simple, do gaming w What is your Game of the Year?

Nine Sols. Really underrated metroidvania that flew under the radar for many people.

steal_your_face, avatar

I saw it was classified as a souls-like. Did you find the combat to be hard?


It’s a fairly difficult game, yeah. The combat is more akin to Sekiro where you need to time your blocks.

PieMePlenty, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

Played many over the years and while playing think of how GW2 implemented this specific thing and become nostalgic for GW2 and start playing that again. New world was fun for a while, but I missed magic (literally), so I started gw2 again and went through two expansions over 4 months, burned out and am now 1.5 years MMO sober.

GW2 is cool like that. No subs, respects your time, many players drop in and out every few years. It’s getting old but I hope it never dies. I might start it up again this weekend…

theskyisfalling, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

The last MMO I properly played was Black Desert Online. It is an absolutely amazing game but with disgusting monetisation. It did however also become a dangerous addiction in my life. It is currently free on steam I believe though!

Since that experience I haven’t really played any MMOs, I tried out Throne and Liberty a few weeks ago and that was the most boring couple of hours of my life this year.

As a huge Guild Wars 1 fan, GW2 was one of the biggest disappointments ever.

MrPoopyButthole, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

I tried WoW, GW2, ESO, NW and nothing stuck. I guess MMOs are not for me.

Gladaed, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

Not playing it, but AoC seems to have a lot of potential.

Skullgrid, do games w PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery avatar

this is starting to be horseshit. Every windows computer has a version of fucking solitare on it , there are other card based games that don’t get this treatment, and the lootboxes are actual gambling.

I thought at the start it was a type of beurocratical problem, but it’s been too long.

tb_, avatar

Not entirely sure about the European PEGI, but the American ESRB is funded by the same companies that it regulates. It was created after the outcry about violent games and was the industry self-regulating to avoid the government getting more involved.

It is a lobby group for the industry, for better and in this case very much for worse.

I assume PEGI is little different.

KingThrillgore, avatar

To clarify: the ESRB is the rating arm. The ESA that runs it? That’s the lobbying arm.


PEGI and many other groups are private groups. They’re not an authority of any form. They’re not associated with government, public regulation, or public election. They’re a group of people that create their own standards outside of the ISO or any actual regulation representing the public.

Some countries do have actual public systems, but many just have these private groups that know best.


They’re private groups that do the ratings but ESRB is enforced by laws in some Canadian provinces for instance and PEGI is enforced by law in some European countries. They do have a de facto authority in those places as a publisher can’t just decide to disregard their ratings and sell to minors anyway or something.

LorIps, avatar

In Austria PEGI is “enforced” in Vienna while USK is “enforced” in Salzburg (and Germany, the reason why they buy all their games here). And PEGI might be shit, but USK is a million times worse.


USK rated Balatro with a minimum age of 12 because of “elements resembling gambling”. Sounds more reasonable to me than the PEGI rating.

LorIps, avatar

German Authorities (technically not USK but USK affiliated completely banned Wolfenstein, Dying Light, etc. Not 18+ or whatever it’s straight up illegal to promote or openly sell them in Germany.


I can kind of understand Wolfenstein, as Germany does seem to have this thing where they do and also don’t want to face their past.

But Dying light is a generic zombie game.

LorIps, (edited ) avatar

Yeah, it’s always stupid what ends up there and what doesn’t. And because of Germany’s stupid laws the German version often ends up worse than other versions (often even removing the English language option) (And people are surprised that we hate our northern neighbors…)

Here’s a (non-exclusive) list of banned games in Germany (it’s in German but the game titles should make it accessible to people that can only speak English):…/Kategorie:Indiziertes_Computer…

Oh yeah, Half-Life was indexed in Germany until 2017 (coincidentally when they switched from Elke Monssen-Engberding to someone less grumpy (half of the stupid decisions coming from Germany just stem from some grumpy old person who’s entrenched in a Department))


I honestly think it would be easier to just list games that they allow. I suppose Germans are really into Tetris or something since that’s apparently the only acceptable game.

LorIps, avatar

It really has gotten better over the last couple years but for two decades they pretty much banned everything with the slightest hint of being adult. They are I believe also the reason for why Contra is Probotector in Europe


This is all well and true, but it’s important to note that these organizations exist as a sidestep to regulation, they are formed by industry insiders as a promise to the regulators that they will be honest about how they rate games (or movies or music) so that the government doesn’t actually get involved and do it’s job.

It’s a form of regulatory capture that allows the industry itself to decide what is harmful to us.

