
Oddbin, do gaming w Subnautica 2 Devs Quickly Clarify That, No, It's Not A Live-Service Thing

My pitchfork was out and my torch was almost lit but I’ve stowed both for the time being.

Subantica really was one of those games that just grabbed me, where I played eight hours and could have played more. I hope the next one is more of the same, expands on the building aspect and gives us another great big mystery.

Wahots, do gaming w Subnautica 2 Devs Quickly Clarify That, No, It's Not A Live-Service Thing
@Wahots@pawb.social avatar

I hope Subnautica 2 is better than BZ. The original was so good, just was missing co-op with friends.


A core part of the first game is how isolated you are though. I don’t usually say this with survival crafters, but for me coop would take away more than it would provide


You don’t have to play co-op, but I wanted co-op so badly. I just want more good, ideally LAN co-ops, they are a dying breed.

@SatouKazuma@lemmy.world avatar

I just want more co-ops in general. They, and the racing genre, are two things that are dying that I’m sad to see go.


There is a mod that enables co-op for Subnautica. It was a pretty fun, but when I played it a few years ago, it didn’t really add anything, it was just that you could have two people going through the story together and harvesting resources etc.


My thing about it is designing for both an isolated feel and a cohesive co-op may be impractical, and I’d prefer they focus on the part of it that makes it really stand out. There are also things like how do you progress world events, can either player trigger them, do they have to be in the same area together, etc which all adds design overhead.

I also want more good co-op games they’re a lot of fun. Personally I don’t think this is the right series to target for it though, but also idk what direction they’re taking it so co-op may fit well with the new one.


They literarily didn’t need to change a single thing for me. Exact game just let a buddy forage and build with me. It would be amazing and relaxing!

@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

All the more reason to keep it “quite” and expansive like the first game.

BZ was so noisy and tiny. That, combined with other players would be terrible.

I think OG Subnautica could be fun with a Co-op mode. But any more players than that would ruin it.

@Wahots@pawb.social avatar

I always enjoy a game solo at first, then do co op with friends. It was really fun solo. But I’d like to create a giant underwater farm with friends, and have various seamoths and other vehicles to use with buddies. The multiplayer mod works, it’s just buggy as mods are.

Holyginz, do games w NieR 3 Already Exists, But Not For Long

I dont think there are any series I’m invested in the story enough to play a shitty mobile/gacha game for.

java, do gaming w Hogwarts Legacy Just Broke A 14-Year Games Industry Streak – For the first time since 2008, something other than Call of Duty or a Rockstar game was the best-seller

Oh no somebody doesn’t like trans people, let’s shit in comments about a moderately related game for like forever /s

You want acceptance, but you can’t accept the fact that somebody disagrees with you. That’s pathetic.


“Moderately related” as in “written by and with royalties paid to”

People, and trans people especially, absolutely have good reason to not want to buy a product that directly funds a person who is actively hostile to their existence.

You can’t deal with critical comments from a community who are directly affected by the actions of a major stakeholder? That’s pathetic.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

what has she even said exactly about trans people, ‘actively hostile to their existence’ sounds like shes called for genocide???


stupid sealioning.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

for anyone else who hasnt heard this term before:

Sealioning Sealioning is a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with relentless requests for evidence, often tangential or previously addressed, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity, and feigning ignorance of the subject matter.

does that sum up what you think i said lmao?


Yeah, you’re doing that in this thread. Pretty good example.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

me when i expect everyone to be up to date on everything at all times that i care about.


She actively campaigns against trans rights and has said that if you buy her stuff, you support her position.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

shes wrong about the second part if she said that, it just means you dont care enough about their position (/ them) to stop you or you believe in art ≠ artist. about the first part, it’s too vague for me to take a stance on. if shes called for their deaths thats horrific. if she said that trans minors should get a 40 minute psych checkup before irreversible surgery, i couldnt care less.


