bbbhltz, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th avatar

Still catching up on the many Switch games I’ve missed over the years. Super Mario Odyssey, Starlink: Battle for Atlas, and Metroid Prime Remastered are getting lots of play. They are all excellent. Starlink gives me motion sickness though, so I have to limit that to 20–30-minute sessions.

UngodlyAudrey, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th
!deleted4132 avatar

I’m doing a replay of Dragon Age Origins. Slogging my way through my least favorite part of the game(the Deep Roads) right now. I’m not that good at the game, so for the harder encounters, I’ve cheesed them by having one member of my party run forward to aggro one group, then run back to where the rest are in order to deal with them one group at a time. If I let my party fight normally, they accidentally aggro multiple groups and they get overwhelmed. That plus saving after every difficult encounter is helping me get through it.

My warden is an elven mage; she’s mostly built for casting ice magic and healing. I usually use Alistair as a tank, Zevran as a dual wielding damage dealer and Leliana as an archer/support unit.

DesolateMood, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th

Just got some equipment for my first sim rig and have been playing a ton of Assetto Corsa and DiRT Rally 2.0

JCPhoenix, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th avatar

I’ve been working through a replay of all the original mainline Ace Attorney games, via the trilogies on Steam. Played these all on DS/3DS back in the day. I just finished Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, and now I’ve started Spirit of Justice, the last game of this second anthology. Love this whole series. Can’t wait for the release of the “Investigations” spin-off games in September!

Otherwise, still playing FFXIV. I started Dawntrail, but I haven’t gotten too far into it. I put a pin the MSQ (Main Scenario Quests) a couple weeks ago and just kinda left it there. I have enough other things to work on. Class/Job leveling, finishing up some Alliance Raids/Normal Raids from Endwalker, trying to suck less while healing on Sage, and whatever else side stuff I find.

I figure that it’s gonna be at least a few months til the next big content update, and at least two years until the next expansion, so what’s the rush? I’ll get back to the MSQ eventually.

aStonedSanta, do gaming w 98% compatibility

What do you do when it all works but you want to tinker. 😥

memfree, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th

i’m chilling slo mo to Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator. No adrenaline needed.

somnuz, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th

As I am now more in “jump in, jump out” mode, CS2 from time to time, but mostly The Hunter (COTW) with friends and family, mostly as a background to talk and hang out, eventually some solo missions if there is more time or on a rainy day.

Poopfeast420, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th avatar

Some more Powerwash Simulator. It’s neat, but has two super annoying issues. First is the water jet aiming, which just loves to jump around a bit on its own, because the game thinks there’s something in the way. This is basically only an issue up close, so just moving away a bit helps (although not always possible). Second you get stuck constantly, if the ground isn’t super flat, like on a roof or one of the levels is a skatepark with a bunch of ramps. That one just sucks.

Then I pretty much finished the current content in Slime 3K: Rise against Despot. It’s a Vampire Survivors-like which I usually enjoy, but I’m not really sure about this one. The current Early Access version has 10 levels, that kind of try to have a gimmick or theme, but most of them are the same. They all look the same too. The final level is definitely the most Survivors-type thing. Just tons of fodder enemies, coupled with some stronger elites, with more than enough time to get all the items you want and upgrade them. It’s not like it takes a long time to get there, but if those earlier “gimmick” levels are what the devs aim for in the finished release, I’m not a huge fan.

Next I tried Maniac, which is GTA 1 (or 2), but as a rogue-lite, Survivors-like game. It’s just you, running and driving around a city, causing mayhem to get points and try to survive for 20 minutes until you get nuked. So far, I’ve done a couple of runs and won once, but it’s not really that fun. The upgrades and weapons are also pretty boring. I unlocked a few more characters, which I’ve not yet checked out, so I’ll give it a bit more time. I just hope it’s not just a difference in starting weapon or something.

Finally, I’m really in the mood for a CRPG again, and thought about Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, but I know it’s gonna take me like two months or more to get through, and in a few weeks the new Diablo 4 season will start and the World of Warcraft expansion after that, so Pathfinder will have to wait. So I chose another game, that hopefully won’t take as long, Solasta: Crown of the Magister. I played through the tutorial a few months ago and started the game proper earlier today. I’m still at the very beginning, just left the first town, but it’s a turn-based CRPG I guess.

averyminya, do gaming w 98% compatibility

Unfortunately games are only one part of the problem. I just tried getting some Windows software up and running on my Steam Deck and it was a hours of hassle only to end up not even working anyway.

