wise, do gaming w #StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold avatar

God, I miss the EU


There is a UK petition in the works. It’s not quite ready yet, because thanks to your recent election the team behind the initiative had to redo all of their work. (Your government requires everybody to resubmit petitions if a new parliament is elected)

Beaver, do games w #StopKillingGames Update: Sweden and Poland pass threshold as initiative reaches 25% avatar

Damn Poland beat out the Netherlands.

We need to focus our efforts on Malta 🇲🇹

ampersandrew, avatar

Nah, France and Spain. We only need 7 countries to pass their thresholds, and after that, only raw numbers matter. We need the big population centers, and France and Spain are way behind Germany.


This initiative has been barely mentioned in Spain anywhere that I know of.

ampersandrew, avatar

If you’re there, perhaps you can signal boost?

something183786, do gaming w Do you know any singleplayer games that are infinitely replayable?

FTL. It’s a simple fun cheap game. Steam says I’ve played this for over 3,000 hours!


FTL is so much fun. Finally beating by first run felt amazing.

silverchase, do games w Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals avatar

Tunic $14.99 (50% off, new all-time low)

A little guy in a green tunic picks up a sword and goes on an adventure, but the game is in an unknown language and you only have a few pages of the manual. It’s like a metroidvania but your progress is based on knowledge.


It’s a great little game, but don’t be afraid to drop the difficulty down later on. It really does detract from what makes the game special.


As someone who never touched the difficulty, I think my smooth experience came down to considering the encounters more, not dial-mashing the controller. Some fights work a lot better with certain equipment. There’s three kinds of defense suitable for certain attacks: Shield, dodging, and sprinting (a certain enemy has a long gun attack, for instance, that’s good for sprinting).

I think I did struggle a bit at an eventual “rush” segment, but that’s coming up near the end of the game.


Such a great game

WeLoveCastingSpellz, do games w [QUESTION] What is the most realistic-looking game that can also run on Linux distros?

the most realistic game that can run on windows

supangle, do gaming w Got a Switch today, need some recommendations.

i cannot recommend any nintendo product since they are the by far the most evil company in gaming industry. you would be pretty much happy with metascore nintendo switch list. i would return switch and buy steam deck oled with a little bit more budget and pirate all nintendo products using steam deck. heck, most switch games runs better on steam deck than it is on switch.

solivine, avatar

This is a dude buying a gaming console for a kid, and he’s already bought it. I would chill a bit lol.

wizardbeard, avatar

Wow, that’s certainly a take. How are they worse than Sony or fucking Microsoft? Microsoft was under IRS investigation at one point. They dragged thing out resulting in multiple millions of taxpayer money being wasted, ruined the professional careers of the lead names on the investigation, bribed politicians to cut so much funding from the IRS that another investigation of that scale is simply not possible, and bribed other politicians to sway laws in their favor to help make what they were investigated for much harder to pursue charges on.

Do you have any substantive shit that the other big names aren’t guilty of as well? I’d love to hear it!


“most evil company in the gaming industry”

EA backs away slowly

Btw, we all love Valve and the Steam Deck but Valve ain’t clean either.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

No company at all is completely clean outside of some non profits and even then, most of them aren’t.

There is an orders of magnitude difference in anti-consumerism and bad practices between Nintendo, Activision, and EA vs Valve.

ulkesh, avatar

hugs his Switch and the many physical Switch games he owns

also hugs his Steam Deck

The two aren’t mutually exclusive nor does one random opinion on the internet a fact make.

OP asked for what specific games to get, not some anti-Nintendo rant.


How regularly do you use both of those devices?

I was eyeing the steam deck for its portability but I rarely would have reason to use it so I held off. Same for the switch.

When I’m at home I play on my desktop. When I’m not at home I’m mostly actively moving about or only waiting small periods of time which are not worth it to start gaming. The only reason I would have to really use them would be during vacations.


I’m in a position where I can’t access my desktop for a few months, and my Steamdeck is absolutely great for lazy couch gaming. It runs pretty much any game I play atm, and with some tweaking per game, the controls are almost always great.

But I also use my Switch from time to time. It’s a bit more portable, it’s a kind of “just works” device where I don’t need to worry about controls or tweaks, and Tears of the Kingdom runs significantly better than it ever did on my Steamdeck, last time I tried.

