Aurenkin, do games w Cyberpunk 2077's Ukrainian localisation takes the piss out of Russia's war

Seems like they are going to ‘fix’ it in the next patch. Hopefully it can be modded back in.


Indeed, who are they even going to piss off, it’s not like there’s a ton of people playing in Ukrainian who’ll be offended by the localization choices. (Although maybe in 20 years or something, references to the warship and such might be harder, but I imagine the crimes one will make even more sense)


The localized bits are pro-Ukrainian.

Iunnrais, do games w Cyberpunk 2077's Ukrainian localisation takes the piss out of Russia's war

I see nothing wrong with this localization.

Tetsuo, do games w Cyberpunk 2077's Ukrainian localisation takes the piss out of Russia's war

Well I can’t read that article without accepting cookies.

Too bad ¯_(ツ)_/¯


It’s a couple dialogue lines-

one of Cyberpunk 2077’s Ukrainian dialogue line alters “We’re fucking through” to a Ukrainian phrase that roughly means “Go fuck yourself in the same direction as the ship did”.

One line of police dialogue referring to the game’s Scavengers faction has been altered from the English “Couldn’t all these assholes bite it out in the Badlands?” to a Ukrainian phrase that translates as “Couldn’t all this rusnia bite it out in the Badlands?”

Some of the phrasing in the inventory-

There are also apparent references on inventory screens to Ukrainian state messaging during the war. “‘Є перевага’ literally means ‘there is an advantage’,” Tarasov told me. "A reference to the governmental digital initiatives’ branding during Zelensky’s tenure

And some graffiti-

There also appears to be brand new graffiti in the game that references Russia’s occupation of Crimea in 2014. “The graffiti represents the outlines of Crimea, the peninsula that was illegally annexed from Ukraine by russia in 2014,” Tarasov told me. “Juxtaposed are the Ukrainian coat of arms and taraq tamga (the symbol of Crimean Tatars).” The suggestion is that in Cyberpunk 2077’s world, Crimea is part of Ukraine.

rockerface, do games w Cyberpunk 2077's Ukrainian localisation takes the piss out of Russia's war

This might convince me to actually buy the game, huh


Honestly, it’s a really good game now. The writing is solid (not winning Oscars, but there are engaging and well written characters who will make you feel things), the combat is fun, you can flow freely between stealthy and loud as suits your preference, and there are hours upon hours of really enjoyable side missions. As a longtime Shadowrun tabletop player/gm I especially loved the gigs, each of which is just a self contained run. Go to this place, steal/plant/kill/ferry/rescue, get paid, done. They’re all great little puzzles to be solved in dozens of different ways.

I’m not trying to justify a day one purchase; I held off for over a year and I’m glad I did. But the game as it is now is well worth the money.


Duly noted!

Potatos_are_not_friends, do games w Cyberpunk 2077's Ukrainian localisation takes the piss out of Russia's war

Rockpapershotgun commenters continue to impress me.

So many site comments are full of racist spiel and bot spam.

Where RPS does a good job with moderating.

Car, do gaming w "They don’t care": Inside the triumphs and failures of accessible gaming hardware

I’ll drink the half-full glass: accessible gaming hardware is more widely available than it has ever been.

Big corporation Microsoft bad, but as the article points out, they have been one of the major players in the accessibility field with hardware and software accommodations to help meet some of the common needs of disabled gamers. Valve’s platform allows for dynamic reprogramming of just about any key binding that I can think of to get around games that have their inputs hard coded in.


I believe the CEOs son has some special needs and he’s been big on pushing them to develop inputs methods that are accessible. It’s definitely getting better! As a gamer who’s been playing since they were a kid and now in my 30’s I’m starting to get RSI like issues and definitely appreciate some of these accessibility movements because they allow me to change up my input more often.