Is Serato DJ worth investing time into? No, probably not really. Would it have been nice for it to have worked? Yes, that’s sort of the point of computers ability, to be used.

I’m glad so many games are working, so I hope more software support comes along!


It is probably a sticking point, but there are alternative options for a lot of windows software. For your case would be an option.


Thank you! I’ll check this out, I did “come across” it but I couldn’t tell if it was just for Linux DJs or if it was like the fully fledged software to use regardless of gear.

I’ll see if it works with Hercules Starlight! Thank you for the suggestion!

JokeDeity, do gaming w 98% compatibility

I don’t know what this means but I couldn’t get any shit to run on Ubuntu as recent as two days ago.


Skill issue


Ah, the dichotomy of Linux users:

“wHy DoEsN’t EvErYbOdY uSe LiNuX???”


“gEt On My LeVeL nOoB”


If setting a simple setting is too much for you, which is also a 5 second search away if you're struggling that hard, then yeah, Linux is too much for you. But so is Windows.


And yet, people of that level use windows to game everyday. Shows you how much ready Linux is for mainstream if comments like yours still pop up regularly.

t3rmit3, (edited )

There’s a totally fair criticism that Windows is no more or less comprehensible or usable than e.g. Ubuntu, but familiarity is the differentiator. If someone is opposed to changing settings in a .conf file but not a .ini file, or fine with making registry changes but not service changes, it’s not an issue of usability or accessibility, it’s just familiarity.

!deleted4132 avatar

Just so you know, you’re commenting in a Beehaw community, and we expect that people be(e) nice here. Being gatekeepy isn’t nice.


You bet


If your using steam, you can go into game properties and set Proton as the compatibility tool. Depending on the age of the game, you might have to switch versions of Proton.

You can use to check the compatibility issues and suggested versions by the community for specific games too.


Great comment.

Not sure why Steam Play isn’t on by default.


You can change that as a default in steam settings for all Games. Would be cool if they detected the OS and enabled it automatically based on that


Are you using steam and proton, or Lutris and wine? I’d suggest trying the other if one isn’t working. That’s helped me in the past


I was trying both, everything was just really bad frame rates and stuttering, and a few things wouldn’t run after installing specifically Linux marked games on Steam. Back on Win10 everything is running like butter.


I’d guess your graphics drivers are the issue in that case. Sounds like it was probably kicking all the games over to the integrated GPU.


Certainly possible, I really wasn’t sure what drivers to use, tried the default and the first option from Nvidia and had about the same results.


I got a laptop recently with an AMD GPU, and installed Ubuntu on it, and the first time round I got the AMD drivers working, but every boot the discrete GPU and the integrated GPU would change their device IDs (e.g. gpu1/ gpu2), so Steam would end up launching games on the integrated GPU half the time. I got frustrated and installed Windows, but found out that you can’t buy Win10 anymore, so got Win11 and hated it so much I went back to Ubuntu. Second time around, I found a thing for setting the GPU in the launch options by GPU name, and that has fixed it.

Linux is not ready for average consumers if they have to install it themselves, but neither is Windows; most people buy a computer with the OS preinstalled, and never have to deal with driver setup; the Win11 install had a bunch of driver issues too.

SteamDeck is such a huge revolution because it’s really the first time that a company has made preinstalled Linux machines available in a way that average consumers don’t have to go looking for or pay through the nose (cough System76 cough).

If someone like Dell or Lenovo (or hey, even System76 or Framework) could get their laptops in-store at BestBuy, with everything pre-configured and ready-to-use, that would be Linux being “ready” for the average consumer.


Couldn’t have put it better myself. Like, installing it it asked if I wanted extra helpful software and drivers, but I still had to spend a ton of time setting up basic programs. Default video player sucked, default file browser sucked. Having both the dock and the system toolbar is unnecessary, annoying, and confusing for new users. Most of the default apps feel like an Apple OS to me also, like you have NO configuration options, it’s just you get what you get. The Ubuntu software store is a fraction of a fraction of what it should be. Snaps SUCK.


If you are still interest (100% understand if not) Bazzite and Pop_OS both have nvidia specific distros with the drivers baked in. Makes things a lot easier. Pop is Ubuntu and Bazzite in Debian. Pop has been my daily driver for 2 months and have not missed windows.


