
Carighan, do games w NieR 3 Already Exists, But Not For Long
@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve got to be honest, that game was so bad, I’d barely call it a game. Atmosphere was nice, but that was about where it stopped.


I liked the story but to call the gameplay dull would be an exercise in restraint


Both of the yoko taro gachas were pretty horrid

altima_neo, do gaming w Nintendo DMCAs Palworld Mod That Makes Everything Pokémon
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

This was expected, concidering it’s using copyrighted characters

@BassaForte@lemmy.world avatar

That’s not even it. It’s because it was paywalled. The Minecraft Pokemon mod has stuck around.


Should have done what that terrible zelda unity port did; have the project free to download with a patreon on the side.

Pratai, do gaming w Hogwarts Legacy Just Broke A 14-Year Games Industry Streak – For the first time since 2008, something other than Call of Duty or a Rockstar game was the best-seller

Might have to check this out!

Russianranger, do gaming w Square Enix Wants To Make Fewer Games – New CEO Takashi Kiryu wants to focus on making AAA and indie titles and marketing those titles better

It’s interesting because I swear I buzzed by an article the other day with some eye roll complaint about there being too many games, and that’s why it was hard for games to sell.

There are a lot of games, but it means that people want to engage with games that are actually fun and aren’t soulless cash grabs or half baked early access with no real value or fun.

It’s just the basic “quality versus quantity” principle. Instead of shoveling out crap like Rise of Kong, Gollum, The Day Before, etc etc, just focus your efforts on a single good game. The only recent exception to this rule I guess would be Starfield, but that’s for Bethesda to figure out on how to salvage.

@SatouKazuma@lemmy.world avatar

Speaking of salvage…at this point I think Bethesda themselves might be worth salvage value at this point. If they were willing to release a turd like Starfield, imagine what they’ll do to TES VI.


Turds eat shit part six.

@SatouKazuma@lemmy.world avatar

Whoa whoa whoa…when did Todd Howard become the protagonist?


Yeah… I don’t have high hopes for TESVI. After FO76 and Starfield, they’ve got a lot of trust to win back. I expect it to be the following;

  • Slow rise in hype after 2025
  • Sharp rise in hype within year of release
  • Honeymoon phase for first 5 days after release, criticism drowned out by fan boys
  • Collective realization the game is shit with only the most delusional still protecting/coping

That’s basically what happened with Starfield, and unless they prove otherwise, it’s what I expect for TESVI

@SatouKazuma@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve started turning more and more to indie games now, and I’ve found quite a few games I’ve loved that way. Deep Rock Galactic, Streets of Rogue, Valheim (before realising it’s abandonware)…honestly, good fucking riddance to the consoles who make it impossible to enjoy games by smaller studios.


Same. Indie games and emulators is what I’ve been putting a lot of my time into. I’ve learned that “AAA” studios are a lot like their alkaline counterparts - basically obsolete.

Valheim I agree. I did get a ton of enjoyment out of it on release, so it’s not really a matter of disappointment in the sense of fun per dollar, just disappointment in the glacial pace of updates. My feeling is that the Devs got their bag, then decided to just coast. It makes me wonder that if it didn’t explode in sales at the start, would they have put more effort into updates or would they have just given up. Guess we’ll never truly know

@SatouKazuma@lemmy.world avatar

I think that’s going to be the big one in terms of changing the pattern of early purchases. It will also make it much harder for future indie devs to sell their games, which really fucking sucks.

TSG_Asmodeus, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

One thing I read (a lot, oddly) is that GamePass is ‘really popular’/the most popular ‘subscription’ service, but I have never met anyone who uses it.

I checked the numbers of people using GamePass, and it seems the numbers have gone:

2021 - 23 million

2022 - 25 million

2023 - there was a brief post on linkedin saying 30 million, but it was removed.