It sounds like a Switch would be the best option for your use case, if you’d have to pick one. Something the Switch does very well is being able to pause any game by just putting it in standby and not worrying about it. Makes it ideal to play in between doing other stuff.

ulkesh, avatar

It’s a good point. I would say I don’t use them often enough to justify owning them, but I use them just enough to be okay with it. I go in spurts. I get on a Mario Maker kick and play a ton on the switch, and then I get on an emulation kick and load up a lot of retro stuff on the steam deck. But I have gone weeks or more without touching either.


Holy shit. This is a terrible game recommendation.

Sterile_Technique, do games w What are y'all buying on the steam sale? avatar

Xcom 2 has been on my list for years… hit 97% in this sale, figured it’s finally time.


I recommend getting the bundle with all the DLC, slightly more expensive but very worth it esp. for the big content expansion War of the chosen.

Sterile_Technique, avatar

That’s the one!

$3.88, only about $0.50 more than just the standalone game. If the reviews are any indication, this is a damn steal!


Holy smokes what an incredible deal. I loved the first XCOM (which I believe is actually a remake). Gonna have to pull the trigger


I would say that’s a steal. I love that game, it has tons of replay ability, and a huge modding community.

AFallingAnvil, (edited ) avatar

I envy you greatly right now, you’re about to embark on a beautiful journey. Xcom2 is one of my favorites, especially once mods factor in, of which there are thousands covering so many franchises and ideas you can’t possibly play them all.

I wish you nothing but an excellent time and lots of dead aliens.


If you don’t get War of the Chosen then you will be missing out on one of my most played games of all time.


There is an XCom joke in there: 97% to hit… and you missed.


Xenonauts 2 is 30% off also. It’s a modern version of classic X-COM, which is quite different from modern XCOM. It’s still in early access, but it’s very good. I’ve done one playthrough (to the end of what was available) and I’m waiting for release to do another. It’s much better than what XCOM has become in my opinion though.

Ragnarok314159, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?


I found it to be one of the best games I have ever played with a fantastic story that really pulled me in. If you do decide to play it, look up nothing. As in don’t even google it because it’s a slightly older game and people spoil the entire thing.


Great game, too little story line and too much grind to replay.


It’s actually very granular on the grind difficulty. There’s a story only mode that removes the survival elements and leaves only the material gathering for crafting. There’s also a creative mode where you don’t even have to gather materials and can just build whatever and go wherever and see all the story bits with almost no challenge at all. You choose how you want to go at it.


For me, it wasn’t just the story, but also just randomly going out and exploring, checking things out, and finding cool (and sometimes scary) things.

It’s one of those games that I’m hoping in like 10 years or something I’ll have forgotten enough of it that if I go play it again it’ll be mostly all new again.

Cagi, do gaming w Simcity 2000 feels.

Did you ever play SimCopter? Fly around your simcity 2000 city in a helicopter doing jobs? It was my favourite game for a long time.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

SimCopter has a very special place in my heart as possibly the prank that led to the formation of the Yes Men.

The game gained controversy when it was discovered that designer Jacques Servin inserted an Easter egg that generated shirtless men in Speedo trunks who hugged and kissed each other and appear in great numbers on certain dates, such as Friday the 13th. The egg was caught shortly after release and removed from future copies of the game. He cited his actions as a response to the intolerable working conditions he allegedly suffered at Maxis, particularly working 60-hour weeks and being denied time off. He also reported that he added the “studs”, as he called them, after a heterosexual programmer programmed “bimbo” female characters into the game, and that he wanted to highlight the “implicit heterosexuality” of many games.

Based “Andy Bichlbaum.”


Servin presents Exxon’s new human flesh-derived “Vivoleum” future fuel at a Keynote Luncheon at the GO-Expo 2007 (Oil and Gas Exposition) in Calgary, Alberta.

Ah geez, what a ride his Wikipedia page is.

!deleted4292 avatar

What, and I can’t stress this enough, THE FUCK


Lol, it’s actually pretty funny.

On June 14, 2007, the Yes Men acted during Canada’s largest oil conference in Calgary, Alberta, posing as ExxonMobil and National Petroleum Council (NPC) representatives. In front of more than 300 oilmen, the NPC was expected to deliver the long-awaited conclusions of a study commissioned by U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman. The NPC is headed by former ExxonMobil CEO Lee Raymond, who is also the chair of the study. When the Yes Men arrived at the conference they said that Lee Raymond (the promised speaker) was unable to make it due to a pressing situation with the president. The Yes Men then went on to give a presentation in place of Lee Raymond.

