HKayn, do games w Light No Fire Announcement Trailer avatar

Here’s to hoping Hello Games releases this one on GOG as well.

dbug13, do games w Light No Fire Announcement Trailer

This looks great. Looks like NMS crossed with Valheim. I’ve been enjoying NMS for 4 years now, with all of the continued free updates, I gotta say it was the best 30$ I’ve spent on a game. My concern is that NMS multi-player game play is very buggy, and it looks like this new game wants to be multi-player focused as well. I hope they can pull that off with the new game, and maybe fix multi-player in NMS. I’ve been loving my time in NMS and I will definitely give this new game a try. I didn’t see a release date for it, so I assume it’s a couple of years out.


Valheim, but I can ride a dragon? Keeping my fingers crossed.

morphballganon, do games w Marvel’s Blade | Announcement Trailer

Oh… the game.

FoundTheVegan, do games w Pony Island 2: Panda Circus - Announcement Trailer avatar

Oh HECK yea!

Mullins has a wonderful style and consistently puts out wonderful clever experiences. He is up there with Concernedape as my favorite devs.

Lemonparty, do games w World of Goo 2 - Official Trailer 1


Yukito01, do games w Visions of Mana | Announce Trailer

Unlike many others here, I did enjoy Trials of Mana, so I am looking forward to this one. Looks amazing!

…except for that generic shonen hero. I am so done with games with generic shonen mc. I get that the new generation has to start somewhere, but it’d be nice to see more variaty in mc characters. Or on the very least let us create our own.


it’d be nice to see more variaty in mc characters

Main characters characters


Completely intentional; you have no proof it was otherwise :P


We need to have an ATM Machine as a protagonist.


I’m basically a grumpy old man when it comes to the Trails series. First pair of games had a ditzy young girl with a staff as their lead, and then every other one has had self-insert harem-leading male characters, usually wielding a sword.

I was even upset at Hero getting into SSB. I’m sure Dragon Quest has its cool character designs, but NodsSilently isn’t one of them.

the_q, do games w FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH - Theme Song Trailer

People downvoting this couldn’t beat Fort Condor.

Mandy, do games w SEGA Reveal Teasers (Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi and More)

They all like kidna bad ngl

jet set radio lost all the charm it had by just slapping a botw like filter over the characters, wheres then style? and the others just look so generic as hell, like what happened?


To me it looks more like a modern manga/anime (more detail, smoother gradients) vs the original that paid homage to (classic?) manga (black and white / block colour).


I’ll probably wait for more than a few seconds of gameplay footage to form an opinion.


teaser and trailers exist to make you excited for the actual product, than again trailers rarely do so for a number of years now


Kind of sounds like you just aren’t into video games anymore, or at least the same ones you used to be. Also everyone is probably feeling massive reboot and sequel fatigue at this point.

But yeah I’ll wait for some actual reviews on YT before thinking about buying any of these.

rubicon, do games w Marvel’s Blade | Announcement Trailer

And the soundtrack is just Confusion on loop

Sordid, do games w Light No Fire Announcement Trailer avatar

BWAHAHAHAHA! No. I didn’t fall for it the first time, I see no reason to fall for it now.


How to show you haven’t kept up with NMS and the company at all since No Man’s Sky released.

There is little reason to believe this will be the same, they’ve given the players more than what was promised and continue to vastly expand NMS, all for free.

Sordid, (edited ) avatar

It seems that you need a refresher. I suggest you rewatch those original pre-release trailers and then try playing the game to see if it looks anything like that. I did that a few months ago, and spoiler alert, it did not. Continued support is of course praiseworthy, but it wouldn’t have been necessary if Hello Games had actually kept their promises to begin with. It boggles my mind that gamers so vehemently defend a company that took a decade longer than it should have to deliver some (not all!) of what was promised and also wasted a bunch of time and resources on bloating the game with stuff that was never mentioned and that nobody asked for. Gotta be some form of sunk cost fallacy or Stockholm syndrome or something…

Needless to say, I disagree with you that there’s little reason to believe this will be the same. On the contrary, there is every reason to believe that. Due to my skepticism, I was talked down to by people excited by the trailers back then, just like I’m being talked down to by you now. Vindication felt very sweet first time around, so I’m looking forward to round two.


I’m not saying you’re wrong but… you’re actively wishing for this game to fail on launch so you can feel smug about things you said on the Internet?