If even the most popular service is struggling to pass 30 million users, how exactly is Ubisoft going to compete? There’s what, 120 million people with Xbox subscriptions, and they can barely get 1/4 of them to use GamePass?

It’s interesting to watch ‘AAA’ studios absolutely faceplanting every year now, hopefully we can make a full indie-sweep soon.

@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

I use gamepass. I’ve definitely saved money with the amount of games my household has played.

I buy games I really like and just try them on gamepass.

TSG_Asmodeus, (edited )
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

The reason people I know tend to give for not using GamePass is you’re essentially paying for demos (which still exist on PC pretty often. I just bought Roboquest because of the demo.)

EDIT: Also, $12/month is a huge amount of money for me to spend on something like that. Just shy of 150/year for games that aren’t good enough to own, but are good enough to play, doesn’t strike me as valuable.

@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

2 other people play on my account from sub accounts on the console. They each play multiple games per month. $12 is less than $60, so even a single new game each month saves me money.

Paying for demos? I’m not sure why you think there aren’t any good games on there. Halo, Starfield, Fallout, Cities Skylines, Forza, Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Yakuza, Dead Space, blah blah blah.

And that’s not including all the smaller games my kids have found. Human Fall Flat, Rubber Bandits, Donut County, Frog Detective are all games we found that we otherwise would never have spent money on.

I don’t support subscription only models, but that doesn’t mean some aspects aren’t a good value.

@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

If the games stayed I’d check it out, but having a game for a few months isn’t something I find value in, which tends to be what people I’ve spoken with about it. Especially since you don’t choose the games.

Also, seriously the PC app is absolutely awful. The games work worse on it than on steam. It crashes, has terrible performance, and break installs constantly.

You also can’t mod a lot of these games, which particularly on PC is a pretty large missing piece.

That’s also not to mention the cost has doubled in two years.

You’re allowed to enjoy it, but I think it’s also clear why it isn’t taking off.


All of my cousins and friends have this, becaude they don’t care if they own the games.

I think.that most peple like it, I don’t have ultimate, because I.like to own my games.


All my friends have it. They just want to play the game once and move on


My issue with getting into indie gaming is I have no idea where to start. I always end up with some frantic platformer that doesn’t do anything for me. But I just want games that aren’t a mess on release and everyone says to go indie.

@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

I just go by reviews, usually from people I know. The only real difference between AA/A and Indie titles now really is marketing budget and size of team. Not much else is different. You also run into issues about what counts as indie now: it used to mean without a publisher, but it seems to have morphed into ‘a smaller company.’

But yeah, just look up reviews. Games like FTL, Hades, and so on tend to become known by word of mouth.

melroy, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games
@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

You have the same problem with Steam already for years.. I mean you do not have a physical copy anymore. In fact if Steam is down, you might not be able to download, play or play multiplayer. So you own nothing and be happy - WEF.

!deleted6348 avatar

And people think I’m crazy for buying physical discs of movies and having 20+ hdds spinning

@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

I did thought you were crazy in the past indeed. Since digital is the future, right? It might still is, but for some reason all game studios, producers and distributors like ubisoft or steam just create bad software/games. Where you need 24/7 internet connection and doesn't allow you to own a digital offline copy of the product. It's not just games.

!deleted6508 avatar

That is crazy. Why not upgrade to SSDs instead of HDDs?


Cost per GiB is higher and long term reliability is lower in most scenarios.

The failure scenarios for spinning rust tends to work better with large storage arrays as well.

Not all absolutes, but enough of them are true on a common enough basis that spending the extra on SSD’s isn’t usually worth it.

If you want some real in depth explanations there’s probably a datahoarder community somewhere or reddit if you are so inclined.



This looks like an okay analysis.

!deleted6348 avatar

I can get a 20tb HDD right now for $300. When I am talking about 100s of TBs it makes a difference


Steam is different, though; many games have no DRM and even more just have Steam’s DRM that’s already been cracked globally and is super quick to patch. They also maintain access to paid games even after they’re delisted.