Not to mention accessibility settings in games themselves. Fortnite has an option to visually show sounds and their directions on the HUD and it was amazing when I spent a month with no audio solution, I can’t imagine what a breath of fresh air it is for deaf gamers. The Last of Us Pt2 is also wildly player-friendly, and recently I’ve even been seeing some indie titles like Metal Unit do their best to assist players and let them enjoy the game.

Accessibility is only getting better, and I think this cynicism is unwarranted. We should certainly keep up the fight and demand for it, but you go back two decades and games didn’t even come with subtitles as standard. Doom 3 still pisses me off in that regard.


Agreed, and it’s been such a quick change in the industry too which is a great sign. It really wasn’t that long ago that you didn’t even get a brightness slider, and hell some games still have a static 50 FOV.


MS's Adaptive Controller is actually really good, compared to the PS one. Giving easily adaptable 3.5mm jacks to every function was a genius decision.

corrupts_absolutely, do games w CD Projekt apologise for Cyberpunk 2077 Ukrainian script's potentially "offensive" references to Russians

makes sense they would be upset with a third party intentionally altering the game’s message, but im not sure why it’s framed as an apology to “russian gamers”


Because its the PR team making the statement.

Hildegarde, do games w CD Projekt apologise for Cyberpunk 2077 Ukrainian script's potentially "offensive" references to Russians

Localization is generally contracted out to external studios. With the dozens of languages games are released in, localization is rarely done in house, especially for languages added in a patch well after release.

When CDPR says “These lines have not been written by CD PROJEKT RED staff and do not represent our views.” It makes sense.

The localization team, being fluent speakers of Ukranian, can be expected to have strong opinions on the war, so they chose to add the anti Russian lines.

It makes sense for CDPR to remove the lines. Sure their PR teams will apologize for the ‘offense,’ but the real issue is a localization team going rogue.

Cyberpunk 2077 is set in a far future californian dystopia. In an alternate history world where the present day would be unrecognizable to us. A future where Russia and Ukraine and others have reformed into a new USSR. This war in Ukraine did not happen in cyberpunk.

Adding references to the war in a localization is undermining the setting. Despite CDPR’s stated support for Ukraine, this is not how they want to do things. They are going to change the lines.

Rampsquatch, do games w CD Projekt apologise for Cyberpunk 2077 Ukrainian script's potentially "offensive" references to Russians

Anyone who gets offended by being told Russia is in the wrong with regards to the current conflict in Ukraine is either ignorant or an asshole.

gerryflap, avatar

I don’t think it has a place in a work of fiction like Cyberpunk 2077. Maybe a small reference somewhere. The Russian government is a bunch of cunts, but not every piece of media needs to reference that constantly. I could also imagine that it would be could annoying if you’re playing Cyberpunk to distract yourself from the war as an Ukrainian and then you’re still constantly reminded of it


You make a good point.


Yeah I hate when my art is a reflection of life. I don’t want my gritty anti-capitilist anti-war themed game to be anti-war…


No. I don’t think a dystopian future should ever mention anything remotely political or in the public mind. Totally irrelevant to the plot.

gerryflap, avatar

It can make political points, but the war in Ukraine does not exist in that timeline. So it makes no sense to directly refer to it. And forcing it into only the Ukrainian translation without the developer being aware of it is just unprofessional.


Anything negative about the Russian government is probably accurate and deserved. Extending that to the Russian people is iffy at best.

And remember this game is rather explicitly fifty years in the future, so anything current will be as relevant as Vietnam references are today. Not even counting the alternate history and corporatocracy of the setting.

termus, (edited ) do gaming w "They don’t care": Inside the triumphs and failures of accessible gaming hardware avatar

Great article and it sums up my feelings pretty well. I’m incredibly grateful for the XAC. What it has allowed me to combine together to play games, it’s wonderful. But it’s been a bumpy, expensive road to get here. I bought it on launch and the accessories that Microsoft offered at the time of launch were laughable. I only bought a single $60 big red button for it. I get it and the button is so sensitive I think I could set it off by breathing on it. I needed to use it with my feet so that’s no good.

