Surp, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next? avatar

Gary’s mod, Minecraft


gmod is great. Another game with several other games inside.

realitista, avatar

Videos I look at seem rather violent with a lot of guns. Are these included by default or addons? My son’s 6 and just getting into minecraft but I don’t want to turn it into an FPS for him.


Garry’s Mod includes various games/game modes but the most popular one is Trouble In Terrorist Town, where you have to shoot each other. I wouldn’t recommend it for a 6 year old, in a few years it will fit better.

realitista, avatar


Wimopy, do games w So I tried Lethal company... and didn't like it. Does it get better eventually ?

As others said, it’s not for everyone. The gameplay loop is and will remain repetitive.

For what it’s worth, I hate horror but I generally just get surprised, not scared in this game. To me it’s a game where you go in with the mindset that you’ll likely die in some horrible way, but it’ll make for a funny scene or story afterwards.

I’d actually recommend watching clips of people. Not big name YouTubers, just the random 5-60s clips people upload and figuring out if those sort of events would be things you’d laugh at or enjoy being part of yourself.

AnonStoleMyPants, do gaming w Players who don't like survival games as a genre: Which survival games are your personal exceptions, which ones have you enjoyed nonetheless and why?


Great and fun combat, mod support, multiplayer, good building mechanics, doesn’t feel frustrating to play.


I can second that. Valheim has a very neat balance between exploring, fighting and building. If you don’t progress to quick, even your base is relatively safe. Although I now have turned off raids completely. So my base is always safe and if I want action, I can venture out into the world. I like that.


Raids are fun but the need of moats is kinda annoying. I’d rather have more difficult raids but without raids destroying my BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGS GOD DAMMIT.

Hmm I wonder if there is a mod to make moat building easier. Or just nuke troll raids, that exists I’m sure.

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

Do you include walls in "moats"?


Not really. Walls get destroyed easily, you still need a moat to keep trolls away.

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

I've only ever used walls, honestly, just a palisade a decent distance off from anything I like, with places to arch from.


Earthen walls are also effective at keeping our trolls, though obviously then you have an earthen wall to stare at so it may not be what you want…


I should have mentioned this game. Definitely a great title and the building, while a bit clunky, is a lot of fun.


And don’t forget you can play the whole thing in VR with the VHVR mod! I’ve played 330+ hours over 3 runs with my friends in VR, beating the Queen while panicking into repeated freefalls into pit (thank you feather cloak) was an insane experience (Yag too TBF; out of our 3 person group everybody died at least once, and several times the lone survivor was stuck doing laps with hordes of Fulings and a few berserkers and shamans in the parade until the others sprinted back from their beds.) Blessings to corpse run lmao

Short YT Vid of Mod:…


Valheim is the only survival crafting game that I play to relax. Just log in, listen to the music and the ambient sounds and just chill. Idk why, but the rain and weather effects really relax me

chaorace, (edited ) do gaming w How many stinkers did you play this year? avatar

I had a really solid year, all things considered:

  • Hi-Fi Rush – Love it, hands down. This game’s like if Jet Set Radio, Scott Pilgrim, and DMC got into a fist fight and then that fist fight had a baby with Jack Black
  • Pentiment – I’m still playing through this one but I can already tell it’s a new favorite. Major Return of the Obra Dinn vibes
  • Against the Storm – This game innovates on the citybuilder genre so hard and I can’t get enough of it. If you love a challenge and hate the late-game, this is THE ONE
  • Psychonauts 2 – Fun and bursting with creativity… but I had to set it down after a certain point because I stopped enjoying the gameplay loop. Can’t put my finger on why…
  • Peglin – Yes, Peglin. The Peggle Roguelite. I like it and you would too if you gave it a chance. It’s not a forever roguelite, but I guarantee you’ll have a blast with it for 5-10 hours
  • Deep Rock Galactic – I bounced off of this one. The game has so much charm… but I just couldn’t click with it. I think co-op games just may not be for me

Honorable Mention: TF2 – Definitely not a “new” game to me, I own TF2, I bought it with money! Even so… this year marked my return after a looong hiatus. Coming back was a total revelation – I thought I’d grown to hate FPS games – as it turns out, what I’d actually grown to hate was the modern antisocial MMR grindset. Game developers: I beseech thee… abandon matchmaking and return to 2007. Return the slab or suffer my curse


Ayy someone else who’s been enjoying Against the Storm.


