The spinning barrel at the end can be solved by jumping on it and holding Up or Down to match the direction of the barrel. It will make the bounce distance enormous enough to hop off on the down swing.
For example, you jump on the barrel and it naturally goes down, so you hold down. It will go down 20 pixels. As it starts to go back up, you hold up (no need to jump or anything) and it will go up 40 pixels. On the way down you hold down and it will go down 80 pixels. Repeat until the bounce goes so far down you hop off below with ease.
The numbers are made up, but the process is correct.
I imagine as kids we eventually got through it on accident. Like out of frustration we mashed the down button to make our jump land harder and it actually worked xD
I thought this was a joke but it seems like it’s actually legit. WoW, which has a subscription and paid expansions, just added a $90 item to their store. This is Korean MMO levels of absurdity. What do you think of this?...
It’s actually more insidious. Blizzard facilitates gold buying by being a middle man. 30 days of wow subscription is $15. Blizzard sells a $20 wow token. Buyers of the token automatically sell it in game to players for gold. Players who sell their In game gold can redeem the token for game time or $15 Blizzard bucks, which can buy any virtual item in the Blizzard store. Games, expansions, and mounts such as this.
If you don’t want to spend $90 in real life, you can sell your gold for 6 tokens for $90 Blizzard bucks and get the mount.
The token has been hovering around $170k all month and now it spiked to almost $360k (token price tracker). So now cash buyers can get way more gold for their bucks, and the 6 tokens exchanged for gold (to buy the mount) will net Blizzard $120.
Elden ring was my first souls game and I kept away from fan sites and youtube videos as much as possible until I beat the final boss. Didn’t want to tempt finding a meta build.
If I needed help, I asked friends. It was a great experience!
Well, this event led to him talking to Hasan for like 3-4 hours. And although Hasan probably won’t change his mind, Hasan getting 4 hours of his viewers attention may end up with more good than harm.
I mean, when I saw an ex-Jagex employee making a new MMO I thought it was going to be slightly inspired by RuneScape… But this game looks exactly like RuneScape, and the description of the gameplay also matches it perfectly - this is essentially RuneScape 3 but managed by someone else (and with a much newer engine)
Barrel of Doom | Screenshot of what I'm playing, day 5 angielski
Just got through the stage. Overall fun, but I might have a few colorful words about that spinning wheel near the end. e.e"...
World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store ( angielski
I thought this was a joke but it seems like it’s actually legit. WoW, which has a subscription and paid expansions, just added a $90 item to their store. This is Korean MMO levels of absurdity. What do you think of this?...
I can't enjoy Diablo anymore.
Inb4 - Yes I know it’s a me problem. I’m not the target demo. I’ve just been a fan of the franchise since I read The Sin War as a kid....
Jagex co-founder and ex-employee (Andrew Gower) announces new MMORPG inspired by RuneScape (
I mean, when I saw an ex-Jagex employee making a new MMO I thought it was going to be slightly inspired by RuneScape… But this game looks exactly like RuneScape, and the description of the gameplay also matches it perfectly - this is essentially RuneScape 3 but managed by someone else (and with a much newer engine)