msmc101, do gaming w Nintendo’s Next Switch Coming This Year With LCD, Omdia Says

no oled?


in this way they can get a sale from the early adopter + they’re going to buy it again when they re-release the refresh with oled

ivanafterall, do gaming w Rockstar Plans to Announce Much Anticipated ‘Grand Theft Auto VI’, reported by Jason Schreier

The top-down PS1 series? Feels like quite a risk.

finthechat, do gaming w Rockstar Plans to Announce Much Anticipated ‘Grand Theft Auto VI’, reported by Jason Schreier avatar

Ah, the tried and true social media trick of announcing an announcement, this time with rumory leak flavor

0xtero, do gaming w Rockstar Plans to Announce Much Anticipated ‘Grand Theft Auto VI’, reported by Jason Schreier

Aww shiiit, here we go again

otacon239, do gaming w Rockstar Plans to Announce Much Anticipated ‘Grand Theft Auto VI’, reported by Jason Schreier

Now announcing, GTA VI is going to be announced… eventually…

SeethingSloth, do gaming w Video-Game Company Unity Closes Offices Following Death Threat


chris, do gaming w Epic Games Is Cutting About 900 Jobs, or 16% of Staff avatar

Is it because of all the free games I claimed?

pragma, avatar

no, it’s because you didn’t buy enough fortnite skins


Or OP bought so much the suits thought of ways to keep the profit gravy train to go even faster.


Yes. And they would be even more upset if you didn’t play the free games you claimed.

chris, avatar

Well … you know … so little time …

Faydaikin, avatar

Probably because giving away free games didn’t end up selling more of the other games on the storefront.

DavLemmyHav, do games w Why PlayStation Fans Are Cheering CEO’s Departure

CEO makes stupid short-term-profit-driven decisions which ultimately fail and make the company less reputable. who could have guessed?


Won’t the next one just do the same thing?


yep, ‘tis the way of the ceo. being so delightfully out of touch that you make the shittiest decisions possible just for your quarterly profits to be marginally higher


What are these decisions?


In general, he made decisions to attempt to buy the market rather than have the best services/console.

I'm not sure if MS is going to go the good route, but they have said that their acquisitions won't be console exclusives. I've understood that consoles lose money. Selling games is where you make it. Why limit your games to a single console? We're unlikely to see incredible dominance of a console in the future. You'd just be limiting your consumer base

Omegamanthethird, avatar

MS has indicated that they will honor contracts and some promises were made to get their acquisitions through.

But everything has either been vague or outright said will be console exclusive. Bethesda is the earliest example of this, and we’ll probably see more later.

PS mostly makes their console exclusives in house. Even Spider-Man (the prime example people point to) was always intended to be console exclusive by Marvel and is only as good as it is because of Playstation funding.


The point of first party exclusives is to make money from your store long term. If they make their first party titles available on other platforms, fewer people would buy a PlayStation, which means less long term royalties from store sales.

So you limit the customer base for your first party titles, but ideally you make a ton more on your store fees. That’s the same reason Valve makes first party titles, to get people on Steam, not to make money from game sales.

What they should do is make a handheld that can play PS4 titles. That attracts a different demographic and keeps control of the store royalties. But they really need to make sure it works well, since it’ll be competing with the Switch and Steam Deck (and similar handheld PCs).

thantik, (edited ) do games w US FTC Revives Microsoft-Activision Deal Challenge

Lots of obvious astroturfing going on regarding this. I’ve seen this news everywhere from Slashdot to Reddit with people sucking Microsofts dick. It’s either that, or people are too young to remember the bullshit Microsoft pulled … since forever basically. People aren’t going to benefit from this merger. Microsoft is patient. Embrace, extend, extinguish is their strategy. 10 year agreements are nothing for them to wait out.

And it’s the same with every merger – “This will bring more competition, blah blah blah”, then merger goes through and half the people are fired, half the rest are rolled into existing systems, and some empty shell of the previous company just wanders along with no real spirit any longer.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I’m not happy with the state of consolidation in every market under the sun, but I’m sure as shit happy Bobby Kotick is finally going to fuck off and I’m happy I’ll be able to play activision games on gamepass. When gamepass inevitably enshitifies I’ll just get rid of my subscription.