In the actual speech, the “NPC rep” announced that current U.S. and Canadian energy policies (notably the massive, carbon-intensive processing of Alberta’s oil sands, and the development of liquid coal) are increasing the chances of huge global calamities. But he reassured the audience that in the worst-case scenario, the oil industry could “keep fuel flowing” by transforming the billions of people who would die into oil.

The project, called Vivoleum, would work in perfect synergy with the continued expansion of fossil fuel production. The oilmen listened to the lecture with attention, and then lit “commemorative candles”. At this point, event security recognized the Yes Men and forced them off stage, and the ‘punchline’ — that the candles were made of Vivoleum obtained from the flesh of an “Exxon janitor” who died as a result of cleaning up a toxic spill — was not delivered to the audience, but only to reporters.

Love these kinds of protests. The fact that no one even bothered to verify anything and still listened without much resistance says a lot about these corpos. The candle thing is just the delicious cherry on top.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

These kind of protests are almost exclusively what the Yes Men do! They got their start when they were making a parody website of the WTO (Then GATT) and suddenly had a bunch of serious industry people mistaking their parody site for the real one and sending them emails inviting them to conferences. Thus Andy Bichlbaum and the Yes Men were born! They always go way beyond absurd to try to capture people’s attention, but most often with groups of “experts” everyone takes them all to seriously.


Thank you so much for introducing me to them! I wish I’d known about them sooner.

Some of this stuff is hilarious and the fact that they’ve been consistently doing this for so long is impressive.

I also love that he claimed it was a “hacker group” that added the code, and then it was “revealed” that he was “the leader” of the group.

The sheer creativity in fucking with people like that is admirable.

!deleted4292 avatar

Oh my god that is hilarious! Thank you for explaining it


LOL, I actually went looking for more about this specific prank and it gets better. The “janitor” was fucking Reggie Watts and they played this tribute during their “presentation” while people were confusingly looking at these strange candles.

I really need to check out the rest of their work. I’m very glad I learned about this group today.

!deleted4292 avatar

Apparently there’s a free documentary on their exploits


I never got the chance! That sounds very cool though! Do the Arcos show up in sim copter?


Yep! Every building has a 3d representation in sim copter.

!deleted6508 avatar

I had SimCopter and Streets of SimCity just to get up close looks at my cities.

It’d be sweet if City Skylines had stuff like that… I mean, you can drive cars in it, it just doesn’t change the camera to first person while doing so.

xkforce, do games w Recommendations for Pirate Games?

Assassains creed black flag has such a good pirating mechanic they tried making an entire game focusing on it.


But Ubisoft…right?


The mechanic was developed for AC3 so I’d say they successfully made an entire 4th game revolving around it

tcrpz, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Outer Wilds. I think it’s a fine game with a pretty cool gimmick (time loop) and a neat story. The gameplay itself isn’t that fun. I think what ultimately ruined it for me was the online discourse about the game; every time it gets mentioned, hundreds of people flock to the comments to extol the philosophical storyline, and throw around hyperbolic descriptions like “life-changing”. Again, the story is pretty neat, but I was left underwhelmed after having been built up by fans of the game.


Outer Wilds gave me super anxiety when playing it. Something about the time loop aspect and having to redo a bunch of stuff.


I audibly gasped at seeing this, I think it’s the best game I’ve ever played, I really do


I’m glad you liked it! I really wanted to like the game. I wish one of my friends in real life played through it so I could walk through some others’ perspectives on the game in person.


Several hours in, I couldn’t even make it to a point where the story started rewarding me. Which was part of the problem. I “cleared” one of the planets (Brittle Hollow), with its platforming elements (something I don’t like in 3D), and my “reward” was a small piece of a puzzle. I needed a lot more than that.

Even before that point, the game hadn’t made a good first impression. There was nothing about the intro section on the starting planet that particularly interested me. And then the ship controls drove me a bit nuts. The loop was the only interesting part about the game for me then.

Felt like the writing was on the wall for me after exploring that first planet, so I dropped it.


There was nothing about the intro section on the starting planet that particularly interested me.

Yes! I forgot about this. There were like a hundred characters to speak to and very little of it was interesting or even helpful. I couldn’t help but feel guilty when I just gave up and decided to get on the ship and leave without exploring all of the dialogue or points of interest.