I suggest you do your own research then. From everything I’ve read, JKR is a horrible person and virulently anti-trans. There are a lot of ways to br horrific without outright calling for people’s deaths.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

i dont put that much weight on some random authors societal takes to research them. if shes calling to take away trans peoples votes or for them to be removed from the work force or something insane thats wrong. if shes just saying ‘idc about peoples preferred pronouns’ i couldnt gaf, shes one person of billions, so what honestly.


She’s one person influencing millions, if not billions, that’s for sure. She’s not some random author, she is one of the most well known personalities of the 20th and 21st century. Her opinions carry weight, as misguided as that may be on the part of her followers.

I’d partially agree with you if we were talking about some random who has sold a few hundred kindle copies of their book on Amazon and is spewing nonsense. And even then I’d call for people to not support that author in any way shape or form. JKR is however hugely influential, and that absolutely should matter when it comes to deciding who you give your money to.


First: she doesn’t need to say anything specifically or explicitly to be a transphobe actively hostile to the existence of trans people.

Second: she says things and creates spaces that are very specifically and explicitly hostile to the existence of trans people.

Third: she associates with and collaborates with people who openly advocate for “reductions in trans people”.

Honestly I could go through my understanding of her issue, but many people have spoken at great length about why her behavior is harmful. If you’re truly interested seek them out.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

‘hostile to the existence of trans people’ “reductions in trans people”

either she genuinely wants genocide or youre being intentuonally misleading, this sounds like hitler describing jews.


She basically wants genocide, yes. The person you’re replying to was accurate.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

thats horrible but if so thats totally illegal and she’d be imprisoned, can you provide a source.


You can search up “jk Rowling transphobic” or “jk Rowling anti trans” and you’ll find a plethora of sources yourself, this isn’t really a controversial thing. She’s the most well loved transphobe in the world.


You’re on the beehaw instance, bee nice.

It makes absolute sense that people are passionately against this game, which puts money directly in the pockets of not only a very vocal transphobe with a huge following-but one who actively finances anti-trans causes. The game itsself has its own incredibly problematic issues, but I focus on the transphobia because that’s what your comment was concerned with.

Quite frankly, yes, we want acceptance. But “acceptance” of trans people as people who have human rights should be the bare minimum. That is in no way comparable to pushing back against this game, or pushing back against JKR.


Ya. I choose not to support bigots whenever possible. Im such a loser.

doggle, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

I’ve been quite comfortable with not owning any new Ubisoft games for a few years now

Omega_Haxors, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

Companies claiming you don’t own your games are admitting that piracy isn’t stealing

averyminya, do gaming w What Hacked Files Tell Us About The Studio Behind Spider-Man 2

Good read. The article mentions people being happy with Miles and it being a possible way to stop-gap, and I don’t necessarily disagree outright but I do worry that flooding the market with interim games in the same engine might get a little tiring. I mean, that was part of people’s issues with Assassin’s Creed and far cry.

Granted, it’s Spider-Man with a number of variants, so there is a bit more differentiation. Playing 1, Miles, 2, and whatever the next is are all fairly different so it feels more like the Arkham games than the Ubisoft ones. I just worry that if we get a in-betweener for every major release it might get a little stale.


Yeah, I enjoyed Subnautica Below Zero, but a lot of people didn’t, and I can’t say whether I’d be happy if more games started doing that. I’m much more eager to play Subnautica 2 when it comes out


I’ve been recently addicted to Subnautica games and finished Below Zero just a week ago or so.

I also expected much worse experience as I’ve heard a lot of people hating on it.

In the end, I had a lot of fun playing it through but I definitely can see why someone would be a bit disappointed of it. There’s a lot of differences to it compared to the original.

Sometimes it felt like it was made much easier than the first one. Like very often you could go quite deep without any vehicles because those oxygen giving plants were everywhere. I liked how brutal the first games was with this. If you went too deep without a vehicle or airpipes, you most likely died.