Plus, how much worse could Microsoft’s oversight possibly make Blizzard, at this point.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I agree, but I guess we’re shills?


March to their step, otherwise you are unwanted. Yep, smells like tankie.

GlitzyArmrest, avatar

Huh? If you use “tankie” for everyone, no one is a tankie. That has nothing to do with this.


Hmm. No sense of nuance. Our way or the highway. Not hating every ounce of capitalism at all times=shill.

Idk, dude. Sounds pretty fucking tankish to me.

GlitzyArmrest, avatar

Idk, dude. Seems pretty fucking pointless and exhausting to me.


Idk, dude. Seems pretty fucking pointless and exhausting to me.

Like your reply?

GlitzyArmrest, avatar

So you agree that calling everyone you disagree with a tankie is pointless and exhausting?


No, you are pointless

GlitzyArmrest, avatar

Glad I could make you feel small enough to turn to personal insults.


Or people old enough to know that Activision has run everything it owns into the ground and basically any new ownership could not possibly be worse.


Like COD, the best selling game on every platform it’s on every year?

solaryth, avatar

“embrace extend extinguish” lemmy’s favorite phrase lmao


Remember Embrace Extend Extinguish, R.E.E.E for short.

lustyargonian, (edited )

Yeah I can see that. Nadella brought new energy and almost made MSFT look cool, but years later we can see how MSFT is basically gobbling up everything in every domain.

Update: Why am I being downvoted? Did you all forget that MSFT has acquired LinkedIn, GitHub, Mojang, Bethesda, ABK and 49% stake in OpenAI all under Satya? Each one of those are massive acquisitions.


Microsoft are far, far, far from being close to the leader in the market even with ABK on their books, so your FUD makes no sense. Pretty much no one in the entire industry is against the acquisition apart from their main competitor, Sony, who are the market leader and abuse that position every day of the year to pull content away from Microsoft.

ABK will operate like they do currently, just like Bethesda do, only now they have Microsoft money and backing.

The only people that this deal is bad for are people who only play on PlayStation consoles. Everyone else benefits.


How bout you take your half baked brain back to investing in FTX.

Corporations are not your friend stop acting like they are, or ya investing in microshit too?


How about you actually try and refute any of my points if you disagree? Let me guess……you only own a PlayStation?

I didn’t say any corporation is my friend. Not sure where you’re getting that from?

n3m37h, (edited )

343 industries. MS has 18 month contractor limit and totally fucked up development on Halo Infinite

No you’re just acting like a 69 billion merger is gonna have no effect. You’refucking naive

Have not owned a console since 360 m8, PCMR


What does 343i, an internally created studio, have to do with ABK?


You said nothing will change. They will be part of the microcrap veil and will follow their ways of doing things. Like not hire people and only contract for 18 months then get in new contractors to pick up where the recently fired left off… Like what happened at 343i.


No they won’t because Microsoft have gutted 343 and are completely changing how they are structured.

They’ll be exactly like the other big acquisition, Bethesda, who Microsoft are basically completely hands off.

lustyargonian, (edited ) do games w US FTC Revives Microsoft-Activision Deal Challenge

Idk first thing about any of this, but I do think with MSFT controlling Windows, Azure, Xbox, GitHub, OpenAI, Teams; at some point one has to ask if MSFT is just too big for no good.

Think about it, a competing game studio might be paying MSFT for Windows licenses, Teams for internal communication, Azure for game servers, GitHub for hosting their source code, ChatGPT Pro for using AI in smart ways and finally a 30% cut to Xbox Store, only to compete with bazillions of first party titles under Xbox Game Studios.

