
bozo, do games w 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate

Building games that are actually fun is going to make you the most money, that’s it.

Say it louder for the publishers in the back.

It’s infuriating how game design is devolving into engagement treadmills instead of simply being fun, concise experiences. The industry needs more Hi-Fi Rushes and less Suicide Squads.

@flumph@programming.dev avatar

Also, does the point of creating a game have to be making the “most” money? Isn’t it enough to make something awesome and a profit?

Phegan, do games w 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate

Based Larian

crossmr, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

Big surprise that Crema has stepped in it again. They've been pretty awful since this game started. I can still remember when they first rolled out the bans and insisted their would be no appeal because their ban process was never wrong. The CEO aggressively defended it, and it wasn't very long before community managers were walking that back admitting some people had to be unbanned.

Their discord was run by dictators as a meme that cropped up around a botched patch resulted in the mods going nuts and banning anyone who mentioned it, and the steam forums were the same. They had a gaggle of fanboys who'd attack anyone who said a bad word about the game, and if anyone talked back to them one of the developers would come along and ban them.

It was such a great idea ran by absolutely awful people.

Dudewitbow, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

the small detail is forgotten that those MMOs have a subscription model or are free but with pay-to-win practices. They are sustainable in that way."

horizontal progression mmos like ESO or GW2 that arent subs arent either of those.


You could call ESO pay-to-win to fit this definition, because there is new content added as subscription or paid. There will be new gear sets offering effectively an advantage for many builds and some new skills.


in horizontal progression, changes in things are typically sidegrades in progress, as you trade off one thing for another, compared to having a higher level equipment with higher stats in a vertically progressed MMO. New builds can be created via patches, but they aren’t necessarily straight upgrades from the existing ones.

@lorty@lemmy.ml avatar

GW2 has a huge cash shop of cosmetics, to the point you can barely get any by just playing.


if that’s your definition of “winning” then you have a different way of playing mmos.The most expensive cosmetics in the game are ridiculously low drop rate infusions that surpass the cost of virtually anything in the shop directly.

littlebluespark, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever
@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

There are dozens of those fans. Dozens!

Argurotoxus, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever
@Argurotoxus@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately Temtem is a terrible game entirely due to Crema’s incompetence.

It’s actually impressive how consistently they make horrible decisions. If I had to summarize their attitude, it’s that you can’t criticize them because “Hey, we’re human, we make mistakes and when you criticize us it hurts our feelings”. And when I say you can’t, I mean it literally. They will suspend or ban you from whatever platform it is for saying anything they perceive as negative.

They take an “us vs them” attitude with their player base which results in the equivalent of Crema stuffing their fingers in their ears saying LALALALALA YOU’RE WRONG WE’RE RIGHT.

It’s a shame, because the foundation of the game, the battle system, is genius and a huge improvement over Pokémon. The game showed real promise for a long time. But Crema has been dropping the ball with every update for years and it’s long since entered its death spiral.


Yup. Played it in early access for a bit and enjoyed it, then I played it on release and hated it. There are so many promises they completely ignored, including an option to make battle animations faster (their response was “it would change the economy if everything was faster”)

They added a battle pass

They made everything you can buy with in-game money outrageously expensive so you buy it from their FOMO rotating cash store

Their definition of “MMO” is making the game so insanely grindy to try to keep players around for hundreds of hours despite obviously not being worth spending that much time in…

And so on and so forth. Crema are so unbelievably greedy and dumb it still hurts that I gave them money.

HereticalDoughnut, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

I really enjoyed the game when it was first released in early-access on steam. The ability to play through the story with a friend was unique and fun. Unfortunately the Crema team stopped having innovative ideas and just released their version of Pokémon systems. At the time it was nearly impossible to communicate any negative criticism because of rabid fans on the subreddit and devs who seemed to have no interest in communicating with their player base.

Mononon, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

My partner and I just played through this together in co-op and had a great time. We thought it was a good game.

I read the whole discord drama stuff, and I’m more on Crema’s side. I think they’ve made the mistake of trying to talk to a fanbase like they are just a group of reasonable people that will understand and empathize if you just lay out the facts. But they aren’t. They’re just going to pick apart anything you say and relentlessly shit on you because they are, collectively, not able to be reasoned with.

They released an MMO in its final state, minus some Kickstarter promised stuff, that they have said they will deliver. They tried to monetize the game how they felt was best, it didn’t work out, so they’ve moved on and left a functioning, small-scope MMO. You can argue the quality of it or whether you agree with their decisions, but they made what they said they were going to make.

And they are still releasing small updates to a community that is, frankly, awful. The subreddit is just a hivemind of asshole armchair developers.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Honest question: can you name an asshole gaming community that isn't tied to a live service game? Because I feel like the shitty community comes from expecting everything to be continually improved, and lots of those improvements are subjective, so someone's improvement is someone else's regression. I'll happily revise my hypothesis with some good counter examples though.


Is the chess community nice?


Sometimes. The chess community is very weird in my experience. Like, anarchy chess is a thing and shitposting seems to have permeated chess culture. Case in point, the double bongcloud being played in tournament (1:32 length clip). (For context, the bongcloud opening is very bad, playing it is basically a self nerf. Because of the way that tournaments and points work, the end outcome of this game was basically a mutually agreed draw, but they did it in the most shitposting way possible.).

Personally, I think this is great, it’s made it harder for some people to be gatekeepy arseholes within the chess community. I am always slightly perplexed by the memes though - with absurd humour, it can be hard to tell whether I’m missing the joke, or whether the joke is that there is no joke.

@Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

Warframe’s community is the nicest, least toxic community I’ve ever encountered. Not saying there aren’t toxic ass holes, there certainly are, but compared to other online game communities I’ve been part of the Warframe community is a breath of fresh air.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

So perhaps the updated hypothesis is all asshole communities are tied to live service games, but not all live service games have asshole communities?

@Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty much, yeah.

@natecox@programming.dev avatar

I’m not a huge mmo fan but I do like Final Fantasy 14, in part because the community is surprisingly friendly.

So yeah, I support “live service games attract bad communities, but sometimes they rise above that”.


No, there are asshole in all types of games including Single player. Even if Souls has multiplayer, I’ve seen toxic communities in even games like Breath of the Wild


Half the community is from the intelligence community, it’s in their interest to keep it nice so new players keep joining and leaking top secret technical specs


Warframe, not Warthunder. Warthunder is a toxic shithole.


Ah whoops. Don’t play either.

Maybe warframe has some lost and confused spooks who are waiting for their big break?


Doubt it, seeing as Warframe has nothing to do with the current military in any way.


It’s a joke… 😅


Not a very funny one, hence me clarifying.

@Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yes, the top secret specs of human experiments, augmenting soldiers with genetic altering diseases and space magic technologies.

@Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

Oof. Sounds like TemTem and Planetside have that in common.


It's because the fanbase is a bit tired of the developers.

The developer already set the tone very early on by being a pompous prick over the whole ban nonsense. No one could prove it but it seemed like certain key remappers (like for joysticks and things like that) were causing the anti cheat to trip even if they weren't being used, just running in the background. The CEO was a real jerk about it on twitter when people asked why there wouldn't be any appeals.

That kind of arrogance and behaviour came out several times. There isn't any reason for the community to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Ilflish, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

A Massively multiplayer online role playing game does not mean the game is a game as a service. It’s a route of finance just like some shooting games are and some aren’t.

RoverRacecar, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

Doesn’t this game not have an offline mode?



ramsgrl909, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

I just started playing with 2 friends. I’m not too upset there won’t be more content (though I know that going in unlike the OG players). What really bothers me is there are easy updates they can make to create a better user experience. The UI doesn’t feel crisp & the animations can be sped up (or skipped) for starters.

banichan, do games w [PCGamer] Helldivers 2 is the least I've felt pressured to spend money on a game in years, so of course I'm buying everything in the store
@banichan@lemmy.world avatar

Wish I could play


Instantly refunded when I entered a queue.


Good, less queue for the rest of us 😎

btw: there are no more queues


Picked the game up yesterday. No queues, but the matchmaker is still having trouble filling pubgs. Also running into massive CPU utilization straight at start of game, and with Nvidia recommended graphic settings im getting dips to 25fps in some missions. Hopefully the technical patch is not too far away.

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

What card are you running, performance turns out to be pretty decent. I run this on a Radeon 6950 and on 1440p with everything on high and fsr on quality, I get 120+ fps on average. Or is this game more in favor of amd cards ?


To be fair if you have a 6950 XT that’s not much you can throw at it where it doesn’t run well.


Weak willed


Good choice. Only game where a queue can be understood is in something like FXIV where everyone is in one server and not instanced

Sanguine, do games w [PCGamer] Helldivers 2 is the least I've felt pressured to spend money on a game in years, so of course I'm buying everything in the store

Ques are over. Come in the water is warm and full of bug juice.


That’s good to hear! I’ve held off checking it out until the queue got better.


Whats are over?


The “queue to connect to the server” is how I read their message.


Yup exactly, I spelled it wrong tho 😐


This works so well lol



avater, do games w [PCGamer] Helldivers 2 is the least I've felt pressured to spend money on a game in years, so of course I'm buying everything in the store
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

nope. game is good, but i’m not interested in the ingame store.


You can find supercredits on missions. I’ve unlocked the premium battlepass and bought some armor without spending a dime of real money.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I know, still not interested in any battlepasses, never was. I usually quit as soon as any game start their “Season of the…” crap and return to my evergreen Guild Wars 2.

I also got me a decent looking outfit already and the stats fit my playstyle, so I’m pretty much playing the game for fun now with no interest in any additional unlocks besides stratagems and ship upgrades.

Lol the downvotes…


Ah I get you. Just so you know, the battlepasses are more like level unlocks than typical battlepasses, but you probably know that. Also, old battlepasses that you didn’t finish or even start will stay in the game permanently, so don’t feel like there’s a rush to finish them.

@Tedrow@lemmy.world avatar

You are not using war bonds? I’m very confused. This is how you unlock more gear and you don’t have to pay for anything.

Also all of their war bond passes stay with you forever, you don’t have to finish them before season is over or whatever.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

Im using warbonds, just not the premium stuff since nothing there I desire and I don’t search the map for that currency.

@Tedrow@lemmy.world avatar

Ah ok. I was worried that you were locking yourself out of the progression system. That makes sense.


Premium currency is freely available on missions and it’s not hard to accrue enough to make frequent buys in the money store without spending a cent. The problem becomes the amount of time I spend in game, which doesn’t feel like a problem.

Cagi, do games w [PCGamer] Helldivers 2 is the least I've felt pressured to spend money on a game in years, so of course I'm buying everything in the store

I feel this way too. You find premium currency laying around all over the place. You can buy everything in the store and the premium warbond for free if explore around as you play, just like any of the other in-game currencies.

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