Also the map felt much smaller and the sea was much less deep. And the leviathan creatures seemed much less dangerous and scary.

Overall it was still fun to play there and while the story wasn’t perfect, I think it was still entertaining.

I really liked the jukebox feature. I wish there was a mod to add that to the original.

And the sea truck modules were a fun idea. But nothing can replace how awesome the cyclops is to travel with. At least in my opinion.

But nevertheless, it was still a subnautica game and I had a blast with playing through it. I am excited for the next Subnautica game :) in the meanwhile, I’ll try to beat the original with some mods and hardcore mode.


Below Zero was originally planned as a DLC for Subnautica. It was also made by a different team. But it ended up being larger than planned, so they made it a full game, intending it to be Subnatutica 1.5, the same as Miles Morales. Unfortunately, they communicated this poorly to most players, and they took it to be Subnautica 2, which made it underwhelming. For some reason I took it as intended and liked it well enough, and I only found out it was disliked when I went online and saw people calling it Subnautica 2. They seem to have won, because Subnautica 2 has been rebranded as Subnautica 3. But I still call it Subnautica 2 because I remember the history.

As for the seatruck, I loved it. I never liked the Cyclops. Sure, it was impressive, but it was also a giant trashcan with a “kick me” sign on it. I was too terrified to drive it down the lost river, I preferred my Prawn suit with its actual mobility and comparative stealth. The Seatruck was a mobile base that was actually practical to use. And I loved the customisability.


I liked the cyclops because of how big it was. I liked the sea truck too though.

I think my ideal combination would be a big cyclops like vehicle you could use as a mobile base, and then something between a sea truck and sea moth for excursions into more dangerous areas.

GBU_28, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Who cares? Rockstar is a joke. Play it years from now, it’ll be carried for 10+ years

alokir, do gaming w Starfield Just Busted The Biggest Myth About Xbox Game Pass

I was seriously considering buying the game on release but after 8 hours of not having fun paying it I’m glad I had GamePass to try it on first.


Wish I did the same, instead I payed 47e for this shit…

Damage, do games w Every Franchise Xbox Now Owns After Buying Activision

I remember buying a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro joystick that came bundled with Interstate '76… Hey MS, up for a revival?


I kid you not, that joystick and MS Flight Simulator 2004 got me through flight school and several ratings.

grill, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Censorship is censorship; I mean, it’s their right, but it still stinks. One day they can/will remove all sexual mods for being too misogynistic, etc.

Basically, fuck people crying over pronounces and fuck Nexus Mods.


Are you a centrist by any chance?


Yeah, probably :/

ActualShark, do gaming w Hideo Kojima Says Death Stranding 2 Will Redefine 'Strand'
@ActualShark@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Strand type games are truly one of the game genres of all time. Bravo

On a more serious note, I am curious on what he’s cooking with the pandemic as an inspiration


Considering how weirdly prescient the first one was, I'm looking forward to it.

Sanctus, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

When you act erratic like that, you got caught. If you were innocent of even intention no long winded explanation of “they want me to disappear” would be necessary as the messages wouldnt even exist. The dildo of consequences has arrived for Guy Beahm.


The great thing with your logic is no matter what he does he is guilty for you anyways. Great logic.


Man, he admitted he was guilty.


Dude, he said he was guilty. The fuck are you even trying to say.


It is the pedohile predator messages that get me, when we talk about text flirting with a 17 year old. That is just not the scale of an issue people blow it out to be. People are like a rape-murder case almost happened. It is beyond ridicolous.


It actually is a big deal. You really need to take some time to think it through to understand that. Either that or you are a troll and I’m just wasting my time right now 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it would’ve just been rape of a minor, can’t prove he wanted to murder her!