Now think of a big publishers, they need to somehow compete with GamePass, which takes all the money MSFT can throw at it and makes game sales kinda irrelevant. Why would a consumer buy a $70 game when they can play other games for $15 max a month. Even if it’s $30 a month, it’s still a steal. Why would a studio go to a big publisher and give up bigger chunk of revenues (Outriders didn’t get much under Square Enix despite being on GamePass) when they could just become a second party developer with XGS and rake in whatever cash flow positive MSFT would give them before the game is even launched, with a bonus of marketing of “Day One With GamePass”.

In nut shell, MSFT makes a tonne money during development even if the game isn’t released on Xbox, and Xbox Game Studios slowly hollows out competing publishers by using the MSFT money to secure deals with third party studios or straight up acquiring them. They can adjust profitability by tweaking prices at several touch points of this huge Microsoft services pipeline.

If Xbox was broken away from MSFT, they’ll become yet another publisher, though a pretty big one, without the daddy money. It would make the industry more competitive between publishers, but it may also probably lead to egregious monetization strategies like we already see these days, because MSFT is uniquely positioned to do what they’re doing.

Similar things can be said about Amazon or Google. How is it that if Netflix succeeds AWS wins and if Prime succeeds, AWS still wins? How can Google make the search engine, video hosting platform, dominant browser and a ads platform and cross pollinate money like crazy? If big companies weren’t allowed to build such synergetic businesses, consumers might be paying to several different companies, but they’ll also be seeing competition in each of those domains, driving prices lower, hopefully.

So yeah, I support the idea of breaking up companies that start dealing with orthogonal domains that end up creating a nest of services that no competitor can easily break free from.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


IDK, just because Microsoft has products in a variety of categories doesn’t pose problems in itself, the problem is when those products command a significant chunk of the market share to the point where they can control a big chunk of the market. From your list:

  • GitHub - problematic because it’s the biggest code hosting platform around, but on its own isn’t a big issue
  • Teams - doesn’t really dominate, and many orgs use Slack or something else for communication
  • Xbox and XGS - not an issue unless either dominates their respective markets; buying large publishers like Activision is a serious issue
  • Azure - they’re like second or third, so there should be a close watch to make sure there isn’t monopolistic behavior with integrations with GitHub, Xbox, etc

And so on. I don’t personally think they should be broken up, but acquisitions in sectors where they already have significant market share should be blocked.

lustyargonian, (edited )

Exactly, on their own the products aren’t harmful at all. The problem comes when MSFT can leverage their position to undercut prices or shoving their products in other products.

How can slack compete, despite being a superior product, when MSFT puts Teams in the effing taskbar of Windows and sells it for half the price, and bundles it with office?

How can bitbucket or gitlab compete if MSFT integrates npm, GitHub, Azure, GitHub Copilot, VSCode and so many other dev tools so well, for much lower price?

Azure is second, yes, but my company, like many other companies, uses Azure over AWS because MSFT gives a sweet deal where Azure, Outlook, OneDrive, GitHub, Teams are all bundled in such a way that it’ll be expensive to use individual companies for each, and also a big hassle. And when MSFT becomes an incubator for a startup, it’s even better deal for the startup. How can digital ocean, for example, compete with that?

I mean that’s what happened with Internet Explorer. Netscape couldn’t compete coz MSFT could give IE for free and bundle it into the operating system. Google did something similar by getting other softwares to bundle Chrome with them in the installation process, and also asking users to use chrome on all Google properties. Firefox can never compete with IE or Chrome or Safari, as long as these big companies can integrate their services and products so seamlessly.

So you’re absolutely right, individually none of the products are harmful, infact some of them are really good deals for consumers, but due to them all being under one umbrella, it’s hard for competition to thrive.


integrates npm… VSCode

Both of these are free and open source. There’s a paid hosting tier for NPM, but it’s easy to self-host that.

But your larger point stands. The more tools they can package together, the more they can push out competition. Why use Slack if it’s a pain to integrate with GitHub and Office, but Teams works smoothly? This is certainly not unique to Microsoft, look at Apple as a clear example. The App Store forbids competition with Safari’s rendering engine, and that limits the competition other browsers can provide. Apple has its own ecosystem around iMessage and iCloud that don’t work outside that ecosystem. So if we’re going to make rules that target Microsoft’s bundling of functionality, it should also target Apple as well.