Priorities man

Sordid, avatar

Looking forward to the silver lining of a bad event you know to be inevitable is not the same thing as actively wishing for that event to happen.

Reading comprehension, man.


You don’t have to be “right” about everything. Just let people be happy, dude. It’s not that hard.

Sordid, (edited ) avatar

That’s also something I was told in response to my skepticism during NMS’ pre-release hype phase, and it’s a complete misunderstanding of what’s going on here. I’m not trying to stop people from being happy, on the contrary, I’m trying to help them avoid disappointment by getting them to stop huffing hopium in industrial quantities. But they don’t wanna stop.


It’s not a “misunderstanding” when you’re laughing about what you think is going to happen and getting excited about your “vindication”. You’re not helping anyone here. You’re just trying to get them to join you in your cynicism.

Once again, Just let people be happy.

Sordid, avatar

Please, lecture me more about what my motivations are. Of the two of us, you’re clearly the expert on that topic. I’m dying to hear more.


I pretty much covered it.

Sordid, avatar

Not at all! Remember, imagination knows no bounds. You can continue making stuff up with no basis in fact pretty much forever.


It seems complaining about Cyberpunk has also become downvote-worthy these days. I think people are just all in on a good redemption arc so when a game is finally good they’re willing to overlook all the early promises that will never be fulfilled.

LunchEnjoyer, avatar

I would say it is justified given the amount of support they gave the game in the aftermath, all for free. I would instead encourage people not to buy games at launch. Also, it’s not like this new game is totally different either from NMS, you can clearly see the back bones from NMS. So it’s obviously that they’re going to use everything that is good from NMS in their new game.

PlzGivHugs, (edited )

The same people are at the helm, and they’ve managaed to make a massive profit by making up a bunch of stuff, releasing a broken, unfinished game and fixing it over the course of nearly a decade. What’s to say they’re going to do differently this time. If anything, they’re more likely to get a pass releasing a broken game now since it will probably eventually be what was promised at launch.

Edit: and I also want to highlight the fact that by supporting Hello Games (at least until we’ve seen definitive proof that this isn’t a repeat) we’re very directly showing support for the practice of releasing broken games.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Thats only true if it comes out broken, which hasn’t happened yet.

I’ll treat it the same as every other, if after a couple weeks once the hype has worn down the game actually fulfills the general schtick and seems to have learned and integrated its NMS lessons, then I’ll consider getting it.

I got NMS for ten bucks at the NEXT update and feel like I’ve gotten far more than my money’s worth. This title hasn’t proven anything yet, and I’ll wait for the truth before purchasing it like I do with every other game. It’s been this way since like 2013 when the industry started pumping out incomplete live service nonsense with seasons and battle passes.


I’ll treat it the same as every other, if after a couple weeks once the hype has worn down the game actually fulfills the general schtick and seems to have learned and integrated its NMS lessons, then I’ll consider getting it.

I got NMS for ten bucks at the NEXT update and feel like I’ve gotten far more than my money’s worth. This title hasn’t proven anything yet, and I’ll wait for the truth before purchasing it like I do with every other game. It’s been this way since like 2013 when the industry started pumping out incomplete live service nonsense with seasons and battle passes.

Thats exactly my point. We don’t know anything about the game, and are supporting it by just assuming that its going to be a great game and exactly whats promised from a studio that had previously lied frequently leading up to its last release. Thats why you don’t feed into another ridiculous hype train, and don’t pre-order or make day-one purchases. If they’ve actually learned their lesson and reformed, make them prove it before buying the game. I’m not saying don’t buy the game, I’m saying don’t buy in to the hype.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Oh for sure, definitely not going to hype it. I am going to follow it though and see what they show off.

I’m curious if they’ll be more open with their development process this time around, and if the company that has had issues in the past with four player connectivity can pull of server meshing.


Step 1: Release a shit game early that's nothing like its trailer and produce a shit ton of publicity through its consequential shit storm.
Step 2: Spent development time on it that you had originally planned for it anyway to fix things up a little bit, without ever reaching the state of the original trailer and get all the praise for being a shitty company because you've apparently done some magical redemption arc.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit - and then do it all over again because people are gullible idiots.

You can apply the same shit to CP2077 and other games btw. At this point it is beneficial to just release a game in a shitty state because now you have the opportunity to use it as some PR mechanism of how great you are as a company for still caring for your games even after a shitty launch.