I also gave Outer Wilds a try and don’t think it stood up to the hype. Got through probably 95% of the story and then gave up on it, there were two “puzzles” that I just couldn’t figure out. Ended up reading a walkthrough and was not sad at all that I put it down.


I haven’t quite finished it yet, my feeling is that it slightly overstays it’s welcome.

I’ve also noticed that most of the time I do a thing or two in the game then realise there’s not quite enough time in the loop to do another thing, but just enough time to make me want to not waste the loop, since I find starting a new loop a bit tedious.

ModernRisk, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

Ubisoft is shit, most of their games are.

The moment I heard the new Prince of Persia had Denuvo, I wasn’t going to play it anyway.


Yep, double shitty. Makes me want to start sailing. 🏴‍☠️

teft, avatar

If it’s denuvoed you’ll have to wait for the crazy bigot Empress to crack it. Could be a while.


I’m still kinda shocked there isn’t anyone else trying. Maybe you need to be crazy to be a legend.


cracking Denuvo shit must be incredibly challenging.


It is, but i don’t think for a second empress is the only person to stumble across the solution. Unless it’s something so crazy only a crazy could do it.

I know there are a lot of reasons why it’s a harder choice to make; you can’t share the secret because that’s a security risk, you can’t make as much money, you are at greater risk. I guess i just miss the old days where people into tech were anti establishment and into doing things because it was cool.


Good to know, I’m not really up to date with the scene.

woelkchen, avatar

If it’s denuvoed you’ll have to wait for the crazy bigot Empress to crack it. Could be a while.

30 seconds of googling revealed that someone already packaged the Switch version for PC with a preconfigured emulator.

woelkchen, avatar

The moment I heard the new Prince of Persia had Denuvo, I wasn’t going to play it anyway.

It mandates a Ubisoft account everywhere anyway. Apparently on Switch in airplane more is the only way to circumvent this.

Phelpssan, avatar

According to the DF review vídeo the account is required on PS/Xbox unless you’re offline, but entirely optional on the Switch.

It’s discussed around 15min into the video.


I try the switch demo, you presses back multiple time, it skip the ubishit login.

DrQuickbeam, do games w What are some of the best mini-games youve played? (games inside games)

All of the Yakuza games are basically, collections of well made mini games that turn each beat-em-up campaign into a hundred hours of fun. But among those, the Cabaret Club and Pocket Circuit RC race-car games from Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami, are probably my favs.


Cabaret club is great! I wish they’d put it out as it’s own little mini games for smartphones or something


The photo minigame in Kiwami 2 makes me extremely uncomfortable, I guess it’s commendable that it can make the player feel so strongly about it

Nanomerce, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

Aside from the other scumbaggery that Epic does, if you do wanna play their free games then atleast use heroic so you don’t use the wasteheap that is the epic games launcher.


I personally find the app experience better than that of steam when it comes to browsing for new things. Do elaborate


for me the entire launcher is slow and a massive resource hog. The entire GUI has the same issue I had with windows 8 with everything feeling way too big and a whole lot of form over function.


I dont see how steams any better


I mostly game on my Steam Deck and assumed Heroic was only a Linux thing, but recently learned it’s available on Windows too. How’s it do? I’ve been collecting the free games from Epic and Prime Gaming, but barely touch them. Being able to open a single launcher for everything non Steam in Windows sounds amazing!


I just learned about heroic since getting my steam deck. I’ll be switching over on my pc too since the Epic launcher has such a horrible ui.


haven’t tried the other platforms in heroic other than epic, it works 100% except for adding friends. You can add them via the overlay but it’s incredibly janky. Then again, it’s about as janky as it is on the actual launcher. But other than adding friends works great.

darthelmet, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

They do the same thing that the horde of shitty streaming services do: Hold content hostage through exclusivity deals so they can gain market share without actually providing a comparable technology or service as their competitor.


The problem is that without those exclusive deals noone would change

Most people didn’t buy EA games at origin or Ubisoft games at UPlay even though you needed those launchers anyway. They even didn’t buy CDProjekt games at gog despite the games being dem free there.

Excluding deals on sought after games is literally the only way to get a majority of the players moving away from there comfortable “I have ally games and friends there already” position

People are lazy and hate change - without force it’s not going to happen


They don’t even try to be competitive on technology or service though. If they were making a comparable or even superior product and people were sticking with Steam anyway for the network effect I’d agree they’d be justified in doing more to attract customers. But they just want to use their pile of money to buy their way into a market without putting in the work to design and develop a superior product.

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