I’m less concerned about price and more concerned about exposed capability. IMO, Teams shouldn’t have any different access to Office or GitHub as Slack has. Once you have a large market share, you need to be extra careful about how your apps communicate to ensure that other apps can directly compete.

And as you mentioned, I think defaults are part of the problem. Mobile Safari isn’t dominant on iOS because it’s better, it’s dominant because it’s the default. Same with Edge on Windows and Chrome on Android. If there’s competition for a given product, it shouldn’t be bundled with the OS, and if the product is important for most users, it should prompt the user for what to use. I can see exceptions here for basic functionality (e.g. a dialer on a phone, or file browser on a desktop OS), but that definition needs to be very restrictive.


Glad I could make my point clearer. It’s hard to narrow down what feels wrong about this level of consolidation, and given MSFT’s track record in recent years, it’s hard to say they’re definitely going to become evil, but just that possibility feels scary.

Things are good, until they’re not.


Microsoft has already been evil, and I think there’s a good chance they’ll do it again if given the chance. The best company IMO is someone who is in second or third place (e.g. AMD v Intel, MS v Google, etc). As long as there are at least three competent players in a field, things tend to stay pretty competitive.

Whirlybird, (edited )

You just listed a bunch of Microsoft made products + GitHub + openAI (who they don’t control) - why shouldn’t they be allowed to control products they created?

You’re also talking like Microsoft is the market leader in game consoles when they’re a distant last and getting further behind. If this acquisition was blocked it would basically be game over for Xbox, and I would bet it would be sold off or go third party software only and exit the hardware market within a few years. Sony are the ones people need to be worried about here as they have a long history of abusing their dominant position and making blatantly anti-consumer moves based on that position.

Without Xbox as a competitor Sony would have free reign with no one to stop them. The video game industry is one of the most expensive industries any company can get into. Google tried and failed. Sega exited. Xbox is the last real competitor that entered and stayed and that was over 20 years ago, and the only reason it’s still around is to stop Sony from getting a monopoly in the living room.


You’re right. A company should be allowed to create and acquire other companies, no doubt in that.

The problem, as I listed above in the very long post, is unique to the big tech players where they can create such synergetic businesses that it’s pretty difficult for anyone to compete or break free from that.

What you’re saying makes great sense. Xbox indeed needs more and more IPs and more importantly much better quality control to compete with Sony. They lost the last generation, and they need to do everything in their power to course correct. After ABK, they would match Sony in number of IPs and maybe surpass them in number of studios. Fair enough. But, as a whole, this gives a lot more power to MSFT, and my question is simply whether it’s too much power or not.


Calling what Google did trying is a bad joke. Stadia failed because and exclusively because it was a fucking horseshit premise with no redeeming qualities.

Zoboomafoo, do games w US FTC Revives Microsoft-Activision Deal Challenge avatar

This is the second big swing I’ve seen the FTC take in the last few days, indicative of a change or coincidence?

Whirlybird, (edited )

This isn’t a new swing, this is a last ditch effort. They’ve already been absolutely embarrassed in court over this case, basically laughed out.

FTC: Microsoft owning COD will give them a monopoly!!! Poor sony will be run out of business!!! Won’t somebody think of Sony!!!

Sony: nah we’re good even if we lose COD. We don’t think they would take it from us anyway because we make them the most money.

All other publishers: Nah this deal is great for us as if they did take cod away it makes it easier for us to sell our games.

Nintendo: this deal is great for us as we’ll now get more games for our players.


No lol. Sony was crying as well.


They were and they weren’t. They literally said they don’t think Microsoft would make COD exclusive like the FTC were saying they would, and that they would be absolutely fine if Microsoft were to buy them and make all games exclusive, unlike the ftc said, but they wanted to stop the deal because of course they do, Microsoft are a competitor.

I’m saying that even Sony disagreed with the FTCs reasons for challenging the acquisition.

NOT_RICK, avatar

This is the FTC under Lina Khan; she’s definitely not an ally to the tech giants


This is what I’m hearing too, but I’m skeptical. Someone in government, fighting against corporations on behalf of the people?!