AFAIK, the only problems with maintaining access to Stream games are software-as-a-service games when servers go down (MMOs and multiplayer servers, basically) and music with expired licenses (fuck the RIAA and copyright law for that one; not much Steam can do about that.) I have many delisted games in my library and I can download them any time I want.

Sure, Steam could go down, at some point. Maybe. But it’s not a big concern.

@raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org avatar


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  • melroy,
    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Nope.. Some games will fail to start if the "main" server is down or some authentication server or whatever server it nowadays might depend on. So even if you install a game now and let it rest of years, the changes it will start again over 10 years is very low. I'm not even talking about multiplayer, since multiplayer will be definitively broken by then. And LAN features are no longer implemented by game devs.

    I do agree that gamepass will only make matters worse.

    @raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org avatar


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  • melroy,
    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Some games might work fine, I mentioned "some" game will fail. Especially if they require you to login first to some kind of auth. server.

    OmegaMouse, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games
    @OmegaMouse@pawb.social avatar

    I think this model can work, and has its benefits (like with Game Pass). To be clear though, Ubisoft’s offering is shit and not worth the price they’re asking. And one thing I absolutely hate is the (sometimes timed) exclusivity on some of these platforms. The Lost Crown looks great for example, but Ubisoft are trying to force people to use their service by not offering it on Steam.

    Personally I don’t really mind not ‘owning’ the game in most cases. 9 times out of 10, I’ll play a game and be done with it. Short, linear indie games for example are perfect for a Game Pass type model. What we don’t need is 10 similar subscriptions with their own exclusives.


    They've tried and failed multiple times before. They refuse to learn.


    This. I already don’t own my music (Tidal, Spotify) or my movies (Netflix, etc) and I already have been using Gamepass for years just fine.

    But movie streaming is a HOT MESS right now. I looked up the X-Men movie franchise the other day for some reason. No joke, it’s split across 3 or 4 different streaming services! And next month, it could change. There are streaming services like Peacock or Paramount that have absolutely NOTHING worth watching except one or two shows (e.g. Parks and Rec or Picard) and I really want to watch it but there’s no way I’m throwing down money for a streaming service just to watch one fucking show. All it does is piss me off.

    If the same garbage happens with gaming where everyone thinks making their own is the way to go, instead of just using a few big ones, it will not succeed. Ubisoft making their own is a bad idea. It’s bad for us for the reasons above and it’s bad for them because we won’t use it.

    comicallycluttered, (edited )

    But movie streaming is a HOT MESS right now. I looked up the X-Men movie franchise the other day for some reason. No joke, it’s split across 3 or 4 different streaming services!

    Dunkey made a pretty hilarious video about this a few days ago.

    The Pokémon bit was especially funny.


    It’s funny that he mentioned Spiderman and John Wick, two other examples I was thinking about mentioning because they came up recently.

    The Pokemon bit ending with “Easy.” was solid. :-D

    TORFdot0, do games w Fortnite’s next chapter adds Peter Griffin and Solid Snake to the game

    This is why I have decided to only play my retro backlog and just the absolute masterpiece single player modern experiences for the rest of my life.

    Live service games do not interest me at all


    a bunch of my retro gaming friends talked me into it awhile back and now I got a CRT hooked up to a mini PC with n64 controllers, I definitely see the appeal

    match, do games w Kotaku Asks: How Soon Is Too Soon For A Video Game Remaster Or Remake?
    @match@pawb.social avatar

    No more remakes until Xenogears is remade.


    25 years is definitely not too soon 😫


    I just want to play the resident evil I missed out on growing up. C’mon Capcom, remake Code Veronica already!

    val, do games w Former Mass Effect Lead Forms New Studio To Make Narrative-Focused Games

    Over the years I’ve seen a lot of articles about former Bioware devs leaving to form their own studios but nothing has ever really come of it. Whatever magic they had in the 00’s just seems to be lost.


