me.

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    Idk, dude. Seems pretty fucking pointless and exhausting to me.


    Idk, dude. Seems pretty fucking pointless and exhausting to me.

    Like your reply?

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    So you agree that calling everyone you disagree with a tankie is pointless and exhausting?


    No, you are pointless

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    Glad I could make you feel small enough to turn to personal insults.


    Or people old enough to know that Activision has run everything it owns into the ground and basically any new ownership could not possibly be worse.


    Like COD, the best selling game on every platform it’s on every year?

    solaryth, avatar

    “embrace extend extinguish” lemmy’s favorite phrase lmao


    Remember Embrace Extend Extinguish, R.E.E.E for short.

    lustyargonian, (edited )

    Yeah I can see that. Nadella brought new energy and almost made MSFT look cool, but years later we can see how MSFT is basically gobbling up everything in every domain.

    Update: Why am I being downvoted? Did you all forget that MSFT has acquired LinkedIn, GitHub, Mojang, Bethesda, ABK and 49% stake in OpenAI all under Satya? Each one of those are massive acquisitions.


    Microsoft are far, far, far from being close to the leader in the market even with ABK on their books, so your FUD makes no sense. Pretty much no one in the entire industry is against the acquisition apart from their main competitor, Sony, who are the market leader and abuse that position every day of the year to pull content away from Microsoft.

    ABK will operate like they do currently, just like Bethesda do, only now they have Microsoft money and backing.

    The only people that this deal is bad for are people who only play on PlayStation consoles. Everyone else benefits.


    How bout you take your half baked brain back to investing in FTX.

    Corporations are not your friend stop acting like they are, or ya investing in microshit too?


    How about you actually try and refute any of my points if you disagree? Let me guess……you only own a PlayStation?

    I didn’t say any corporation is my friend. Not sure where you’re getting that from?

    n3m37h, (edited )

    343 industries. MS has 18 month contractor limit and totally fucked up development on Halo Infinite

    No you’re just acting like a 69 billion merger is gonna have no effect. You’refucking naive

    Have not owned a console since 360 m8, PCMR


    What does 343i, an internally created studio, have to do with ABK?


    You said nothing will change. They will be part of the microcrap veil and will follow their ways of doing things. Like not hire people and only contract for 18 months then get in new contractors to pick up where the recently fired left off… Like what happened at 343i.


    No they won’t because Microsoft have gutted 343 and are completely changing how they are structured.

    They’ll be exactly like the other big acquisition, Bethesda, who Microsoft are basically completely hands off.

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