This case shows she’s not fighting on behalf of the people though, but on the behalf of other corporations - Sony specifically. Their entire argument was how it would hurt sony. They basically didn’t mention the consumers at all lol. It was a complete joke. At least the CMA and EU had concerns, however weak they were, around competitiveness in the cloud market which could hurt consumers.


Correct, but unfortunately she’s not a big fan of picking her battles well either.

It’s all well and good to “go after big tech”, but you should only go after them when you’ve got a leg to stand on, otherwise you’re going to be made to look stupid by the ludicrously highly paid big tech lawyers. Under khan the FTC has lost almost everything they’ve tried, and most of the times you could take 1 look at their case and know they had no chance in hell.

The Microsoft/ABK case is a perfect example. There’s no lt even the slightest hint of a monopoly or anti-competitive behaviour. Then the ftc basically made their entire argument about poor old market leader Sony potentially being hurt.

Whoever advised them of their strategy in this case should have their credentials stripped. Who thought fighting for the market leader to maintain their dominance and to keep last place in last place was the angle they should take? They’re supposed to look out for consumers and competition, but this case did the opposite.

gusgalarnyk, do games w US FTC Revives Microsoft-Activision Deal Challenge

Large Corporate mergers are almost always bad. We should be breaking up companies right now, not letting them combine!

thingsiplay, do gaming w Epic Games Is Cutting About 900 Jobs, or 16% of Staff avatar

Company was ‘spending way more than we earn,’ CEO said in memo

It needs a genius to see that. All those contracts for timed exclusivity, all those games given for free. Most people just play free to play games on the platform and get the games for free. I thought the idea was to eat the cost and spend more money than to earn, so they can build a loyal customer base. If that wasn't the entire goal, what was it then? Why punish the staff (holy cow its 870 employees!) by cutting them off the company now? The store and launcher of Epic games already struggle to get better.

Unfortunately I can't read the article on Bloomberg, as it requires an account.


I’m guessing it was the goal but it didn’t work as well as they’d hoped. I’ve got a couple of the freebies but I’ve stuck mostly with Valve because most of my games are already on Steam and they haven’t seriously fucked up yet.

ampersandrew, avatar

They made enticing incentives for developers and publishers, but what incentive would I have as a customer to buy a game from EGS rather than Steam or GOG or even Humble?


I’m guessing here because I don’t sit on Epic’s board of directors, but I would imagine their angle for consumers was mostly to grab new markets with the appeal of free games, which would also establish a library that would be a pain point if they ever wanted to move away, coupled with some of those one-year exclusives that would peel people away from Valve if they wanted to play them day-of.

ampersandrew, avatar

But there are so many features built in to Steam that if even one or two of them are important to you, there's less of a reason to ever default to someone else doing the same thing but less so. Like with GOG, they don't match Steam feature for feature, but DRM-free and easy preservation of previous versions of games are good selling points that matter to people.

YuzuDrink, avatar

Epic would need to have a “import your games and achievements and saves from Steam” feature AND THEN ALSO have a much better performing app than they currently do, for me to convert. But years later and EGS is still a pretty awful user experience compared to Steam. There’s just no way.


For me, it’d also need a Linux compatibility layer on par with (or exceeding that of) Steam. On paper, I’m not a fan of Valve’s exclusive hold on that market, but in practice nothing has come close for me so far (that I know of, at least).

I tried Lutris and Wine, but I had difficulties getting stuff to run, and the fixes required patience and some level of technical understanding (of Wine, specifically, not just Linux in general). They just don’t have the same (comparatively simple) convenience of “check ProtonDB before you buy it, download game, run it, and usually it’ll work fine”.

The more advanced fixes usually involve nothing more than a few well-documented steps like copy/pasting a launch command, selecting something in a dropdown or downloading and extracting a file into some directory. It’s not a universal “It Just Works”, but I feel like it’s been getting better and better, and that’s just a headstart any competitor would have to work really hard to catch up with.