It’s basically the definition of conflict of interest.


i got curious and looks like PEGI is somewhat similar at least. The ISFE is a self-regulating/co-regulating (w/e that means) body. There seem to be some kinda independent audits but… Looks like they don’t audit so good, if this article is evidence

tb_, avatar

but… Looks like they don’t audit so good, if this article is evidence

That’s the whole issue with it being a lobby group. It makes them a ton of money, so they are incentivised against making a rating for it because that would draw more attention/limit sales.

And that’s where the whole government lobbying part comes in.


Right i was just clarifying what i learned about PEGIs setup, that it seems similar to the US’s ESRB. I’m a yank and didn’t know before looking either


In fairness, I would much rather that than governments directly controlling access, creating an additional form of direct censorship.

Not saying what we have now is great or anything though. I’m not exactly defending it.

tb_, avatar

I largely agree, but the interests have gotten misaligned. Back then it was the threat of regulation which changed things up, I think the governments should do a little more of that.


That’s basically why the ESRB was created, it was “Self-Regulate, or we’re just going to ban 80% of games on the market as a scapegoat for Columbine!”


Luigi Mangione played Among Us, an assassination game!


Eeeeh, at least then there would theoretically be public accountability. The FCC has limited censorship power that they’re generally unobjectionable with.

I’m honestly more concerned with the censorship from private enterprises than with government consorship currently. Less accountability and less recourse.

It also really only becomes censorship if the rating system is used to prohibit speech. If we instead made it more like the nutritional guidelines on food it could instead give more of a content breakdown than setting an arbitrary age.

1985MustangCobra, avatar

did you just compare solitaire to gambling?


That would be the point, yes. Balatro has cards and chips, but chips are just there for keeping points. If Balatro is 18+ for gambling imagery, then so should Solitaire. That would be stupid, so Balatro shouldn’t get it, either.


I think the important note is it’s not just the cards in Balatro. Is it right? Not in my opinion. You have to admit tho, that it uses waaaaay more gambling imagery (you make antes for fuck’s sake)


Agreed, gambling doesn’t have to be for money or even anything tangibly real.


But it has to be for something. And in Balatro, there simply isn’t any gambling. You never wager anything to win anything based on that wager. All you have are points, and you can neither wager them, nor lose them in any way, chance-based or otherwise.

There is zero gambling in Balatro.


You literally do not make antes in Balatro, in any way.

You should know that you’re talking about before drawing conclusions.


I haven’t played or watched Balataro but from the description on steam

You’re going to need every edge you can get in order to reach the boss blind, beat the final ante and secure victory.

Unless ante here is referring to something else it seems it does have them?

damnedfurry, (edited )

“Antes” are what Balatro calls its levels. Each level consists of 3 stages, which the game calls “blinds” (small/big/boss).

In poker, you don’t “beat” an ante, it’s part of what you bet. You also don’t “reach” blinds, nor is there such a thing as a “boss blind” in poker. And the word “bet” or any synonym should be pretty conspicuous by its absence in Balatro’s description. There is no gambling without betting/wagering, after all.

So yes, if you’re familiar with poker, that description should make it obvious that the words have different meanings in the game than they do in poker.

The only actual ‘mechanic’ that’s actually the same in Balatro as in poker is what comprises the different hands, and their relative value. And even then, there are also hands in Balatro that don’t exist in poker at all (five of a kind, flush house, etc.).


Firstly you could read user names before going off, I was simply asking a question that Im unwilling to buy the game to answer.


Going off? Yeah, you asked a question, and I answered it. What are you talking about?


Between your immediate downvotes and the tone of your message your response is unnecessarily long and rude


It’s exactly as long as it needed to be to explain everything it explained, and it is a completely dry comment with no real tone at all, the “rudeness” is of your own invention.

Ironically, “Firstly you could read user names before going off” is far ruder than anything I wrote. Also, you’re assuming I’m the one who downvoted you–have you considered that maybe your tone earned that from someone else, maybe?


Your tone is unnecessarily rude.


Unnecessarily long

Lol. “How dare you give me a comprehensive explanation of specifically what I asked about! Rude!” What is rude is being so shitty to someone that went out of their way to try and help you understand something, acting like it was a personal insult. How selfish and demanding of you.


Do you know what gambling imagery entails? It doesn’t have to be how antes actually are used in poker for it to be gambling imagery.

A game just has to show characters gambling for it to be gambling imagery. It doesn’t even have to be anything more than a level in a casino.


A game just has to show characters gambling for it to be gambling imagery.

Okay. Well, Balatro doesn’t do that–no gambling of any kind happens in the game.

So, what’s your point, exactly?


The game is literally made up of gambling imagery. From cards to chips to terms, the whole fuckin 9 yards. MY POINT IS ITS NOT GAMBLING, ITS GAMBLING IMAGERY.

I prefaced the whole fuckin statement I started with with saying it’s bullshit. DESPITE THAT BULLSHIT THE LABEL IS NOT INCORRECT. I hope you can stop being fucking obtuse and see my point after I’ve rephrased it multiple times.


