SkyezOpen, do gaming w Blizzard Makes Big Changes as ‘Overwatch 2’ Struggles

Big changes like not ruining their game franchises?

No? Oh well.

fckreddit, do gaming w Blizzard Makes Big Changes as ‘Overwatch 2’ Struggles

More microtransactions? More battle passes?

gaael, do gaming w Blizzard Makes Big Changes as ‘Overwatch 2’ Struggles

So if I read this correctly, big changes means doubling down on breaking the pve promise and (finally!) decoupling the available characters pool from mtx.

darkghosthunter, do gaming w ‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts - Bloomberg

Yeah, but the writing was on the wall when it came to Xbox Game Pass a few months later. If Microsoft deal was better than burning its sales, then that was it.

Also, there was some other rumors that the sequel wasn’t green lit immediately since the sales of the first game didn’t meet EA expectations. Who knows it that can be attributed to missing Halloween and holidays.

I think Dead Space 2 remake will never come. Motive is working on the next BF and the Iron Man game, that look like safer investments than a sequel of a game that failed commercially (in their books).

loops, (edited ) do gaming w ‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts - Bloomberg

Meh. I really disliked Dead Space 2. The time altering ability made the game too easy so I didn’t put any points into it. Then I get to that one regen boss where you have to use it to open a flippin’ door before it smashes you. Really dumb to have an optional ability that becomes mandatory for like one part of the game (and to open a dang door at that). I never got past that door, and I never completed the game.

The first Dead Space is awesome though, but I’m not sad there won’t be a third fourth(???). Never would have bought it because the ability tomfoolery in the second.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but steam has a dead space 3 listed as released in 2013.

vardogor, avatar

3 was so bad this guy blocked it from their memory


Goes to show how much I paid attention to it after the DS2 lol.


Are you referring to the statis? All of the Dead Space game have that feature, even the first one.


SERIOUSLY?! I guess I didn’t use it at all in the first one too and completely forgot about it. Unless it wasn’t in the original game? I seriously don’t remember anything like that in the first one. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Oh well, not that it matters. Hate it just the same.


Stasis was in the first game, yes. You were required to use it several times to be able to pass through a few malfunctioning doors. You get it for free early in the game and don’t have to upgrade it at all to open the doors, preventing the game from soft locking itself.


Ahh I remember now. Thanks.

darkphotonstudio, (edited )

I disliked DS2 as well. All those stupid QTEs and cut scenes made it a slog. It just wasn’t fun or scary

Kolanaki, do gaming w ‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts - Bloomberg
!deleted6508 avatar

They cited poor sales? Wasn’t the remake of the first one a hit? Even though it was competing with a bunch of great new shit at the time?

blackluster117, avatar

I remember it having initial difficulties due to optimization problems on most platforms. It’s almost like what they’re really saying is “We see how much time and effort it would take to remake it properly, and we aren’t willing to give that to developers because SHAREHOLDERS.” An excuse which an executive from Larian recently commented on and provided some useful insight towards.

Eggyhead, do gaming w ‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts - Bloomberg

Electronic Arts

Found your problem.

gravitas_deficiency, do gaming w ‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts

More like “electronic farts” amirite

CosmicCleric, (edited ) do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome avatar

Was that supposed an anti paywall link or something

Eeyore_Syndrome, avatar

Seems like a broken signature hyperlink to me.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Seems like a broken signature hyperlink to me.

Nope, it works.

Edit: By “it works” I mean the link can be clicked on. If the formatting looks wrong, check to see if the client you are using supports subscript/superscript fonts.

subignition, avatar

From Mbin, it looks struck through, lol

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

From Mbin, it looks struck through, lol

Its formatted properly, per Lemmy’s web page.

Its using subscript/superscript fonts, so you might want to double-check if your client is supporting those fonts properly or not.

Subscript: subscript ~subscript~
Superscript: ^superscript^ ^superscript^

If the above does not display correctly, you need to talk to the devs of the client that you are using. I’m using the Lemmy web client.

subignition, avatar

Looks like Lemmy has decided to use a flavor of Markdown which is inconsistent from Mbin's. That's a shame.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Looks like Lemmy has decided to use a flavor of Markdown which is inconsistent from Mbin’s. That’s a shame.

