Cagi, do games w Jedi Survivor could have been great

I haven’t played the second one, but in the first you were never not aware you are in a videogame. It was a nonsensical labyrinth of gimmicks. It is a 3D metroidvania, almost. It really sucked the life out of the story so I’m in no rush to play the sequel. I’ll be bored and it’ll be on sale one day and I’ll try it.


I probably missed out on a great game, but at the time I tried playing Fallen Order, I had a lot on my plate so never gave the game the time of day after a single misstep. (that’s unfair on the game)

In the first level, there is a section where you drop into a railcar and a pair of Stormtroopers are just standing there. They never shoot at you.

The only way forward is to kill them. They never shoot at you. I stopped and waited.

Cal murdered those Stormtroopers and that took my right out of the mindset of a Jedi right away.


I bought it on sale and although the game looked really really pretty on my 4k TV, it was a soulless boring overall experience with some very noticeable unnecessary jank.

dwrcan, do cyberbezpieczenstwo w Rejestracja SIM avatar

Jak masz eSIM to można kupić od ukrainskiego operatora lifecell…/384/

hal_5700X, do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game?

Story: 2

Setting: Unity / Black Flag

Essence_of_Meh, do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game?

I only properly played 1, 2 and a bit of Black Flag but based on that and what I’ve seen from all the other games I’m gonna stick with the first one.

Investigations were… well actual investigation, gameplay mechanics while simple and satisfying weren’t overly automated and the game wasn’t burdened with all the bloat that came afterwards. Simplified movement system from later games, one that’s fighting you whenever you try to do something even a little out of game’s comfort zone, is probably my major sticking point with the series.

That said, I’m not sure if that would be the best choice for you. If you want to try the classic approach I’d suggest going with the Ezio trilogy (II, Brotherhood, Revelations) as these games are more polished, if a little bloated, compared to the first game. They should still hold up well enough to have fun.

PP_BOY_, do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game? avatar

Black Flag, followed closely by 3. It doesn’t hurt that those were released right at the peak of my interest in gaming, but I replayed BF within the past two years and it still holds up super well

ampersandrew, do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game? avatar

Unity was the best in my opinion. Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla are all the new design of Assassin’s Creed games that earned their own set of fans, but they’re so different from what came before with their faux RPG design. The fantasy is broken for me when I sneak up behind someone, stab them in the neck, and their health bar only goes down a little bit.

The first Assassin’s Creed game was very repetitive, but they gave you small assassination missions for you to figure out how to get, kill your target, and get out. The next several games in the series were better in every way except for perhaps these missions that mattered most, which they made extremely linear and scripted action missions.

Unity (set in Paris in the late 1700s) was an answer to those frustrations. There was a point in the dialogue where they specifically called it out. “So what’s the plan?” “The plan? Come up with your own plan. I’m not here to hold your hand.” They gave you expansive areas to carry out your mission, and you could find your own way in, kill your target, and get out. The game has some of its own baggage, like the loot system taking any challenge out of the combat later in the game, when the whole idea was that you were squishy that you should avoid combat, but it delivered on the experience the best since the first game.

Then Syndicate came out next, and they highlighted different ways to do your assassination like you were a big dummy, and they made a significant part of the game about street brawling, so I gave it a hard pass. The next game in the series was Origins, which brings us to the modern faux RPG era.


I kinda liked Syndicate. It looked and felt kind of cartoony in a lot of ways, but I actually liked the dynamic Evie and Jacob had. And the combat for the brawling actually looked pretty badass imo too.

The whole “using a whole train as your base” was kinda weird though.


Unity was the game I was most hyped for, especially because of its graphics and bigger maps. I even went to speedrun through the last three games to catch with the lore and begin playing it as soon as possible.

Alas, my PC couldn’t meet up with the heightened hardware requirements and I had to give up after barely finishing the tutorial with the awful frame rates even with the settings set to minimal.

ampersandrew, avatar

Surely you’ve upgraded your PC in the last ten years since the game came out, right? I’d recommend checking it out on a sale or something sometime.


I got my gaming rig recently and played all the releases up to Rogue only this year. I assure you my specs are modest enough and it’s just the game that is poorly optimised. Even Watchdogs 2 ran better than this.

ampersandrew, avatar

I played it on Xbox and then PC even back in the day, and I’d 100% believe that it’s poorly optimized; they patched it a few months after launch to remove a lot of extraneous, unseen detail on the map that was hurting performance. It’s still surprising if you can’t run a 10 year old game well on a modest modern PC.


Unity was also the first game in the series to have actual multiplayer co-op missions. Previous AC “multiplayer” was just dumb mini games.