Thrashy, (edited ) avatar

All these companies that are suddenly having layoffs and/or enshittifying everything at once all shared the same basic business model (pardon the Bronze Age meme format from Slashdot…):

  • Give goods or services away for free
  • Attract customers on the basis of getting goods or services for free
  • ???
  • Profit!

Years of basically free debt service and stupid VC money let them kick the can down the road for a long time in terms of figuring out what Step 3 was gonna be, up to the point that many such services didn’t even bother, replacing both Steps 3 and 4 with “Sell to whichever FAANG is sucker enough to think they can leverage our userbase for their own product.” High interest rates have suddenly put a stop to the money party, though, and now they’re all scrambling to find ways of aggressively monetizing their services.

Hdcase, do gaming w Epic Games Is Cutting About 900 Jobs, or 16% of Staff

Supposedly the whole Fall Guys team at Mediatonic, who Epic just acquired, were let go. Including the game director.

Neato, avatar

I'm sure the Fall Guys owner who sold it is happy. Made bank and all it cost them was the livelihoods of all the people who made the game.


Isn’t that the startup dream? To get acquired, then bail?

MudMan, do gaming w Epic Games Is Cutting About 900 Jobs, or 16% of Staff avatar

Yeah, so... being in the gaming industry really sucks right now.

Go give a hug to your local gamedev. They probably need it.


I’ve been 10 years in the industry and honestly. This feels familiar. I feel like there was mass layoffs about 4+ years ago. There was also the Boston Games collapse around 2013. I’ve been told this industry has a very direct pattern. Expand, contract, expand, contract. What you want to do is to get into it when it’s expanding and hope by the time it contracts you have enough experience to be vital to a project.

MudMan, avatar

And before that in the big 2008 crisis, sure. And, to put forth a silver lining, layoffs tends to get a lot of press and happen all at once, while people start new projects and get new jobs all the time without making headlines.

It still sucks to see social media erupt in lost job notifications every so often, though.

I think this time bothers me more because... well, there isn't much reason for it. Mostly everything blew up during the pandemic, a lot of money was made and now things are going back to baseline. But public companies will NEVER report they're shrinking if they can help it, and if they do they will try to appear to be becoming cheaper to compensate, so the obvious call is to let go of a bunch of people you were mostly hoarding anwyay.

The takeaway here, if you ask me, is to never have loyatly for an employer, at least when it comes to moving on to a different job or ask for better conditions. This sort of thing happens all the time and especially publicly traded companies will not hesitate to cut you loose if it makes business sense. You have less leverage, so the thing to do is a) bargain collectively to get more of that leverage, and b) treat your labour negotiations with the company with the same business sense they do.

In the meantime, I still recommend hugging a developer. Patting lightly the back of the head could also be acceptable. Just ask for a preference first.


Loyalty to a company is silly. A lot of people in games learn that quickly in their career because they want to go work for some huge name-brand company that they grew up with just for them to either harshly reject or if they actually get the job, they end up in a crunch cycle trying to prove themselves.

That said people do have loyalty, to other people and to projects. People are passionate about working with people they like and on projects they care about. You only get to make like 20-30 games in your career. Even then that includes all the games that didn’t release. It only really allows for 2-3 years per game whereas lots of games are 5+ years. Projects and people matter a lot and it’s important to not just chase money. Otherwise, you end up working at Google Stadia or Amazon.

MudMan, avatar

Well, yeah, but that bit comes in between the buisness bits. Most managers do care about the people working there, too, but ultimately that will not drive the decisionmaking when it comes to the business, paritcularly in public companies with an obligation to shareholders. It's only fair to reciprocate.

So absolutely be loyal to your team and your project, but never at the expense of your working conditions or compensation.

That's one of the reasons why collective bargaining is important. Short of having representation, like they do on the film business, you want to compartimentalize somehow, and having a designated representative to negottiate with everybody else behind them is a way to get there.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

My local game Devs are Creative Assembly.

MudMan, avatar

Yikes. You're gonna need a bigger hug.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

Yeeeaaahhh… >.>’

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