Weirdly enough, different Lemmy Android clients for Lemmy also work differently with the scripts formatting, each having their own quirks. One person though did fix their problem by upgrading their client app to the latest version.

I had thought it was all one single standard, when first started using the formatting. My original intent was just to have a smaller font, as I was at first just using the link format without any subscripting, but people were complaining about that, so I was trying to compromise and make it smaller.


Would a link to a license on a comment will prevent someone from using your comments in a data model? I have doubts.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Was that supposed an anti paywall link or something

Nope. Its a Creative Comments license for my comment.


For any particular reason?

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

For any particular reason?

I get that question asked frequently, so I’ll just point you to this comment from me, which explains. …

Otherwise, the description of the link is sufficient to get an idea of what its about.


If most of your comments are defending the link that everyone is laughing at, you might just want to ditch it.



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  • TachyonTele,

    Probably. Nice catch


    That isn’t how anything works. This is like those people on Facebook posting their voodoo chainmail posts about their comments and profiles. You don’t own your comments to transfer a license in the first place.

    CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

    You don’t own your comments to transfer a license in the first place.

    Are you a lawyer? You have some citation to back that up?


    Are YOU a lawyer?

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Are YOU a lawyer?

    I am an excellent shower singer.

    Now, if you are done trying to avoid the question, lets try again. I’m really curious as to your citation. …

    You don’t own your comments to transfer a license in the first place.

    Are you a lawyer? You have some citation to back that up?

    I know that you are incorrect, but I’m willing to hear your evidence to the contrary. ??

    TachyonTele, (edited )

    You truly have no idea what you’re talking about. Multiple times now you haven’t even been able to grasp something as stupidly simple as different people talking to you.

    You sir, are a moron.

    It must be a strange feeling to be the current laughing stock of Lemmy right now. I hope you’re able to learn from this.

    CosmicCleric, avatar


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  • TachyonTele, (edited )

    I’m not the same person you dimwit. You’re combining multiple people’s comments.

    How do you want me to backup that you’re not a lawyer? It’s pretty obvious you’re not. Shit, you can’t even comprehend cause and effect.

    CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

    I’m not the same person you dimwit

    Fair enough. I’m getting broadsided from many people, easy to lose track, especially multi-comments later down in the stack.

    But, you’re still breaking rule 2.


    Then try not being so goddamn stupid Lol what a joke

    Stop attention seeking with your useless link, for one. Them you won’t have to worry about “getting broadsided” by everyone else that knows better.


    He thinks it’ll actually do something.

    It will not.

    What is the Anti Commercial-Al license and why do people keep adding it to their comments?



    Like I told you before. That’s not a link to the license, the page itself says so!

    CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

    Like I told you before. That’s not a link to the license, the page itself says so!

    Thats the canonical version of the license.

    The legal version is linked directly from there, as well as here.

    My declaring my comments as licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 means its licensed. Its your responsibility to read the full license to comply, not mine.


    Aha, so you actually read it? Thanks for clarifying.

    So you didn’t reach the conclusion that this license is incompatible with posting on Lemmy?

    CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

    Aha, so you actually read it? Thanks for clarifying.

    I have. Both versions. I was just linking to the easy to read version (canonical), but by declaring my comment as licensed means it is covered by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, and you can get to the legal version from the canonical version.

    So you didn’t reach the conclusion that this license is incompatible with posting on Lemmy?

    Are you a lawyer? No? Well then be sure to come back here once you get your degree and let us know the final word on this.

    flux, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome avatar

    Rollerdrome was very solid concept but the difficulty curve was pretty intense. One second you feel like you have the hang of it the next you can’t get to the next arena.


    Yeah I absolutely adored the concept and would see it picked up. I discovered it after pitching to a friend Tony Hawk’s Borderlands 4 and gradually realising the proof of concept existed.

    Dave, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome avatar

    Is Kerbal Space Program 2 worth playing for someone who had fun with but was bad at 1?

    Reviews are - not good.

    Hubi, avatar

    Not really, the first one was better in pretty much every single regard.

    EdibleFriend, avatar

    I haven’t really been following because the first was just beyond me…how did they fuck up part 2?


    They released the game early access, so everyone was expecting a perfect game from the start because of how much development went into 1. Honestly, while 2 had issues, the game engine is much better than 1, they just needed to bake it more, like several years more, before releasing it hot off the heels of 1.