Heeey don’t hate on my cat and mouse assassination game mode

gerryflap, do games w Jedi Survivor could have been great avatar

Interesting how experiences can be so different. To me Jedi Survivor was an improvement over the first game, which I already enjoyed a lot. As far as I can remember you keep most (if not all) of your abilities. In the first game Cal has almost nothing after he essentially cut himself off from the force after the trauma of order 66. It’s and entirely reasonable explanation of Cal not having most normal Jedi abilities.

Survivor also has better combat, because of the new abilities and weapons, better graphics, and better traversal (looking at you, Zeffo). While I really like the story in Fallen Order as well, I also think that Survivor is better overall. It’s not as clear cut as good vs evil. There’s many different factions and people with different goals. In the end, it’s about everyone just trying to survive the tyranny of the Empire, whatever it takes.

The games definitely does feel very “gamey” though. There’s a lot of places where it’s clear that things are only the way they are because this is a video game. But to me that’s okay. A game doesn’t always need to be the most realistic and life-like experience. I don’t mind that a specific puzzle is totally unrealistic and clearly only there to force you to solve it. I can imagine that some people will not enjoy that though, and that’s okay.

AllNewTypeFace, do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game? avatar

The original one and the two Ezio games which followed are both worth playing. The American Revolution one ran on rails a bit too much to be fun.


I really want to like AC 3 but I just can’t. I’m a big history nerd and it kinda upsets me that I don’t like the game.

I’ve bought Origins and Odyssey. I’ve started Origins a couple of times and haven’t started Odyssey. I keep getting distracted by new games. My entire library is like that. Started and unfinished or waiting to start.

AllNewTypeFace, avatar

You can have reenactment of actual historical events with your character inserted as the hero, or you can have a vivid open world, but not both. AC 3 goes for the former and has the vibe of being embarrassed of being a lowly entertainment product and aspiring to be one of the worthy but dry educational “games” you’d get to play on the school computers.

Flamekebab, avatar

As someone from Britain, I never got the educational vibe. I mostly got "is this a reference to something?" as various characters showed up. My knowledge of American history starts in the 1920s, mostly.

_sideffect, do games w Jedi Survivor could have been great

Currently playing through it, as I really liked the first game, but for me, it’s fun because it makes me feel like a Jedi.

But, the game is also very janky at times.

Acting is good, dialogue is humorous enough, and stopping a rocket mid air and launching it back at the enemy never gets old.

_sideffect, do games w Fallout London - I just can't anymore

Do I have to play fallout 4 first before I start this?


No, it’s self contained.


Nice, so a completely unrelated story right?


Not related story but it’s a fallout 4 mod so you need the gam and all dlcs to play it


Cool, I already have the game and all that, so I’m set!


There are references, in-jokes, and shared lore, but you won’t be missing much if you jump right in.

Visstix, do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game?

Black flag. Excluding all the assassin’s creed parts.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Yeah lol. This seems to be a popular opinion in the larger gaming community. They really nailed the pirate life


Just cruising around the sea at night with your pirate bros singing sea shanties…


RGG studio: “We hear you…”

slimerancher, do games w how is final fantasy XVI avatar

Disclaimer: I haven’t played it yet, but I have talked to people who have liked it and who have hated it.

The games is very good, but it’s not a typical Final Fantasy game. They have removed, or reduced the RPG elements, and made it a very good action game with good narrative. So, if you go in expecting an RPG like previous Final Fantasy games you won’t like it. If you just go in expecting a good action / adventure game with some RPG elements, you’ll probably end up liking it


I think this is where most of the divisive opinions come from. It’s a great game, but it’s really not a final fantasy RPG, so many people aren’t getting what they expected. Personally, I found it to be a enjoyable surprise.

newthrowaway20, (edited ) do games w how is final fantasy XVI

I played through final fantasy 16 on PS5, and well… Let’s just say I’m not in any hurry to play through it again.

Once you’ve figured out how the combat works, there’s really no additional depth to it. The summon fights look spectacular but aren’t all that engaging. Lots of spectical, not a lot of challenge. The game is absolutely gorgeous, but it’s so so shallow in gameplay. The side quests are extremely boring. The main story is ok too. They really tried to be a lot more serious like game of thrones, but still kept it like right below that mature line, so it felt like a half measure to me.

There is absolutely no depth to the weapons or equipment outside of ‘number go up’. There aren’t any elemental weaknesses in you or the enemies, so The only challenge comes from the actual fighting technique, perfect blocks perfect parries, and chaining together different summon powers. If you like the combat, you’ll enjoy doing the monster hunts, but there aren’t many hunts compared to other ff games.

Overall, the story is decent, if a little lacking in focus. I’d probably say it’s worth picking up on sale, but it is not really worth the current price tag at all. It really is a shell of a final fantasy game compared to the past games. It’s a great looking action game, but it’s shallow.