    I hope that doesn’t turn out to be the case for the Blizzard people that left and formed FrostGiant. I want modern, snappy RTS!


    Stray gods came out back in August and is currently sitting at very positive on steam, it’s by David Gaider’s new studio, he was former lead writer on dragon age.

    overzeetop, do gaming w Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable
    @overzeetop@lemmy.world avatar

    Wait…they sell games, too?


    Is it “selling” if nobody’s buying?

    NightOwl, do gaming w Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable

    They started out pissing off Steam users with Metro Exodus going exclusives and pulling it from Steam. Not a great first impression and a lasting one at that. Not everyone will care and will buy from epic, but alienating a whole bunch of Steam’s core users off the bat is probably going to ensure they’ll never win them over.

    I claim games from epic and have bought from even origin and uplay, but I’ll probably never spend any money at epic.

    Renacles, do gaming w 2023 Is The Best Year For Games In A While (And Maybe Ever?)
    • Starfield
    • Baldurs Gate 3
    • Remnant 2
    • Hi-Fi Rush
    • Street Fighter 6
    • Lies of P
    • Alan Wake 2
    • Laika: Aged through Blood

    The list just keeps going, it’s been an insane year so far.

    clearedtoland, do games w Every Franchise Xbox Now Owns After Buying Activision

    I’m voting for them to revive Soldier of Fortune!


    I see your SoF and raise you a Heretic/Hexen revival

    @Paradox@lemdro.id avatar

    I wasn’t singularity to get rebooted and finished

    @TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

    In the meantime, check out Amid Evil for an absolutely fantastic Heretic/Hexen like game.

    I have more screenshots saved on steam in one playthrough of that game than any other game I’ve played.


    My friend recommended Amogus Evil and it’s SOOOO GOOD.

    It’s very faithful to Heretic and extremely well done.


    My vote is for Heretic/Hexen.

    Jaysyn, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp
    @Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

    The effects of the SVB bankruptcy are still rippling out.

    Also, I thought Apple owned Bandcamp.

    @spudwart@spudwart.com avatar

    I think you’re thinking of GarageBand.


    or Bootcamp

    @IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

    I think this might have more to do with the beating that Epic took from Apple in court. The 2021 decision in favor of Apple, of their lawsuit for anti-competitive behavior was upheld this year. That was not cheap to litigate that and was a major loss for Epic.

    I think the Bandcamp sell off is a good indicator of all of this. Epic obtained Bandcamp in March 2022, to explicitly have their IAP system integrated into it. Google shut them down and told them they would start collecting the 30% usual due. Epic filed suit and Google gave them an exception for the time being with the agreement that 10% would be held in escrow until the conclusion of the trail. With many of the arguments in the Apple case similar to Google's case, I'm pretty sure Epic sees the loss coming from a mile away.

    All in all, what I think can be drawn from this. Epic made a big bet on "their store" and that's fading away with mobile devices locking people into a marketplace that is "distinctly not Epic". While putting such a bet wouldn't normally kill a company, Epic sextupled down on it and I think how hard they went for "their marketplace" is what's done them in.


    That and the EGS seem to be where Epic funneled all their profits from the height of Fornite. That neither has worked out puts them on shakier ground. How many billions of dollars has been spent on EGS with it being way behind their revenue targets?

    As things stand, Epic has very little in the way of a next big revenue source when Fortnite starts to fade as something new takes its place. That (probably) isn’t right around the corner but it will happen eventually. Their bet was on running major digital storefronts; that hasn’t worked out. UE will continue to make good money but not anywhere near enough to sustain the company as it is. UE is simply far smaller than something like FN.

    This is likely them realizing this in conjunction with what you said. They need a new big revenue source in the pipeline, since digital storefronts won’t be it. Whatever that next thing is will need lots of money.


    SVB has nothing to do with this, it’s crazy that people think that SVB is a cause and not a symptom.

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