So… solitaire should be 18+ after all?

wizardbeard, avatar

The term Ante in the game is used instead of “round” or “level”. It’s a measure of how far you’ve gotten. Each “ante” is made up of three “stakes”, point totals you need to beat in a set number of hands played and cards discarded.

There’s no aspect of choosing how much you risk, of “ante-ing up”, or how much you stake. You either beat the points goal (called “chips”) or you lose. There’s no playing of your hand against other hands, bluffing about how good your hand may be to convince others to fold, etc. It’s just you against the score goal. If you beat it faster than the amount of hands you’re given to work with you get extra rewards.

The game has no elements where you stake chips for rewards or anything like that. It borrows basic elements of scoring mechanics from poker, and uses a lot of poker terms for other purposes, but the closest part to gambling is the ability to buy random card packs between rounds (to customize your deck instead of just having the standard 52 card deck).

In between rounds you have access to buy various things to add further modifiers to your scoring, and to adjust the composition of your deck in order to make getting specific combinations more likely.

You can learn most of this in about 5 minutes with the demo, or by taking some time to watch someone else play on youtube.


Minor correction, the three stages in an “ante” are the “blinds”. The game instead uses “stake” to describe its ‘ascension’ system (a common mechanic in roguelixe games, where going to a higher ascension/“stake” adds difficulty modifiers to the game, for those who don’t know what I mean by that).


It’s near the line, I agree, I see your point, but it’s just the terminology and no gambling mechanics. You don’t set the ante, you just play. They could change the name ante to level and it would be the same. It’s not like you look at your stuff and decide how much you’re willing to risk. (You could argue skipping blinds is this sort of risk analysis like gambling but that’s hardly unique to Balatro.) There is no benefit from stopping earlier because if you lose on ante one or lose on ante seven it’s the same outcome. Also, if you choose to restart one ante one or ante seven it’s the same outcome. Because it’s just a score keeping mechanism. Nothing more.


It’s as much related to gambling as Balatro is.

Jesus_666, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

I’m not really a fan of MMORPGs, both due to the gameplay (MMOs are grindy by nature and the hotkey-driven autocombat of most MMORPGs isn’t interesting enough to sustain that for me) and because of often aggressive monetization.

I do like some MMOs in other genres, though. Path of Exile is an action RPG with drop-in multiplayer and a rudimentary built-in trading system. It’s basically Diablo 3 in good. Plus, its monetization system is one of the fairest I’ve seen so far, with the only MTXes that offer gameplay benefits being on sale literally every other weekend.

Path of Exile 2 (currently in closed beta) is basically the same with a tweaked skill system and a soulslike dodge roll mechanic that you’re expected to use. Pretty decent, a bit slower-paced than the first one.

I should also pick up Warframe again one of these days. The repetitive nature of MMOs isn’t as bad when it’s a mobility-focused third-person shooter. And IIRC, there’s not much you can get with MTX that you can’t also get through gameplay somehow. Plus, it’s also a game that you can just play singleplayer if you want.

Poopfeast420, (edited ) do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why? avatar

Re-subbed to WoW for a month, for the huge 20th Anniversary Event. Since I’ve played so much earlier in the year (another event and expansion launch), I’m not interested in continuing after the sub runs out. There are a few more achievements I’ll finish, but otherwise I’m kinda done.

FF14 is the only other MMO I’ve played, have like 650 hours on Steam, and I think I’m in the middle of the Stormblood campaign. It’s been a while since I played it, but some day I’ll make it to Endwalker.

cRazi_man, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

I’m growing a bit tired of the gameplay loop

Duke_Nukem_1990, do gaming w What is your Game of the Year?

Non-Steam was Turtle WoW with the hardcore mode.

Steam was Path of Exile 2 and 1.

sadbehr, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why? avatar

I’ve recently gotten into New World: Aeternum. I’m on console so my MMORPG options are limited but I’m really enjoying it. There’s dungeons, raids, world bosses, collecting, crafting and more.

JackGreenEarth, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

I don’t usually like MMORPGs because I haven’t yet found one that hasn’t been spoiled with microtransactions and a toxic playerbase, so I just play Outside. I’m much more a fan of singleplayer, or multiplayer with friends games like Terraria, Stardew Valley, or Minecraft.

ClassifiedPancake, do gaming w What is your Game of the Year?

Of games that released this year it is Astro Bot, Balatro, Animal Well and Thank Goodness You’re Here.

Junkernaught, do gaming w What is your Game of the Year?

Sekiro. Played it a few months ago and I still think about it all the time. Amazing.

altima_neo, do gaming w What is your Game of the Year? avatar

Helldivers II, baby!

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