I played over 140 hours now! I’m currently trying to climb the difficulty up to P20.


Goodness gracious you’re far further along than me! I haven’t touched it for a bit because I’ve been busy with other games, but I’ll get back to it eventually because it’s super fun. (Also GL on P20 I believe in you.)


It’s nice to see people talking about it. I caught a streamer I follow playing it like a month ago and it looked like a lot of fun.

I don’t have enough time to game to justify buying it at its most recent sale price, but I have my eye on it for the first time it gets a deeper discount or gets bundled.


I liked Deep Rock. I started playing it during the pandemic with some friends instead of doing in-person board games (and Jackbox and boardgame simulators got old). I definitely ended up playing more single player than multiplayer. Buuut I probably haven’t played it in a year? It just got really samey after getting through a lot of leveling up and unlocks.

AlexisFR, avatar

Same for me, really enjoyable 150 hours, but now with the slow updates I just already seen everything.

I moved to Darktide, despite its flaw I’m still playing it after the same amount of hours since then.

Wahots, avatar

The deep rock board game is so fun. And I hate board games and inwardly groan when someone suggests a board game, lol.


I liked Peglin but after a while it feels like the game is really unbalanced with too few useful builds.

chaorace, avatar

Yup, that about sums it up: fun, but shallow. Nevertheless I think it’s worthy of a recommendation because it has a great honeymoon period before falling off.


I treat Deep Rock the same way I treat rogueli*es and arcade-style games – I can just hop on when I’m in the “dwarf mood”, play one or two missions and be done with it for the day. It’s very good for short sessions like that. Also, you can play solo no problem – you get a drone instead that can mine and shoot things.

Also, TF2 community servers FTW

chaorace, avatar

When it comes to Deep Rock/co-op I think my issues are more associated with the underlying gameloop design. I find it hard to perform well when the “tension” ramps up and these games are kind of tailor-made to create high-tension situations. When a round ends I’m left feeling tired/deflated rather than joyful. I had the same issue with Left 4 Dead, but oddly not so for Payday 2.

In any case, I’m right there with you when it comes to TF2 community servers. I sorely wish that more games emphasized these sorts of digital “3rd places”. I have TF2 servers where I can go anytime and just… belong for as long as I please. Games should have more permanent places like that, where play and community come before any imposed win/lose dichotomy. People would be happier.


A fellow Xbox gamepass User IT seems. Pentiment is one of my All Time favorites (probably top3 at least)

This was after my First playthrough. Now, with George putting out his video, im back in. My god, its marvellous.

Hifi Rush was great, but felt too formulaic for me, so i abandoned it after the first or second Boss. Too much running arpund, No real banger music between Bosses.

On a Side Note, its kinda similiar too with Lies of Pi. I can See the great soulslike It is (3/4 in) but my interest vanishes. Too many repetitive encounters. Too linear. I feel Like Elden Ring really innovated the genre through its semi Open world approach.

chaorace, avatar

A fellow Xbox gamepass User IT seems.

Nope, I’m just someone who waits for sales and has a bit of an indie streak.

This was after my First playthrough. Now, with George putting out his video, im back in. My god, its marvellous.

I see we follow similar creators! I only just picked Pentiment up last week – Jacob Geller’s recent 2023 video is what originally put Pentiment on my radar and then George’s video gave me that final push into playing it for myself. I’m extremely glad for having done so because Pentiment has quickly become quite special to me. I already look forward to making subsequent playthroughs despite still working on the first.

Hifi Rush was great, but felt too formulaic for me, so i abandoned it after the first or second Boss. Too much running arpund, No real banger music between Bosses.

I can see where you’re coming from. From a macro perspective, the game’s essentially just a series of battle arenas stitched together by corridors and platforming challenges… nothing incredible there. What makes Hi-Fi Rush special for me is the novel fusion of rythm mechanics and spectacle fighter mechanics – they complement each other extremely well. (Forgive me for explaining at you like this. I just can’t help myself when it comes to talking about this game)

Normally, I can’t stand DMC-likes because of the requisite rote memorization. HFR flips this dynamic on its head by making the memorization incidental – it happens naturally as you practice playing the combo on-rythm. Perhaps even more importantly; just as mastery of a combo string comes within reach, the underlying musical qualities all suddenly spring into focus and turn the sequence into a musical phrase. It clicks together in a very intrinsically satisfying way IMO. Naturally, this all compounds in on itself and gets double-fun once you start improvising your own “melodies” during real combat. You like Jazz? Because it’s like Jazz if Jazz killed people.

