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I will try out graphics mode just to see, then immediately jump to performance mode because who doesn’t want the smoothest experience possible? 60fps is incredible. I can’t see buying the pro at that price unless there is some super trade in event (even then probably not due to mine having a disc drive) but I will say it would be great to have the best settings of the game possible while still maintaining 4k or checkerboard 4k at 60fps. It’s always a shame having to decide.


It did when the ps5 first came out. $500 for it was a steal back then. I wanted to build a PC at the time but due to the crazy GPU prices and low stock for other parts I decided it was best to wait. Got a ps5 instead (was also hard to get as well) and thought it was absolutely worth the price for the experience it offered. Just built the pc I wanted last fall shortly after prices started dropping. First time ever I made a good choice.


The free one bundled with PS5’s was incredible. It was short and to the point. Fast-paced and full of a variety of beautiful environments. Not overwhelming with any extra content or tons of moves. There are tons of fun easter eggs while also showing you the entire history of every Sony product that ever existed. From the looks of it, this will just expand upon that which is perfect. It was a glorified demo that showed off every new feature the controller had.


The free one was the first game my kid was able to pick up and learn how to play games on. He was 4 at the time, and it was such a simple game that he was able to figure out the controls enough to play. He is almost 8 now and told him this was coming last week, and he was super excited. As much as I wanted him to enjoy video games, he really doesn’t play or care about too many, so it will be cool to see him enjoy it


I think Pac Man is the oldest, but only by a year.


Oh crap… you bring up a good point. How long do we think Gave has left? There is absolutely no way Steam won’t get worse after that happens. Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.


SAME! I was at the underwater part, and idk why I stopped, but it’s one I would like to finish.


Wow, this looks great! So many memories of Heroes 3. I was never able to bring myself to try the others, but this may bring me back if reviews are ok.


I was so excited when I got my AMD card last fall, which was my first PC upgrade since 2016. FSR 3.0 was about to come out. Then it dropped, and I realized only a handful of games I didn’t care to play supported it. Almost a year later, I still don’t think I have played anything that uses it. The newer ones look great, but I guess it’s going to be years before it’s well adopted.


Wow, thanks for sharing! I can’t believe I missed this one. It’s right up my ally and looks refreshing. I love jrpg’s, but they can get stale after a while. Can’t wait to see what a team new to this genre can bring to the table. Story sounds super unique.


I am not ready to play it due to life stuff, but I absolutely have to because I know my friends will be playing it day 1 just like before, and if I didn’t join them I would have missed out on some of the best online gaming I’ve had in probably 10 years.


Did something happen to the game that made it broken? I played this for the first few months when it dropped with about 3 other friends, and we never had those issues then. We would get invaded maybe 20% of the time, but 50% we actually would win, so it was fun.


It was always my dream to go to E3 back in the 2000’s. I don’t care if it would have been terrible. That period was so special, and I miss the days when events like this told the story of what’s to come in the next year and everyone tried so hard to put out the best trailer. I think that’s why I was so sad when it started to crumble, and I realized it’s never going to happen for me. My only backup now is to somehow go to Tokyo Game Show.


Ps+ top tier. I always had ps+ since it’s what I have always used. I always used to renew at black Friday to get a year for about 33% less and once they did the plan change a few years ago I swooped in and brought up a bunch of cheap years since the price was going up. I have until spring next year before it’s finally over. Not sure if I will renew, not because it’s bad (which I don’t think it is at all) but because I barely have time to get anything out of it, sadly. There was some great moments where I stopped buying games and just enjoying the triple A ones they gave every month. Now I just don’t have time to play anything… maybe one day I’ll be free again.


Speaking of FF7, I am just about finished with Rebirth and all I thought was wow I didn’t see a single update and it played flawlessly. Just shows it can still happen, just super rare.


I agree. I was a big fan of Eastward and Risk of Rain. I need a good mobile game.


I did play through that as well. I got it when it was free on psn a year or 2 ago. Played through most of it. I agree it was a fantastic game and had a lot of fun.


I watched the trailer and saw that it was Bigmode as well and got even more excited. Looks like a solid game so far.


I want 100 Mario back… I really wish they would bring it back for a few months whenever these events happen.

Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info (www.rockpapershotgun.com) angielski

The report comes from Cyber Daily, who also broke the news of last year’s confirmed hack attack on Insomniac Games. The site claims that new ransomware group Mogilevich are the culprits, as per the screencap of a darkweb posting above, and that the hackers are now trying to get Epic or another party to pay up for the return of...


For me I started using a service called Privacy a few years ago and haven’t looked back so far. It’s changed how I handle all online transactions. It let’s you create virtual cards that are either good once or forever and once it’s used by that merchant it’s tied to them. So if someone ever did try to charge you that wasn’t that exact merchant it gets blocked. You can set daily, and monthly limits as well and pause the card or close it whenever. So I would use this virtual card for the payment on epic and then this happens and all I do is close it out and open a new one. So far I did have 1 place that had my card charged from a place that wasn’t them. The cool part is you know who almost screwed you because of the card thats being used. It was a local pizza place and I called to let them know they probably got hacked.


My bad lol. It is really great though!


I just looked and I may give it a try. Looks good. It’s worth mentioning it’s in Alpha, some people don’t enjoy trying to play games that early on and it explains why it’s free.


Friend convinced me to try Helldivers 2 this past weekend. I had fun, but I also don’t think it’s as great as the hype it’s getting either. Friend thinks it will be a long term playing game but I felt like I saw most of what it offered in 3 days of playing. Guess we’ll see. I’m also trying out the FF7 rebirth demo. Wish I had more time to play stuff but this is all I have currently.


My guess is after the first year they lower it to 50 since there won’t be that many people playing it. Fall guys did it after 3 years, it was sad to lose the 60 person levels which are now 40 if your lucky.

So you prefer playing as another gender? (quanticfoundry.com) angielski

Well, as a guy, I’ve been asked multiple times why I systematically play games female characters in video games, to the point of skipping a game if I’m forced to pay a male one, with a few exceptions (I really liked Albus from Troubleshooters for example). Whenever there’s romance in a game, I’ll also take the F/F route....


I started playing more with friends in online games for the past 10 years or so now. Newer games definitely allow more customization so they noticed I always pick the female and wonder why. I just tell them the same thing some have mentioned here, if I am playing this game for a long time I would rather be looking at a female than the man. They just look better. Plus back in the day I absolutely noticed in MMOs that people were way nicer to female characters for some reason.


Dam I backed the new game and very excited for the upcoming release… this is terrible news…


It’s weird reading through the posts and seeing how vivid these moments are for some. I think I may have a memory problem because it’s honestly hard to say what I played first. It was sometime around 1988, and my guess is original Mario for NES since it’s the first console my parents got, and it came with it. I remember playing it but it’s hard to say if it was the first since I may have played something at a relative or friend’s house. Played a lot of random NES games after that. My parents also owned an intellivision so it could have been something on that as well.


After looking at a YouTube review that really went in as to what changed, I can honestly say it’s nothing relevant from our perspective… they compared the fps rates, which were exactly the same, and compared the resolutions it plays at which is also the same. They compared graphics and only seemed to find very slight differences in some foliage and shadows.

So this absolutely seems like a cash grab. I think you get some added modes or content, which is nice, but how or why would you call it a remake?


From the review I saw the ps5 patched one had the same load time which was around 17 seconds instead of about 1 minute 20 sec.


Not that I don’t deny it, but are these things people think/care about? It’s a video game, I can be anything depending on the game I am playing. I don’t get mad or wonder why I have to play as a woman in some, hell I was perfectly fine playing last of us 2 which was a woman and gay. I can be a spirit or an alien and that’s why games are so great.


Don’t forget their own VR headset as well. No way they remove them, only thing it could be is maybe the older version USB ports and just keep 3.1.


The only reason I wish it was BG3 would be for the industry to know there is absolutely still a market for these kind of games. At the same time I think they realize that now anyway. It will be interesting to see the uptick in that game type over the next 3-5 years.


Amazing, it’s the only one I was looking for as well… dam them.