Carnelian, do games w how is final fantasy XVI

I genuinely hate it lol, as do all of my friends IRL.

We’re all huge into 14, which was produced by the same team. I mention it because there’s a ton of overlap with 14. The cinematography in the cutscenes and even the emotes the characters use feel lifted straight from the older game. The structure of the combat segments is also uncannily similar, they feel a lot like 14 dungeons. So, my group generally felt like the game got stale really quickly, which colored our impression as a whole.

The moment-to-moment gameplay also feels like a hyper simplified version of the “rotation” system in 14. You have a basic filler combo, and larger more powerful moves that can only be used again after a long cooldown timer. I found it to be under-stimulating, even after unlocking a few more things.

The story was awesome in the segments covered by the free trial, but then everything after that just kind of slipped off my brain. More than anything, I remember side quests in particular were really boring to the point where it felt like a joke.

We were really hyped and really really wanted to like the game when we first heard about it, and we were super hyped after playing the demo, but in the end it just felt like a really unpleasant slog to actually play.

At the same time however I can totally see why people do really enjoy the game. I think it’s a divisive release, and often the people who love/hate it will cite the exact same things but paint them in a different light. I ultimately wouldn’t not recommend the game, I think $50 is a really fair price for it too for what you’re getting


FF14 has sort of an unwritten rule, that you should ignore all side quests that are represented with the plain gold circle. They’re not even worth the time for XP and rarely have anything interesting happen in them. It’d be interesting if the same rule applies for FF16.


Yea it’s kinda ass.

A 3070FE with no CPU bottleneck should not chug this game at 40fps on low settings with “ultra performance” DLSS at 3440x1440. Do better, devs.

Besides that, your complaints are 100% on point. As someone who had 2700 hours in FF14 before quitting, it’s clear they overclocked the engine to its limits and simply patched together whatever they could.

I called it as soon as they gave the FF16 project to Yoshi-P. He did the best he could with the tools he was given, and the only tool he knows is FF14.

We expect this man to produce a stellar mainline FF game while actively being the producer of the best MMO on the market while trying to finish multiple industry-leading expansions?

Square Enix is yet another example of corporate suicide by deliberate mismanagement. Let Yoko Taro loose, you cowards. Give him FF17 so we can go down in a blaze of glory.


It’s wild how CBU3 dumped FF14 design straight into FF16 and decided it was good enough. MMO gameplay makes a lot of design compromises to accommodate for the multiplayer shared-state world, network latency, etc. None of which make sense for a single player offline experience.

GladiusB, avatar

What do you do in FFXIV? Like I can’t look at a stand alone and expect the same. I even liked SOME of Strangers of Paradise just because of the job skill tree. It was what they embarked on back in ARR and it never happened.

But the demo for XVI and the crossover event was decent. I loved the Ifrit fight and the cave flight part. I am not sure about it though. If I could have done PC as the demo I would have bought it. But waiting 6 months is ass.


Sorry, I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking. The games being too similar is an issue, not something I wanted

GladiusB, avatar

I was just asking what your main activity is in XIV. I’m a raider. So the story is cool, but not my driving factor in enjoying the game. The gameplay and mechanics are usually what makes me enjoy it.


Honestly I’ve done just about everything over the years except ultimates (I play with IRL friends and I’m happy if we can clear a savage tier lol)

If I had to pick a “main” activity I think it would be parsing tbh, I really enjoy chasing the numbers. I level up all jobs and also try to perfect at least the basic rotation for all of them. I’ll hang out on party finder and jump into extreme farms on off jobs to practice.

But there’s also been months where I’ve done nothing but like, ocean fishing, diadem, pvp (I love crystal conflict, best part about endwalker to me) and so on. That’s been one of my favorite things about the game; you can get totally wrapped up in a huge project. Almost like you can play the game to take a break from playing the game. Just recently we’ve gotten into treasure maps, super chill

GladiusB, avatar

Hmm. I wonder if we have partied together! I do the ultimates. I’m actually a Penta legend. But I don’t parse more than what I naturally do while clearing. I may chase an orange with BiS but I usually get bored after the first few weeks after BiS and go elsewhere.

I was just wondering if your main jam was housing or glam or just the story. If it’s raiding I probably wouldn’t dig 16 either.

Pantsofmagic, do games w how is final fantasy XVI

It reminds me in a lot of ways of FFXIV. It was made by a lot of the same people so that’s no surprise. It’s fairly dark but it’s a good story. The expansions are way too short - I had hoped they’d add more depth to some of the back story.

I enjoyed the game a lot in spite of its shortcomings. It doesn’t have as much “extra stuff” to do as many other final fantasies but the core game is solid.

I ended up picking up the PC version to play through again. The PS5 version is held back a lot by the platform.

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