So Pop is just like a customized Ubuntu with things preconfigured for gaming?

megopie, (edited )

Essentially. It is often held up as a good “gaming” distribution because it has AMD and Nvidia graphics card drivers built in, I suspect there is more to it than that but I’ve never used it personally.


Yes indeed! There are some custom tweaks specifically for nvidia on the specific distros. Supposedly it does with well switching from integrated graphics to discrete graphics, but I have not tried it. That is mostly for laptops.

ReverseModule, avatar

Ubuntu sucks ass. Use Bazzite.


Pitch it to me, I don’t know shit about fuck. I only use Ubuntu because I have for years.


Not the person you’re replying to, and I don’t have personal experience with Bazzite but, essentially, it is gaming oriented distribution built on fedora.

It has a lot of stuff built in to help it run games well, including the right graphics drivers. Fedora is one of the major Linux distributions along side Arch, Debian (which Ubuntu is derived from), and others.

There are a few other distributions that do much of the same regarding graphic card drivers, but built on one of the other major distributions. For instance PoP_OS! (Based on Ubuntu and thus Debian).

So bazzite is good for running games, that’s what it is built to do, but other distros do that as well, it depends what flavor of Linux you want it to be built on.

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th
!deleted7243 avatar

Lots and lots and lots of Pinball. I picked up Pinball M (horror-themed tables, such as Dead by Daylight and The Thing) and a vintage table pack containing a few digitized versions of tables that actually existed when I was hanging out in video arcades as a kid. (Most notably, Funhouse, which had a ventriloquist dummy head that mocked you during the game.)

I also picked up Yet Another Zombie Survivors, which is a Vampire Survivors-styled game with a zombie apocalypse theme. It is a BLAST.

Total cost of all of these was $14 bucks during the sale.

It’s a good time to be a PC gamer.


oh man. I remember Jeff Bakalar of Giant Bomb had a real-life version of that Funhouse table (he was indefinitely “borrowing” it from someone who was sick of it taking up space). The stories he told on the Giant Beastcast about that dummy head staring at him in the dark of his garage…

!deleted7243 avatar

Oh yeah. It’s super creepy.

And even better, they accurately replicated the voice in PinballFX. It’s the 80’s electric robot voice.

The only downer is that, even though I only own six of the 125 tables in the game, it was still a 38gb download.

Which I’m fine with for nostalgic purposes.

theangriestbird, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th

For some reason I can’t put down Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire. I’m playing it on my handheld emulator so it’s very easy to just pick up and play a round when i have some spare moments. Pinball has never been my favorite genre, but the loop of actually catching Pokemon across sessions has been weirdly compelling. Idk if all pinball tables are this way, but most of the time when I lose a ball, it feels like I did nothing wrong and the game just decided to bounce off a pixel the wrong way and shoot into the out lane. I will probably put it down when I get the retro achievement for catching 100 Pokemon, because I seem to be getting worse the more I play. lol

Also finally playing Jedi: Fallen Order whenever I have more than just a few moments to game. I’m a big Star Wars head (in the non-toxic way 😅), so I will go in and out of phases where a Jedi video game sounds super compelling. It finally hit me, and man is this game fun when you’re just playing and mowing down Stormtroopers. My only gripe is that the game still feels buggy and hitchy, even 5 years since it came out. I don’t mind it most of the time, except the game is quite fond of in-engine cutscenes. and when these happen, I want to shut my brain off and enjoy the story like a Star Wars show. But little tiny bugs and glitches (jittery cloth effects, characters facing the wrong way) keep taking me out of it. I definitely feel like i’m committed to seeing it through, though.

That_Devil_Girl, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th avatar

Playing FFXIV. I’m not really enjoying the Dawntrail story, but I’m only about a third of the way through it. I’m hoping it’ll pick up.

I also finished a playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3 as a dark urge devotion paladin who didn’t break oath or give in to the urges.

On occasion, I’ll play a bit of Space Engineers if I need some mindless gameplay.

PotentiallyApricots, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th

Tears of the kingdom over here. It’s bringing me joy

Kory, do gaming w [Giveaway] Giving away some games and some other stuff avatar

Thank you for this. I think it’s good practice not to post plain codes but to obfuscate them in some way so that they are not snatched by bots. Not sure if this a big problem on Lemmy though.

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