I can’t believe somebody would type this for serious. First the jump between talking over text to rape is quite a long line in between. It is like us two disagreeing and me murdering you. And rape means non-consensual sexual intercourse. And given the age of 17 years, even if they would have consented, it wouldn’t be rape, as the person has enough emotional and sexual maturity to understand what it means. Now, it might be not legal in some jurisdictions, but this is just beyond wild proving my point people just want to make shit up.

@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

It’s called statutory rape. And he was married and 38 at the time. And he was also trying to meet this person at twitch con. And this is the same year of twitch con that he was caught cheating on his wife.

No amount of spin makes this OK. Please stop trying to justify pedophilia in defense of your favorite streamer. Sexting a minor is not ok, and the fact that even Beahm himself couldn’t spin this in a way that’s good for him should tell you something.


It wouldn’t qualify for that as depending on the country people can consent at that age. And we speak of a difference of a single year anyways. There is a reason people bring up marriage and age difference up instead, because it simply isn’t pedophilia. Current societal definition: “Psychiatric diagnostic criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.”

@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

The country is America dumbass. Age of consent is 18 in America. She was a minor, he was trying to solicit her at twitchcon. If you want to go the legal angle, that is a crime.

That’s not societal definition, that’s the clinical definition. But If you want to be pedantic, yes you are right. He’s actually an ephebophile, which is still detestable and is still illegal, still immoral, and still very fucking creepy.

Sexting a child is wrong. How is that hard for you to understand?

Are you a Doc fan? Are you a pedo/ephebophile? Libertarian? What’s going on here?


In over half of America it would have been legal as the age of consent is above 16 or 17. …wikipedia.org/…/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_St…

This isn’t a child, it is almost an adult in the legal sense quite literally. Your entire point of a crime have taken place has just no ground to stand on.

There were inappropriate messages, but sexting wasn’t mentioned so far and I doubt the exact details will be known. A meeting in a public place like Twitch Con is better than some back alley.

Thanks to resorting to personal attacks, but I am bothered so much by this, because this situation makes shitty behavior as in cheating on his wife almost the same as actual rape and abuse cases. And that takes away resources in prevention and investigation where it is needed. I grew up with the Michael Jackson smear campaigns and social media just proliferated this type of abuse.

DrJenkem, (edited )
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Twitch con was in California. And in the legal sense, almost an adult is a minor. So yes, this is a crime. And immoral. And worse than cheating. And yes, I’m ok with personally attacking pedos and those who defend them.

Also a lot of those states use age-gap/romeo and Juliet laws. In most states it’s illegal for a 38 year old man to solicit a minor.

Raped at twitch con is better than raped in an alley? Jesus fucking Christ.

I’m guessing libertarian and pedo, you probably don’t actually give a shit about Beahm.


How did you get fro meeting somebody to raping on Twitch Con. You have zero reasons to assume this situation. It isn’t pedophilia in any legal or moral sense.


Again I ask, where did you come up with this age? From what I've seen, nobody has specified an age of the victim.

@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Very true. I’ve seen no info regarding the minor’s age, which honestly is probably a good thing. The victim’s identity should be protected.


Hmmm it sounds like you have a 17 year old that you want to text.

@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

He admitted to sexting a minor. How the fuck is he not guilty and why are you out here trying to defend pedophilia?

Balrog, do gaming w Division 2 Players Really Hate The New Shift To Seasonal Characters

Ubisoft just doesn’t know how to not to mess with a good thing.

LaserTurboShark69, do games w Report: Warner Bros. Execs Thought Suicide Squad Would Make A Ton Of Money Despite Development Woes

I was a big Arkham fan so I watched a whole playthrough.

I enjoyed watching all the cutscenes. Great voice acting and motion capture. Writing felt alright to me but the overall story was kinda lame and the ending was terribly unsatisfying due to the need for it to remain open ended. The gameplay seemed like it’d be fun for 3 or 4 missions.

Overall it looked like an average game weighed down by corporate bullshit, which was obvious from the previews.

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