bravesirrbn, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “They were all dead …” First words of Max Payne. But I always forget what comes next. Something about final gunshot something
“They were all dead …”
First words of Max Payne. But I always forget what comes next. Something about final gunshot something
troistigrestristes, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski « War makes men mad »…
« War makes men mad »…
DarkFuture, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski The Thing. You come across a guy that’s infected but still alive. Clearly on the verge of turning. He gives you vital information then says “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” And proceeds to blow his own brains out. Boss move. Much respect.
The Thing. You come across a guy that’s infected but still alive. Clearly on the verge of turning. He gives you vital information then says
“If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”
And proceeds to blow his own brains out.
Boss move. Much respect.
Ninjasftw, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski Protect the pilot
Protect the pilot
Anticorp, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “I’ve got a plan.”
“I’ve got a plan.”
swordgeek, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Yeah, I was skeptical at first but the polycule might be the way to go.”
“Yeah, I was skeptical at first but the polycule might be the way to go.”
Curiousfur, 3 miesiące temu angielski What game?
What game?
swordgeek, 3 miesiące temu angielski Fallout London - a FO4 mod. (really, a makeover and whole new game.)
Fallout London - a FO4 mod. (really, a makeover and whole new game.)
realtegan, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “That was left-handed!”
“That was left-handed!”
RightHandOfIkaros, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski Don’t make a girl a promise if you know you can’t keep it. ~ Cortana, Halo 2, 2004 This town is full of monsters, how can you sit there and eat pizza? ~ James Sunderland, Silent Hill 2, 2001
Don’t make a girl a promise if you know you can’t keep it.
~ Cortana, Halo 2, 2004
This town is full of monsters, how can you sit there and eat pizza?
~ James Sunderland, Silent Hill 2, 2001
lemmyrob, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski 50,000 people used to live 'ere, …
50,000 people used to live 'ere, …
Crafter72, 3 miesiące temu angielski The days when it was simple :(
The days when it was simple :(
Crafter72, 3 miesiące temu (edited 3 miesiące temu) do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “PUT DISPENSER HERE” “Would you kindly?” “Patrolling Mojave almost makes you wish for nuclear winter” “ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS FOLLOW THE DAMN TRAIN CJ” “Rise and shine mr. Freeman, rise and shine” “Hey, you finally awake” EDIT: “I make my own luck” (Several monologue from ezio saga and kenway saga is worthwhile unfortunately I couldn’t fully text it all :( ) “Guys the drill, go get it” “Ahhh, I need my medic bag” “Mission failed, we will get them next time” “ENEMY AC130 ABOVE!” “Engravings gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever” “Boss, try to remember the basic CQC” “The numbers mason, what do they mean” perfect response when someone suddenly pop in 6 digits nuclear code “Victory can’t be achieved without sacrifice” “The flags may be different, but the methods are the same”
“Would you kindly?”
“Patrolling Mojave almost makes you wish for nuclear winter”
“Rise and shine mr. Freeman, rise and shine”
“Hey, you finally awake”
“I make my own luck”
(Several monologue from ezio saga and kenway saga is worthwhile unfortunately I couldn’t fully text it all :( )
“Guys the drill, go get it”
“Ahhh, I need my medic bag”
“Mission failed, we will get them next time”
“Engravings gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever”
“Boss, try to remember the basic CQC”
“The numbers mason, what do they mean” perfect response when someone suddenly pop in 6 digits nuclear code
“Victory can’t be achieved without sacrifice”
“The flags may be different, but the methods are the same”
LambdaRX, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski ACCESS DENIED
LambdaRX, 3 miesiące temu angielski OoOoOo
LambdaRX, 3 miesiące temu angielski STAHP!
Upust_Krwi, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski Lambert, Lambert, ty chuju.
Lambert, Lambert, ty chuju.
Damage, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Dive dive dive, hit your burners pilot!!”
“Dive dive dive, hit your burners pilot!!”
Damage, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Mean, green and unseen!”
“Mean, green and unseen!”
whotookkarl, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski "What can change the nature of a man?" Ravel, Planescape: Torment
"What can change the nature of a man?"