    The problem was not only the state they released it. It was the price they wanted for it. 50€ for a game in alpha ?


    Man that’s been the case with these sequels to games I really loved. Happened to Cities Skylines as well, and at first it seemed like that’s happened with Helldivers but it turns out it was so good it just ruined the servers.


    In its current state? Not unless it gets heavily marked down (KSP2 does have better tutorials and a more accessible progression system).

    With the studio being shut down, it’s likely that what we have now is all we’re getting.

    Dave, avatar

    Hmm maybe I’ll check on it in 5 years. Cos holly hell that price! Priced like a AAA game.


    Priced like a AAA game.

    It is a AAA game. It stopped being an indie when Take Two bought it from Squad.


    Why are we defending publishers and letting them get away with using this term this way? The term should be earned for its content and quality. AAA should not mean “large studio”.

    This whole “we are a AAA studio”, when they haven’t even made a game and got the business license the day before is fucking stupid as shit. Don’t use the terms the way they want it to be used.


    I always thought AAA just meant they have a lot of money, like how cod games are AAA because of the budget but are still terrible, not as an indicator of quality

    acosmichippo, avatar

    they’re right though. it has nothing to do with “defending” anyone, that’s just what AAA means.…/AAA_(video_game_industry)

    SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

    What other industry uses the term that way? Every other industry is quality. AAA to refer to size…. Right….

    I know that’s how the term is used, it’s just fucking wrong when every other industry uses it differently……

    Don’t let them get away with this shit. You are defending them. Notice how your link even says informal……… they are trying to make it a thing, when no other industry uses that way, and other people in the industry are calling it out.

    You’re trying to defend this stupid shit.

    If you continue to use this incorrect term, it will become a thing, that’s what they are hedging on, people like you letting this happen. AAA means quality, they aren’t putting out quality product so they are trying to change what the term means so they look good. Way to eat that shit right up.

    acosmichippo, avatar

    it’s all informal marketing jargon in every industry bro. this is not a hill to die on.


    And that’s how marketing wins, when everyone just rolls over and accepts it.

    Nah, this is just part of a long list of shit the rest of the gaming industry is trying to reverse, stop letting this continue to happen and stop defending it.


    What are you talking about? The “AAA” classification has always been a measure of corporate involvement and budget, not of quality. If you think that being large in scale and having good production quality is what makes “AAA” games, you’re dead wrong.

    SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

    What are you talking about…? What other industry uses it that way? Every other industry is quality, not size. Don’t let them get away with this shit.

    Don’t defend them and let them get away with this shit.

    If you continue to use this incorrect term, it will become a thing, that’s what they are hedging on, people like you letting this happen. AAA means quality, they aren’t putting out quality product so they are trying to change what the term means so they look good. Way to eat that shit right up.


    okay dude


    The AAA games they used to put out were quality games at one point. So the term was correct, now that the quality has slid they are trying to get marketing to work on their side.

    And people like you letting them get away with it is how it works.

    I think this is where people usually say shill and boot licker in these exchanges.


    okay dude


    Way to explain your point with anything of substance dude….

    You’re the reason why marketing works so well. Say something flashy and people will find a way to defend it and support them. Even if it’s nothing to do with anything.


    I’m just letting you rant yell at clouds


    So nothing but a troll defending corporations using terms how they want…? Okay. Keep using the term the way they want so it means literally nothing anymore! You are the problem, glad you made it obvious! Thanks!


    you’re welcome


    Nope. It’s hot garbage and I say that as someone with over 2000 hours in KSP.


    Better last KSP 1 and full-out modding?


    It’s absolutely not “hot garbage”, but it’s definitely not done.

    Oderus, (edited )

    It’s terrible. They released an Alpha at full price. They changed how building rockets was done, for the worse. Performance was horrible even on my 3080 and aside from prettier graphics, there was nothing really new to explore. If it were cheaper, I’d be kinder. If it performed decently I wouldn’t mind but they released a POS of a game knowing full well KSP1 owners would buy it and it made us all look like suckers. They knew they released an incomplete game at full price and didn’t deliver. That sir is hot garbage.

