@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar



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Random Screenshots of my Games #9 - Nightingale (lemmy.world) angielski

I had an extremely busy day yesterday and didn’t remember to post until about 11 PM, so I decided to skip a day. I was almost too busy to post today, too! Good thing I’m not tying myself to a solid schedule like the other two guys posting screenshots here. 😅...

Random Screenshots of my Games #8 - Satisfactory (lemmy.world) angielski

Hey, look! It’s a Space Giraffe Tick Penguin Thing, stuck in a walkway! This guy kept walking onto my factory floor and getting trapped in weird places. I turned my back for one second and somehow he got his head stuck between my walkways! Dude… I had to remove the walkways so he could get back on all fours and move on....

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Kind of… but it’s all about automating resource collection on an alien planet. You don’t get to actually travel to space. I would love to be able to go explore the space elevator/station you build throughout the game, but you’re pretty much stuck on the planet surface. Unless that’s part of the end game that I haven’t gotten to yet. I’m still working my way through the official release. The early access was just an open world exploration game.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

FPS Factorio, even.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Sonic the Hedgehog was my jam in my childhood! I mostly played Sonic 2, but I’ve been a big fan of the franchise ever since I was a kid.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Even then, expansion packs were far and few between, and they expanded the story! They didn’t just add a custom skin of horse armor to your game. You got actual real content to enjoy with your money.

Incidentally, I just jumped back on the horse this morning by adding the latest World of Warcraft expansion to my account. I was almost done with Activision Blizzard and their awful content updates, but I decided to give it one more shot. So I might have some WoW screenshots incoming in the near future.

I had been an active player since 2005 and have bought every collector’s edition since The Burning Crusade. Only because Blizzard used to be an amazing company. But they’ve been garbage since they sold to Activision, and I’ve been spending more and more time away from it in the past decade. My wife actually gave up on it when Mists of Pandaria came out.

I barely played the last expansion; it just wasn’t fun trying to level up a dragon so I could glide just a little bit further across the map, when I have dozens of actual flying mounts in my inventory. Too much work for something that should’ve been given to us after meeting quest and/or level requirements. As far as I understand, their latest expansion is supposed to be the first in a massive 3-part story to reinvigorate the franchise, so I’m hoping they actually hired someone who knows what they’re doing this time.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

You say you don’t care for Porsche IRL. If you have any interest in driving performance vehicles and have an opportunity to drive one, try to not pass it up.

I used to be pretty big into cars in my youth. I actually took part in some drift racing in northern Japan when I lived there for a few years, and those guys are all big math/physics/car nerds (not the Yakuza gangster wannabes like you saw in Tokyo Drift; that movie was fantasy American street racing with a Japanese skin over it), so I really got into that stuff for a while. But high-end sports cars were out of our league, so I haven’t ever tried a Porsche. I guess that needs to go on my bucket list.

I suppose have finally accepted there’s never going to be another “campaign” style title. I guess that’s really the gaming industry as a whole with all the battle Royales and similar arcade-style games.

I really hate that there’s so much push to get us to play online multiplayer games now. I mean, I get it from a financial standpoint - it keeps players engaged with a game long after they’ve finished the campaign and if they can squeeze micro-transactions/seasons/DLC into it, it’s a source of added income for years afterward. But from a gaming standpoint, I just see it as repetitive gameplay that doesn’t lead anywhere, with rewards that are never worth the effort.

I’m also not a fan of playing online with strangers because the environment can be very toxic. I barely tolerate playing co-op with my friends some days. 😆

Random Screenshots of my Games #5 - Squirrel With a Gun (lemmy.world) angielski

I was absolutely giddy about playing this game the first time I saw its trailer! And it lived up to the hype. Squirrel With a Gun, as the name implies, is a ridiculous game about a squirrel who gets into a secret underground compound, steals a gun off an agent, and then goes nuts (pardon the pun), disrupting the best laid plans...

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar
@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

I have not played this game before. I might have to check it out. Thanks @mox and @Sanctus!

EDIT: Not used to tagging users on Lemmy yet. Sorry for the edits. Hope I got it right this time.

cobysev, (edited )
@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

True, but I didn’t want to thank you and NOT the person I was directly responding to. And I thought it was kind of weird only tagging one name and not the other.