Now, obviously this isn’t going to hit the same way for everyone (nor should it!)… but if you’ve not yet buckled down in training mode and truly mastered a string or two for yourself, then I would very emphatically encourage you to give the game a second try. I actually had to do the exact same thing myself before I really “got” the game and my mindset shifted. Hi-Fi Rush truly is the Dark Souls of 3rd-Person Action videogames

this_is_router, do gaming w LOL? lol avatar

I have played lol for 10 years. Last week, due to some updates lol doesn’t run on Linux at the moment, I switched to dota. I know exactly what you are talking about.


Just switched to Linux recently and I’m missing league way more than I expected. Game is ablast! As for what champions to pick look for straightforward kits you have enough to learn about the map and game states to get bogged down in a champ like aphelios. You are looking for easy to execute combos and abilities.

this_is_router, avatar

in the past it usually took a few days for someone to get it working again, but this time it might be some kind of cheat detection.

fortunately dota works as a substitude drug for me


I can’t play that game, having to wait for a turning animation on every auto makes my blood pressure spike.

gk99, do gaming w so do you think the rumors are true about Heroes of the Storm?

Microsoft works in mysterious ways. Another oddity is how the Microsoft Store version of The Evil Within is a more-updated, more-featured version of the game than every other version including on console, and I don’t think they’ve ever acknowledged it. It only released when they bought Bethesda, so maybe it’s a similar story here where they’re just putting out some unreleased work.

Or maybe not idk I’m not omniscient

stopthatgirl7, do games w The Game Awards 2023: List of Winners
!deleted7120 avatar

Absolutely no arguments with any of these. This really was a great year for gaming.

cosmicrose, do games w Good gaming experiences with no HUD? avatar

Dead Space, my favorite game of all time. All HUD elements are holographic projections from your suit and weapons, integrated into the game world and moving with the camera. Your health meter is a series of light segments going up your spine, and the meter for one of your abilities is a pie-chart style light on the back of your right shoulder. Even the objective markers are a trail of light projected from your hand when you press down on the control stick.


I played that aaaages ago and I remember that really stuck out to me at the time!

jompaofg, do gaming w Warcraft 2 / Starcraft type games ( or clones, or engine recreations )

Wargus and Stargus is an open source engine recreation that is still active

skele_tron, avatar

This is what i was searching for haha. Time replay tides of darkness but with better controls

ono, do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music?

Civ 4: Baba Yetu


For me it’s Civ 5’s theme, always gives me chills


Such a fantastic song. Not at all surprising that it was the first piece of music from a video game to not only be nominated for but to win a Grammy.


I like this video with it.

EssentialCoffee, do gaming w What game company from your childhood do you remember with fondness?

Sierra On-Line

King’s Quest is still one of my favorite series ever and the one they put out a few years ago was a great retelling. I cried at the end.


That’s how I feel about Cyan and their Myst series!

ElPussyKangaroo, do games w 'Great' games I didn't play this year due to requirements

What is up with new games? I have a Predator Triton 300; i7 9th Gen, 16GB/512GB. All games get installed on the SSD instead of the HDD.

I played the new Tomb Raider trilogy (still playing the last one, no spoilers) and it ran smoothly on Medium (some unnecessary stuff turned off) most of the times.

Tried playing new game called Deliver us Mars, disaster. It stutters every. Fucking. Time. ON LOW! What the Fuck?

Tibert, (edited )

A big issue with recent games is Vram usage (the gpu has vram). If you don’t have enough vram the game will stutter. At the moment where there isn’t enough vram, even a tiny bit not enough, the game will stutter.

Another issue is also ram and cpu utilisation which in some games is pretty extreme.

Othrt issue can be very heavy graphics and badly optimized lower settings.

Some games also have transition stutter, where you change zone. It will try to load the new zone and unload the precedent one. But it uses cpu power and requires a fast ssd depending on the size of what has to be loaded.

snooggums, avatar

load the jew zone



Bruh wtf did my keyboard write. Fixed to new.




I see… But why the dependency on vram?

Also, regarding the graphics: Tomb Raider is a huge game with large maps and heavy graphics. Ran fine.

Deliver us Mars is an Unreal Engine game made by a relatively small studio.

I feel like Unreal is to blame for this… Idk if I’m right tho.


Unreal engine is pretty bad for open maps. It generates a lot of cpu usage when changing zones. And heavy textures and other heavy elements don’t enhance the experience.