    4am, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome

    Great, two games I loved (well, I was waiting for KSP2 to get good…)

    Rollerdrome was fantastic and KSP1 is legendary. This sucks ass.

    meleecrits, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome avatar

    I remember the first time I successfully landed on the moon and brought my kerbals back. It was one of my most cathartic experiences.

    It’s sad to see the sequel get abandoned like this.

    NielsBohron, avatar

    It’s sad to see the sequel get abandoned like this.

    Especially when KSP has had such an active and vibrant community for a decade

    !deleted6508 avatar

    I actually was recording when I made the most gnarly mun landing ever in KSP. I ran out of fuel, was going too fast to not explode. I moved Valetina to hang on the outside of the craft, and moments before impact, I had her jump off. The resulting explosion from the module was juuuust enough counter force to prevent Valentina herself from hitting the ground too hard and she lived to plant a flag. To date, it’s the most impressive thing I’ve personally managed in the game. (skip to about 22:30 for the “landing”)


    You did that to recover her later, right? Right?

    !deleted6508 avatar

    That’s the plan. We’re still working out how. How long can Kerbals live without food and water? 🤔


    That reminds me Jedediah has been stranded on the Mun since around 2016, so I hope a long time hahahaha


    Funny how forgetting a ladder on the capsule undoes hours of work. Poor Jeb.

    ripcord, avatar

    Just watched. That was amazing.


    I remember the heroic explorer Jebediah Kerman was on the way way back from the moon. The touchdown was flawless landing, the science was beyond value and the moment brought all the world together.

    They had doubted sending Jeb but he silenced the doubters to low grumbles.

    But then as the rockets were burning for the reentry burn and the orbit was decreasing, but the brain boxes had made a drastic mistake and undershot the fuel. A perfect mission and Kerbin’s greatest hero was potentially doomed all is a moment of low delta v.

    He was so close. Getting nearer and nearer to home, but it wasn’t to be! Soon he was getting further and further away! Drifting into the darkness yet again.

    The agency went into full swing immediately. How much food does he have, how much water, how much air!? How long until we have another rocket that can take off!? We only built one rocket there is no back up. Never before had a two kerbin rocket has ever been flown, never before had a rendezvous been attempted, never before had a rocket flown remotely. PR was there talking to the press was doing their best to save a near hopeless situation.

    Then get this! I remember it like it was yesterday. Jeb wasn’t bothered at all. Out there all on his own he said he wanted to go on a space walk. It got approved knowing that he might as well enjoy his final moments before the highly likely death. But this is Jebediah Kerman we are on about now. Not for a moment did he believe he was going to die, he get out into space and begins to push the rocket using with his bare hands! The brain boxes can’t believe it!!! Its working. The orbit had done just enough to scrap the atmosphere. Jebediah was coming home! Only Jebediah. Then even the doubters had to say of Jebediah, he was truly the greatest of all astronauts.


    Okay I need a KSP blog about various (mis)adventures such as this!


    The one an only Jebediah Kerman, my guy.

    TachyonTele, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome

    KSP 2 should have been a huge slam dunk. Take everything from the first one, redo the menus, up the graphics, and add some new stuff. It blows my mind they messed it up so badly.


    And optimizations…

    fuck it needed optimizing…


    It has gotten better but man still so much undelivered. Im just sad and im tired of being sad. Im fully pledging to never buy a big publisher game unless it absolutely proves itself first and even then im still gunna be hesitant cause vote with your money and all that. Honestly outside of KSP2 Ive already been purchasing and playing mostly indie games for the last 2 years anyways


    I think I’ve gotten about as much out of KSP1 as I’m ever going to get. I really like the USI mod, but the lack of optimizations keeps me from doing anything really complex. By the time I have all of the facilities on the Mun to have full manufacturing (or… munufacturing, if you will), the game is already lagging to the point of unplayability.


    Its because they fired or otherwise pushed out every single original developer towards the tail end of KSP1.


    To be fair, KSP 1 was pretty bad on the technical side. And they were laymen, creating what they wanted to create.


    They were non-game developers doing a videogame. But they were pretty good programmers for what they put out. It’s still the best and most popular space exploration sim game ever made. The thing does the thing they said it was going to do, it will probably melt your computer during edge cases, but everywhere else it’s a solid game. They even managed to confine the kraken to very extreme circumstances. If it is a hack job but it works, then it isn’t a hack job.