Maybe I’ve just been socializing on Discord too much. I’ve gotten used to tagging everyone I’m talking to directly.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Those symbols on those shirts are an equivalent to a swastika

That’s… the point. This particular branch of the game led to everyone (except you) becoming a Nazi. All because you tolerated racist diatribe from your supposed “best friend.” It’s a tongue-in-cheek look at what could happen if you tolerate racists in your life. And it doesn’t end well for the racists.

Perhaps you should play the game before you jump to conclusions on its content. Yes, it’s a dark game, but it definitely doesn’t show any love for Nazis.

Random Screenshots of my Games #3 - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (lemmy.world) angielski

This is my 5th most played game on Steam, mostly because I’ve played through the campaign solo once, then replayed it with a friend, then re-replayed with another friend. Plus, after the campaign is over, there are daily missions you can complete that change every day, so it’s not like you run out of things to do in-game....

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

They’re all independent games, so you don’t really need to worry about playing them in any sort of order. Just pick one and enjoy!

Except The Division 1 and 2. They’re a continuation of the same plot, but you won’t miss much if you jump into the second one first. They do a pretty good job summarizing the story to get you going.

My favorites are the two latest Ghost Recon games, Wildlands and Breakpoint. They’re open world games, so you can travel anywhere on the map and get into trouble wherever you want.

The Ghost Recon games are meant to be more subtle stealth games (you are playing a Ghost operative after all), but 95% of all missions can be completed by running in guns blazing if you want. Very rarely do you get a mission that actually requires stealth. But I find it far more rewarding to scout out a mission area, identify my targets, and stealthily sneak in without alerting anyone. Hint: use a drone to tag enemies from the air and then you’ll never accidentally bump into someone while sneaking around.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Isn’t that a PvP mode? I don’t typically enjoy playing against other people online, so I’ve been avoiding it.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

When you’re playing co-op, the whole map is available. You don’t have to stick together, you can go do anything you want while playing with friends.

One of my friends is a wildcard and likes to go start shit every time we play, so he just runs off and terrorizes enemy compounds on his own. While my other buddy and I actually stick to the mission and take out our targets.

We tried to play along with our other friend, but he has no sense of subtlety and always makes a mess, so we just let him rampage somewhere else on the map while we’re accomplishing the actual stealth mission.

He loves to shoot everything he can with a helicopter, then crash it into the enemy base and jump out guns blazing. He’s the absolute opposite of a Ghost operative. 😅

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Splinter Cell was amazing back in the day! But trying to replay it nowadays, the controls are so wonky. I barely got through the tutorial before I got tired of it. I’m so used to modern controls now; Splinter Cell came out in an era where part of the gaming challenge was the controller itself.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Both recent Ghost Recon games are about toppling dictators in foreign countries.

Wildlands takes place in a South American-esque nation where the local drug cartel has taken over the government. You’re sent to sneak in and take out the regional leaders one by one, freeing the oppressed people from their control, until you gather enough intel to find the dictator himself and stop him. It’s very much like a Tom Clancy spin on the Just Cause game franchise.

Breakpoint goes a little more sci-fi in its story. It takes place on a technologically advanced island nation that’s overthrown by a militia (run by a former Ghost buddy of yours) who wants to use their AI drone swarm technology to “end all wars” (read: conquer other nations via fear, intimidation, and billions of deadly drones).

You’re sent to investigate what happened to a ship that got too close to the island and got attacked, and find yourself also attacked and marooned on the island, with no way to escape or call for backup. So you’re now a one-man army, figuring out what happened on the island and slowly overthrowing the coup and rescuing civilians caught in the middle.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Both recent Ghost Recon games are about toppling dictators in foreign countries.

Wildlands takes place in a South American-esque nation where the local drug cartel has taken over the government. You’re sent to sneak in and take out the regional leaders one by one, freeing the oppressed people from their control, until you gather enough intel to find the dictator himself and stop him. It’s very much like a Tom Clancy spin on the Just Cause game franchise.

Breakpoint goes a little more sci-fi in its story. It takes place on a technologically advanced island nation that’s overthrown by a militia (run by a former Ghost buddy of yours) who wants to use their AI drone swarm technology to “end all wars” (read: conquer other nations via fear, intimidation, and billions of deadly drones).