For me it’s just being old… I love what I played but only had 1 opportunity to sit down and play it. I realized I love and hate the fact that there is sooooo much to do and think about. For me, my time is limited to an hour tops here and there, so sadly, this type of game just frustrates me because I am always looking at a clock, and I hate that. Wish I was a kid again, so I can actually enjoy all the great games coming out in recent years.


I came here expecting to find something new… find out about 8 of the games are a decade old or more. I wish they could make another list of top 5 in the past 5 years, or are there really not even that many being released these days? I feel like I’ve seen some really cool looking ones every year but never hear of them again.


Back in the day they would tell me the only game they have left in stock is the wall case copy. So you can take it but the case was opened and disc removed and put into a drawer behind the counter in a cd envelope. They would tell you it’s new and they can’t give a discount but assure you it’s new. I hated that, still took it but I really hated it. Give $5 off or something… the worst part is it probably happened to me like 3 times which I couldn’t believe.

I wonder if the copy in the pic is the same deal that I had.


When the PS5 released I was contemplating getting a new PC first. Then I saw the crazy GPU prices and shortage. Ps5 was an incredible purchase at the time to play all current games without spending over 1k to do the same on PC. That alone is a huge reason to still go console. That plus the exclusives which were great.


I’m older, I don’t buy games like that anymore. The only game I got when I first got it was miles morales and that was $50. I already had ps+ so I was also getting the monthly free games and also going back and playing backlog of ps4 games I never got to which they patched to make them run better. They also included like 25 free games with the ps5 purchase of essentials which I played through a bunch. 2021 really didn’t have a great gaming year to me so I really didn’t buy much at all. Control released in Feb and was free as well on ps+ immediately. Ff7 remake dlc I purchased but that was like $20. A bunch of the games I was on the fence about getting ended up being free later as well like ghosts of tsushima, recturnal, and star wars force. I spent more in 2022 with must buys like elden ring, horizon, and God of war

They also had a streaming service, which is now bundled together for 1 price, which wasn’t the best thing ever but I got a year free because a friend got a code which came with his internet service when he moved and did not have a console. I think it was about 300 extra games to play as well and definitely had some good stuff in there.

Sure gaming could be super expensive but I really don’t have the time like I used to so waiting on things I know I won’t play immediately turns out to work pretty well with the monthly games given and now the other service as well which gets a bunch every month. I have like 3 years left of top tier since I brought a bunch of ps+ for cheap when I knew it was changing over and since I still had the streaming service it matched it for 3 extra years at the low charge. So about $120 for all 3 years to play a ton of stuff.


As a PS person myself I don’t feel like we have the right to complain about exclusives! I’m pretty sure Sony has had way more than Xbox ever had and I am fine with it. In today’s market the only thing a console may have as an upper hand is an exclusive game. At least with Xbox games these days you immediately have the option to play on PC, which is what I do if I really want to play one, unlike Sony which has just started doing pc for exclusives but you are going to wait 1 or 2 years before it drops.

I like buying a PS every generation because I know it will have the best exclusives to play just like I have a switch because it’s the only place to play a Nintendo game. If they didn’t have those games why would anyone even bother buying a console at all? If they all shared the same games 100% it would be a coin flip to whatever platform you invest in at that point.


As someone who has played the game from day 1, and almost every day since, it’s a shame that this game that already is on auto drive will be crippled even further. If you have a bunch of friends who just wanna chat and don’t wanna play something competitive it fills all those roles.

I guess we should expect even less changes and content going forward… I know the level creation was just created to allow the community to provide free content so I wonder what else they can do to continue this or if the game will just die off.


I was thinking the same thing! It’s always weird when I see these videos and it looks like they have no clue what’s going on. I guess I just assume everyone that would be associated with the game would also know how to play them.

Edit: game looks really good!


If the switch 2 is coming next fall I bet it’s finally time to move all resources onto a new game maybe? The problem with games like this are you have done everything so what else do you even have to offer?


Ps5 controller was just as bad… I’m on my 3rd now and most of my friends are on their 2nd. I also had 1 switch controller go bad as well, but I also don’t play switch as much. This entire generation had the best controllers but also the worst problems I have ever had. Prior to these 2 systems I have never had a controller break before and I’m going back to original NES days.


I thought this was already understood after the success of octopath traveler… but here we are.

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