The vram, I’m not sure what your questions is about.

The vram is special ram (much higher bandwidth, but slightly higher latency than cpu ram, also supports special extra things) included on the board of the graphics card.

It is necessary because it stores textures and others game elements the graphics card needs to operate the game (shadow info,…). The elements are loaded into vram, from the very slow (in comparison) drive (even nvme 5.0 ssds are extra slow compared to vram or ram) to allow the gpu to process whatever it has to do. Background tasks, windows, the desktop… Also use vram to be able to have the app windows and desktop displayed, so the total available for the game can vary.

If there isn’t enough vram, there can be multiple things happening (I’m talking about textures but vram includes others things too) :

  • Resizable bar ( or SAM on amd) is not enabled : the gpu will not be able to load all the textures, so it would either have missing textures, or lag a lot due to texture swapping. The textures can also take a lot of time to load instead of completely missing depending on the game optimisation, due to swapping with previous textures. The game can even crash.
  • Resizable bar is enabled : it is possible with this pci-e configuration for the gpu to access system memory. So in some cases, textures may spill into system memory (cpu ram), which isn’t great either, because system memory has a way higher latency to the gpu (it has to go through the cpu, pci-e slot…), and way lower bandwidth. And so generates lots of lag.

If a game is well optimized, the lower the settings are the lower vram usage there is. Some games however did not have such great optimisation. Vram usage mostly depends on the texture quality and resolution. (increasing the texture quality will use a very few/negligible amount of extra gpu power, but increase the vram usage).

There is also a baseline the devs may put for optimisation. The less vram there is, the less the textures can have data available to use. So the more compromises have to be done, with less and less quality. So fixing a baseline quality depending on the current most used vram capacity is not that bad. Tho it does have issues for people having less available.


Damn. You just can’t win, can you? 😞


Dead Space just ran like crap on anything. 6950XT and 5600x. Stuttery mess.


Just rushed development usually with the bigger titles. The time isnt spent on performance, it's a case of spunking a game out and moving onto the next one.


Deliver us Mars is barely anything compared to Tomb Raider. I’m honestly shocked that TR ran smoothly on my device.


Tomb Raider reboot is pretty well optimised. The games look beautiful with great performance. It used the in-house Foundation engine.

It's a shame the next game will be on UE5, UE games always a certain look and jank that just makes them feel 'cheap' to me. Along with, usually, a lot worse performance.


It’s kinda sad that all the in-house engines are being abandoned… Especially since Unreal is a one-size-fits-all engine. It’s not suitable for all games if optimised gameplay is an expectation…

Also, yes. I didn’t understand initially when I heard about the Unreal look, but goddamn I see it everywhere now…

BaroqueInMind, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry? avatar

The time I kept fucking restarting in GTASA trying to follow the damn train.


Aw shit, here we go again…

simonced, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?
  • Diablo 2
  • Starcraft broodwar
  • Warcraft 2
  • Quake 2 (with a ton of mods!)
  • Need for speed 2

Replace Warcraft 2 and Quake 2 (Counterstrike 1.3 was my Quake) with Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 and Nox, and I was you.


I played Nox as well, but not so much. All those are great classics!

constnt, (edited ) do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

When I was a kid I used to walk to the movie store to rent games. I would go back every time I had money and rent Chrono Trigger, but some one would always erase my save, so I would have to start over.

On my birthday I got a check from my grandma that was for 50 dollars. I walked right up to the game store and slammed my check on the counter for one copy of Chrono Trigger. I didn’t know how money, checks, or sales tax worked.

Luckily, my mom bailed me out. I played that game for years. I still have such fond memories of that game.


I love Chrono Trigger. I still listen to the OST at least once a month.


It’s amazing that CT never spawned an ongoing franchise. Aside from the controversial CC, there have been no other followups or even remakes, only a remaster. It’s like the platonic ideal of a JRPG, sitting alone and unsullied in the timestream.

TSG_Asmodeus, (edited )

Honestly though, how do you even follow it up? That game had a ridiculous dev team.

  • Akira Toriyama - creator/Artist of Dragon Ball
  • Nobuo Uematsu - Writer of (many) Final Fantasy scores
  • Yūji Horii - game designer and scenario writer from Dragon Quest
  • Hironobu Sakaguchi - Game director/designer/producer of Final Fantasy
  • Kazuhiko Aoki - (Getting this whole gang together)
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