You’re sent to investigate what happened to a ship that got too close to the island and got attacked, and find yourself also attacked and marooned on the island, with no way to escape or call for backup. So you’re now a one-man army, figuring out what happened on the island and slowly overthrowing the coup and rescuing civilians caught in the middle.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I always wait for Steam sales before I buy games. No way I’m paying $50+ for a game I don’t even know if I’ll enjoy. Fortunately, the Tom Clancy franchise goes on sale pretty regularly.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to challenge yourself in a game or play with/against others. There are many reasons we all play. Personally, I’m a huge film buff and love that modern games have started bridging that gap between gameplay and cinematic storytelling. It’s like I can enjoy a 30+ hour film AND interact with it as well!

I used to prefer to just play games solo. There are so many strangers in online games that can be toxic and it’s not fun trying to accomplish a goal when no one’s listening and everyone’s doing their own thing. But I have a childhood friend who won’t play games unless he’s playing co-op with friends, and through him (and a few other close friends), I’ve learned to enjoy co-op games as well.

Plus, one of my other friends is one of those “do-their-own-thing” kind of gamers and we’re constantly trying to get him back on mission. So I’ve learned patience for difficult gamers too. 😉

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

It’s semi-related. I served in the US Air Force for 20 years. I got to retire and collect a pension at 38 years old, which is some decent passive income, but not enough to live comfortably on. I would have needed a new job to supplement my living expenses with just that income.

(Un)Fortunately, I also got a bit beat up in my 2 decades of military service. The worst (physically) was a motorcycle accident a decade ago, which I never properly healed from. Both my legs are a bit messed up. I’ve had a few surgeries to fix them and I’m finally back on my feet and mobile, but I can’t really run anymore, nor be on my feet for too long. Which is a shame because I used to be extremely active in my youth. If American Ninja Warrior had been a thing in my childhood, I would’ve dominated that show! I was super fit and bursting with energy back then. I never met anyone who could beat me at obstacle courses as a kid/teen.

Mentally, I saw some shit in Iraq and nearly died a handful of times. My base was mortared at least once a week for the 4 months I was there. I once stepped out to my truck to grab something and a mortar shredded the shack I had been in, killing the 3 Army guys in there. I got a mild concussion from that hit, too. That’s probably the closest I came to dying. So I’ve got a bit of lingering PTSD. Nothing too extreme, just a bit of anxiety and insomnia that comes and goes.

Those, plus 2 decades worth of minor injuries and health concerns, convinced the VA to give me the coveted 100% Permanent & Total disability rating, which includes a monthly pay that’s 2x as much as my pithy pension.

My wife also got the rare 100% disability rating from her military service, due to her own physical and mental issues, which also comes with a similar pay as mine. So with our combined passive incomes, we’re not wealthy by any means, but we make enough to live comfortably without working.

I’m 40 now and inherited my childhood home when my dad passed away this year, so my wife and I have the freedom to relax and focus on our own lives without worrying about needing to be somewhere or making money to get by. It’s very therapeutic, and I wish everyone could experience this earlier in their lives. Retirement age keeps getting bumped further back as people live longer, and it’s no fun being retired when you’re too old to do most things anymore.

I have a ton of hobbies that I bounce back and forth between, but gaming has been a relaxing pleasure of mine since I was a kid. My Steam library is over 3,500 games now and I’m always looking to try out new games. Plus, a few friends of mine play weekly in various co-op games together. So I’ve been a pretty active gamer since I retired. And I hope to share a bunch of screenshots of my games and maybe spark some discussion.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Hey, if you feel it’s distracting from other content in c/Games, then I’m all for a new community. For now, though, this is the most appropriate place to share this kind of stuff.

I dunno about other people who post screenshots, but my intent is to start discussion about the games I’ve been playing. And I feel a community centered on discussion about games is the best place to do that.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, one of the benefits of being 100% disabled is that I can get free annual passes to all federal, state, and county parks. And there just so happens to be a nice park with a sandy beach at a lake down the road from my house. So my wife and I take advantage of it all summer long.

I’m a good swimmer, but I don’t really like swimming, so it’s more therapy work for me than anything. But I’ve noticed some improvement since taking up swimming regularly. And that’s what counts in the end.