The whole thing sat for a good year or more collecting dust until I came across Logitechs adaptive gaming kit. A great selection of buttons and everything you need to mark and manage them. It’s $120 (ughhhh) and to get all the buttons I want for how I use it, I’ll need 3 of them. My whole setup for it is over $400, ridiculous. Thankfully I am able to work with my disability and can afford that, but back when I was on SSI, no way in hell. I guess it’s cheaper than all the controllers I have bought in the past trying to find one I really enjoy using.

What I came up with, also using foot controls for WASD.

Some general rambling, the Xbox Accessories app needs a major overhaul, it’s a mess. Last time I checked Microsoft’s support site for the XAC was a bunch of broken links. Also the XAC stopped working shortly after the warranty expired. It has an internal battery the failed. Opening it up and disconnecting/removing that battery got it going again. Couldn’t find the battery anywhere for purchase, so it only works hardwired now but that’s not really a problem.

I was incredibly sad to see that Sony decided to launch it’s own product instead of just allowing the XAC to work natively on their device. While I’m sure Sony’s will work for some people, I just don’t see how and I’m not interested in buying another device. I’ll just stick with PC. It’s also weird how Sony has yet to show anyone using it, disabled or not.


Hi Termus, I've worked in a non-profit that dealt with this kind of thing; half of our focus was on people with disabilities. What I like about the XAC is that it has a 3.5mm jack for every button that the XBox controller uses, and the advantage of that is that you can use ANY accessible input that is available under the sun. You didn't have to buy the MS or Logitech accessories for them. I'm wondering why you felt you had to do that?

I agree that Sony's effort is not as good. I feel like it was created for marketing and coolness first.

termus, avatar

At the time of launch, Microsoft was the only vendor that had buttons in stock. All the accessibility sites that sold custom ones were sold out. I did buy a mix of loose arcade buttons with the idea to create my own. I gave up on that once I saw the Logitech kit. It’s built nicer than what I would have been able to build myself, with way less effort. I’ve bought one joystick off Etsy to use with my feet. It’s custom made with a 3d printed shell, it’s nice but it was also $45 for a single input. Ughhhh.


Ah, I see. I'm quite sure we're in different parts of the world and I guess my experience with parts availability was different. Here the problem is more of cost, as I'm sure your experience has shown, these do get expensive very quick, sadly.

Donebrach, do games w CD Projekt apologise for Cyberpunk 2077 Ukrainian script's potentially "offensive" references to Russians avatar

Ow nooo don’t hurt da poor widdle Russians’ feeewings so mean!

mintycactus, avatar

Anyone feeling can be hurt, until one is LGBT. That’s a no. Lol.


Hot take, but also stupid

Kolanaki, do games w Unravelling the magic and alchemy of Metacritic
!deleted6508 avatar

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only gamer that doesn’t give a fuck about review scores. I’d rather see for myself or hear about it from someone who I know has similar taste. Especially when it’s pretty common now for people to brigade those scores into oblivion or to massive new heights on a knee-jerk reaction to absolute fucking bullshit.


Definitely not the only one. But it’s not just games either, it’s cinematography too. Or even food, really. When you watch 500 movies a month, everything looks exactly the same. Not to mention that half of these critics companies are completely untrustworthy, and often post either uneducated reviews, or just plain garbage. Think of something like IGN’s Redfall video. The game is obviously horrible, but the person playing it didn’t know how to hold a controller. Or the one with Cuphead, where they failed the tutorial.

tldr: I only really trust opinions of my friends. These review sites have no value


The cuphead one was a self deprecating joke based on the fact that he wasn’t really used to that kind of game and wasn’t in the best conditions either to do that, bu he was the only one who could review that in that moment. It’s been years and you still bring that up…i can’t see why

Aielman15, avatar

Not only that, but the journalist extensively praised the game, too. Shawn touched a bit on the subject during his Cuphead video: Cuphead: The fake outrage.