It really drives me crazy people defending the CP2077 debacle these days. Like I get it that it’s a fun game but that’s not what anyone is complaining about. We’re complaining about how it’s not and never will be the game they promoted in countless hours of previews in the months leading up to release.


Or simply the terrible the state it was in. Took them to 1.6 to finally fix the stupid framerate degradation, at least partially. And things like the story will obviously never be fixed.

billothekid2, avatar

Hi there Dark thoughts! I'm just curious as to why you've downvoted every single comment I've ever made on Kbin. Is this something you do to everyone who downvotes you one time? Seems a little extreme and immature don't ya think?


I do it with obvious lurker / alt accounts that are otherwise not active and apparently just exist to downvote other people. Legit accounts and especially those who could actually provide some valid counterpoints aren't receiving this treatment. This also includes a block, so consider this message a friendly courtesy of mine, but also the last thing you'll hear from me, as I have better things to do than argue with internet trolls. Have a nice vote manipulative day.

billothekid2, avatar

What the actual fuck? One downvote is all it took and this dude thinks I'm a troll. (Make that two, lol) If anyone else is reading this, I'm very real and this is my main account. Lol. Jesus Christ.


You can be aware of all the work they’ve done, and still have lost trust in their ability to release a working game.

Becoming a premium game dlc+fix team does not get them a pass on releasing a game

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

No, but the fact that the shots we see in the trailer already exists in NMS gives me hope that they can do what they claim this time (outside of Sean’s vague hints at server meshing allowing all people to be on the same earth) in terms of gameplay.

Networking code and their version of server meshing is the biggest wildcard here. But they have already proven they can make a procedural world with gameplay loops and multiplayer like the trailer. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility, and they have the entire NMS development/update experience to lean on now for making their second game.

But yeah, poach some SC devs to help you make the server meshing portion of it for sure.


Just saying trust is easy to lose and hard to gain.

I don’t care what they’ve done since the NMS release, but they released an unfinished game that did not align with the trailer at all.

Until they release a new game where the release is reasonably stable, and the content is reasonably like the trailer, they are untrustworthy.

USSEthernet, do games w Light No Fire Announcement Trailer

I’ll be following this one. This was really the only game that stood out to me at TGA. But after the NMS release, I’ll be waiting for reviews.


Play the new Warframe update until then. Its got some trippy maps coming.

Kolanaki, do games w SEGA Reveal Teasers (Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi and More)
!deleted6508 avatar

Oh shit. Golden Axe be looking kinda Soulslike. That would be dope as fuck!

Chozo, do games w OD - Teaser Trailer (Hideo Kojima game)

Kinda bummed that it looks like it'll be an Xbox exclusive, I'm really interested to see what this turns out to be. Kojima x Peele was an unexpected collab to see tonight.


I highly doubt it will be Xbox only. Microsoft doesn’t do that anymore and if they are bankrolling this, it would be very strange if a Japanese studio suddenly decided to release a game on Xbox, console only. Expect PC as well.


This is Kojima’s Xbox Cloud Gaming (whatever that means) game though. So I could see it being PC and Xbox only and not Playstation at least

altima_neo, avatar

I mean PC is a given, that’s Microsoft’s MO these days, but there definitely won’t be a PlayStation version.

tb_, (edited ) avatar

Microsoft doesn’t do that anymore

Literally Starfield.

I mean, it likely will come to PC, but I doubt it will be on PlayStation.


What do you mean? Starfield is on PC. Every MS game since 2018? is on PC. Does PC+Xbox now mean xbox exclusive? You literally dont need an xbox console to play Microsoft published games anymore. That was what I was getting at. Never expected a PS release if Microsoft is bankrolling it, thats a given.


I know you are hung up on this, but people aren’t thinking of pc when they say that. It’s okay, the original poster just meant “locked to Microsoft systems”, so windows pc and Xbox. It’s okay.

Chozo, do games w No Rest For The Wicked Announcement Trailer (Moon Studios / Ori developers)

I really love the aesthetic of this. Reminds me a bit of Arcane.

Marsupial, do games w Jurassic Park: Survival | Announcement Trailer avatar

Cool video and all but what sort of game is this meant to be?


Based off the title, a survival game?


The trailer somehow feels like Alien: Isolation



iAvicenna, avatar

5TB because they decided to put a separate replicate of each dinosaur to every location

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