When I was still in the military, they had me in physical therapy off-and-on for years, and one of the more interesting exercises they had me do was a weightless treadmill. They squeezed me into some tight rubber shorts, then zipped the waist of the shorts into a giant rubber bubble over a treadmill and filled it with air. Depending on the pressure setting, it lifted me up so I was barely touching the treadmill while walking. Definitely took the weight off my knees. But it sucked to work up a sweat while wearing those tight rubber pants. 😖

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been meaning to post my own screenshots for a long time now, but once I finally got around to compiling a bunch of good images, I noticed another member had just started their own daily posts mirroring yours.

So… at the risk of looking like a second copycat poster, I figured I’m gonna go ahead and post anyway. I’m not planning to tie myself to a rigorous daily schedule like you and the other guy, but I’m still going to number mine so I can keep track of how many I post. And to let others know there’s a series of these that they can track down if they like. I enjoy discussing the games I play, so I figured this is a good way to introduce the discussion to the gaming community.

If a new community opened up just for game screenshots, I’d definitely move my posting over there. Lemmy is still a relatively small community compared to Reddit, so if people are irritated with c/Games getting cluttered with daily screenshot posts, I could understand them wanting to isolate the content elsewhere.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

I may be in the minority, but I kinda enjoy hearing Aloy muttering to herself throughout the game. Partly because I catch myself doing it all the time, so I don’t feel alone in the practice.

But also because I know the voice actress for Aloy (Ashly Burch) as Ash in the YouTube series, Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’? and to this day, it’s still amazing to me to hear her speaking so deadpan seriously. I’m used to her Ash character basically being an animated, loudmouthed wildcard, not this dramatic, serious character. And I kind of enjoy knowing that Ashly has a bit of range to her acting; she’s not some kid who repeats the same YouTube personality she became famous for; she can actually act.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Remember when games used to be a finished product on a cartridge/CD? You just bought it at the store for a base price of a video game and that was it. Any bugs found in the game became widely accepted, and maybe even exploited by competitive gamers. But there was no patching, no updates, no DLC. You paid for a game up front and that was it.

I miss those days.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, I always felt the $60 price tag for games (now $70+ for AAA titles!) was way too much, so I usually wait about a year or more, then buy it on sale.

So I get to sit back and watch the shitshow when people pre-order games and then get screwed when the game is garbage.

Dragon’s Dogma II was super hyped up recently, and even I got the free character customization demo to pre-build a character. Then it announced day-one microtransactions the day before release and pissed off the gaming community.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

So does this mean the game is finally ready for me to buy? Just waiting on a Steam sale and I’ll finally get to play this. Bugs or not, I’m not paying $70 for a base video game.

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

They should’ve stuck with Steam instead of going exclusive through Epic Games. Epic’s predatory practice of PC exclusives makes it hard to survive something like this. If they existed on a broader spectrum of services, this would be no big deal.

15 Underrated Indie Games (youtu.be) angielski

The AAA gaming space can often lack innovation, so people usually turn to small indie studios for something fresh. Whether it’s for unique gameplay design, beautiful aesthetics or satisfying combat, these 15 overlooked indie games stood out to me. This is my top 15 list of underrated, hidden indie gems for PC that I enjoy more...

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for this. I clicked the link, then immediately noped out when I saw it was a video. I was hoping for an article with a numbered list.

What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending? angielski

The thought came to mind after reading a recent post about Baldurs Gate 3 here but it reminded me of the Japense only PSX game Mizzurna Falls where if you don’t perform a certain action early in the game you are prevented from getting a true ending. While this might not be a traditional soft lock because you can still progress...

@cobysev@lemmy.world avatar

Undertale is an indie game that promotes and encourages kindness toward others. You can play the game however you want, and there are a multitude of endings depending on how nice/mean you are in your playthrough.

But if you’re not 100% kind to everyone you meet; if you take even one unkind action toward someone, you’re locked out of the perfect good ending. And it remembers your playthrough, so you can’t ever earn it by replaying the game. I dunno if that’s been patched; I haven’t played it since about 2015, but that was the rule when I started it.

And there was no indication starting out that you had this choice. Most people default to fighting bad guys in games. There wasn’t even a hint that you could play the game as a passive, kind person and never harm anyone, despite their aggressive and harmful actions toward you.

So most gamers got locked out of that perfect good ending. Which I guess is kind of the message of the game. Every small act, whether good or bad, can affect people around you permanently. But it’s still annoying as a completionist, knowing that I could never perfectly complete a game because of a rule I wasn’t informed of when I started.

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