The truth is, most gamers (and most people online, nowadays) parrot lies they hear on the internet without checking their source.


Interesting video, thanks! There’s so much to unpack, but i’ve had that feeling before, that those arguments are often built from scratch. As for many hard games recently published, they have indeed been appreciated at a critical level as well. As for me…I played hard games in the past. Everyone can do it, but we don’t always have the time. I appreciate difficulty in a game, but i can’t play these games at times…


User reviews tend to be far more reliable than professional critics. Critics have so much incentive to go against the orthodoxy, there’s no trust with them. The big review sites like IGN are meaningless to me. The numbers have also gotten inflated to the point of meaninglessness. Like I don’t think there are very many games I would describe as “10/10, perfect”, yet that is a common score from reviews sites for any new game.

Sometimes there will be specific critics whose reviews I trust, but almost always those come with a lot of examples of actual gameplay. Like, I used to really enjoy TotalBiscuit’s reviews (rip), but he always published his review as a video where you could see exactly how something looked when he talked about it. He wasn’t trying to tell you if a game was good or bad, he was simply telling you “what is it?” And “what do I like about it?” Then you could decide for yourself if you thought you would like it too.

1984, do games w Unravelling the magic and alchemy of Metacritic avatar

Metacritic’s founders are former attorneys

Ok time to find another site.


How come? :)

1984, avatar

It’s kind of hard to trust someone with that background to have morals. :)

snooggums, avatar

But they stopped being attorneys so maybe they learned the error of their ways?

1984, avatar

Maybe :)

antaymonkey, do games w Indie gaming is on the verge of an immersive sim eruption

I’ve never heard the term “immersive sim” before, but if Half- Life, Deus Ex and Thief are examples, then sign me up.


Bioshock, System Shock, and Dishonoured are also examples.


Prey (2017) is another example.

GrammatonCleric, avatar


  • Loading...
  • FooBarrington,

    Please read up on what an “immersive sim” is, because you’re plain wrong.

    JowlesMcGee, avatar

    You can argue half life, but Deus Ex and Thief are the quintessential "immersive sim" forbearers (along with system shock 2). When they say sim, they mean the game reacts to play action in ways that aren't predetermined or scripted. The idea is they value player agency and their impact in the game world over pre-set events


    It’s not a super descriptive term for sure, but I have no idea what it would be called otherwise. It’s similar to things like Metroidvanias or Soulslikes in that it’s a very specific niche without a clear delineation of what it is, but fans will know it when they see it

    totallymojo, avatar

    When I hear immersive sim I think of Arma and not Bioshock.
    I don’t know how sim plays into the genre.

    TommySalami, do gaming w KOTOR Remake feared cancelled after Sony quietly pulls tweets and videos

    A damn shame. KOTOR 1 & 2 are still, IMHO, one of the greatest Star Wars stories/experiences. I’d really love for something to revisit the time period.


    Not a shame, imo. Any remake would ruin it by changing things, I’m glad this has happened as you are right that the games are the best star wars stories. They’re also my favourite games in general, especially TSL.


    I have no idea why you think that, it’d make it much better. The environments, the characters, the cutscenes will all be much better in a remake.


    No, I doubt it. Because they wouldn’t keep it true to the originals. They’d change the characters and the story and cut out sections and add in new things and replace the combat and make it fundamentally not the same game anymore. Especially when it’s not being made by the original makers.

    Also, graphics aren’t a selling point for me in games.


    Why would they have to do that

    Why do you assume they’d change anything besides modern QoL stuff like that

    Where are all of these assumptions coming from that they have to change stuff?

    SugarApplePie, avatar

    Even if the remake was worse in every way, why would it matter when you can still buy and play the originals without any issue? The KOTOR games are some of my favorite video games so I can understand not liking a remaking that (hypothetically) changes some things, but I don’t know why it’d be a positive to not get a new version of it that might have gotten more people interested in the originals.

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