    Not to mention the physics are stable enough that people were building helicopters using stage seperators and landing gear long before we got any real joints.

    Cybersteel, avatar

    Well those execs need to be pushed… out a window.

    Cheems, avatar

    Wow that is insane, I didn’t know they fumbled it so bad. I remember when it was announced and the fan base was so pumped. I played a little of the first game but never got super into it.


    Man I was so excited for KSP 2, I couldn’t wait to build a moon colony with friends. Shame they never delivered what they promised


    I wonder why developers never put much worth in what people actually want or you know, just talk to them and ask?

    Or is this some kind of “users have no idea what they want” situation?

    Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

    The fact that they released a game with wobbly rockets and then charged $50 for it shows they didn’t know what the hell they were doing. It should have been free for early access with a simple way to report bugs. I’m not gonna pay that much to do QA work for them.

    MonkderDritte, (edited )

    up the graphics

    Add some geology formation algorythm better than mere octaves.


    The same could be said of multiple games these days. KSP, payday, cities skylines, etc.


    that, and fix some of the spegheti code from KSP 1. I love the game, but no one argued that it wasnt a hack job


    It definitely was a hack job. But it was a little hobby project that a non videogame company decided to be cool about and develop it. It was also an early access for wicked cheap.

    The sequel was given way more manpower, experience, and money right from the start.


    for sure! i bought it really early on, and it was amazing.

    Just wish that they hadn’t bodged it so bad.


    The sequel was given way more manpower, experience, and money right from the start.

    Which was then squandered by bad management by scrapping almost two years of work to startover with entirely different staff. Let’s not kid ourselves, from a managerial POV, KSP2 is a perfect template of all the “what to do to ensure a video game fails at launch”.


    Couldn’t agree more. What really hurts is KSP is one of a kind. There’s nothing else like it. Hopefully someone out there pulls a City Skylines and makes a successor.

    But even the sequel to that game was botched… So who knows.

    dustyData, (edited )

    The problem is the corporate greed. But anyways, Juno exists. It has the same spirit of accurate spaceship design and flight simulation, even if the tone is distinctly different.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    But anyways, Juno exists. It has the same spirit of accurate spaceship design and flight simulation, even if the tone is distinctly different.

    Would you happen to have a link for that? My Google-Fu is wanting in trying to find more information about it.


    Juno: New Origins. It is currently on sale on Steam. It’s also developed by like, 8 people or something like that. It’s a ridiculously small team.

    CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

    Juno: New Origins. It is currently on sale on Steam. It’s also developed by like, 8 people or something like that. It’s a ridiculously small team.

    Thank you! I’ll be sure to check it out.

    Edit: You’re right, it’s on sale for only $8. I picked it up.

    (BTW, I don’t work for anyone, not getting a cut from any of its sales, etc. etc.)


    As far as I’m concerned the inclusion of the “anti-DoTA” clause in their EULA murdered it for me. I was so excited. KSP is one of my favorite games of all times, largely as a result of the vibrant and very technically advanced modding community. Same goes for essentially all of my favorites; Rimworld, Backpack Hero, Factorio. The free labor that expands the games in major ways extends the value of my money and let’s me have fun forever in them.

    Putting in a clause in a EULA which automatically and irrevocably assumes all ownership and rights to any code or assets that are created for a game is just too far. Assuming rights at all is a huge issue for me, but I can accept that it is beneficial to assume royalty free licenses to the mods, I’ll even begrudgingly accept clauses that allow developers to gaffle features and optimizations from mods without giving remuneration or even acknowledgment. But wholesale ownership that revokes all rights and licenses for the independent 3rd party creator. Fuck that. I will never support a game that I find out is treating the people who keep games alive and relevant for decades for free like that.

    AlexisFR, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome avatar

    Well another studio took over from Intercept Games to work on KSP 2 a while ago, right? Star Theory, iirc.


    stay theory was shut down and absorbed by intercept games

    AlexisFR, avatar

    Oh yes, I forgot it went that way…


    According to the wiki page… “In May 2024, Take-Two announced it would shut down Intercept Games but continue to update Kerbal Space Program 2 under the Private Division label.”


    I wonder how will they manage that logistically. They are firing every single developer from IG. Who exactly in Private Division is going to be doing the updating? I suspect they will just brush a little of the code that is ready, then completely abandon the product in a year or so.

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